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6.12% In MHA With Madara’s powers / Chapter 6: Chapter 6

Capítulo 6: Chapter 6

Since that day, Madara would go to the park with Momo to hang out with Nejire. Other kids would attempt to hang out with them, but he scared them off. It seemed as if he was a cold person to people who weren't close to him.

The three grew closer to the point where Nejire would even sometimes visit their house. It wouldn't be a stretch to call the three of them best friends.

Madara continued with his training and has started with some jutsus as well. He even thought about learning Chidori and Rasengan. It may be cliche, but he had to admit that the jutsu was convenient to use so he planned to train them once he mastered his basics.

He's also shown Momo how to use Kunais and shuriken since considering her quirk, she'd have an endless supply. She might not be as good as Madara, but she could still possibly catch someone off guard in the future.

Daisuke, Madara's and Momo's martial arts teacher has started to take his lessons on a whole other level. Daisuke would make him spar with him without the use of his Sharingan and teach him other styles as well.

Momo has also been finding new ways to improve her quirk and would soon take lessons on how to handle weapons along side with him..

Madara himself didn't know what weapon he wanted as his primary yet, but he'd stick with the standard kunai and shuriken for now. Although he did have an idea on a specific weapon he wanted made.


It was late afternoon and right now in the Yaoyoruzu mansion you could see a black haired boy swimming in their indoor pool along side another.

Lately Madara has taken a liking to swimming. He enjoyed it in his past life, but he'd rarely go to the beach since it was too far and there was never any public pools nearby.

Luckily for him, being the ever so rich family, he had access to an indoor pool inside the mansion. It was also very convenient when he'd train with chakra control and walking on water. He'd even sometimes swim multiple laps with weights on. But right now, he was only here to relax with Momo.

Momo was trying to swim as fast as she can with Madara chasing behind her. Looking back, she saw no signs of him which instantly confused her.

"Kyaaa!" Momo let out a loud screech as she suddenly felt herself being dragged underwater. Seconds later she cameup, wiped her face and saw her brother looking at her while laughing.

"Why'd you do that brother!" Momo said with a pout.

"Eh, I specifically remember you saying to try and catch you." Madara replied back teasingly. Seeing her gain a small blush from embarrassment, he laughed some more which caused him to receive an angry glare from her.

"Don't be too mad alright. Let's get out, we've been in here for about an hour and I bet dinner is ready by now." Madara said as he pulled her into his arms.

Momo nodded as she instantly calmed down. "Brother you're hair is getting so long!" She said to him as she noticed his hair going past his neck.

Having his hair soaked in water did make it seem like it was longer than it was already is.

"Yeah I guess so, now come on, I'll race you towards the other end before we get out." Madara said to Momo as he let go of her.

"Ok but let me count down." Momo said with a little mischievous smile. He could already tell that she was up to something.

Seeing Madara nod his head, Momo began to count down slowly from 5, but once she got to the number 3, she instantly started swimming to the other side.

'Of course, why am I not surprised.' Madara said as he began to get up and stand on the surface of the pool.

Momo who was still swimming looked back just to see her brother running on the water surface and not even seconds later he was at the end of the pool.

"Come on! You weren't even swimming." Momo said as she got out of the water.. Madara just laughed her off and dried himself with a towel.

"Heh, I guess we're both cheaters. I'm gonna go take a shower, see you at dinner." Madara said as he walked away towards his room.


Currently the Yaoyoruzu family were in the dining room eating dinner. Madara and Momo had both showered and cleaned up before this.

"So kids, your mother and I have decided to put the both of you in a public school. What do you think about it?" Jun said suddenly. He asked the both of them because Madara and Momo have been homeschooled up until now. Going to a public would definitely be very different.

Momo looked excited and Madara stayed composed, but he did raise an eyebrow at his mother's words.

"You'll also be going to Nejire's middle school. Although she'll be going into her 3rd year, I'm sure you guys will still enjoy your time there." Aiko said with a smile.

And like that, their middle school days started.


It's only been around half a year and Madara would usually keep to himself and only hung around Momo and Nejire. Even when he never bothers anyone and minds his own business, there were some annoying boys who were jealous of him.

With his looks, as well as hanging out with "the two hottest girls", he naturally attracted unwanted attention. Some older kids did try to intimidate him at some point, but all it took was a single glare with his Sharingan active to scare them away.

Compared to Madara, Momo actually interacted with other kids, but it wasn't any sort of deep friendship like the one she has with Nejire. She also didn't talk to any of the boys, just some girls.

Currently, Madara was sitting on the rooftop with Momo on his left and Nejire on his right. He along side Momo were eating their lunch, but Nejire was just there talking to the two of them.

"Nejire, you gotta stop skipping your classes to come up here. Didn't you want to get into UA?" He said to her while looking into her royal blue colored eyes.

Nejire pouted and replied "What? You don't want me up here with you?"

