Music Recommendation: Anxiety by Kensuke Ushio
When Helena parted her lips to speak, everyone in the room had their eyes on her, and she said, "Not guilty." The people in the room cheered for the King and murmurs continued to go around the courtroom.
"That is three guilty and three not guilty," stated Madeline, seeing Calhoun who hadn't lost his composure until the very end.
"We don't know what is going to happen," answered Lucy, who looked genuinely worried for her family members. Markus had been put up for execution and she didn't want Calhoun to go through it too. Even though he was the King, the judgement of the High House was mostly absolute, and no one had ever gone against them until now.
"It is a tie in the decision," said Helena loud enough for everyone to hear, "Because of this…" her words hung in the air to let the murmuring chatter die down and bring everyone's attention back to her.
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