"Would you like a drink, lady Suu?" A female hobgoblin asked with a smile.
"No thanks, even with my appearance I'm still technically underaged and besides that I make stupid decisions already, I don't need alcohol making that worse" I joked with a calm smile.
I was now sitting off to the side with Hakurou, neither of us were all that interested in walking around at the moment, so instead we just sat and watched the celebrations. The reason for the excitement was because Rimuru had returned and shocked everyone with the fact that he is friends with Veldora, almost instantly after this the party that we had been planning erupted without any signs of stopping.
(Although, I don't think it would have much if any effect on me, after all I do have my resistances) I thought but shrugged it off in the end.
"How about this then? It's none alcoholic" the hobgoblin smiled as she handed me a cup filled with some kind of golden, orangish liquid.
"Thanks" I replied and took a sip.
(Tastes like orange juice...) seeing that I enjoyed it she walked away with a happy expression.
"To think that lord Rimuru actually knew the great storm dragon, quite extraordinary" Hakurou hummed, causing me to look over at Veldora who was currently acting out a dramatic story to a bunch of mesmerized kids.
"He can tell a good story, I'll give him that, however don't mention to him that I said this, his head is big enough already after all" I was happy to see that he was fitting in well enough even if I was still somewhat annoyed at him and Rimuru for their antics.
"He can indeed" he said while chuckling somewhat.
I took a minute to look at the surroundings and the party as a whole. I noticed Kuro sitting with Geld while talking to each other and I saw Yin playing with some of the children while Yang made sure they didn't hurt themselves. Everyone was having a good time which made me relax for the first time in a long time, everyone was safe and even though I knew that this moment wouldn't last forever I decided to just enjoy it while I could.
That was when I saw something that made me grin, a certain serpent lycanthrope was attempting to drunkenly flirt with my dear little Zeref. Seeing Zeref's flustered appearance as he tried to figure out what to do was definitely the highlight of the night by a mile, but soon however my attention was pulled away when I noticed Rimuru approaching us.
"Hi dad" I smiled mischievously, knowing exactly where he had just come from.
"Did you enjoy your meal?" I asked with another sly grin much to Rimuru's annoyance.
"Yes and no" that surprised me, who in their right mind would say anything other than no when asked if they enjoyed something Shion made.
"Did you finally go mad after eating her cooking? Do you need medical attention?" I asked with some genuine concern which seemed to irritate him more then anything else.
"Shion got a unique skill from the gifting ceremony that makes everything that she makes taste amazing" that was the first time I almost saw Hakurou cry tears of happiness, almost.
"But it still looks absolutely awful..." Rimuru sagged as he seemed to remember the horrors he saw from just moments ago.
"Oh course she would want something like that" I muttered to myself while shaking my head.
"I don't know if I should be happy or sad. Happy that our taste buds aren't curse by the monstrosity she creates any more or sad because I won't be able to see your horrified face when she makes you said monstrosities''
"Hey!" I couldn't help but laugh at the offended look that appeared on his face.
"Anyway, I have something I've been meaning to ask" I said while finishing off my drink.
"Whatever happened to those idiots that I sent here?" I asked curiously.
"Benimaru had them contained just like the other prisoners we managed to bring in" Rimuru quickly answered as he took a seat across from me.
"However I got to ask, what did you do to them? They were far more compliant than they should have been" Rimuru asked curiously. Hakurou also seemed interested in this as well.
"I mind controlled them" I answered honestly.
"You did?"
"Yeah, it's a new skill I have" I muttered without much care.
"Back to those lots, could you make sure not to kill them? I was planning on using them for something so I need them alive and well" I explained with a yawn.
"And what would that be?" They both seemed interested in my plan and I didn't see any reason not to tell them.
"I was hoping to use them to find out who exactly it was that sent them here, they weren't a part of Falmuth so I'm very interested to find out. Once I managed to figure that out I was hoping to use them as spies or something along those lines"
"That's...actually a good idea" Rimuru said in surprise, causing my eyes to twitch.
"Why the hell do you sound so surprised when you say that?!"
"But would that even work?" Hakurou asked as he stroked his chin in thought.
"No idea if I'm being honest but I don't really care if they get found out or not, however I believe it's worth a shot at the very least. Although I do have an idea who it was that actually sent them to help Falmuth and attack us" I hummed softly but with a slight edge to my voice.
"Who?" Rimuru's eyes narrowed, I even felt the tiniest amount of blood lust leak from him but he was doing pretty well at keeping it hidden and restrained.
(Damn it, I was hoping I wouldn't have to bring this up just yet but I doubt that he will let me push it off) I wanted to hit myself for that blunder.
"I don't know for sure but I think they have something to do with this group I ran into over the time I was gone" I sighed somewhat, I really didn't want to bring this up yet.
"So you're finally gonna tell me what you've been up to?"
"Can't say I'm not curious either" I gave Hakurou a look of betrayal but said nothing on the matter.
"I'd rather not ruin the mood but I'd rather tell everyone at the same time, so can we please leave it until that meeting we're having soon?" I asked, well more like begged if I'm being honest.
"Please, I really don't want to make everyone depressed and angry right now" hearing this Rimuru sighed as he glanced over his shoulder at the party that was still going strong even now.
"You saying that just makes me more curious if I'm being honest but fine...only because everyone has earned a moment of peace" I breathed out in relief at that.
"Thanks" I had to admit that I was relieved.
"No problem, just don't make a habit of keeping secrets from me" he sighed, causing me to scoff.
"You're one to talk" I said with a flat look.
"Guess we both need to work on that" I could only put on a fake smile at that.
"Yeah...yeah I guess we do..."