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81.41% infinity terror anime work / Chapter 92: 92

Capítulo 92: 92

Chapter 18, Real World I




Sozin: Does everyone here remember the rules?


Standing on the sands of the beach were four individuals.

Currently the leader of Team Japan, Shin was facing the grandchildren of Sozin, Ken and Kaiyo for one final time, with the judge being Sozin ( Hikari never came back ). This was a battle to see how much Shin had progressed and if Ken and Kaiyo could overtake him.

During Shin's stay on the island to he was able to spar with both Ken and Kaiyo everyday. Their fights were incredibly out rough as they all had special powers, yet they could fight every day as they all had enhanced healing factors.

Shin had unlocked the First Stage of the Genetic Constraint, yet he wasn't able to go into that mode since Ken and Kaiyo, despite their hostility for Shin were forbidden to try and take his life ( Although they have come close and blamed it as mistakes ).

Overall, their fights so far have been pretty even. Shin had the better stats, but without his full potential unleashed in Unlocked Mode he could perfectly cope with Ken and Kaiyo's experience due to their life time of training under a master like Sozin.


Shin: ( With about two weeks of training I have become stronger to a degree that even I have noticed, but I am still behind the two of them in basic skills. I only won against Kaiyo when I first arrived here because I had skills and a far better weapon. Currently, my win lose ratio when fighting Ken and Kaiuo has been 4 to 6, and now for this final battle... Sozin is making me face bith of them at once. What an impossible graduation test I had little time to prepare for ).


Shin looked at Ken and Kaiyo who were directly in front of him and saw, no felt their determination and fighting spirit.

They were both originally forced to Shin at first, but towards the end they would get into it once the fighting begun. They didn't like how their grandfather treated Shin and his team, a group of strangers so nicely and even went out of his way to help them, and forcing them to help as well, yet by the end they could at least acknowledge Shin's strength.

Ken was upset he couldn't win against Shin till after Aqua left so he was never able to get his rematch, but he came to understand how Shin had the strength to dominate him for so long. It was only after accepting this that he was able to overcome Shin in battle recently.

Kaiyo who originally lost to Shin, but had the experience to face him at his best, bested Shin easily at first. As time went by Shin's win record against Kaiyo improved and she saw first hand how much Shin improved in this short time. Kaiyo didn't want to admit it, and wouldn't out loud, yet she knew if Shin had another month or so of training she would be completely dominated by him.

Both Ken and Kaiyo, as a result of being spoiled there whole lives and... The events of the past that lead them to never meeting their parents and wanting to become stronger,  would never acknowledge the children their age. Especially since even the one's from Dove United who were similar to them were considered weaker than them. Shin was the first person their age to compete with them, so whatever then liked it or not they began seeing Shin as a rival.


Sozin: Do you all understand the rules?

Shin: Yes.

Ken: Yeah.

Kaiyo: Yes.

Sozin: I am not going to stop it like last time because you two aimed for Shin's vitals, right.

Ken: Yeah, yeah.

Kaiyo: We'll behave.

Shin: Please sound more convincing please!

Kaiyo: Shut up already! We apologized didn't we?

Shin: Saying, "Sorry that you are still alive" isn't an apology! Not even if you had saved it in a sexy voice!


Despite yelling, Shin wasn't too bothered by Ken and Kaiyo's dislike for him by this point. He had learned that they were not bad people, but like Sozi. had said to him time and time again the two twins have huge ego's. They hardy even left the island during their lives, yet they still understood that they were special and stronger than normal peopel. Shin somewhat thought it had to do with their parents, yet since neither Ken or Kaiyo spoke about their deceased parents Shin could never be certain.




Sozin had both Shin and the twin's Ken and Kaiyo prepare to fight and after a count of three their final spar began. The moment the go ahead was given the two twins attacked Shin with no hesitation whatsoever.


Shin: You too blood thirsty twins!


Shin jumped backwards to gain some distance yet the two twins followed after him with Ken taking the lead with the intention to tank Shin's possible attacks. Just as a warm up Shin fired off a Ki Blast from his palm and aimed it at Ken. Ken's own body was already empowered by Ki so he just let the blast hit him and kept charging at Shin.


Shin: ( Really, this guy needs to learn to to dodge, or at least block attacks property. Ken doesn't have nearly as much Ki as me, so he can't keep up his herculean strength for too long. That was always how I won, but the problem here is- ).


