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Capítulo 47: The truth

" since its lunch time now you can do later and submit me " said Jungkook and walk away.

" Let's go and have lunch together " said Jisoo and you nodded.

you organised the file properly on the table and went with Jisoo.

As you both enter the cafeteria, Nana saw you and she shouted your name.

Nana stood and hug you immediately when you approached her.

" I was so sad when I heard you were resigning thank God you did not " said Nana

"But tell me why did you think of resigning? " ask Nana as you both take a seat.

"Nothing I guess I was tired so I wanted to rest" you explain and Nana nodded.

"So you should not just work but should also rest " said Heesung.

" I guess so " you replied.

" Anyway how's the relationship between you and our boss " whisper Nana in your ear.

" What relationship are you taking about I told you before I'm just his secretary okay " you said .

" No, I feel like there's something going on between you guys but your not sharing with me like you do the other times " whisper Nana again .

" What do you mean, just have your lunch okay" you replied but Nana was not giving up.

she kept on asking questions about you and Jungkook.

" Did you thought I will believe you when you said you wanted to resign because you got tired, please I know you y/n ,you love to work and you will never try to resign just because you got tired of working, unless it is something related to CEO" Said Nana looking curious.

" Nana " you look at her asking her to stop but she shook her head.

"Why do I feel like we're not close anymore , after you became his secretary you were so busy that you never talk to me and now you're not even sharing anything with me why do I feel betrayed " said Nana jokingly.

" I'll tell you but not now okay " you replied.

"Than that makes one thing certain, and that is there's something going on between you guys" said Nana happily.

" what are you both whispering to each other can't you share with us as well" said Heesung jokingly.

"Nothing I'm just asking about how Y/n and Vante met who is the sexy model ever ,so how did you meet him" ask Nana

" Ummm actually we met eacother in an unexpected way, the funny and embarrassing part was I didn't notice him untill I met him again the next day when I went along with CEO to his uncle wife's birthday and realize that he was the son of Mr. kiwon chairman of KKT magazine " you explain and they listen carefully.

" I thought our boss and vante are friends because they both are model but seems they are more close " said Nana and you nodded.

"How unexpected? " ask Jisoo

"Well that day I went for shopping and on the way we bumped into eachother making my things fall, picking up quickly he grabbed my hand and dragged me while running and I was surprised when I saw a group of girls running after us, so that's how we met but he's a nice person and now we're friends " you narrated

" And guys do you know what Taehyung even came here to pick y/n " said Nana

" I'm jealous " comment Jisoo pouting her lips.

" I mean you're the luckiest girl ever to meet the top two most model Jungkook a.k.a our boss and Taehyung you must have done many good deeds in your past life y/n" said Nana.

After discussing random things and finishing the lunch you and Jisoo went back to work.

Finishing one file you started checking the other file. Spending more than one hour you finally finished summarising the research.

"Y/n it's time to go home , are you not done do you want me to help" ask Jisoo worriedly.

You look at you watch and realised it was already passed four o'clock.

" I'm done, I'll just need to submit now" you said smiling at her.

"Okay than I'm going bye see you" said Jisoo.

" okay bye " you replied and after printing out the copy you went to his office.

When you enter you saw Jungkook sleeping leaning his back on the lounge chair.

Not wanting to wake him up you quickly went to his table and kept the file.

you turn to go back but when you notice he was shivering , you went to his cupboard and bring the wrap shawl to cover him.

While you were covering him with the shawl his phone rang and he open his eyes and looked at you.

you stood there frozen for some reason until he stood up and pick the call.

Sighing softly you fold the shawl and kept on his chair.

Now that he woke up you stood near his table waiting him to end the call.

"Yes, Jungkook I found out and you'll be surprised to know who that person was, I was really shocked when I found out " said Eunwoo.

" what did you found out? " ask Jungkook whilst sitting down asking y/n the file with his hand.

you took the file on the table and handed him.

"It was Yoonso" said Eunwoo and suddenly Jungkook open his eyes wide and look at you making you look back at him strangely.

" yes, seems Lisa found the clip of the video while she was using Yoonso's phone " explain Eunwoo and Jungkook clenched his fist tight.

" fine thank you I'll talk to you later " said Jungkook and hang up the phone.

Hanging up the Jungkook hit the table with his fist making you startled.

" Wha....what happened? " you ask not knowing that he was angry because he found out the person who ruin your relationship.

Instead of answering your question he walk towards you and hugged you.

"What are you doing? " you pushed him.

" Don't move, just think that a secretary is comforting his Boss " said Jungkook and and hugged you tight and you remain there confused.

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