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38.2% The Martyrs: the Generation that Burns / Chapter 34: Chapter 34: How...disappointing.

Capítulo 34: Chapter 34: How...disappointing.

Shieldbearers, the last line of defense of mankind against hostile threats. It has been long forecasted that with the nature of their work, Shieldbearers wouldn't always be the victors. Sometimes, they would inevitably be defeated and captured. When the possibility of being interrogated was too great, the Shieldbearers were instructed to silence themselves for the cause.

Telling a bunch of teenagers to kill themselves might not be the most appropriate thing, but it wasn't the worst among what the Phasewalkers were forced to do.

And the Shields was just one of the ways of achieving that.

Every single Shieldbearer Shield was equipped with a compacted explosive that, with a few complicated but quick procedures, could blow up everything within its five-meter radius. Not nearly as clean as a poison capsule, but it would have to do.

As the head of the Shieldbearers, Ryan couldn't allow his memories to be intruded upon. For that, he was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice.

The parasite froze as she realized what was about to happen. "Wait!" She suddenly raised her voice while slowing down the psychic assault. "We can make a deal…"

Ryan ignored her. Just as he was about to undergo the initiation process, a wave of explosions suddenly echoed through the building, and the next thing Ryan knew, the building was falling apart all around him.

What the hell just happened…


"Someone tell me what the hell is happening!" That was exactly what Caity was screaming outside the building.

A few minutes ago, things were going on perfectly according to the plan. Commander of different Phasewalker units sent to secure the warehouses were all reporting back of a great harvest.

"Colonel Hunter, we discovered a stockpile of Gauss Rifles in one of the warehouses. My men are still cataloging them, but their numbers are in the thousands. They look more advanced than the ones Section X scientists are working with now. Wait a second...these rifles correspond to the Defender series rifles, which are the standard equipment of the UEC military."

"Colonel, we counted at least 20 Predator II tanks. Our mechanics majors are still trying to figure out how to move them."

"Colonel Hunter sir, two of the warehouses contained entire stocks of armors. Most of them are Guardian IV, but there are a few specialized ones. We even found a pair of Archon I Power Armors. Actually, make that two...three...around ten in total for now."

"Colonel Hunter, we located a garage full of some sort of personnel carrier. According to a manual, they're called Leopard APCs. Mechanics majors are trying to drive them."

"Sir, we found some sort of aircraft, but there's no way we're flying them anytime soon. We're going to need transports."

Caity nodded with a stoic look. None of the prizes put her back into a good mood. Suddenly, several explosions blew out a short distance away. All it took was for her to tilt her head slightly to see that it was the Phasewalkers��� own helicopters that were opening fire on the command center.

"What the hell…" She cursed before snapping to a trooper. "Get me Captain Blyfield on the line right now!"

"Yes sir!"

The communication was established in moments, and when she was talking to the commander of the 2nd Airborne Company, Caity was far from polite.

"Captain! Why the hell are you attacking! I gave you specific orders to stand down! Cease your fire right now!"

"Sir…" Blyfield's voice was full of confusion as he ordered all the helicopters to stand down. "Sir, we are removing the building's ceiling, just as you commanded!"

"When did I issue that command?" It took all of Caity's effort to keep herself from swearing. She gave the order? She has been putting all her mental capacities on the warehouses! When did she find the time to do that?

"Sir," A different voice came in. It was the Company Commissar. "sir, Lieutenant Hemingway passed down the order to open fire. I am assuming you weren't aware of that?"

Hemingway...Caity turned to the Platoon Commissar of the Battalion Security Platoon, who nodded and quickly departed with a squad of troopers. She turned back to Blyfield. "Hold your ground and make no further move, Captain. Keep an eye on the building below in case all those explosions did something. Be ready to engage hostiles."

"Yes sir."

"All units, halt your current tasks and prepare for combat."

Caity put down the radio and sighed. She already had more than enough problems on her plate. Her patience was stretched to its edge. Sometimes, she really wished she wasn't the commander who had to worry about everything and everyone. She wouldn't have to worry about any of this if she was just a foot soldier.

Well, she chose this path. As Ryan said, she had to keep moving, regardless of how much it hurt.

Platoon Commissar Charlotte Williams quickly returned with Eric. The fact that she, as a woman, made it to the rank of Commissar in the Battalion Security Platoon, the best fighters in the 1st Phasewalker Battalion, was a testament to her skills and loyalty. Then again, Ryan wasn't a huge fan of her. Why? Well, Charlotte wasn't just fine with fighting. She loved it. Even before the Battalion Security Platoon was created, she volunteered to join the parties that cleared up the Mutants in the surrounding. She rejoiced in walking the line between life and death.