Shin armed himself with the Gravity Blade before moving to the side to evade Ken's incoming rush, but Shin was then met with a sword flying towards him from a blind spot. Kaiyo had already left her brother's protection and aimed for the perfect chance to attack Shin after he dodged Ken. Shin knew the most scary thing about Kaiyo after all this time was that she was frightening precise and would never let an opening go, yet Shin was still able to block her sword slash with one of his own.


Shin: How many times have I said so Kaiyo? Your attacks are deadly if you are just meeting an opponent for the first time, but since you follow the most optimal attack route you become predictable. Add some damm variety!

Kaiyo: Shut up!


Kaiyo couldn't when a battle of strength against Shin, so she stopped locking blades with Shin with a quick back step and began a series of quick and sharp attacks Shin. Shin's practical skill with a sword has improved so he could block Kaiyo's attack somewhat, yet that was all Shin could do now.


Shin: ( I bad mouthed her about being predictable, but the quality of each of her attacks are high. Kaiyo would only have trouble against an opponent who can compete with her with the sword on equal ground, or a higher level opponent. Definitely not me. It's manageable somewhat, but... ).


An overhead slash from Kaiyo was released and as Shin went in to block it he immediately felt that the blade didn't have any weight behind it and that Kaiyo had already retreated. Shin knew what was coming, but he didn't have the time to retreat as Ken moved and attacked Shin.

Shin compacted his body into a ball, and jumped backwards to blocked Ken's punch with his knee to get away with little to no damage. The force of the metal gauntlet fist of Ken's was inhuman when infused with Ki, and like an actual ball Shin rolled across the sand.

Shin then rolled off to the side when he saw Kaiyo soaring down from above in an attempted to stab Shin which he barely avoided. When Shin was finally able to get back up he saw that Ken was already following after and Kaiyo was ready to attack if she saw an opening.

Ken lunged at Shin with his metal claws extended and when Shin moved to the side, Ken pushed himself of the ground with just arm strength and kicked towards Shin. Shin blocked the kick in time and since Ken was off balance it wasn't too strong, but because it was still Ken the force Shin paralyzed for a moment, and that opening wasn't missed by Kaiyo who was off to the side. Kaiyo swiftly moved behind and swung her blade at his back without hesitation.


Shin: I won't kill my ass!


Shin yelled and at the same time he activated the Gravity Blade magic which forceful pulled his body down to the ground to avoid Kaiyo's sword slash. Shin was spared, but now both Ken and Kaiuo were above Shin and ready to strike together.

With hardly no way to retaliate in his position, Shin escaped the danger with a well timed jump with Instant Movement. Shin then stood back up while pointing his sword towards the disappointed Ken and Kaiyo from afar.


Shin: Like I am so easy to take out with such a level of attack!


That is what Shin said, but his real thoughts were different.


Shin: ( Fucking twins! They don't even have to speak and look at each other to know what the other is thinking. It is already at the level of a psychic ability if they don't even have to look at the other to set up attacks without warning their opponents! ).


Ken and Kaiyo rarity attacked Shin at the same time, but that was not necessary a bad strategy. When Kaiyo stopped attacking then Ken would take her place. When Shin escaped Ken then Kaiuo would sneak attack Shin during his escape. Shin also saw that they hid behind their other twin's body during a fight, so it was extremely hard for him to figure out when the other twin would attacked.

Their personal weakness like Ken's reckless attacks and Kaiyo's predictability were allowed since the other twin would make up for such weakness. Shin saw them as the worst opponents to face at the same time, but the fact that Shin himself was uninjured didn't go unnoticed by the twins.

They could see that they were both more skilled than Shin, yet Shin had an unnatural ability to fight. They have heard from their grandfather that he himself had unbelievable talent for fighting, but Ken and Kaiyo thought that it was still different.

If Shin were asked to objective describe what was going on he would say that instead of having an unreal battle instincts like the protagonist of UQ Holders, it was closer to that he had an absurd talent at staying alive and overcoming difficulties like any protagonist has.

Shin should have been happy with just that, but just having that kind of ability wasn't going to let him win. It just meant that he wasn't going to die too easily and this wasn't even a death match. It was just a normal spar for the most part and it's the one who is usually more skilled and stronger then the other who wins when the desperation of death is not a factor.


Shin: Geuss I have no choice do I? I really must not have any talent if I have to use brute force to win every fight. Whatever, I'll just go all out!


