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45.17% A True Beginning / Chapter 89: Ch.2

Capítulo 89: Ch.2

My time in the alchemist institute and school was far from interesting until the president of the institute announced the release of the pills. Yang Xin gave me half the pills they'd begun stacking up and I slipped half of that to Nie Li telling him he might want to give some to his own family.

I then snatched Yang Xin and went into closed door meditation. For a week straight we ate nothing but scarlet body refining pills. I'd purify the energy inside them as I ate them by the hand full and transfer what she could handle into her through dual cultivation.

In that week I went from a weak ass 1 star bronze rank fighter to a five star gold rank fighter. Yang Xin was now a five star black gold rank fighter and needed to shore up her physical foundation before she could proceed.

I then switched over to the recently announced soul tempering pills. She couldn't take too much because it was too pure when I refined the impurity's out of it but like before she skyrocketed in power to the peak of black gold rank while this time I was forced to take it slow as the cultivation technique I used was special and required enormous amounts of soul force to progress.

Even still my soul itself was vast and soothed out the impurity's, laying a very solid foundation as it went. I went all the way up to five star silver rank demon spiritualist when I stopped.

I asked Yang Xin to send out people all over glory city to buy up all the demon spirit the market had. She didn't even question it as she did as I asked. While they were being sent out I took a trip with her to the red moon family. With the sales of the pills, the alchemist association's prestige was at an all time high so with her at my side we were invited to see the family head and their elders.

Their people had just got back from a ruins hunt with treasure and were preparing for an auction they planned to hold for all the items found there. When the family head asked if we were interested in a chance to buy some in trade for pills as a precursor to the auction I agreed immediately, acting through part of a genius alchemist teenager.

She was a bit embarrassed but when they brought out the items I selected the nightmare demon pot and the gold rank armor set. They didn't even question it when I dumped a pile of soul concentrating pills the size of their entire treasure haul in front of them.

They immediately accepted the trade. Those pills were enough to see their entire younger generation become powerful. It was the foundation of a family to them. To me though it was so much more. When we left there with their promise not to spread word of the trade, she asked me. "Why did you go to such lengths for the gold rank armor? Surely you could've gotten a black gold rank set for less? And why were you acting so childish?"

I touched her lips before hugging her and whispering. "We're being followed, no questions her and now."

She stilled and shoved me away calling me a pervert before dragging me back to the alchemist association for some 'discipline'. Those that followed us stopped at the gates of the association for good reason to. Next to the three main families, the alchemist association has the most powerful force there is in the city.

They weren't to be truffles with lightly. Especially now that their star was on the rise. When we were behind closed doors and secure I told her. "It was never about the armor."

She frowned. "The pot then?"

I nodded. "It is unique as there were ever only a few made."

I pulled it out as I told her. "This pot has the unique ability to make demon spirits still inside their crystals stronger, not by power but by talent. A demon spirit fused in this way has a chance to grow as you use it. The highest talent being god rank growth rate. That is reserved for demon spirits that can become more powerful than legend ranks by far."

My words shocked her to the core. I was most definitely going to abuse the shit out of this. Thank the goddess I'd asked her to buy up all the demon spirit crystal because now she was speechless and looking faint of heart.

When she finally regained her composure she asked. "What are you going to do with it?"

I smirked. "I intend to turn as many demon spirits as I possibly can into god growth rate before having those in the main family's change their demon spirits, making glory city so much more powerful as a whole. I of course also intend to do the same for the alchemist association as well. Hopefully this combined with the help of my masters pills and some better cultivation techniques that the divine family intends to donate to the school will actually give glory city a fighting chance and change their current fates for the better."

She couldn't hold back any more, she kissed me passionately and for a very long time before pulling me free of the confines of my clothes. I took her right there in the middle of her office hard and fast.

The next evening I made a trip outside the city to the Heavenly Marks family with Yang Xin. There I made a deal with the patriarch to see a scroll they had in their family vault for a pile of soul concentration and scarlet body refining pills.

Yang Xin mentioned to him in private that it was because of me and Nie Li that she's offering the protection of the alchemist association. Several families under the sacred family had been giving them shit but with a word she could and would fix that.

He'd been more than happy to cooperate and let me see the scroll. When I saw the design of a bird that was supposed to house a human soul inside, I sighed at the sheer audacity of these humans. It was flawed in so many ways and left the soul unable to truly grow and become more.

With my knowledge and experience of dealing with souls I could make a work around easy enough and I would when it came time to implement it. I handed back the scroll to him saying. "It's called a soul puppet and is considered to be very dark to practice nowadays as it requires one to put a human soul inside a puppet they can then control."

