"Thyme is getting ready to make the announcement, you might want to head out," said Mint, seemingly out of nowhere.
"Oh… um thanks? Do you want us to do anything with the plates?" asked Kat.
"No, I can return them for you both. Hurry, you don't want to be late," said Mint.
Accepting the help, Kat and Lily shared a quick kiss before they both jumped out the window. What? It was the quickest way out of the building. Thyme was sitting on a tiny stage that had been set up on the middle pier. It barely lifted Thyme above the rest of the group. A few people were already there, including Kress who was the first of Kat's group to arrive.
She slid in beside him, and as they were waiting for the rest of the competitors, Kat decided to have a bit of fun… with the truth! "Hey Kress, so you know that demon guy on the other team, Stan?" asked Kat.
"Not that Stan was his name, but I've seen him, why?" asked Kress with a strange look.
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