"For Eve's resignation letter."
Ambryan stared at the envelope that Madison held it out for him to take. His hands fidgeted inside his pant pockets. His other senses shut down for a minute. The words echoed in his head. They started out soft and slowly became louder—until they consumed him.
Madison scrunched his eyebrows. "Yan…?"
Snatching the resignation letter, Ambryan opened the envelope and read the paper inside. Everything was in order. Not a single detail was left out. The tone was also professional and polite. It had her way with words, her preferred vocabularies and her precise punctuations.
It couldn't have been done by anyone but her.
"That's her signature right there," Madison added, in case Ambryan was still skeptical.
"I can tell," he mumbled and folded back the paper. Turning on his heel, he walked back to his desk. The resignation letter fell on its surface. His hands gripped the edges and scowled.
Ya'll... am I that predictable? How did you get the volume name right so fast? Lol.
Have a good day!
Other ongoing work: Trust and Believe in Love