He paled at my words and Yang Xin went to berate him but I stopped her. "It can also be used and what I think it was actually meant for, to allow the grandparents and elders of the family to stay and watch over the younger generations when their bodies fail them. Wisdom is hard to pass on when the wise are always passing on themselves after all."

She went quiet and I continued. "I cannot say what you should do with it now, but I can say that it should not be destroyed. Knowledge, no matter how distasteful, is apart of our ability to learn and adapt as we grow wise. We need it to understand and learn beyond just simple toys and tools. Perhaps one day this design could be used as a bases to make artificial legs for the crippled or allow a father to say his last goodbyes to his sons and daughters."

He took the scroll, choked up that I'd actually defended and given them an excuse to have it. He hadn't a real clue to where it came from only that it was apart of their history. On the way out I tapped the rusty soul weapons, getting a feel for the inscription patterns inside them.

Smiling I left without another word as we rode back to the alchemist association in a carriage with the curtains closed. I was feeling adventurous so I pulled her on to my lap and pulled up her dress to her light protests that I kissed away before entering her.

Her voluptuous breasts bounced and swayed as she moaned into my mouth. It was unfair to her, I know but I couldn't stop thinking about my wives and picturing them in her place. I felt no real love or connection to her and I know she knew that because we'd talked about it the morning after while we were bathing.

She accepted that I was using her in place of another and used me in return. Right now it wasn't her riding my lap but Alice. It was something we'd done a lot before in our cars on the way to wherever we'd wanted to go.

She came and I murmured. "Alice" as I released inside her, burying myself in her as I bulged. It was something she'd accepted and as a precaution she took pills to prevent pregnancy. She knew I had no desire to stay longer than necessary and a child would mean I would most definitely stay.

I went to work refinish demon spirits with greater and greater accuracy as I could feel every nuance of the process. Soon enough all it took was for a good four tries to pull out a god growth rate demon spirit. I'd even gotten lucky with the panda as Nie Li had and I worked to duplicate that luck repeatedly.

I'd failed nearly a hundred times but it was the one hundredth try that bore the results I wanted in the form of a shadow devil demon spirit. You see, Nie Li never looked around through all the treasure that the ruins contained.

There was one immature bronze rank growth rate shadow devil demon spirit amongst the horde of useless crap. The mature one was in the lamp while the immature one was in a random demon crystal on the floor amongst thousands of others.

With the pot I'd managed to help it mature and grow it's spirit to the point that it had intelligence as well. I immediately fused with it, much to it's protests. When I had it inside I grinned as my cultivation broke through to two star gold rank.

Still grinning I decided it was time to find my second demon spirit, and I'd been warned not to use a panda. Smiling I shifted through all the demon spirits till I found an acceptable one. A green falcon with a Phoenix bloodline.

I began fusing them together as it grew in talent the more demon spirits it ate. Once it was a god growth rate demon spirit it underwent a change of its own into a green luan, a type of sub species of the Phoenix species.

I fused with it as well and something just clicked. I saw it's life as it hatched from an egg all the way up until it was killed by another demon beast and it's crystal later found its way into human hands. The luan had a genetic memory and had unloaded it's wisdom.

I knew instantly what it could do as it's flames were hotter than magma and the wings I could grow would allow me to soar indefinitely so long as I didn't repeatedly abuse it's energy for strenuous moves.

I needed no tree or roots to make them behave as both my demon spirits were quelled by the vastness of my own. When I finished with my own integration I got to work growing one for Yang Xin and all of Nie Li's friends.

I spent a few days getting them all before spending a month fusing enough to replace every demon spiritualist's spirit in the entire alchemist association and the Divine family as well as a thousand extra for when needed.

Yang Xin spread them amongst the demon spiritualists in the alchemist association while I made sure Chen Zhenlong, the divine family's patriarch understood what I was giving him. He was so straightforward that he asked which one I'd made for him and when I showed him the sky dragon, he integrated it immediately.

His old demon spirit, a blue pheasant, was kicked to the curb. His power skyrocket from the integration as he too reached the pinnacle of five star black gold rank. He immediately ordered all those with proper demon spirits and cultivation techniques they'd received from me to integrated them immediately.

I left his family yard the next morning hung over and needing a massage. He'd slapped my back enough while drunk and sent me flying quite a few times while we got drunker still. Yang Xin saw to the massage while telling me she wished to consolidate her foundation more as she felt if she integrated with the Helios lioness too soon she'd miss the chance to go straight to legend rank.

After I was feeling better I moseyed on over to the school that was holding it's tests today. I got to see first hand how Nie Li showed off but remained low key to the masses. As amusing as it was I passed him a inter-spacial ring with all his friends demon spirits and I recommended the panda for him.

