Upon seeing Winston go in, the three leopard cubs denied entry by their father stared at each other, then ground their claws and quietly climbed up the tree.
Despite their stealth, before they even entered, a gentle breeze that blew into the tree exposed their movements.
Parker glared at them. "Scram to the top story!"
The leopard cubs curled up and gazed upwards. The top of the tree, appearing sharp and slim, looked unreachable.
Now that they started hunting for prey, they knew of the dangers of remaining on the ground. Knowing that they couldn't enter a short tree hole, they resigned to their fates and started climbing towards the top of the tree.
Winston climbed up the tree. He didn't choose to occupy the second story. As for the third story that once belonged to him, it was now occupied by Curtis. Hence, he adapted himself to the circumstances and constructed his nest on the fourth story.
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