People who heard it were sad, and people who saw it were sad. A mother's love was selfless, but unfortunately, Wang Xinfang had insulted the word 'motherly love.' Her love belonged to her son, Jing Mingkai.
The reporter looked at the family and asked a few questions. When Wang Xinfang was about to cry, the reporter turned to look at the three children.
"Little brother, do you like your sister?"The reporter had a kind look on his face.
Jing Mingkai was a little devil, but he had never seen a big scene. He was a little nervous and subconsciously said,"I don't like it!"
The reporter was stunned, but he was also rather emotional."Little brother must have been heartbroken by this big sister, right? The child's behavior would never be faked, which showed how much Jing Yunzhao disliked the Jing family. "
"Do you think Jing Yunzhao did the right thing? What advice do you have for Big Sister?" The reporter asked again.