He thought I was a bit crazy until he took a look at it himself. I left him a note on the nightmare demon pot I'd gotten and what I was doing with it. That and a hundred fighter demon spirits was my peace offering to him for his family. He knew I wasn't interested in acting against the dark guild or the sacred family, but I was covering his ass and protecting his own family with the help of the alchemist association.

I left him one last parting gift in the form of a legend rank blizzard beasts bone fragment bracelet. I motioned to Ye Ziyun and reminding him to take it slow. After that I left Yang Xin the thousand god growth rate demon beasts and left town.

I'd no interest in their problems or the thundergod meteorite sword. My own interests lay in a mountain plateau a weeks run from where I am now. Luckily it's possible for me to become invisible or this would've been a short trip.

I ran into multiple legend rank demon beasts as they fought over territory. I'd had to avoid them along the way while I'd loaded up my ring with demon beast meat of all other ranks. I'd personally slaughtered hundreds of thousands along the way as it was seriously fun.

I'd only relied on my swords when it was a black gold rank beast. The rest I had armor to protect against and tactics to bring them down quickly and efficiently. It was so fun I'd nearly emptied out miles around myself at one point. I'd stored their spirit crystals separate from the meat and vegetables.

When I got to the plateau, it was barren and spars with any possible food sources. No wonder they were eating bark soup and what little demon beast meat they could find. I wasn't nearly as stingy as Nie Li as I simply left them a mountain of demon beast corpses without them even knowing I was there.

I went and harvested the purple smoke rocks myself and found a secluded spot before doing some drugs, I mean cultivating, yeah cultivation rocks! I had to purify the poisonous smoke out but otherwise I was soaring all the way to the peak of five star gold rank while meditating on the cultivation technique.

When I was finished and knew I couldn't go any further, I took half a mountain of purple smoke rocks with me while the other half I left near the village to make Nie Li feel a bit lazy.

I left another mountain of vegetables and rice near the beast meat and for some reason they were praising the young lord of the village. I chuckled and left them there while heading to the poisonous forest of death.

I wondered for a moment if there was a snake pervert that liked little boys inside. Shrugging and praying ninjitsu wasn't a thing here I took an antidote pill and walked inside. I made platforms to walk across the marsh out of wood and vines. It took a seriously long time as I was alone and to work was so boring and repetitive.

When I got to the edge I tied off a vine rope I'd made and climbed down. When I found the entrance I sat in meditation to fully utilize all of Nie Li's and my skills with formations. They weren't much different from magic formations, only more intricate.

Once I figured out how to get in and out without tripping the defenses, I slipped on through. As soon as I was inside I felt the presence of one like me, a god cast into this infernal reality. I've no idea why the poor girl was here but she must've pissed off someone royally.

I searched and found the legend rank armor before leaving it as it was in disrepair. Nie Li could have it when he gets this far as I've no need for such trinkets. I felt the presence of the god move as she appeared before me as an avatar of sorts. "Human, I'm so glad to see that my human race hasn't died off yet."

I waved her off. "I'm not human, I'm a god like you. I've no idea who tossed you into this reality nor do I care. I've been locked up here until I can figure my own way out."

My words made her still before she asked. "Are you here for my god head?"

I shook my head. "Not interested, though if you'll share your understanding of laws with me and let me absorb some of the essence of the laws you've got stewing here, I'd happily help you out of here."

My words struck a cord with her before she asked. "How do you not know of laws If you are a god?"

I shrugged. "I'm a special case I guess. Look, this body isn't my real form, I've been shoved inside it by my jackass of a father who thinks this world will be fun for me to try and survive in. All I'm asking is for a bit of understanding and maybe some law essence. In exchange I'll give you a pattern you can add to your own flesh to make you unseen or felt by any in this reality except my father who is around here somewhere watching like a perv."

She agreed and told me what she understood of laws in general and the laws that were open. In a flash of inspiration, I understood it on a basic scale. I stripped immediately and dived right in. She'd barely had time to remove the protections on the waters.

I began meditating and focusing on the laws of time, death, life, rebirth and nature as a hole. What I found was resistance on all but time and nature. Hell, even rebirth which came to me naturally was being tugged away by someone else.

I redoubled my efforts on time and nature first while my body was refined by the laws essence, breaking through to black gold rank one, two, three four and five before stopping just before legend rank and only because I stopped it to further my own cultivation first.

Like my body it grew rapidly with the essence of laws surrounding me and soaking into my soul realm as I got the very basics of time and nature down and reinforced them until I knew I was the focal point for both. I could feel the time space seal keenly now and the pieces of the temporal demon spirit book as well.

Nature, the essence of the earth itself walks flowing through me like it belonged. I felt the presence of my mother inside it as well. I then focused on death, the easiest I knew I could conquer next. I drained it away from it's current holder's clutches like a ravenous beast drawing in the meat of it's prey.

