So much for diving into action. I arrived home from the Sidhe cavern to an anxious Mom and Shenka. Ever eager, Gram took Gabriel from me, fighting Charlotte for the chance to snuggle him. Sassafras's clear irritation at my departure lulled me back into keeping my family happy. I allowed myself to settle into that same pattern of care and love for my son.
I did have a moment of intense fear jolt me from sleep only a few nights later, a nightmare reminding me of Fate's words to me:
"You have so much more to do, Syd. I wish I could lay the burden on another, but you were made for this."
Which meant, among other things, I wasn't done, was I? Fate had so much more in store for me.
And, one day, I would outlive my son.
Couldn't go there. Think that way. Lurched from bed and snuggled Gabriel close while he woke and cooed to me as though in comfort.
Met Sassafras's glowing eyes in the dark where he slept in my son's crib.