Lady Rosamund was quick to move away from them to meet other guests, laughing and talking to them. Lunch was indeed delicious, but Calhoun lacked the appetite to eat.
At the long table, Lady Christine was seated at the end, and it wasn't hard to guess that the seating had been arranged in such a way where people who were more liked by the lady of the house were made to sit near her.
"Lady Christine, may I ask you for a favour?" Calhoun asked in a low tone, making use of the distance that was created by the seating arrangement where no one could hear him.
The woman looked up from her plate, "Do you need salt?" she asked.
"No. Milady, I was wondering if you could help me in meeting the physician Lady Rosamund recommended. The personal physician," Calhoun asked the lady.
"I can do that," she nodded her head in agreement.
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