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70.51% My personal collection of hp fanfic / Chapter 232: 29

Capítulo 232: 29

Chapter XXIX: An Admission

(Sirius P.O.V)

Sirius growled as he looked down at the bed where his godson rested. He was alive, and given what Sirius had been told the boy went through, that was a blessing, but he was far from healthy. He watched on in silence as Harry's friends came to his bedside, some looking in worse shape than others, the Corner boy looking the worse after having four ribs mended by Madam Pomfrey, but none of them had said a word to him, their eyes cold and glossy.

Though, for as mature as Sirius considered them, particularly Neville and Michael, part of him understood why young men would have been willing to take such a risk. What he couldn't understand was why Tonks and Moody had gone along with it. Sirius' hand brushed through Harry's hair, as he whispered, "Why, why wouldn't you tell me about you doing something so dangerous? What were you thinking pup?"

"He was thinking that he had to do something to make sure your mission wasn't compromised," The grizzled Auror who stood unmoving in the corner of the hospital wing said, his magical eye watching Harry for any changes, "He's truly a noble and brave man."

"Man?" Sirius scoffed at Moody's words, "He's fourteen. For Merlin's sake, he's not even old enough to apparate." Sirius's fingers curled, the bedsheets shifting in his grasp, "They're children, how could you and Tonks have even considered this plan?"

"I was under the impression that they were soldiers," Moody replied, his voice passive, "Soldiers who you and Remus have been training over the past summer to be ready to fight Death Eaters." Sirius flinched at Moody's accusation, "Don't go changing your tune now that your Godson's at risk, him being in harm's way was always a distinct possibility. Hypocrisy won't help in these situations, Black. You should be grateful the boy's balls don't shrivel up when something has to be done."

Sirius felt his chest tighten as he glared at the Auror, "Tonks speaks so highly of you, but you're no different from Dumbledore. You just lack the pleasantries."

"If I was like Dumbledore, I wouldn't be here monitoring the boy day and night, would I?" Moody spoke, his tone blank as a sheet of paper, "And I certainly wouldn't be willing to share with you what I learned from this… experiment." Sirius' eyes widened as he turned to face the wooden-legged Auror, the man's electric blue eye falling upon him, "We found more than just Dumbledore's presence in the boy's head. Traces of his magic were there as well. What I'm trying to understand is why."

"Voldemort's magic," Sirius said, his voice trembling, "Was inside of Harry?"

Moody nodded, his attention falling back to Harry's motionless body, "I've seen a lot of things in my life Black," Moody said his voice cold, "All types of magical creatures, dangerous criminals, Death Eaters, but what I saw emerge from Harry, that power was incredible, and more than that, it terrified me." Moody rubbed his hand over the other, a slight tremor emerging from his healing arm, "Had Tonks not been able to reach him… He could have killed us all."

Sirius swallowed, his eyes flashing back to Harry. Seriously, he thought as he gazed at Harry, watching the boy's chest rise and fall, a peaceful rhythm through his breath. Moody was a monster on the battlefield, Sirius had seen it first hand during the first war, but other than Moody's strength, one other thing was certain, the man didn't lie. "I should pull him out of Hogwarts. Dumbledore's been going behind our backs this whole time, as far as I'm concerned he's an enemy."

"You certainly haven't become much wiser with age, have you?" Moody scoffed, "The boy is bound to compete in the tournament, otherwise he'll lose his magic, and if that happens, it's game over." Sirius snarled as the veins around his eyes pulsed with anger, "On top of that, trustworthy or not, Dumbledore is one source you can trust that no matter what happens he won't turn to Voldemort's side. I dare say he might be the only other person apart from Potter that there is zero risk of that happening to. For all his schemes, Dumbledore is a resource, an asset to the cause. His personal interaction with the boy, however, I agree should come to a close."

"He was training Harry's occlumency," Sirius growled, "The only other option is Snape, and there's no way I'm letting a former Death Eater anywhere close to Harry's head."

"Really?" Moody said, and Sirius was unsure if the rolling of Moody's artificial eye was intentional, "For the Lord of House Black, there is a limitless supply of mentors to train the boy's mind. Although if you are looking for suggestions, I might know someone who can help."


"A close friend of mine," Moody said cryptically, "Worry not, she won't be capable of harming the boy."

"A name would help," Sirius growled.

