--- Nixilei ---
Things calmed down from there. Well, for a certain definition of calm. Similar 'attacks' to those unleashed by the monkeys were semi-common as the time flew by. Birds would swoop down, only to bonk on the hard wood of the plane and fall downwards, stunned by the impact. Most recovered, some vanished before Nixilei could tell. A few hit a nearby branch rather hard. Nixilei personally felt no compassion for the things. That sort of idiocy, even in animals, was just shameful to her.
Nothing was as comedic as the first cat attack, but the frequency of these decidedly not deadly attacks did go up after the monkeys threw all that fruit at them. *Not sure what to think of it honestly. On the one hand, the fruit has meant we've been attacked more… for some reason. On the other hand, nothing that's attacked us because of the fruit has done any damage at all. Even the ones that have hit the plane haven't damaged it in the slightest.*
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