Ryan wasn't a fan of the zeal, but he did realize there weren't too many options to choose from. Thus, Charlotte was accepted into the Shieldbearer program and became one of the top Commissars in the Battalion, given the command of the Battalion Security Platoon.

"On your knees, traitor!" Charlotte's disdain for Eric was more than on the face. She was about to kick Eric in the knee when Caity stopped her. The Colonel slowly walked to Eric.

"Lieutenant! Do you realize what you have done? You might have jeopardized everyone here!"

Caity was practically screaming.

All around her, the Phasewalker expedition forces have ceased exploring the warehouses. They returned into larger units and got ready for combat. Yes. Previously, what was inside the command centers had no intention of exiting, but now that the Phasewalkers have literally blown their homes up...if someone blew up Fortress Alpha, the Phasewalkers would be retaliating with all their forces.

"They won't come out." But Eric was confident. He quickly gave a small explanation of his thought process. "In fact, I think they're lucky to still be alive right now. I know it!" He had a smirk on his face, but that only had the opposite effect on Caity.

"I don't know what theory you have come to, but you could've come to me with that!"

"And when you finally make up your mind, your precious Commissar's body will be long cold."

"That doesn't give you the right to fake an order, Eric! You don't get to make that choice! I do!" Caity's eyes suddenly grew cold. "Lieutenant Hemingway. For crimes against the Phasewalker Corps, you are relieved of all your ranks and command. Commissar Williams, take him away."

"Gladly, sir!"

Caity turned her attention back to the command center, now in ruins. As the smoke cleared, she could tell the entire building was practically leveled. Half the building's ceiling was gone, exposing the construction's insides. Eric must've ordered the helicopters to use anti-building rounds or something.

He must really believe in his theory.

Deep down, Caity really hoped Eric was right. Without Ryan Carlson, there wouldn't be Colonel Caity Hunter, but if there was anything Ryan taught her, it was that when in command, she should better leave her feelings out of this.

A list of orders was quickly passed down.

One of the twelve attack choppers in the sky started lowering in altitude. All of its advanced scanners searching the field. Suddenly, as the heat of the explosions dissipated, the thermo-scanners picked up something.


Ryan had to admit he had no idea what was happening.

One moment, this body-possessing mutant was torturing him with some sort of psychic power. The next moment, the building started collapsing around him. Thankfully, it was just a small portion. At that moment, he was seriously concerned. By firing first, the Phasewalkers could be provoking these things to make a move on them.

And then, the figures in front of Ryan started collapsing.

Ryan gathered a few leads on the way in, but he never got the opportunity to make the same deductions Eric did. That was why he was so surprised when the parasites were falling like flies. Without the parasites, the bodies possessed quickly started decomposing. A grotesque smell of long-rotten flesh made Ryan's face turn pale.

The female parasite was on her knees as well. She no longer had the powerful aura she did moments ago. She was much more powerful than her peers, but now, this meant she took longer to die.

Ryan tilted her head in confusion. What was going on? It wasn't the missiles. Their shockwave wasn't capable of accomplishing such a he felt the sunshine on his face, Ryan came to the same conclusion Eric did.

"Help…" The dying parasite growled. "Save me...we can make a deal…"

Fate was unfair. There were 8,000 men and women in the 20th Armored Division who have trained day and night to protect their country. Yet, they were wiped out by the parasites in a single night. But at the same time, did that mean fate was a friend of the parasites?

There was a reason the Alpha Virus caused mutations, not evolutions. Evolutions meant everything was getting better, but mutations could go both ways. In fact, in the early days of the virus onslaught, there had been countless instances of failed mutations. Ants would grow to hundreds of times their former size, only to wither and die in a heartbeat because that path of mutation was just unwise. Plants developed the power to devour, but not to uproot. They would clear up everything within their reach before running out of food and perishing.

Same thing with the parasites. Their mutations gave them the power to possess and retain bodies, but those same mutations failed to allow them to survive temperatures that were slightly extreme.

How ironic.

Ryan slowly knelt down beside the female parasite. The parasite's face used to be carefully-crafted and well-preserved. The parasite leader obviously paid more attention to this body, but now, Ryan could seek spots appearing all over the parasite's skin. This was how desperate the situation was.

"What deal?" He asked quietly.