"You have more important things to be worried about," Moody said, his focus returning back to Harry, "He's waking up. Scold the boy if you want, but know that he was dealing with great guilt over not telling you what he was planning." The sound of Moody's wooden foot clicking against the hospital floor began to fade as he stopped at the hospital door, "Oh and one more thing, don't tell the boy I was here."

"Afraid things might change if he finds out you care about him?" Sirius called back, but was met with only the slamming of the hospital wings door as a response. His eyes floated back to his godson, the spitting image of James beginning to stir in his bed as he placed his hand atop the boy's shoulder, "I'm here Harry, you're okay. Take it easy." Harry's eyes fluttered open, waking from his deep slumber, his emerald pools hidden behind a glossy lense. "Welcome back to the world of the living pup," Sirius said trying to keep the tremble from his voice, "Have a nice nap."

"Si-rius," Harry whispered, his godson's throat raspy and dry. Sirius smiled, as he placed his finger over his lips, handing Harry a glass of water, but Harry refused, his mind still drifting in a haze, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay Harry," The Lord of House black whispered rubbing his thumb over his godson's hand, "You're alive, and that's what matters right now."

"I should have told you," Harry croaked, "I shouldn't have kept you in the dark." Sirius felt his heart sink as he looked in the pain that filled Harry's hollow eyes, "I remember Tonks holding me, I remember seeing everyone on the ground. Is everyone- are they all okay?"

Sirius nodded, "Yeah pup, they're all fine. As for not telling me, it's true that I wish you would have," He swallowed pausing for a moment, "But in a way, I am proud of you. All of us have been telling you that it's your war, and yet, I still sometimes feel this urge to be in control. You took a risk, one I assume you calculated and proceeded with your plan. That willingness to do what needs to be done, it's the mark of a true leader. You're growing up, Harry. I just wish you didn't have to grow up this way."

Sirius watched as a smile donned across Harry's face the boy's eyes glancing up at the arched ceiling, "Well, I have to work fast," He said with a weak smile, "I don't want my nephew growing up the same way I had to after all." Sirius felt a smile grow to his face as he scanned Harry's exhausted expression, James, he's really becoming a fine young man. "Hey, Sirius," Harry whispered, breaking his thoughts as he once more faced the tired boy, "Can you help me out of here? I really need to use the bathroom."

"Sure thing pup," Sirius said lifting Harry to his feet, the fourteen-year-old's body resting against his shoulder, "Sure thing." Moody, Sirius whispered, I'll leave telling him about what happened to you.

(? P.O.V)

"My lord!" Bellatrix shouted, rushing to the man's side, his head throbbing with pain. For days he'd felt as if someone had been beating his head like a drum, and his body had felt like it had been lit on fire. "Cissy, bring him something for that pain!" The eldest daughter of House Black shouted towards her younger sister, a tremble mixed with the anger in her voice.

"Do nothing!" The cloaked figure roared, his snake coiling his feet, "Barty! Draw me more of Nagini's venom and prepare the brew! The time is approaching and this body will not last long." The son of the former DMLE Head bowed deeply as the snake followed him towards the makeshift laboratory of the Riddle house.

What is happening to me, The man hissed as his venomous red eyes glared down at his ghastly white arm, "Jonathan," The man hissed, "Bring me my tome and take me to my study, I need to investigate further."

"Y-yes my Lord," The man whispered with a deep bow.

"And tell Karkaroff to report here as soon as possible," The cloaked figure snarled, "I need to ensure everything is in place for the final steps of my return."

(Harry P.O.V)

Even days after Harry had left the infirmary, Harry's body still throbbed from the ritual. The slightest bump against his shoulder had sent shockwaves of pain through him, to the point that he'd begun to feel sorry for just how many pain potions he'd been requiring Daphne to brew. Though the pain he felt in his body was nothing compared to the pain he felt in his chest as he heard the whispers that spread through the halls.

"I heard Potter ended up in the hospital, probably was trying to do some kind of dark magic." A voice whispered.

"Whatever it was, I heard he sent a bunch of his friends to the hospital with him," The boy scoffed, "And he calls us barbarians."

"Did you see the Ice Queen a few days ago," A voice whispered, "Someone in Slytherin said her back was covered in bruises, but to my knowledge nobody's seen her fall. Rumor has it that Potter may have snapped."

