The smile on her face becomes dim, 'yes! You are right. I'm just stupid, just saw a daydream without thinking. Angel, you are not a real Angel.'
She wiped her face and went back to her cabin as the secretary of the arrogant CEO.
'Angel, focus on your work; only two days left for you, and you need to finish your work perfectly before resigning, Angel fighting,' she said to herself and started doing her work.
Dylan looked at her sitting in his cabin, and he smiled a little. Again his phone rang he looked at it with a smile, and the smile became a mad one after saw the call from his Mom Layla. This time Dylan is really angry at his Mom.
He cut the phone and switched it off. And just started to do his work.
Suddenly Angel got a phone call, and she checked it was the director Layla. Angel picked the phone and said hello.
Layla asked on the phone, 'Is Dylan okay?'
Hello Hello,
Are you ready to celebrate new year with me??????
Do you want New year gift?????
I Have decided to host a new year event. There will be some intresting section. Each winner will get a REDEMPTION CODE as prize from me which worth 100 coins.
[NP: Even if a reader wins by competing in more than one category, they will only receive one prize.]
Event details and rules can find on my instagram @jo_skylar.
You can Dm me there and ask ask about the event. Please mention as your a reader of my book so I can identify. I have commented the event deatils under this chappter comment section, so you can check.
I will announce the winners on my instagram or in authors note.
The prize will distribute in 31/12/2020 or 01/12/2020. I will share the redemption code through Instagram Dm.
So are you all ready to get your new year gift?????