"I...I can help you defeat your enemies! I can break their minds and make their bodies your puppets!" The parasite screeched. "I sensed your fear! The crippling fear that has forged you into who you are! The fear of being powerless and unable to do anything! You need the power to suppress that fear, overwhelming power! I can give that to you!"

The parasite kept on begging, but Ryan didn't budge. When the parasite realized Ryan wouldn't save her, her prayers turned to curses, but no matter what she said, Ryan's face remained cold and stoic. Finally, the parasite's body started to fall apart.

At long last, Ryan turned to the squad of Phasewalker troopers that slowly approached the wreckages.


Caity walked into the makeshift medical center, which was pretty much an army tent. Four Phasewalkers stood around the tent in alert. Their weapons were loaded and ready. They saluted as Caity walked in.

Inside the tent, a medic was giving Ryan a brief examination.

Yes. Instead of cameras and flowers, Ryan only received caution and concern when he returned to the fold. The Battalion Commissar didn't complain, and nor did he feel offended. If Caity and the others did nothing to secure him after he survived a bunch of people-possessing parasites...then Ryan might consider the option of a mass wave of replacements.

Seeing Caity, the medic stood up and saluted. "Sir."

"What's the situation here?"

"Commissar Carlson has sustained an injury on his leg. He has lost a lot of blood. A transfusion is undergoing right now. If nothing goes wrong, he will live, but it will be a few weeks at least until he can be in combat again."

"And the concern with the Mutant Parasites?"

"Primary examinations suggest Commissar Carlson is physically unimpacted, but the Commissar himself reports being psychically impacted by the parasites when inside the UEC command center. I would suggest an in-depth testing to be sure."

"I see," Caity nodded. "I would like a private moment with the Battalion Commissar."

"Yes sir." The medic saw her way out, leaving the room to Ryan and Caity.

The field was silent for a moment.

"You did well back there." Ryan was the first to start, and he did so with a compliment. "You did the right thing as the Colonel in command, and I respect you for that."

"Abandon my best man. My best friend." Caity sat down in the medic's chair with her head lowered. "Before you chastise me. Yes, I know what you're gonna say. We all signed up for this. It's necessary. But…" She clutched onto her short blonde hair. Conflict in her eyes. "it really doesn't feel good."

Suddenly, she felt something warm on her hand. The Colonel looked up and was more than surprised to see Ryan had grabbed onto her hands in reassurance.

"Apparently that's something people do in situations like this." Ryan said awkwardly.

Caity grinned, more because Ryan was making an effort than because of what he actually did. Suddenly, her mind turned to Eric.

"Did you get to know what Lieutenant Hemingway did?"

"Fake your order to save me. Yeah, I got the basics." Ryan got the memo.

"Do you have an opinion on how he should be processed? Commissar Williams has him under arrest. I...I really don't know what to do with him." Despite how mad she was in front of Eric, Caity still, sort of, understood why Eric did what he did.

Ryan frowned. Charlotte was a difficult one. By difficult he meant terrifying. If Eric's fate was up to her, he would be lucky to leave all this in one piece. Normally, he would be fine with Eric getting what he deserved, but at the same time, Eric saved Ryan, and Ryan was anything but ungrateful.

"I will leave him to Commissar Williams. I shouldn't intervene with this matter myself." He finally replied. "But I will make sure she makes a fair decision with him. And he saved my life, so I owe him one."

"Why don't you just help him out this time?" Caity couldn't help but ask.

"Because the individual Ryan Carlson and Battalion Commissar Ryan Carlson are two entities. I can't use my rank to settle the affairs of myself. It will be a bad example." Ryan refused before changing the topic. "So what's going on right now?"

"Our men are moving across the fort, cataloging anything we can find." Caity answered quietly, repeating what was reported to her just minutes ago. "It's a treasure island here. We have access to everything the 20th Armored Division was equipped with. Tanks. Power Armors. APCs. Even a few aircraft that no one knows how to pilot."

Now that Ryan was nice and safe, the joy in her voice was obvious. Unlike Ryan, she couldn't keep a straight face at overwhelming good or bad news however hard she tried.

"The things here are too plentiful for us to bring back in one trip, so we are considering taking what we can with us and making multiple trips with more transports. As long as we clear the path it shouldn't be too costly."

"And when are we moving out?"

"Probably in an hour."

"I see." The commissar nodded. "I'm tired."

Caity nodded and stood up. "Get some rest."

As the Colonel left the tent, Ryan finally closed his eyes. He quietly ran his finger along the wound on his leg before taking a deep sigh.


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