Harry had felt his legs grow cold at the last accusation, he could handle being called a barbarian, he could handle people thinking he was a dark wizard, but he couldn't handle the thought of anyone believing he would ever have hurt his friends, especially Daphne. "Oi, Potter," A voice called out from behind him weeding through the crowd, and a slight smile crossed his face as he faced the Hufflepuff Prefect. Cedric had caught up to him quickly, grinning broadly as he placed his hand upon his shoulder. Harry felt his eyes water at the touch, but bit his tongue holding back the groan as Cedric quickly pulled off, "Sorry about that, didn't know you were still hurting. I'm glad to see you up and about, the castle's been pretty boring with you down and out."

"That's not what I've been hearing," Harry said with a sigh.

"Oh so you've heard about the rumors already, I was actually coming to warn you about them." Cedric's eyes filled with warmth as he looked down at Harry, "Don't pay them any mind, nobody with a brain actually believes you'd lay a finger on Daphne. I don't know what happened, but I know you're not a monster. You could have left me to die during the first task if you were."

You're not a monster, Cedric's words had felt like they'd slammed into Harry with the weight of a wrecking ball, his hand moving subconsciously to his forehead rubbing his scar, I wish I knew that for sure. "What's up Potter, you're head hurting? Do you want me to take you to go see Madam Pomfrey?"

"No, I'm okay," Harry said pushing down his thoughts, "I honestly don't think Madam Pomfrey wants to see my face again until graduation by now." His forced smile had managed to draw a laugh from Cedric as the boy turned his attention to the moving staircase.

"You know, if the castle's giving you a hard time, you're more than welcome to sit with me for lunch." Cedric motioned his head warmly in a manner that had almost implored Harry to go with him, but he couldn't, he had other plans, and while he hated to say it, they were far more important than just idle chit chat with friends.

"Thanks, Ced, but maybe another time," Harry did his best to keep up his calm facade, "I've actually got a ton of homework to catch up on, getting knocked out during the end of the year crunch time wasn't the greatest idea." He nodded kindly offering his assistance but Harry refused. Michael, Moody, and Daphne had all demanded they were allowed to assist, but even with three of the smartest and cunning minds in his arsenal, he wasn't quite sure what they were going to find.

As the lunch rush entered full swing, Harry had found himself able to move about the castle more freely, cutting his journey to the Room of Requirement in half as he quickly pulled against the wooden double doors that had formed along the previously blank walls. He wasn't really quite sure what he was looking for though, honestly, he wasn't even sure where to begin. He'd for a moment considered heading towards the library and asking Madam Pince for Weird Head Magic Books, but decided against it. Moody had told him that nothing in the Hogwarts Library was going to be capable of helping them out, and knowing the kinds of things that Daphne had managed to find in the restricted section of that vast ocean of information, that worried him.

He'd come across a familiar sight as he entered the room, and for the shortest sliver of a moment, Harry felt happy. The way her blonde hair cascaded down her back as she buried her nose into a rather old looking tome had become extremely endearing, and the warm fireplace brought a gorgeous glow to her face which had shifted to meet his. "Hey," Harry said weakly looking down at Daphne, her eyelids drooping from exhaustion.

"Hi," She whispered back with a smile patting the seat beside her for Harry to come to join her. He did so without a moment's hesitation, he wanted to be around her. Simply feeling her next to him had done things to comfort him that he couldn't quite explain, and with the way he was right now, he wasn't going to refuse it. He smiled as he felt Daphne lean into him, her feet curled up resting on the dark green sofa cushions as he wrapped his arm around her. "What's wrong?" She whispered, almost as if she truly believed she was able to handle yet another one of his problems.

There was a difference between teamwork and being a burden to others, and while when it had just been planning for the Triwizard Tournament he hadn't felt irritated with himself, it had become so much worse. Nonetheless, Harry still felt a flicker in his chest as he pushed a stray hair behind his girlfriend's ear, "That's a dangerous question," he chuckled, "How much time do you got?"

"However much time you need," She replied earnestly as Harry rubbed her arm gently. I really don't deserve you, He thought to himself as she pressed, "Seriously Flyboy, you look annoyed, please don't tell me it's about those stupid rumors. Nobody with half a brain could believe that you'd hurt me."

