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100% Reaper of the Multiverse - One Piece / Chapter 10: Douglas Bullet

Capítulo 10: Douglas Bullet

"You're just a relic of the past old man and you will die here" said Lucius opening the gate.

Douglas Bullet was Level 54.

"Oh, if you think you have what it takes to kill me then let's fight, take me out off these seastone and we will see how much of a relic I am" he taunted.

"Hahaha, don't joke with me, you're lying there weakened ready to kill, no way I am letting you out" laughed Lucius.

"Even with these seastone weakening me, there is no way a brat like you can kill me" he said.

"Oh, then let me wipe that smug expression from your face" Lucius said unsheathing his sword.

He clad it in haki and sliced his chest.

Bullet covered his chest in haki blocking the attack as both of their Armament Haki's clashed.

At first he wasn't too worried but then Bullet saw Lucius's Haki denting his own.

"You brat, how can you have the same level of Armament Haki as me?" he roared.

He couldn't believe it, he had trained for decades to reach this point and this kid in front of him matched his Armament Haki.

Lucius's Armament Haki was close to reaching the max limit.

"What happened old man? Cat got your tongue?" taunted Lucius

"Bastard, if not for these I would have crushed you" he said

"So what if your haki is as strong as mine, you still can't kill me" he said arrogantly

"Is that right" said Lucius raising his palm.

The surroundings started to turn into lightning and then converged in front of his palm creating a mass of extreme concentrated lightning.

He used this attack against Aokiji which managed to injure him but he was a lot weaker back then.

But right now he was a lot stronger and his opponent was more closer to his level.

"Awakened Logia? How is it possible? Who the hell are you? To be so powerful and remain hidden for so long?" he thought in shock as he could feel the threat posed to him by the incoming attack.

He assumed he was hiding his strength and was a lot older than he looked because his mind couldn't comprehend someone so young having such strong haki and an awakened devil fruit.

"Why wait till now? Where were you during Roger's time" he roared.

"One Element : Ray of Apocalypse"

A blinding streak of lightning struck his chest caving in his haki shattering the surface of his chest exposing his ribs and flesh as blood flowed out of him like a waterfall.

"Oh, you managed to tank that, quite impressive" said Lucius.

He covered his sword in haki and slashed at the open wound breaking apart his ribs and exposing his beating heart.

"Y-you, Bastard, I can't die liek this, I have waited for so long, I am supposed to rule this world, I can't die like this here, you can-" he screamed maniacally.

"You're just a relic of the past old man, and you die a dog's death here, and no one will know about you, your era is over" smiled Lucius as he stabbed his heart killing him.

He had planned for decades for his comeback, to take over the world, but he lost his life, in a dark place, not seen by anyone, forgotten by the world.

*Obtained 5 Levels*

*Levelled up to Level 54*

* 5 Skill Points*

*Obtained Clank Clank Fruit*

He put two in Advanced Armament Haki and rest in Observation Haki.

*Advanced Armament Haki : Level 10*

*Advanced Armament Haki has reached the maximum possible level*

*Advanced Armament Haki : MAX*

He looked down at his sword and saw his haki overflowing out of his sword like fountain.

Right now, he had the Strongest Armament Haki in the world.


"Robin, have you found the weak points?" he asked.

"Yes, I have surveyed the area while I was coming down" she said.

"Alright then, Bubble, go with her and set those weak points to explode" he said.

"Yes Master" she said as they left.

"EVERYONE STOP FIGHTING RIGHT NOW" he roared in a thunderous voice as the lightning carried his voice through the entirety of Impel Down.


When the prisoners and marines who were fighting the Heaven Slaughtering Pirates heard this they immediately dropped their weapons and submitited joining the crew.

All the marines who were alive also defected and joined the crew , rejoicing they could live another day.

He catched up to the entrace of 5.5 and met up with Gabon.

He saw Sadi was glued to his left hand as the marines carried the bodies of Ivankov and Morley who were shot with seastone.

After Sadi became lovestruck with Gabon and defected the marines realizing they had no chance of survival also defected and joined him.

"Look, I can explain" said Gabon as he saw his Captain looking at him wierdly seeing Sadi.

"Oh, so you're into that kind of stuff huh? You could have just said so" said Lucius

"Wait a second Captain, I think you have a misunderstanding" he tried to say but his captain didn't listen and patted his shoulder.

"A man should be true to his feelings, it's okay, I support you" said Lucius leaving Gabon with his mouth hung open.

Lucius proceeded to execute Ivankov and Morley.

"Who the hell are you?" glared Ivankov.

"Me? I am the man who is going to take over this world" smiled Lucius

"Pfft, such a lofty goal, there's no way you can take out both the World Government and the Revolutionaries" he scoffed.

"Oh, too bad, you won't be alive to see it when I do" laughed Lucius slicing off both their necks.

*Obtained 3 Levels*

*Obtained 2 Levels*

*Obtained 5 Skill Points*

*Levelled up to Level 59*

*Obtained Hormone Hormone Fruit*

*Obtained Push Push Fruit*

He put the 2 Skill Points in Observation Haki and the 3 Skill Points in Conqueror's Haki.

*Conqueror's Haki : Level 4 *

*Observation Haki has become Advanced Observation Haki*

*Advanced Observation Haki : Level 1*

The fruit he really wanted was the Hormone Hormone Fruit, this solved the problem of running out of stamina as he could pump himself with Adrenaline and keep going in a fight.

There would be side effects of doing this but he would rather suffer them than die in a fight because he ran out of stamina.

He gave the Push Push fruit that allowed one to push anything away and dig a hole through anything making it really good for infiltration and the Mythical Zoan Nine Tailed Fox with the special ability to create illusions to Gabon.

The power of illusion allowed him to turn into anyone he wanted and was a superior version of the Clone Clone Fruit, due to this the Clone Clone Fruit's powers combined together with the Nine Tailed Fox's power and raised its power of illusion even further.

"Um Captain, I am grateful but are you sure you wanna give me this? What about yourself?" he asked.

"Hahaha, don't worry, because soon I will have two of the Strongest Devil Fruits in the world" laughed Lucius.



Stats -

Lucius Stone -

Level - 59

Skills -

Sword : Expert Stage : Level 5

Awakened Rumble Rumble Fruit : Level 2

Clank Clank Fruit : Level 1

Advanced Observation Haki : Level 1

Advanced Armament Haki : Level MAX

Conqueror's Haki : Level 4

Bubble : Level 42| Spring Spring Fruit | Bomb Bomb Fruit | Poison Poison Fruit

Robin : Level 41| Awakened Hana Hana no Mi

Gabon : Level 42 |Calm Calm Fruit| Slow Slow Fruit|Nine Tailed Fox Fruit| Scythe

Law : Level 40| Ope-Ope Fruit

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