Calhoun didn't want to ask Vladimir on what he just saw and heard. Turning his back, he started to make his way inside the mansion. Vladimir, who spared a few more seconds to look at the lady, turned around to follow his grandson.
"What do you know about that woman?" questioned Vladimir, and Calhoun's eyes that were set ahead moved to the corner, giving Vladimir a look.
"That she is the head of the High House," came the bland reply from Calhoun before a small smile appeared on his lips. "She's staying in the Cruciferian inn. You can directly ask her."
Vladimir hummed, "That I will, but she appears to be a little strong headed. Very hard to charm."
Calhoun shook his head, "When did you both meet?" By the look Helena was giving towards Vladimir, it looked as if she was ready to bury him in a coffin and leave him there for the rest of his life with mud over the coffin.
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