But something changed in the eyes of both elders as they seemed to remember something, their face changed when they both saw each other because in the depth of their eyes there is some speculations that they know as truth, they shook their head, sighed and thought
'These peaceful days are going to end, Country B will be under going huge change'
These things also didn't go unnoticed by Hruday as he was observing his Grandparents and he had promotion in his heart that they knew somrthing
"Okay it's already late, everyone are tired so go to sleep, retreat " Grand Pa strenly said and with Grand Ma they both retreated to their room
"Tomorrow is importanat day and we all need to be refreshed so off to bed, Night" Papa bid night and went to their room
"Night Bro" Hrudan walked to his room behind him Naina went without saying anything
I was alone in the living room sitting but my mind already wandering far to my past where I first met my Jaan
'It was in the college I was in my last year of college when a girl joined to our college it made pretty big news because she was younger than us by two years but she joined to final year.
That was the first time I have ever got interested in any girl and also last time I have ever loved or still loving.
When I saw her it was when our lecturer introduced her as Maya Dev, a beautiful angel like girl of 18 years old which surprised many because our college was one of the prestigious and also strict in selecting students for studying in our college even if you are child of president without potential and talent you will never able to study but they changed this for a girl
Many wanted to see what this girl have that the college is willing to change their owm rules, so many went to challenge her but they all defested , some try to rag her but they made fool of themselves
when I saw her it was like love at first sight, it's like I know this girl was different, also difficult to approach because with her always two men will be present like bodyguards but after I got to know they both were her brothers and it really surprised me that their whole family was bunch of genius because those three siblings always ranked in Top 10 also their strength was not only limited for one subject but they did always participated in several other things with that they became famous in the college for their intelligence, cleverness and hardwork, many did admired them also many did envy. I was also one of the famous figure in the college also was in Top 10 or I can specifically say Top 1 until Maya came then there was always competition between us
We got acquainted with each other in last semester also eventually both ot married but even we both had feeing for each other there was always barrier which seperated us
The marriage was also big disaster with lot of misunderstandins and when we got married it was like we both were on each others neck when we cleared our all misunderstanding and start to live happily there was big strom in which my love, my Jaan, my Maya disappeared
It was my fault for that I was really repented and still repenting, I know I failed her but at that time I was unable to do anything but after I realised that my problem was not trusting her
That day if I did trusted enough may be today we would have been one happy family.'
He start to smile himself which more looks like mocking himself than a genuine smile, his eyes are filled with sorrow that made whole living room suffocating
Shanaya is really scared because she knows if Maya is alive then that means what she did in the past will be known by everyone if my family or in-laws got to know they will never forgive me but if Hrudan got to know he will just kill me
She was already feeling guilty, remorse because of what she did was no best friend could do but at that time she was like a person who possessed because she was jealous of Maya also at that time even if she didn't wanted she have to do because her famly was on the stake, if she was let to choose between family and friend she would without a doubt choose family
She only hopes that Maya will not be heavy handed and hell bent on taking revenge because she thinks Maya will understand her turmoil at that time and will only forguve her
Even if Maya didn;t forgive her she will make her life goal to get Maya's forgiveness
At the side of Elders bedroom
Both elders are laid next to each other in the bed but sleep is far away from them
"Oldman are you thinking the same thing that I am thinking?" Grand Ma Patel asked
"Yes" Curt answer came from next
"If that is true then Country B will be going to have some huge changes" Grand Ma Patel sighed
"May be there will be many falls this time as they ate someone else's now the owner coming back here to let them vomit all those also this time the changes not only for upper-class but whole Country just like nearly 30years back" Grand Pa Patel said looking at distance
"Yes, this time I only hope that the mistake we did in past should atleast have way to repent, that is all I ask for so what we owe them will be lifted from our shoulders" Grand Ma Patel said
"I also hope so but the thing that we didn't took care also the fault of our own" Grand Pa Patel said
"It's already late, let's hope that we will be able to catch some sleep, Night Oldman" Grand Ma Patel said yawning and directly slept
"Night" Grand Pa Patel said but he couldn't fall asleep
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