Raphael placed his hand in front of Madeline, standing in a protective stance. Madeline looked worried as she felt the pleasant atmosphere had suddenly turned tense.
"Why are you trying to defy the orders, Raphael?" questioned Paschar calmly without taking a hasty decision of attacking a fellow angel.
"Because I believe people's misdeeds can be forgiven. Isn't that what Heaven is all about? We give people a chance to mend their ways. While I lived in the living world, I realised why father sent me there. It had nothing to do with the punishment because if it was, I would not be here now, but would have continued to roam in the living world or ended up in Hell," explained Raphael, "Our father is forgiving, and he wants people to live in harmony. Madeline's happiness lies on the other side of Heaven, and I understand it is not something that you approve of, but don't you think she deserves true happiness?" Raphael's eyebrows knitted itself.
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