"Funny," Harry said with a light grin, "Cedric said the same thing." His expression soured though as the bottom of Daphne's uniform had begun to ride up leaving behind a clearly fading but evident black splotch. "Only problem is, I did hurt you. I hurt you, Michael, and Neville, and Tonks."

"No," She said firmly, "You didn't. You were the one that stopped us from getting seriously hurt. It was whatever the hell was inside you that did it, not you." Harry appreciated the words but he wasn't quite sure if he entirely believed it. Regardless of what anybody said, the magic had indeed come from his body, and his body had commanded it to attack. "I know what you're thinking," Daphne said, "You're trying to find some convoluted way of blaming yourself and I'm not going to hear it. Michael, Neville, and Moody, you know for a fact all three of them can sense magic, and they all agree that what did attack us wasn't your magic. The only question is why do you have someone else's magic inside of you."

Harry had wished he could have remembered what happened, but nothing rang a bell, none of the descriptions of events, none of the spells cast, nothing made any sense. Only two things were clear, the magic felt cold and foul, but somehow familiar, and the other thing was that using it had hurt him. That magic had caused more pain than anything he'd ever experienced before. It had felt as if his insides were ripping themselves in half, and he shivered at the thought of feeling it again.

But it was powerful, His brain had chimed in. That fact was undeniable, each motion had felt like he'd been swimming through lava, but the pain, the lack of control he felt… Yes, it was powerful, and Harry was terrified of it. "It's not your fault, Harry," Daphne whispered, "Nobody blames you, you weren't in control, you-,"

"That's what's been bothering me," He replied, looking down at his palm. Had Tonks not been able to reach him… He could have killed us all, Moody's voice had rung through his head like a drum, it had been the first thing he'd heard as he began to stir, and he wished more than anything that he'd begun to do so just a few seconds later. "Daphne, I- I need to tell you something, but I don't know how to say it."

"Harry if this is some stupid, 'I think we should break up' cliche hero thing, I don't want to hear it," Daphne said sharply turning to glare at her boyfriend.

"N-no!" Harry shouted, "I wasn't even thinking about that. I have grown up a little this year. I know there's nothing I can do to get rid of you even if I wanted to." Daphne grinned, though Harry found little amusing about the situation "I want to tell you something, but I don't know how to say it, I've never really said anything like it before, and I don't want to sound stupid."

Daphne's grin had vanished as Harry watched the Slytherin girl look up at him like a frightened puppy, her eyes trembling from the shaky tone in his voice as he rubbed the girl's arm trying to calm his nerves. "It's not like I'm going to laugh, you know," Daphne said as smoothly as possible, "Just say it, I won't tell anyone."

"Right," Harry said with a nod, looking around the room. He'd found it odd that Moody hadn't come just yet, but he knew that if the grizzled Auror had come, he'd never be able to say what he needed to. He swallowed, the words that formed in his head had felt like a curse worthy to get a Gryffindor stripped of their crest, but he took the plunge and the words rolled out, "Daphne… I'm scared."

Harry had felt stupid as he watched the mouth of the Slytherin girl hang slightly agape. Of course, he sounded stupid. He was Harry Potter, the Gryffindor Golden Boy, the Slayer of Horned Serpents, Dementors, and Selkie, and yet he had the audacity to claim an emotion like fear. He had wanted to recant, to laugh, to shake it off like he was just joking. But he wasn't, and he was painfully aware of it as he gazed into Daphne's Icy Blue pools. He swallowed hard, "You're looking like I just told you I loved you or something," Harry said a flush of embarrassed red coating his face, "I already told you that I thought it was stupid, you don't need to reinforce it. You-"

"I'm sorry," Daphne said, forcing her mouth shut, "I just- I just wasn't expecting to hear that from you. It's just you've- you've always looked like nothing terrified you. Hearing that from you, I really wasn't expecting that."

"I feel like I've been walking on eggshells recently," He said with a sigh, "Every time I pick up my wand I wonder if it'll be me, or this thing inside of me casting a spell. I don't want to accidentally end up hurting somebody or worse, I-"

A gentle laugh left Daphne's lips as she placed her hands on both sides of his cheeks, "Of course the only fear you have is about you accidentally hurting somebody. Honestly Harry, sometimes you make me feel like you're just some storybook hero."

