The man who was with the older man bowed at the three ladies, and he introduced himself, "Samuel Gerville."
"Aren't you a handsome young man. Where have you been hiding him?" joked Queen Morganna.
"He has been away, learning about the ministry work as one day in the near future he wants to work in the royal court, my Queen," answered Senior Mr. Gerville.
"What an ambitious man," hummed Queen Morganna, and she looked at Lady Samara, "King Laurence has been looking for you. And Mr. Gerville, I have something to talk to you."
Lucy didn't know how many times she was left alone with a man before trying to go back to where her family, who only pushed her again to stand and provide her company to eligible suitors.
"Is there something you would like me to get you to drink, Lady Lucy?" asked the man named Samuel.
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