Apart from the grave and the card that he had left for her, she didn't know how else to feel his presence, to know he was still around. It was strange, thought Beth to herself. Raphael was an archangel, yet his body was buried here. She wondered if it was still here or if it had disappeared without a trace as he was back in Heaven.
She heard a whisper of murmur, and she looked around the place, wondering if she was dreaming or if someone apart from her was present here.
Turning back to look at the grave, she said, "I didn't bring you flowers." She hadn't brought him any flowers last time either.
Back in Heaven, Raphael leaned forward towards the vessel, watching her stand in front of the grave where his body once used to be but had turned to dust once the top lid had been closed. He had been in the living world only for his punishment, and now that it was over, he had returned to Heaven.
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