*Oh right… um… woops? I mean… I didn't forget about the Summoner but I suppose I wasn't even thinking that it might be hard on Stone. Even if it's reasonable in terms of effort if we take too long he might run out of demonic energy.*
"Sorry, sorry" said Kamiko "We'll get back on track. Though… do you actually know how to deal with her?"
"No I don't" said Stone through gritted teeth. "I'll leave it to you both to go through some ideas. It's actually a major pain to speak while speeding up my perception of time so please work amongst yourselves. Sue is safe to come down if she wants. Tap me on the shoulder once you figure out what we're doing."
*What? He can actually talk in slowed time?! And listen too! That's… that… I don't even know how you'd go about that. Is it a skill he's learnt or is it just an ability he got from Ranking up…*
"How?" was voiced, and Kat was actually a little shocked to realise it was Kamiko who questioned it.
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