Shin tool a deep breath of air and then exhaled slowly to calm himself down before he made his next move to use all of his power to win. Shin till now hoped to win with the skills that he has learned on the island, but there was too much of a difference in basic skill between Ken, Kaiyo and himself.

Shin was also fighting the two twins at the same and and he has been on the defensive the whole time. Shin had to accept that he was not their equal in skill. Once Shin did so he focused his mind to swift end this battle with the power of his high ranking enhancements from God that both Ken and Kaiyo could not hope to match.

From the center of his navel and Kakuhou near his waist and spine, the powers of Ki Energy and his Ghoul mutation surfaced at once. The energy known as Ki fused with his One-eyed Goul genetics and the power within Shin's body was raised to a level beyond normal mortals.

Due to Sozin's intensive training and advice on how to better wield the two forces of powers, Shin power at that moment was leaps and bounds beyond what he had during his battle against the Btooom Lord in his last mission, and it was needless to mention the difference between the two twins in front of him and himself.


Shin: ( There's no comparison, so I didn't want to go this far for a simple spar, but my desire to win this final battle won't let me lose so easily ).


Ken and Kaiyo took a step back once they felt the sudden change within Shin. They saw that the Ki Energy surrounding and strengthening Shin's body had increased dramatically, and the one black eye that Shin now had told them that his One-eye Ghoul mutation had fully surfaced as well,

The two had fought Shin when he used Ki or relied on his Ghoul strength in previous spars, yet this was the first time they had to face both at once and were both utterly unaware of the power Shin would have when both are used at the same time.

They felt a feeling of danger, one so strong that it was second only to their one grandfather when he is serious. If they knew beforehand the two wouldn't be so overwhelmed due to their sensitivity to danger that they were born with, so they had to wondered if Shin kept this a secret from them the whole time for this moment... But didn't have the time to wonder much longer.

Shin had moved.


- *CRASH*!


At a speed far beyond humans are capable of moving, Shin executed Instant Movement to close in on Ken and delivery a strike to his face. Ken was able to guard in time, but the sheer force of Shin's charge blew the physically stronger twin away, and skidding across the sands of the beach.

Kaiyo was stunned for a moment when shesaw her incredibly strong brother blown away, but was soon able to  immediately retaliate against Shin who was now in front of her. Her sword cut through the space between then and as it was about to slash into Shin, Kaiyo's sword met unexpected resistance. Appearing from under Shin's dark coat and waiting for Kaiyo to attack was his Kagune.

The blood red tentacle blocked Kaiyo's sword, but not for long thanks to the corrosive properties of Blood Energy. Her sword was soon able to cut through the Shin's Kagune, but another tentacle took its place, allowing Shin the time to jump back.


Shin: You should pay attention to your surroundings more.


Kaiyo didn't understand what Shin meant till she felt something was grasping her leg, but by then it was too late. Another one of Shin's Kagune tentacles had wrapped itself around Kaiyo's leg and lifted her up into the air. Next, Shin swung Kaiyo around with his Kagune to gain momentum and then released her, sending her crashing into her still recovering older brother.

Ken was able to catch his sister, but not having the proper balance they both were blown away backwards and fell over on the sandy beach. The two twins recovered from from Shin's atracks, yet when they looked back towards him he was gone.

From up above and unnoticed Shin jumped into the air and was on top of the two and with the Gravity Blade overhead, and were too late to escape as he swung his sword down.


Shin: Gravity Slash Times Five Hundred!


Shin's sword slash wasn't aimed at them since he didn't want to kill and so he slashed at the ground, yet the impact was strong enough to raise up an explosion of sand that struck the two twins, blowing them away.

While the two were atill recovering Shin looked between the two and decided to target Kaiyo.

In his opinion Kaiyo was the bigger threat and so he choose to defeat her first. Shin quickly approached Kaiyo who was crawling at the ground and when he was about to strike her down, sensing danger Shin jumped back and placed some distance between them.


Shin: Ah, I thought that she couldn't use it properly.


Shin looked at Kaiyo as her body was shrouded in a blood red fame. It wasn't too bright a flame, but the smell of blood was intense. Shin had seen Kaiyo use this skill in training before and Sozin use a much more powerful version of it earlier as well.

