When they finally got out into the open Kat took in a deep breath of fresh air. Only to sneeze and then immediately start coughing. You see, after leaving the underground demon summoning bunker, Kat hadn't really thought about the fact that the Mountain Shaker clan was made up of mountain elves, or what it meant to be a mountain elf. The 'fresh air' Kat had sucked in was filled to the brim with dust and debris. Once Kat recovered from her coughing fit she carefully walked back into the bunker, grabbed a spare bandanna and then walked back out.
*Are you going to be alright Lily?*
[Yeah I've just closed the backpack and settled in. The dust isn't really getting to me here but I don't want to try my luck outside. Ugh, it'd get all in my fur and my ears. Oh my poor ears. I can just image how painful and annoying it'll be. You're so lucky dirt just slides off you. Though… does Sue have the same thing? I hope so.]
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