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89.34% A True Beginning / Chapter 176: Ch.10

Capítulo 176: Ch.10

After Oliver was healed up, he tossed the second sword back and I put them both away while he asked. "How much of that was you toying with me?"

I smirked. "All of it. Like I said before, I'm a master of all martial arts and the blade is where my greatest talent lays. I could kill a thousand of you in a matter of hours with just human skills, strength and speed. Ra's Al Ghul may have had over a century to perfect his art but I've had eons. There's no mortal or immortal that can match my skill with the blade that I'm aware of and that includes the Chinese and Japanese gods who are famous with blades."

Oliver nodded and Agreed to my proposal while Diggle spoke up. "Wait a second, how do we know you won't be worse then this Ra's Al Ghul?"

I shrugged. "You don't, but if I intended you or this city harm, there's nothing you could do to stop me from destroying it and killing all of you. You know, I met a John Diggle in the marines in my last reality. He and a sergeant Lyla Michaels came up together and were both a fearsome pair. They even got married and had a son when they retired from active duty. I never saw them after that because they disappeared into the private sector but you remind me a lot of him. Always a skeptic and paranoid until proven otherwise. He had trust issues with me too until I pulled his ass out of a torture cave he and his hot head CO ended up captured in."

Felicity asked. "Wait a minute, are you saying parallel realities are real?"

I nodded. "They're mostly referred to as reality clusters. Different outcomes and events of one reality repeated in different ways and scenarios. Even the people can look drastically different as genetics have a random play in it as well. I met a different Oliver as well. He and some friends of his formed a League of their own. They call it the justice League. Powered and skilled individuals working together to save that world and many other worlds, times, realities and such from death destruction and chaos. They, like you, started out as a group of individuals who wanted to do good and make a difference. Then they evolved and became something else entirely. A symbol for hope, justice and peace."

I looked at them all before leaning on a table and signing. "I enlisted straight out of high school to find my own path. See, the Justice League has a code I can't follow because I took that path. They don't kill, ever. They save first, stop bad guys second and never kill. I was a founding member of sorts before I left and came here."

"I built them a special satellite station that has everything they need to expand and continue their work as a goodbye present while I went to find my own path. This League of Assassins just might be what I'm looking for. A middle ground. They put down the bad guys for good and purge this world of the worst humanity has to offer. Giving the good a chance to thrive like a gardener rooting out weeds."

Oliver sighed. "If you truly knew me then you'd know that this isn't the way."

I shook my head. "Not for you it's not, but many people walk many paths. In the end, it's on them to find their own. You've found yours, all I'm asking is a chance to find mine. If this isn't my path then I'm strong enough to change and find another."

He nodded. "Just so we're clear, if you turn on me-"

I chuckled and nodded. "I'm aware Oliver. Though you should stop going by just the arrow. The Oliver I knew went by a longer title, Green Arrow. Maybe add a slight radioactive green isotope with a unique signature as well to your arrows so not just anyone can become a copycat of your work and use it to turn this city against you. And for the love of all that is holy, stop just being the Arrow all the time."

"Maybe take back your company and change what your family name means to this world. Use the technology to advance science and medicine and try to save not just this city, but the world. There are millions at any given moment crying out in pain, you can still be this persona but you can also be more. A beacon of hope for those who would otherwise suffer."

Felicity spoke up. "That would take money and resources we don't have."

I tossed her a USB drive. "There's a hundred billion in untraceable funds, stolen from crime syndicates, terrorists and drug lords. The program on it will constantly refill it's coffers and you can use my ID as an investor. I've already made myself a legitimate cover in this world as a wealthy billionaire looking to invest. No one would be surprised if I held out a helping hand to a former billionaire and his future CEO and possible love interest if the sparks I'm seeing between you two are right."

Felicity too the USB drive to check it out and Diggle said. "We can't except that. It's blood money."

I rolled my eyes. "What do you think funds ARGUS and pretty much every government run program around the world? Let me give you a hint, it's not puppies and rainbows. At least this way the more you use the more terrorists and drug lords go out of business. It's a smart program that will seek out the worst of the worst and rob them while you use that money to save lives and bring hope to this world."

Diggle shut up, knowing I was right and Oliver looked contemplative while he asked Felicity to check it thoroughly for any harm to innocents. When she could find none but see how and who it was taking from, she agreed right then with a serious work as their rap sheets were shown as a laundry list of crimes from torture, mass murder, to rape and pedophilia.