The name of this technique was called Red Flame, a vampire exclusive skill that draws from the power of Blood Energy. The red fire burns everything it touches and is especially effective against living organisms. Shin recalled that Kaiyo had yet to perfect this skill that she learned from her grandfather, but the times she could succeed in doing made her much more powerful.


Shin: It is a bad match up against my Ghoul mutation to say the least. Something frail like my Kagune won't work well against Red Flame and would be devoured by its flames that are especially effective against organisms. Well, that is one of the reasons I tried to perfect-


But before Shin could finish speaking to himself ( Is really becoming a bad habit ) he retreated away with Instant Movement as something just charged pass where he just standing at a neck breaking speed. The thing, or individual who moved like a bullet and came to a rough stop skidding across the sandy beach was Ken.

Ken had stood back up and had used his own skill as well to attack Shin. Feathered Steps, it was a low level moment technique he had learned from Sozin. From what Shin knew it was a Ki technique that made the body lighter to increase speed. Shin had seen the very same technique in the skills category in God's Dimension, yet only recently had the chance to see how the skill worked.


Shin: ( It isn't nearly as fast as Instant Movement, yet it is less Ki consuming and has a lot of practical applications with its ability to lower body weight, to say the least that you can lower damage from falls ).


Like Kaiyo's Red Flame Shin knew that Ken had such a skill, yet he wasn't able to really use it like how his sisted couldn't use her own skill until recently, but that's why Shin was surprised. The both twins were using techniques that they previously couldn't use, so how were they using them now was Shin's question? Shin didn't know that the answer was simply his presence on the island. The arrival of a new rival raised both Ken and Kaiyo's efforts to become stronger.


Shin: Don't have to to figure it out. Well, good thing that I was prepared!


Saying that, Shin dashed forward with Instant Movement at Ken with Kaiyo right behind him. Ken reacted to Shin speed with his own skill and the two of them were locked to clash head on. Shin was indeed moving faster, but Ken still outright stronger physically than Shin, so Ken knew if they clashed like this he would win, or less likely block each in a tie, which will give Kaiyo a chance to attack.

Shin foresaw Ken's way of thinking, and as planned he made his move. Using a short Instant Movement with a back step, Shin confused Ken as he had expected that they were going to tackle each other. Shin then pointed his right hand towards the earth and fired off a Ki Blast, sending up a blast of sand around Ken and himself.

Kaiyo lost sight of her brother and as well Shin with her sight blocked by the sand, and when Kaiyo saw the two again she wa shocked. Shin was perfectly fine was standing over the unconscious body of her brother who lying on the ground.


Shin: Ken's movement technique makes him faster and it's more flexible than my Instant Movement skill, but it has a weakness that my skill doesn't. That technique makes his body lighter, but more weight isn't a bad thing all the time. You can be quickly overtaken if you are not careful witht his skill, so you should warn him about-


Shin was able to say the rest and moved away as Kaiyo's sword just zoomed pass where his head was just before ( Completely ignoring the no killing rule! ). Her Red Flame was still active, so Shin kept his distance and never when in to attack.

His magic sword Gravity Blade wouldn't be completely corroded, but he didn't want his sword damaged in a mere spar. That was Shin's concern, yet his sword spoke to him in a wiser to tell him otherwise.


GB: It is fine to use me. I won't break from a mere Red Flame skill that is only C rank.

Shin: It's fine. Her using it was unexpected, but it isn't like I never though of a way to beat it after all this time.


Then having said that Shin backed away with Instant Movement and an annoyed Kaiyo quickly followed after him. Seeing her approach, Shin took one hand off his sword and gathered Ki to his palm. The attack he wanted to use was one of his more difficult skills, so he couldn't use it right away like with Ki Blast. Then as Kaiyo was mere feet away from him, Shin thrust his free hand forward towards Kaiyo.


Shin: Far Bullet!


From Shin's palms the weightless Ki bullets was launched and impacted Kaiyo's chest. Kaiyo was surprised a first yet felt no damage to her self, but she soon noticed a change. The Red Flame shrouding her body was ripped off as the red flames flew away from her body.

Not only was she now defenseless, but also exhausted. Red Flame was a powerful skill that both her grandfather and father used, yet for her it consumed too much of her Blood Energy being only 1/4 Vampire. Kaiyo's body was momentarily stunned and Shin didn't hesitate to attack. An elbow strike slammed into to Kaiyo's solar plexus, knocking the air out of her lungs, along with her conscious.



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