I felt Mrs. Hammond drift off. Just as well. She didn't need to hear me reinforcing what she thought was her daughter's psychosis.
"They don't believe me." Pain's face was makeup free, looking so odd and yet so familiar. I'd noticed it before, but had never been able to figure out who she reminded me of. No time for that now, either. "I shouldn't be surprised, should I? They never believe." She sighed so deeply she seemed to collapse in on herself, chest caving as her chin dropped.
Clearly they had drugged her.
"It's okay, Pain," I said. "I do."
She smiled, an innocent, lovely expression. "I know." Trouble passed across her face like a cloud. "Can you tell them? So they will let me out?"
Could she make me feel even worse? "I can't," I said. "I'm not allowed. Not yet. But soon, I promise. Honest."