Saon is one of the biggest villages on the large island of Danao. It is where the Tribe of Lumin had resided over the years. However, it was currently empty, like an open sea.
The whole village was intact but the bloody and messy signs of battle had damaged the soil in filth. Dead bodies and weapons scattered everywhere.
The barricades of gates were also without guards! The whole village was like a naked young woman waving its hands at the incoming Buwayans!
Effortlessly, Banuk-Rhanuk entered the Tribal square. Once entered, Banuk-Rhanuk immediately ordered his men to find their brother's cold corpses.
"What's with this?! Left Arm was dead?! How come they had defeated this giant?!"
Banuk-Rhanuk frowned. Had Left Arm attacked Saon, then it would be impossible for him to be defeated like a disheveled rotten lump of meat! It's as if he died without resistance!
[47]Kalag = A fight to the death between two opposing tribal leaders, most commonly performed by Datus, Apok, or Rajahs before a battle's confrontation.
To Be Continued...