"Of course I do, all I'm doing is looking out for you." Madara said as he pat her head with a soft smile. Noticing the small blush on her cheeks, he began to think of how close he's gotten with Nejire.

Even though she's in her 3rd year of middle school, and is currently 14 years old, he still hasn't confessed any sort of feelings towards her. Over the years, the two grew close to the point where it was easy to tell that Nejire had feelings him, which in turn made him happy.

"Well I know the teachers don't mind if I skip a class or two. My grades are the top of the class and I don't cause any trouble for them." Nejire said to him, disappointed at the loss of his hand on her head.

"Yeah, she's possibly the nicest person in the school, I'm sure the teachers don't have the heart to punish someone as innocent as Nejire." Momo said with a laugh, causing Nejire to laugh as well.

Looking to his left, Madara observed Momo and began to think about how their relationship took a different turn once he and their parents revealed that he was adopted before they started school.

Madara remembered that it was around that time where Momo started to cling to him even more. What caused her to do so? He had a pretty good guess on why, and he definitely wasn't going to complain about it.

Hearing the bell ring, the three got up the leave for their next class.

"Goodbye Nejire, see you when the last bell rings." Momo said with a smile.

Noticing that the girl just stood there and wasn't walking to her class, Madara asked "What's wrong?"

"You're just going to leave without giving me a hug?" Nejire said to the long black haired boy.

Since Madara and Momo had the same classes, they always walked together, but Nejire who was a 3rd year student, didn't have any classes that were near theirs so she couldn't walk with them.

"Then come here." Madara said as he spread his arms. Nejire immediately wrapped hers around his torso. With Madara being pretty tall for his age, standing at 5 foot 7 inches, Nejire only head her head to his chest. She was only 5 foot after.

Separating from Madara with a blush, Nejire looked at the two with a big smile and said "Bye! See you guys later."

After looking at Nejire cheerfully go towards her class, Madara turned towards Momo and noticed the pout on her face.

"What? You want one too?" he asked. Seeing her avoid his eyes, Madara smirked and wrapped his arms around her shoulders.

"All you needed to do was ask." He teased into her ear.

"S-Stupid brother..." Momo said quietly as she wrapped her arms around his torso, holding onto him tightly.

Even after discovering that she and Madara weren't blood related, Momo still sometimes called him brother.

"Madara?..." Momo called out to him still in his arms.

"Hmm?" he responded back.

"Do you like her?....Nejire. It's so obvious that she has feelings for you. Even are parents see it. They even tease you behind your back."

Ignoring that last part, Madara replied to her and said "I'm going to be honest and say I do have feelings for her as well, and I've noticed hers."

Momo stayed silent at those words and even put her head down within his chest, but immediately looked up at him when she heard his next words.

"But I also have feelings for you as well Momo." Madara said with a soft chuckle and smiled once he saw her looking at him with a surprised expression on her face. He decided to just fuck it and tell her now.

"W-what did you say? You like me?" Momo questioned.

"What? Do you want me to say it again? Of course I like you. I thought it was pretty obvious if I were to be honest." Madara said to her as stared into her black eyes with his own.

"But I also like Nejire as well. Would you ever want to be with a selfish guy like me?" He said as he separated from her and unwrapped his arms,but what Momo said next shocked him a little.

"Yes!" Momo said as she jumped at him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Huh? What are you saying? I said I like the both of you and I can't just disregard Nejire's feelings." Madara said as he put his arms around her waist.

"Then we'll talk to her and work it out so that none of use are unhappy."

"Eh, you know there could be more girls later down the line." He could've definitely ruined the moment with these words, but Madara decided to test his luck. After all, it's never failed him.

After a couple seconds of silence, Momo finally said. "Only if we accept them."

"Huh? And who's we?" he questioned her.

"Me and Nejire of course!"

"Momo who knows if Nejire would accept that. You make it sound like you're so sure." Madara said to her.

"Of course she would. There's no way she wouldn't considering how much she likes you. And like I said, we'll talk to her about it."

"Hahaha what are you saying Momo?" Madara said, a little shocked that she'd accept it this fast.

"I'm saying that I love you!" Momo said was a huge blush as she looked straight into his eyes.

"Are you sure?" Madara questioned her softly, taking glances at her lips.

"100 percent." She responded with a whisper, noticing where he was looking. Hearing those words, Madara instantly pulled her closer and met her lips with his.

A little surprised, Momo stayed still for a second, but got out of it and kissed him back with equal passion. Needless to say, they were definitely late for class.


Through out the whole day Momo had a smile on her face and felt extremely happy. How could she not? She was finally with the person she loved.

It was the end of the day which was around the time her and Madara planned to meet up with Nejire. But this time, Momo left Madara and told him to wait for her at the school entrance because she needed to use the bathroom.

Of course she didn't go to the bathroom, but went to go find Nejire as fast as she could. She planned on talking to her about her relationship with Madara.