I told them. "You'll be robbing them, and if everything goes well, the League will take care of the rest. Have no doubt, these evils will be cleansed one way or the other. At least this way something good can come out of it's ashes."

I left with Oliver an hour later for Nanda Parbat. There we went to the entrance where the League members stopped us before an interesting woman appeared before me. Time froze as Natasha appeared before me as an incorporeal spirit and entered the woman I knew to be Nyssa Al Ghul, heir to the demon.

After a moment I thought I was seeing things but I heard my mother's voice in my head. (She'll do.)

Sighing, time unfroze and she asked Oliver what we were here for. She eyed me while my own eyes became hooded while looking at her and feeling the spark in it's full glory. She was definitely my future mate and I couldn't wait to experience her writhing under me as I filled her with my seed.

She asked scornfully. "Is he the one who killed Sarah?"

Oliver ignored her question saying. "We seek an audience with the demon's head."

No League member with honor could refuse that request as it was one of their laws. She agreed and eyed me while leading the way. When we were in the chambers with Ra's Al Ghul, Oliver spoke up. "This is the man who murdered Sarah Lance, Ta-er al-Sahfer."

Nyssa swung her blade at me but I stopped it with but a finger before flicking it and shattering the sword. Ra's turned around and looked at me curiously and waved his daughter off while looking at the broken sword shards before saying. "This is not the first time the League of Assassins has dealt with enhanced individuals. Tell me, why did you kill Ta-er al-Sahfer?"

I shrugged. "Does it matter? She is dead and I live, it's the way of the world. Now, I demand a trial by combat, as according to League laws. Do you accept?"

He raised an eyebrow and looked me over before saying. "It has been over sixty years since someone has challenged me to a trial by combat."

I smirked. "Then you could use the exercise before I cut you down."

He shook his head. "Your enhanced strength will not help you. Our holy grounds will see to that."

I shrugged. "Do you accept or not?"

He smiled. "Of course I accept. And when you die by my blade, Al-Sah-him will tell me the name of Sarah's true killer."

I shrugged. "We shall see."

He nodded. "We shall."

A League assassin stepped out and handed me a slip of paper with the location of the sacred grounds and told me. "The climb up will strip you of any powers and abilities you have, locking them away. Be it magic or enhancement, it does not matter. If you survive the climb you will face Ra's Al Ghul in open combat and die."

I smirked. "Hardly. I'll head there first now and await your fearless leader."

The assassin spoke again. "You should spend this day making peace with your life as your death will come soon. Tomorrow night you will face the demon's head."

I chuckled. "Hardly a fair fight then, for him."

I turned to Oliver and nodded. "Go home my friend and consider your debt to me fulfilled."

He nodded and I turned, giving Nyssa one last long appreciative look that made her shiver before flame traveling to the foot of said mountain. I stripped off all my armor and leaving myself with just some sweat pants. I began climbing the mountain without fear and felt my powers being sealed away slowly as I climbed. The higher I went, the more that was sealed away until I reached the top, mortal and fully human.

Damn I forgot what it felt like to be cold but thinking back, it was colder in my Viking days and even then we had a warmth of fire in us, one I remembered well. The surge of adrenaline, the fire of life and the will to live at all costs. It felt good to get back to my roots.

I sat there on the mountain top half naked in meditation to prepare myself for the coming fight. Sixteen hours later I heard footsteps and opened my eyes. Nyssa stood before me while her father was watching with a couple League members.

She asked. "Did you really kill Sarah?"

I sighed. "I've killed many people. More than you can possibly imagine so what do you think?"

I showed her my sincerity before she sighed and backed away. "I wish you a quick death."

I chuckled. "I'm hardly going to die. Though you should save that sentiment for your father. He is not long for this world even if he wasn't about to fall by my blade today."

I stood up and walked to the rack of weapons and grabbed two swords, seeing as this Ra's was arrogant enough not to have grabbed one. I walked before him and tossed a sword, sticking it in the rock at his feet. "You'll need that Ra's Al Ghul. I'm going to show you what happens when you add eons of learning to the talent of a god. I may be mortal here in this mountain, but I've been through countless battles and slaughters gods of war, death and many more. Your mortal body is failing you, don't die to soon before you taste my blade."

