Kat pursed her lips as she held the glowing whip that was slowly draining her energy. The glow gave it a nice golden sheen that certainly enhanced the look but for the amount of energy it was draining Kat had to assume that it was doing something else.
"I just don't know what that something is…" said Kat as she managed her best attempt at a whip crack. It… landed… roughly on target. The dummy was completely unphased by the 'attack' and didn't even rock backwards.
Kat looked over at Kamiko who was still just observing at this point after moving the box over to the 'opened' section. "Do you know how to use a whip?"
"I was taught the bare basics when I was training to see what weapon I liked the best. I can't say that I'm good, but throughout my training I was able to at least manage to crack the whip and get some force behind my blows." Said Kamiko.
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