"It was waiting for a signal!" One of the half-masked Ascended shouted in realization. That weak, far and away aura had changed the circumstances of everything. In a mere moment, the Fire Phoenix had rapidly accelerated and mercilessly swallowed the female Ascended into it.
She was now entrapped in its flaming body, unable to escape while within its domain. Her shrill screams and pleas for help resounded, sent out in the form of pulsating spiritual transmissions. Even those prisoners locked away for decades or centuries, tortured and abused, was able to hear the pain and suffering carried in it.
A few recognized that voice. Those were high-level experts, mostly Mystic Star Phase experts, the so-called false Ascended. These experts had either personally met or suffered at the hands of that female Ascended. They hollered and howled in undisguised joy!
People always trying to be the hero in someone else's story. Selfishly too.
Reminded me of the Seer's words to Lin Ming while I was writing the outline for this. Trying to act touch so she eventually rides your little thing? Lol.
Tch. Tch.
Wei Wuyin with the assist! +2.