I began emitting a dangerous aura as I tested the blade I held left. Finding it acceptable, I smirked and let my aura meld with it, becoming one with the sword. After a few moments, I smiled flicked the blade as I swung it. He grabbed his blade out of the ground and parried.

We danced a far deadlier dance than the one Oliver and I had and surprisingly he had an extremely high aptitude with the blade as well, managing to wound my side as we traded blows. Both of us bleeding over the snow and rock, our battle lasted another five hours as we both had our fair share of wounds.

He was extremely gifted and learned all I showed him at the drop of a dime. Soon enough we were evenly matched from an outsider's view. Smiling with a bit of blood leaking from my lips, I told him. "This is it Ra's Al Ghul, this next moment is your last."

I moved, deflecting his blade and slipping passed his guard, impaling him on my blade. He stood still as he gasped. "The one time survive my blade indeed."

I chuckled. "Fickle prophecies have no room here."

He dropped his sword and took off his pointed ring claw, passing it to me. I took it with a nod saying. "Forgive and have mercy upon him... Excuse him and pardon him... Make honorable his reception... Protect him from the punishment of the grave... And the torment of fire."

I yanked my blade out and slit stabbed him in the heart, killing him quickly. He dropped to the ground and I turned to the League assassin's while slipping the claw on my left index finger. I spoke coldly. "Let those who wish to challenge my claim step forwards now do that they may accompany the old Ra's Al Ghul to the grave. Let it be known I accept all challengers and will remain that way for eternity."

Nyssa stepped forwards and looked at me before kneeling. The rest followed and I chuckled. "I'm that case, it's time we leave this dreary place. Bury him with the League members, honored for eternity as a former demon head."

Two members stepped forwards to grab his body while I walked to Nyssa and held her chin to meet my eyes. "I did not kill Sarah Lance. Malcom Merlyn is responsible for her death. He trained his daughter and used a drug called Vitura on her. It leaves the victim highly susceptible to suggestion and leaves them no memories of the events while on it. He wanted to be free of his blood debt to the League so he orchestrated these events hoping Oliver would kill Ra's Al Ghul and take his place, wiping out all blood debts during his reign."

She shed a tear and I told her. "I shall make a deal with you. Become bride to the demon and I shall allow you to use the pit to revive Sarah's body. I shall use my magic's to revive her soul. So long as you're faithful and never sleep with another man, I'll never consider it betrayal. But make no mistake, you will belong to me. It will depend on her if she joins us."

Nyssa agreed on the spot and I nodded. "Then tonight, as I ascend the throne, we shall marry and tomorrow you shall go to retrieve her body and we shall do what we can to see your old love alive once more."

She stood and I kissed her passionately which she returned. I broke the kiss and told her. "As you seem to want control. After I ascend the throne, you can take control of the League as regent. I will remain the demon head, but they will follow your orders in my stead. Continue the League's work and ensure the worst of humanity is cleansed from this world. You will come to my bed and I will show you how, each night you are not with her. If any challenge my throne, you will inform me or send a messenger. I will handle them myself. I fear no one."

She looked in my eyes and nodded. She turned and we left with the assassins who packed up the stuff here and destroyed the blood on the snow with special acids. We followed the trail down and my powers returned as my wounds healed, leaving no scars.

That night I went through several ceremonies as I was branded with a magical brand enchanted by a League sorceress. She then performed the ceremony as I took over the mantel of Ra's Al Ghul, the demon head. Then came Nyssa and my marriage and finally my appointing her as Regent in my absence while I walked the earth and dealt with powered beings.

That night I killed twenty challengers in a special room that did the same as the sacred grounds. I then went to bed with my new wife and showed her what I had to offer, repeatedly, until she was to tired and full of my seed to continue.

I hummed a tune while stroking the strip of hair between her thighs while she murmured. "Thank you husband, for keeping your words. You could've just ordered me and bent my will to your own."

I snorted. "If I wanted a subordinate, I'd have fucked any one of the League's female assassins. No, I chose you to become my equal, not some follower. The demon cannot have two heads, but it can have a head and a heart. I may be the head love, but you are it's heart. Lead and show them my mercilessness for evil. If any question your or my will, slaughter without hesitation and make them understand, this demon is immortal and eternal from now on. Grow the League but do not change it's founding principles."

She sighed and nodded before I slipped my fingers lower to play with her wet stuffed lips. She moaned and I chuckled while I brought her pleasure one last time before she fell asleep in my arms. The next morning I went to the waters of the Lazarus pit.