"Nejire!" She shouted as she saw her coming out of a classroom.

"Hi Momo!" Nejire greeted her with a big smile, but was confused when she didn't see a familiar long black haired boy. "Where's Madara?" she questioned.

"He's waiting at the front of the school."

"Ok, then let's go meet up with him." Nejire said as she started walking, but stopped as she felt a tug on her sleeve.

"What's wrong Momo?" She asked.

"Can we talk? Just the two of us? It's very important." Momo said seriously while looking into Nejire's eyes.

Seeing her nod her head, Momo gestured Nejire to follow her and went to go find a secluded place, which was behind the school.

"Ok Momo what's wrong? Did something happen? Are you alright?"

"No, everything is completely fine. Although I'm going to need you to tell me the truth on whatever I ask you ok?" Momo said to her.

"You like Madara too right?" Is the words that startled Nejire. What was she supposed to say? Of course she did, and of course she knew Momo did as well. It was pretty obvious to notice considering the fact that they hang out almost everyday.

'Of course! If it was easy for me to tell that Momo likes Madara, then it should've been as easy for Momo to notice my feelings as well. Gosh, what do I do? I don't want to ruin my friendship with Momo over this.' Nejire thought inside her head. She was pretty certain that Momo knew now.

Almost as if reading her mind, Momo said to Nejire in a softer tone "It's alright, after all I like him too. It's why I wanted to talk to you about it."

Relieved after hearing her words, Nejire began to think about the situation. It was pretty weird for Momo to suddenly talk to her about this in this setting.

"Wait, why did you choose now to talk to me about this?" Nejire questioned Momo.

"'s because me and Madara confessed to each other after lunch." Momo replied with a blush on her face.

Nejire instantly became shocked. "Wait what?!" 'Confessed to each other? Meaning they like one another.'

"But he said he liked you Nejire! We both planned to talk to you about it later, but I wanted to talk to you first." Momo said to her.

"W-what? He said he liked me too?" Nejire questioned with a tint of hope in her voice.

"But are you willing to share him with me? Although he did say there might be other women..."

'Am I willing to share him? Momo is already fine with it, but am I really alright with sharing him? I know most of the girls at school clearly like him, but he hasn't talked to a single one or gave them attention, meaning he's not some playboy. Momo said he liked me as well which already makes me so happy as I feel the same. It's either this or not be with him all together....No! Why would I want that? Years of containing these feelings, why would I ruin this chance' Nejire thought inside her mind. Having made her decision, Nejire told Momo she was ok with it and liked him as well, causing the black haired girl to gain a huge smile and hug her.

But they heard a familiar voice which caused them to jump. Looking up, they saw Madara standing on the wall with no sort of difficulty.

Madara himself could already tell Momo was lying about using the bathroom so he followed her and listened in on their conversation.

Jumping down, Madara walked up to them and said "Wow Momo, I didn't know you'd make a good wingman, and what happened to using the bathroom?"

"I'm sorry Madara, I wanted to talk to her about it before you did." Momo said with her head down, thinking he was upset with her.

Madara just walked up to Momo, lifted her chin up and gazed into her eyes. "It's alright Momo I'm not mad at you. Instead I should thank you for talking to Nejire. It seems like you "convinced" her" After saying those words, Madara gave her a sudden kiss on the lips, which caused the two girls to blush in embarrassment.

"So is it true? Do you really like me?" Nejire spoke up while playing with her fingers.

Madara didn't have to say anything. All he did was walk up to her and before she could react, he gave her a deep kiss to the lips. They say actions speak louder than words after all.

Letting her lips go, Madara put his right hand on her cheek and stroked it with his thumb.

"Does that answer your question?"

"En" the royal blue eyed girl cutely nodded.

"You know there will probably be other girls later on right?" He said. It was the exact thing he said to Momo and now he wanted to ask Nejire.

"Only if me and Momo accept them" Nejire said as she tried to sound intimidating.

Letting out a small laugh, Madara wrapped his right arm around her and pulled her to his chest, while wrapped his other arm around Momo's. "You guys really are kind of similar. Come on, you can just come straight to our house Nejire. I'm sure your parents wouldn't mind it."

So Madara walked back to the Yaoyoruzu mansion which was really close by, with his new 2 girlfriends. This was definitely a day he would remember forever.

[2 years later]

MyStomachHurts MyStomachHurts

I just want to get to UA already that why this chapter is so long. I could’ve just split it into 3 and be done with it but it was whatever. Definitely not doing a chapter this long again, I think I fell asleep about 5 times.

For Momo’s costume go search “Momo Yaoyoruzu Onughost” on google. I thought of using that because it looks wayyy better.

For Madara costume, same old samurai getup or something else? I’m not a creative person and have no imagination so i was planning on just doing the regular samurai look.

And no, he won’t be super duper best friends with Izuku. Saw someone comment that. I just find Izuku kind of annoying.

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