"I'm not," Harry said, trying to pull away and yet melting in the comfort as he looked down in shame, "Because a hero, a genuinely good person, they wouldn't even consider trying to access that power again." Daphne's eyes had looked like they'd become frozen in time as he looked back up at them. "Daphne, Moody said that the magic I used, it would have been strong enough to kill him. I've been training with him normally for months and I'm barely even able to keep up. I don't have that much time to waste and obviously my strength on its own isn't enough. I-"

"That magic Harry, it felt like everything you're not," Daphne whispered back, "It felt foul, and dark… it felt like death. The compromises the owner of the magic had to make to get to that point, it's not worth it. What's the point of becoming that powerful if you throw away everything you hold dear?" Daphne's hands dropped from his face grabbing his hand revealing their shared runes, "The wizarding world is full of unique magic, ways of making us stronger than we ever thought possible. We'll find a way to make you strong enough that doesn't involve selling your soul, and I swear that we'll find a way of getting whatever the hell that magic is inside of you, out."

"You don't see it, Harry, because you're always moving towards some distant goal," Daphne said gripping him tightly, "But you've grown so much over this year, you're doing things that I didn't even think was possible for a fourth year. You can cast silent magic, you can do basic spells without a wand, you're an exceptionally talented wizard in your own right Harry." He felt his heart freeze at the determination of Daphne's gaze, "Doing whatever it takes to obtain power at the cost of other people, that's his way of getting strong, but it's not our way, it's not your way."

Daphne had dropped her book, and Harry had felt Daphne's warmth press up against him as he climbed into his lap, their foreheads touching as she wrapped her arms around him. "You are Harry James Potter, and you are one of the strongest people I know. We are who we are, Harry," He felt her whisper the words softly into his ear, "And there is nothing wrong with that."

Harry leaned forward, catching Daphne's lips with his as he pressed forward, his grasp around her waist tightening. For a moment Harry had felt like he was floating as gentle whimpers left Daphne's throat, their eyes shut with enjoyment. An enjoyment that was quickly broken by the sound of footsteps followed by an awkward pause. "I hope I'm not… interrupting anything." If Daphne's face was any indication, Harry looked as bright red as a traffic light, the electric blue eye of his mentor resting firmly upon him. "Good," Moody said, moving forward as Daphne climbed off his lap, "Now if you two are quite finished goofing off, we have some work to do."

"The least you could have done was show up on time," Daphne grumbled out.

"I heard that lass," Moody growled back, "I was held back looking through the old Auror files, hoping to find something related to the boy's condition. You should be thankful I was doing something useful, I am a very busy man after all." Daphne looked away sheepishly as Moody continued, "Of course, nothing I found in my research proved to be related to what Potter experienced, however. Though, if there is one thing I've learned in my time as an Auror, history has seen everything at least once before."

Harry watched as Moody pulled from his coat a handful of old weather notebooks ranging from all sorts of languages and different time periods, "You two get to work reading those, it's some of my old colleagues reports from different nations, I'll go check to see if Grindelwald left us any nuggets Greengrass may have missed in her reading."

"You can handle training with him every day, but somehow Snape can still get under your skin," Daphne whispered in deep confusion as she looked down at the moldy books.

"He's not that bad, at least when he taunts me it's for a reason," Harry said with a shrug, "Anyway, let's get started reading, Moody hates slackers."

(Michael P.O.V)

Even though it had been months since he and Claire had publicly begun to date, Michael still found it weird to have a girlfriend. Most people considered him a clown at best, occasionally he felt as if even his own father had trouble loving him, but none of that seemed to matter as he strolled the Hogwarts Grounds with Claire.

It was rude to stare, Michael knew that, but he still couldn't quite wrap his head around just how beautiful Claire naturally seemed to look, but more than than, he was amazed by how easily the girl could read him. Michael had honestly found himself feeling very confused, most of the time, his life was binary, either things were going to shit, or things were going incredibly well. For the last two years though, it had almost seemed as if both things were happening simultaneously.

"Somethings bothering you," She whispered calmly, "I can tell. What's wrong?"

"Things just aren't making sense," Michael said tilting his head back pinching the bridge of his nose. "Lately I've been thinking about how this year has been going and there's simply just too many unaccounted for variables." Claire's eyes gazed into his as he sighed, "We still don't know how Harry's name even ended up in the goblet in the first place, which leads one to assume that somebody has it out for him, right?"