Smirking I told her and those listening. "What a foolish name for what this is. A Lazarus pit? Hardly. It's a liquid metal called Dionesium or part of it anyways. It is one of the five metals needed to create a portal to the dark multiverse. The Dionesium in it is what gives it the special properties."

I turned to Nyssa. "Go, take as many as you need and bring Sarah Lance here for the ceremony. Have the priest perform it and bring her body back to life. I'll be back to see the ceremony in person and do the rest by then. It's time I retrieved a purer source of Dionesium."

She nodded and left with a few followers. I turned to the sorceress. "Prepare for the ceremony to revive Ta-er al-Sahfer. I'll prepare a soul revival room."

I left and prepared a special ceremony I'd read about in John's mind. Once it was ready I flame traveled to Gotham and scried for the purest source of Dionesium under the city. I went into the sewers and traveled a bit, breaking stone and walls as well as digging when I went off the map until I found it, a cavern with a lake filled with pure Dionesium.

Smiling, I filled several jugs with it before taking the rest in my ring in a bottomless jug. The jugs went into my inner galaxies for me to analyze while the rest was for other purposes. I repaired the walls and filled in the dirt I'd dig up before heading to the secret location of the Court of Owls that ruled Gotham from the shadows.

I used invisibility to sneak into their sanctum and steal some of the Electrum, another elemental metal needed for a link to the dark Multiverse. Now I had three of the five metals while the last two would take time to come by as one hadn't even been discovered yet and I had no clue as to it's whereabouts or chemical makeup so I had no way of finding it with magic.

I returned to the Lazarus pit a while later and just in time as Oliver and the rest were invited to watch with Laurel Lance as her sister and a former League Assassin was brought back.

I took out a cup of the purer Dionesium and poured it into the Lazarus pit. It bubbles for a moment before settling down. I nodded to them to begin and Nyssa helped with Oliver and Laurel to lower Sarah's body into the pit.

The sorceress did her ceremony which didn't really do much. When Sarah was lowered in the waters bubbled and boiled for a minute before going still. I told them. "Release the ropes. She'll either come out or stay within the depths for eternity. Now only time will tell."

A half hour passed, then an hour before finally there was a reaction and it proceeded Sarah, or something wearing her body as a meat suit, busting out of the pit. I turned to the League Assassins and nodded. They grabbed her and the sorceress injected her with a sedative.

I turned to Nyssa now. "You, Laurel and Oliver can grab her and follow me. It's time. The healing of her body is complete. Now comes the fight for her soul. The pit is connected to something darker by it's very nature and as such it invites possession from demons, spirits and the like. Come."

I led the way and we four entered the quiet room where I had Oliver set her down in the center of the ritual alter. I then told them to stand over her and link hands that way we'd go into her mind together and pull her soul to the surface while ending the demon she's possessed by.

Laurel asked. "What would you do something like this when you knew she'd be possessed?"

I shrugged. "It was the will of my wife, the demon's bride, Al-Shaytan, to see it done. I've no more interest in this matter than to see my bride happy. To that end, it's time you shut up and closed your eyes while I perform my magic's."

She shut up and I raised my arms saying clearly. "Pelako ameso yobe eleggua imbone ukuchila panshita. De domino vestro, aliquis. Et stabit de domino vestro. Audite vocem meam. Ancor, anchor, candones helosi et vos eleutis phugori. De cruinne-ce agus akasha seall me do solas!"

The candles flickered as we were dragged to the land of the dead between Sara's mind and her soul's connection. I told them to be careful and used a spell to point the way. Mags light flew towards where Sarah's soul was located. I told them while leading the way. "Ignore the other cries of the damned. They may not be souls but demons in disguise. If you get lost here you will remain forever."

A League assassin look alike appeared as we appeared in a room that looked exactly like the Lazarus pit room. Sara was in the waters crying for help so I told them. "You all pull her out, I'll deal with the demon."

I pulled out my blades and began swinging at speeds the demon couldn't keep up until I impaled it on my blades. It's essence dispersed and they managed to pull her out of the pit. Smiling, I yanked us all back, putting Sara back in her body.

She woke up gasping not long after we came out of it and I smiled. "Nyssa, I return to you your beloved. Know that I will not tolerate more."

