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34.71% HPRP (New Chapters in fanfic section version) / Chapter 42: Ch. 41 Unexpected meetings

Capítulo 42: Ch. 41 Unexpected meetings

After obtaining my animagus transformations, I spent the rest of the holidays training or researching. With my Arithmancy, Herbology, Potions, Runes and Transfiguration projects for mastery finished, and the books I plan to publish for all of them except the last are ready to be copied and printed, I feel quite happy. I decided focus on my projects to get my name out as a Healer and Warder next, while working on the broom project. I've actually got sketches and enchantments written down already, but it's going to take a lot of time and testing to get everything right.

Aside from that, i was handling my duties as heir very well, with aunt Amelia handing out most of the work for me to take care of, letting me gain experience as a lord as I do. In addition, the impending opening of BonesWorks and the introduction of my creations to magical Britain was making me feel a bit busier than usual. I was spending time between home and the store in Diagon Alley to get as many things ready before I had to leave for the school year. I'll have to see if I can get permission to leave for a day or two in order to attend the opening.

It was during this time that aunt Amelia actually brought something which surprised me.

"Aedan, you will be attending a gathering of Ministry officials with me this Saturday. Empty your schedule and prepare yourself properly for the event. You will be introduced to society as the next Head of Noble house Bones." She plainly said during supper.

"Cough cough cough! Wait what!" I exclaimed in surprise.

"That was rude to do at the table. Be sure to keep your manners properly during the evening." She simply said.

"Why now? I've been the heir for a year now and you've never even mentioned anything like this." I say still recovering from the bomb my aunt dropped.

"Sigh. I honestly don't care for these matters. I would rather you continue as you are now, simply taking care of the house in peace and building up your projects. But the nagging of those old houses has passed the reasonable threshold and are almost harassing me to engage Susan to one of them, so they can absorb our family. They've all assumed she is the next head because we've never announced you or the fact that you're almost the head already." Explained Amelia. She looked both angry and tired at the thought of this annoyance.

"Those bastards want to take my little sister and steal our things do they?" I then said while narrowing my eyes and coming up with some nasty surprises.

"Aedan!" Interrupted aunty.

"Oh right. Those respectable Lords and Ladies wish to discuss the possibility of keeping the blood of Britain's wizarding world strong, whilst also aiding in the strengthening of the position of noble families in our dear community by pooling our assets together. How's that for political speech." I responded by saying exactly the same as before, but politely so that everyone can smile at the fact that they want our money and to have one of their inbred idiots impregnate my sister in the future.

"Aedan please." She said with her hand massaging her forehead.

"I will play nice with the slimy gits. Don't you worry aunty. I will not give them any means to harm or harass our family." I say to the woman.

"Alright, I believe you and know you will be able to act properly." She said after a bit.

So the rest of the week passed me bye as Tilly was very excited to dress me up. I couldn't for the life of me wear the robes she kept throwing my way, but from what I know men's fashion also has the option of wearing some Victorian era suits. So I took the option and I chose a black three piece tailcoat suit. No hats will be worn because my hair itself is decoration enough, with it's almost glittering silver locks and small rivers of gold hidden from casual observers, it's hard to find anything that can match it. Since it is fairly long, almost reaching the middle of my back, it was decided to tie it up into a proper ponytail and letting a bit of my hair frame my face to show it off and bring attention to my blazing eyes. (Hairs kinda like Akira Hayama from food wars, but without the hair in the middle of his face.)

And so I stand in front of the mirror which reflects an attractively muscled adolescent, in a well fitted suit showing off some of the aforementioned muscle, with what would have been a flawless face if not for the scar crossing the flame-like eyes decorating his visage and the hair made him appear almost ethereal. Looking very real, but at the same time fleeting.

"Damn I look good. Lady Death really did handle it properly." I said with a moment of narcissism. It did hurt a lot to get this though, so gonna try to be positive about this.

After my little bit of narcissism, I went downstairs, received a complement from my cute sister and off we went.

We simply took the Floo to get there, fast and easy. You just need to Scourgify yourself after arriving to get the ash off. The venue itself was quite nice. The ceiling looked like the twinkling stars, tables were properly set with actual silverware and black table cloths. It seemed like the food would be served like how Hogwarts does it, but in the mean time people were chatting to each other.