Claire nodded in agreement, "And yet nobody has done anything to really try to cause him harm. Which leads me to believe that it's nobody in the castle. But if it's not anybody in the castle, how did his name even get in the goblet to begin with, and if the person isn't a student, then the list of suspects just gets bigger."

"I never really thought about it that way," Claire said rubbing her chin, "But logically speaking, you and Harry both believe V-Voldemort's rise is coming, there is a chance the two are connected."

"Yeah, but if Voldemort was active already," Michael said, his brows knit, "We probably would have seen something by now." Michael sighed, "Plus, for all the crazy shit Dumbledore does, I doubt he'd be stupid enough to let a death eater close to Harry. Then again there is Karkaroff." Michael had felt about ready to pull out his hair as he whispered, "We're missing something, something important and I just don't know what it is."

Michael had wished that was his only issue though, for as much as the goblet mystery bothered him, nothing bothered him more than the magic that spewed from Harry's body that horrible night. Moody made it sound like the magic was Voldemort's, but if it is, there's no chance in hell we can beat that. We could train for years, but a normal person's ceiling simply just isn't that high. Worse than all of that, we still have no idea why that magic even came from Harry in the first place. I feel like I live in a world full of questions with no answers.

"Michael?" Claire asked nudging him gently, snapping him for his trance, "I want you to look at me, okay? We're going to figure everything out. I promise. But we need to focus on what we can do right now as well. The final task isn't too far off, and I'm sure that Harry could use some help figuring out-"

"Claire," An oddly familiar voice called out to his girlfriend. The two turned behind them, watching as the silver-haired Veela appeared in the distance, the two viewing her approach with caution as soon Fleur stood before the two of them. "Claire I just heard that you were planning to transfer from Beauxbatons, is that true?"

"I um," Claire said looking away, "It's something I'm considering, yes."

"Why?" Fleur asked her voice cracking, "I know we fought but that's no reason to-"

"It's not because of you," Claire snapped back, "I'm not like you Fleur, I don't like being treated differently from everyone, I don't need people acting like I'm more important than others just because of who my dad is. Here I feel like a normal person, with normal friends, and a normal boyfriend. I like fashion, I like modeling, and I'm going to be in France a lot in the summer, but when I'm in school, I actually want to learn something."

Michael watched as Fleur's face paled slightly before she sighed, "I won't force you to stay if you don't want to, but you need to consider these choices carefully. I know we fought, and I'm sorry about that, but I do care about you Claire, I'm worried you're doing something irrational. Changing schools, it isn't an easy thing to do and-"

She paused for a moment, turning to face Michael, his throat feeling hot under Fleur's gaze. "I'd like to speak with you, privately, if that's okay?" Michael nodded turning to face Claire as he gently released her hand following the French Champion a short walk away. "So in the end, she chose you over me."

"I don't think it's like that," Michael said with a shrug, "Though in all fairness you weren't exactly the kindest to her this year."

"I can't deny that," Fleur said, as she sighed, "I know nothing about you Michael Corner, and truthfully, I still have my doubts, but for some reason, fate has decided that you and Claire cross paths." The girl swallowed, "I don't like you," She started, "You seem lazy, and unmotivated, and I genuinely fear you will lack any success in your future, but as I've seen first hand, you have a good heart."

"I won't be here to look out for her next year," Fleur continued, "So I trust that you will take her magical training seriously, especially regarding her transformation. And more so than that, I trust that you have no plans on using her for either greed or lustful reasons. Should I find out that you have, however, I'd like you to remember what I did to that chimera." Michael swallowed hard remembering the French Veela's harrowing transformation as he nodded.

"Good," Fleur whispered, "Well I suppose that she'll be happy to hear that she has my blessing even if it is a little later than I know she would have liked." The girl's face softened for a moment as she turned to face Claire, "Just promise me you'll do a better job of being there for her than I did this year."

"I will," Michael said with a nod, "I don't like you much either to tell you the truth. Though for what it's worth, I do admire your devotion to protecting your family and I see why Harry trusts you." Fleur returned the nod curtly before walking off without another word. The instant Fleur had vanished from view Claire had appeared at his side her eyes dripping with curiosity. Michael knew that the pestering wouldn't stop anytime soon if he didn't speak and with a low voice he whispered, "She finally approved of our relationship and told me to look out for you. She's a pain in the ass, but she loves you, Claire."

"I know," Claire said with a smile, the wave of relief forcing a smile to her face, "I love her too."

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