She nodded with a smile and I turned to Sara. "You are Ta-er al-Sahfer, by morning you will take your official oaths if that is your choice. If you do then you will be welcomed into the League as an official member from then on."

She looked at me in the Ra's Al Ghul ceremonial attire and asked. "Who are you?"

I smiled. "I'm am Ra's Al Ghul, head of the demon. You are in Nana Parbat, my home and yours if you wish it."

I turned to Laurel and the others. "I will give you two days before all those not apart of the League must leave. Malcom Merlyn and Thea Queen aren't welcome here after that. If they cross my boarders again, they'll face League justice. The rest of you may return to see Sara if she stays on occasions so long as you do not interfere in League business."

I turned and nodded to Nyssa before leaving and going to the Lazarus pit. I destroyed it and boiled the Dionesium out of it, leaving dried rock and nothing more. I cleansed the Dionesium, Electrum and Nth metal essence that climbed to me off as well to ensure I wouldn't be going through any portals by accident.

I saw Merlyn looking at the pool with pity and snorted. "The Lazarus pits are more dangerous than they're worth. As I am immortal, the demon's head and the league no longer needs such treacherous waters."

I saw the greed flicker in his eyes and snorted, he backed away sensing the danger. I went to leave there and he asked. "Why didn't you use it to bring more back if you can negate the negative effects?"

I shook my head. "I never said there would be no negative effects. Sara will pay for this in her own way and unfortunately there's nothing I can do about that. Careful Malcom. After you leave here, if I ever sense you near my borders again, I'll kill you myself. You got your freedom and that's all you'll get from the League from now on. You and Thea will both be killed if you enter our borders again."

I turned to Sarab and he handed me the vial of omega, the deadly bio weapon. I burned it there in my hand, destroying it completely. Seeing the last valuable item he'd wanted destroyed, Malcom scowled and I told Sarab. "If it is your wish, you may be released from your oaths. Otherwise, you are to answer to Nyssa Al Ghul, bride of the demon and Regent of Nanda Parbat as if they are my own orders."

He saluted me and I nodded before sighing and summoning my symbiote half. It came out in a black mass and reformed as my duplicate lookalike. I made it turn invisible and I'd use it as a weapon. I sent my commands and it blurred away, running to kill HIVE and Damian Darhk.

After HIVE and Darhk are dealt with, I'll use my old body to seek out the other Lazarus pits and destroy them all. Such things weren't very useful with their serious drawbacks.

When they exited the chamber, Nyssa was holding hands with Sara with smiles on their faces. I nodded and walked before them and gave Nyssa a kiss while handing her my blades. "These will serve and protect you well my love. Now that your lover is back, it's time I left here. Sarab will be your right hand and I shall be in central city for a few years."

I entered her mind and helped her build a proper mind scape in moments before giving her the information on magic to contact me and open a portal to my location if she needed me or sought my bed. I then reached up and cupped Sara's face. "Take care of my bride. The pit will have draw backs, anger and rage mostly. Nyssa can teach you how to expand your mind and control your emotions."

I gave such knowledge to her after all when I helped her make her own mind scape. I held up a pendant to Sara and she took it as I told her. "Nyssa is bound to me with magic and is thus protected from possessions. You however are not. This will keep you safe. Wear it always and no demon may enter your body against your will. Only you may remove it once it's on you."

I gave Nyssa one last kiss and turned to glare at Malcom. "Remember, two days or I'll come back and kill you myself and I guarantee you, there's nowhere you can hide from me. Damien Darhk is learning that lesson as we speak. He and his HIVE will be destroyed in a few more minutes."

I opened a portal and stepped through. I cloaked my presence as I changed my clothes to simple blue jeans and a black t-shirt. I went to a League safe house and arranged a flat to be purchased for myself. While I was doing so, I felt John drawing on my magic and cast my gaze through to him.

An Invunche was coming at him and he'd been shot. I pushed my magic's into him and healed his wound while helping him control the arm at ten seals. I showed him what to do and he turned the invunche to paste.

It was reforming so I sent him my blades and told him to stab the damn thing. Moments later it was turned into essence and the rest burned away to ashes. The essence was absorbed into my blade which returned to my side while I helped him reseal his arm before withdrawing.

He'd be fine now hopefully. I went to my new loft and ordered furniture and had the power and water turned on. It was in fact the same loft Barry would've eventually rented anyways for him and Iris except I bought it and the building.