The minister was there of course, since this was his event. I saw many department heads and members of important families. I was broken out of my observing by a portly man with neatly combed gray hair, wearing robes fit to formal occasions by wizard standards, looked to be past 50.

"There you are Amelia, there you are. It is a pleasure for you to join this year. To what do we owe the pleasure?" He asked in a jovial tone. He looked a bit red and I assumed he might have either drank a bit too much, was embarrassed by something, or was simply so unused to quick physical activity and was trying not to look like it. He took a look at me with curiosity in his eyes, due to my looks and the fact I came with the head of the DMLE.

"Hello Minister. Thank you for the invitation." She said with a slight bow. "I am mostly here tonight to introduce my nephew Aedan to the more influential members of our society. He is the true heir of the family as he was Edgars son and has been recognized." She then answered to fill the mans query. "Now Aedan, this is Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge. He was sworn in last year." She then said to me.

"It is a pleasure to meet you for the first time Minister." I the said politely and with proper manners. "I am Aedan Micheal Bones, Heir of House Bones and I will be beginning my fourth year at Hogwarts once term starts."

My introduction got a bit of attention since most people didn't actually know of me. The students at Hogwarts would probably not mention me because I was never announced as heir, making me less important in the eyes of the nobles, and I've been active in academic ways so i might be mentioned in regards to that. But I've never done or said anything directly linking me to my house so most people just kind of forgot I was related to Amelia. I'm not like some little daddies boy who will enroll this year, you can't talk for a minute without bringing up is family.

"I didn't know anyone survived that!" Exclaimed the minister in shock as he was trying to contemplate the implications of my presence.

"I was very fortunate to have survived that horrible day." I say with some 'sadness' in my voice. "But I have been even luckier to have my aunt take me in and raising me and my cousin as she did. I have always been thankful for that." I add with a smile.

"Quite, quite. I hope you enjoy the evening Amelia, young Bones." He replied absentmindedly as he left.

After that short meeting,we head to out and start mingling with some people. I was introduced to Rufus Scrimgeour, current Head of the Auror office and, if everything goes according to canon, the next minister. He was interesting in his own way, as spending most of your adult career hunting dark wizards tends to do, making him like Moody but a lot less paranoid. Aunty also introduced me to others whom she worked with or was from her department. It seemed like we were staying away from people whom i know for a fact she can't stand. People like Lucius Malfoy who were confirmed Death Eaters, but got away through the 'Imperius defense' and bribery, and who have ministry officials in their pockets. If they come over I feel like she'll try to arrest them for a litany of crimes. Can't lie though, I kinda want to see one of those guys jump into her path and see how it goes.

The evening was going quite well for the most part. We mingled, I was introduced to the important members of the community and the food was good enough. That was until a sickeningly sugary voice was heard from behind me.

"Hem, hem. If I could take some of your time Amelia." The voice that anyone who read the books or watched the movies would know said. I used my impressive Occlumency to stop any emotions from appearing on my face, forcing my body to stay relaxed and my face to hold its polite smile. Because of what I know of the woman i might kill her too quickly to think about it properly if I don't. She is someone I've actually had investigated by both the goblins and my own people to find out if she's really that bad, and let's just say that she's worst than what people think. Apparently she even made dedicated blood purists back away from her with her ideas. That tells you something about a person.

"Senior Undersecretary Umbridge. To what do I owe this interruption?" Asked my aunt, clearly not happy to see the woman. Honestly who is happy to see the toad? She is a short squat woman resembling said animal, only paler. She had a broad, flabby face, a wide, slack mouth, and little neck. Her eyes were bulging and pouchy, and in her mousy brown hair was in a short style. And even here she was wearing that ungodly amount of pink, for someone who's eyes were overdeveloped like mine it was torture to see.

"I wish to speak to you about you hiring those werewolves and housing them together. This cannot go on. They will attack anyone around them like the beasts they are. If you do not dismiss them on your own, then the bill I'm currently petitioning will do it for you." She said with casual racism like it couldn't be said any other way.

