In the room, which was wide and spacious it was dark as curtains had been drawn over the many windows, Calhoun walked towards the table where different types of liquor bottles were placed. Picking one of them, he pulled out the cork to pour the liquid into the empty glass before taking a sip from it.
He was pouring wine into the glass again when he heard the doors of the room open and he turned around to find the woman standing at the front with a smile on her lips. He took a sip from the glass and saw the woman bow her head.
"Long live the King," she said before raising her head up to look at the King of Devon. The servant closed the door behind after the woman entered the room.
Calhoun walked towards the couch and sat down, he leaned his back and then crossed his legs, "You are late," he said, his eyes calm and collected as they looked at the beautiful woman.
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