"Well, that's enough about me for now," said Lillian, her voice returning to its 'natural' state. "however, I'd like to offer you a chance for some more information. Completely free of charge. It's the things I personally think a young Succubus needs to know. Mostly about your powers but a few other things as well"
*That sounds really useful. I'd never say no to that sort of extra information and I think it'll really help.* Kat gave a genuine smile at the offer, practically radiating happiness. "Yes please. Kamiko has been a big help but I'm sure there are things she just assumes I know. In fact it's happened a few times already so I know it'll happen"
Lillian nodded slightly a few times timing things to be a slight bobbing motion mostly with her chin, "Yes, yes, I understand that. I've actually had the pleasure of meeting other nondems before you so I may be able to help a bit more in that regard. They weren't Succubi, but that hardly matters.
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