"I am sorry to interrupt aunt Amelia, but if the Madam Undersecretary has an issue with the choice of employees, surely she should speak to me no?" I suddenly spoke up, trying to remain polite.

"And how so child?" She replied with that fucking voice.

"Simply because I'm am the one who is in charge of the project and the one who recruited them." I state.

"You let a child hire a bunch of beasts without interfering!?" She then questioned Amelia like I wasn't really there.

"Why ever not? Aedan made sure everything was according to the laws in place. Every werewolf under our employment is registered. They are doing even more than what they were hired for. Remarkable work efficiency and results have proven their worth." She answered with the data I've given her and from what she observed from her own inspections.

"That is true Madam Umbridge. And on the point of them being a risk due to their condition, it has already been solved by using some of their pay to purchase Wolfsbane potions we provide and letting them stay in reinforced rooms for when they change. For the last year, not a single incident as occurred with our system in place and they simply have two days less of personal time to allow them to recover from the full moon." I add to drive back any argument she had against our business.

"This cannot go on! You are employing half-beasts when there are plenty of true wizards who could be hired!" She said in an increasingly erratic manner.

"But hasn't the FIRM center in Diagon Alley been doing that already? From what I've seen, people who are actually seeking jobs have been able to reliably find them through its services." I reply innocently.

"That horrid place is giving all those jobs, which should go to true wizards and handing them out to those unworthies." She squeaked out as her face was reddening.

"I simply can't understand what you mean by unworthy Madam Umbridge. From what I've gathered, the center lends its assistance to those who've either had trouble getting jobs in our community or wish to find better ones. What's unworthy about that?" I asked, knowing full well how I'm leading her to her limits. I want her to blow and say her true thoughts. I might also have used a subtle form of legilimency as we are talking to loosen her restraints.

"Those half-breed mongrels and mudbloods don't deserve to even have magic, much less to have jobs in our world! They should be registered and banned!" She said loudly as she finally snapped, making a lot of people get quiet.

"How could you say that. You are the Undersecretary of the minister. Lycanthropy is a disease, and one that can be managed completely if one knows how. Our own business is living proof of that. And how dare you use that word to slander good men and women. My own mother was a muggle-born who bravely fought against You-Know-Who and from what I've been told your own mother was a muggle, so how could you just insult these women?" I said with injustice in my voice.

"I AM A PUREBLOODED WITCH! And your filthy-" she started yelling as she had snapped at my comment on her birth.

"Take the Undersecretary away! It would seem like she's had too much sherry!" Ordered Fudge as he finally noticed how bad things were going, sadly stopping me from really killing her career and besmirching his with it.

"Let is go as well Aedan. This evening has turned distasteful." Said aunty as she walked away.

But on our way back she looked at me as we were walking.

"You did that on purpose didn't you?" She then asked.

"Knew you'd figure it out." I say with a bright smile.

"That is dangerous Aedan. Even though she is a horrid individual, she is still Undersecretary and can make a lot of things happen." She said trying to half caution and scold me.

"Don't worry about her. Worry about what I can do to her." I say with an ever increasing grin.

"What do you mean?" She responded with curiosity.

"I could've have basically ruined her career tonight and drag the minister through the mud with a bit of manipulation and a small mention of her mother. Imagine what I can do when I'm actually trying." I say with my face looking more like a scheming devil.

"And what would be considered trying?" Aunty asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I have a nice folder of information about the Madam and every single bit of info would get her kicked out of her post if used right. Hell, some might land her in Azkaban, but neither will happen at the moment since Fudge wants her, hence she is protected. But if she bothers me then I'll set her life on fire." I finish with my evilest grin.

"I think I may have created a little monster." Replied Amelia, almost pitying the toad at this point.

"Whatever do you mean aunty dearest? I am a true angel." I reply with a pure smile and honest face.

That gets her to smile as we reach the Floo and head home.

Alexander_the_grey Alexander_the_grey

Thought it’d be a nice surprise to mess with the ever loathed Umbitch, since Aedan is quite literally helping everyone she hates and wants to trample on.

Hope everyone enjoys.

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