I don't want to explain too much to you now. Tomorrow night at 8 O 'clock, block A of the Empire. Remember, if you don't come, you'll bear the consequences. After saying that, Liancheng Yazhi was about to hang up the phone.
wait! Don't hang up! Young master ya, will my parents be there tomorrow? " a voice shouted from the other end of the phone.
Liancheng Yazhi was stunned for a moment, but then he understood what he meant. If his parents went tomorrow, Rong nuo's existence would be exposed to his parents, and also to the public.
Liancheng Yazhi didn't know what he was thinking now and wasn't in the mood. He only wanted to live a good life with Rong Yan now. As for others, he was not interested and too lazy to ask. Even if it was Rong Yan's sister, he didn't care if she was Dead or Alive.
"What do you think?" he asked with a faint smile.
There was a moment of silence on the phone. okay, I got it. I'll make the arrangements. I'll take the plane back tomorrow morning.
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