Next I zoomed around the city getting a lay of the land while I had a chance. Everything, including the sewers and Star Labs, was checked over. The yellow speedster hadn't been able to sense me so it was fine. When I knew where everything was, I went to a coffee house and looked at the date.

It was around four and a half months before Barry was supposed to wake up so I made friends with some of the important people, including the chief of police, as I donated a few million to the police force, city council and firefighters association.

I then bought a few warehouses and plots of land for a new lab like Star labs called Frosthaven. There I had the house elves build the place while I filed for it as an official research and development company. By the end of the first month everything was up and running while I had bots as my staff.

They would be enough to make it legit as they officially began studying diseases and cures. Another section was devoted to body armor and firefighter gear. Synthetic polymers and went body armors were the first out as they could stop fire fighters from being burned alive easily and the body armor stopped regular armor piercing rounds.

Next came stun batons and taser net guns as well as power suppression cuffs. By the time Barry was awake and I heard about it, Frosthaven was leading in cutting edge medical technology and cures. My symbiote had returned for a map to the world's ley lines before setting out again to destroy any other possible Lazarus pits out there.

Nyssa spent half her nights in my bed for the first couple of weeks before Sara started joining her. That had been interesting and I'm pretty sure neither would ever except another man in their beds except me from now on unless it was purely a matter of the heart at first.

We were all very busy during the day so they only stayed the nights or my nights which were their days. Either way it was a very interesting way to get to know someone.

She's barely knew me our first night and Sara was no different as I tired them both out and left no small amount of seed in them. Sara was far more aggressive in bed and I showed her I'd punish her rightly and even go further, filling both holes when she was acting bad.

After that night she's been far more docile in bed unless it came to scratching that particular itch. Back to the matter at hand, I'd begun buying up Star Labs assets and making a name for myself in the business and scientific community.

By the third month in central city, Frosthaven had become the leading competitor in bleeding edge technology. We even had our own arc reactor and were selling energy back to the city by the gigawatts. In essence we were actually powering half the city by ourselves with all the extra electricity the arc reactors produced.

It was clean energy as well so there was no risk of pollution. The military desperately wanted to make contracts with us but like always I refused. General Wade Eiling had stopped by several times since we began producing far superior body armor and stun batons.

Even the sound paralysis grenades for riots we came up with were coveted but each time he came to me with the offer, he came up with new and cleverer ways to hide a weapons contract in simple body armor and supply purchases. I flatly refused him every time even telling him I'd no longer consider a contract so long as he was involved when he tried to slip in a few clauses that would allow him access to any proprietary technologies Frosthaven may produce now or in the future.

I'd been blunt as his sneaking idiot ways of thinking him cleverer than me had lost its charm. When I announced a molecular DNA splicing in progress of being built with effects on an atomic scale, several government agencies approached me with the thoughts of using it to create super soldiers and the like.

I shut that shit down fast saying it would only ever be used to separate genetic abnormalities and remove them should the patient wish it. I came up with blood cloning to replace blood drives from then on as well. Add to that the fact that I'd even gone so far as to build my own satellites and announced the start of a new space race and many companies, agencies and governments were eyeing my business with interest.

I'd launched my own satellite and to everyone else's surprise, many smaller satellites launched from it as well while it unfolded into a space station. My boldness surprised everyone as I no longer had just one satellite, but hundreds and a launching station for deep space telemetry satellites.

By the fourth month I announced a jet made for preliminary space flights that could get to the space station and back without running out of fuel or crashing. Add to the twenty new cures and modified treatments for aids, cancer and pretty much all the STDs out there and Frosthaven was incredibly famous.

Branches were opened up all over the globe as only the League and scientists were hired while the rest was bots. Stock went up and my profits finally started coming in. I turned around and donated hundreds of millions to those effected by the particle accelerator explosion.

At fifty grand a pop, I really had spent hundreds of millions. I made a few offers on Star Labs themselves and invited Caitlin Snow and Cisco Ramon. As it was nearly time for Barry to wake up, I warned Nyssa and her lover away as I didn't want my connections to the League discovered.

They didn't mind to much as we'd only spent most of our time having sex and while it was damn good, they still had each other they could enjoy. Nyssa was banned from men and all but Sara and myself by my own words under pain of well, death. My will was absolute and while I wouldn't kill Nyssa, I'd slaughter any that she chose otherwise and she knew it.

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