I felt the death god die for good as he faded away. His godhood no more, i delved deeper into the waters and touched her real body, sensing her panic at my perceived betrayal. I analyzed it and decided against actually using it as a basis for my body's foundation.

It would bind me to these specific laws and to this reality as a whole, never to leave. I did however add a fire essence gathering formation to her godhood and headed back to the surface.

She looked mutinous until I gave her my cold expression. "I only analyzed your body's makeup in case it was similar to mine. It isn't FYI. I added a fire essence gathering formation that should kick in pretty soon and help you tremendously."

Her expression went through various changes while I continued to soak in the essence of laws. My body shuddered as it broke through to legend rank finally and continued upwards to the peak of five star legend rank.

My cultivation broke through only to one star legend rank before I decided there was no more benefit to this pool for me. I got out and dried off while her avatar shuddered in the corner in ecstasy as tons of fire essence gathered from the core of the planet itself and the sun above into her location.

Only those attuned to the essence of fire could perceive it and while I took the time to perceive the basics of it and grasp the laws of lightning, gold, light and dark, they're not where my main power lay.

The essence of darkness helped my shadow devil spirit, as did the essence of death I'd fully taken from the former god of death. Both I had in spades now, but it was the essence of fire, death and life, as I'd begin taking it from it's current host, a demon beast, that helped my green luan.

The demon beast struggled against me for a great deal of time until it suddenly died when I thought I was going to lose.

Lucifer showed up and snorted. "Don't say I never gave you nothing. If you'd went on like you were you'd have died and been reborn into this world as a natural inhabitant, subject to it's laws until you reached the pinnacle or were killed off by a real god like that poor lass."

He indicated the goddess of fire and I understood why I felt so close yet so unfamiliar with her. She'd been reborn after her original god body died in this reality.

I sighed. "Thank you, father."

He looked me over and understood I meant my words. A moment I was sure was real pride and happiness crossed his expression before he grunted. "Whatever, are you about done here? This place is boring, I was hoping to see you fight demon beasts for survival or kill some of those dark guild trash. Maybe reck the prison realm and kill some more."

I sighed and stood up before nodding. "Some of that's the plan. The rest is all speculation but I'm pretty sure I can get an avid follower soon enough. Someone worthy of following me out of this pitiful world and into very dangerous places."

Lucifer grinned and disappeared while I turned to the twitching goddess. I tapped her avatar's forehead, giving her the knowledge to utilize enochian sigils. I took a fair bit in return so I'd say we were even.

It would take her several months to be anywhere near her full power before but at least she was on her way to a full recovery now. I slipped out without disturbing the formation traps and climbed up the vine rope. I'd suppressed my aura as a legend rank, a trick I learned from Nie Li's memories, to avoid the two legend rank beasts at the bottom.

I wasn't afraid of them personally, they just weren't my problem. Everyone had their own hurdles and mine were coming soon. I needed to go to the draconic ruins realm and the fastest way to doing that was just killing one of the original members.

I had the perfect one in mind as well, the demon lord, leader of the dark guild. The only problem I could think of right now was that he was simply too powerful for the current me. Therefore I needed an edge and I know where to find it.

I made my way back to glory city killing and fighting every demon beast, legend rank or not along the way and found it had changed a great deal. The alchemist association was now the behemoth I'd imagined it would be while Nie Li's name was spoken on everyone's lips as having been a genius like Ye Mo, the only known legend rank demon spiritualist in glory city.

I hadn't even been gone more than two weeks and now from what I hear Nie Li is clearly showing off and has been invited to live in the city lord's court yard. I made my way to him and snuck past the guards in the city lords mansion.

I found him practicing next to a little girl that had the same hair as him. He almost immediately detected my presence so I revealed myself. "It's been a while kid."

He calmed down before sighing. "How've you come so far so fast?"

I shrugged. "My soul is divine in nature, and vaster than this planet. It helps to be able to removed all impurity's of those pills and forge a very sturdy foundation. All it means is that I can take in more soul force a lot faster without fear of backlash or ruining my foundation. That and I've had my own luck in places."

He sighed in frustration and I chuckled as I sat down. "Relax kid, I've no need to pick on the weak. Even when we were both bronze rank you were never my real match. It just means you'll have a strong ally to back you up is all."

I grabbed the pills he'd been prepared to take and tried a technique legend ranks had. I crushed them all and used my own soul to purify them into a mass of soul force before tapping his forehead and feeding him the purified soul force. It wasn't a lot, only enough to bring him to the peak of three star silver rank, but it did bring a smile to his face.

I did the same for the little two star bronze rank girl next to him as well. I helped steady her foundation, making it solid as it went up. I stopped helping her at five star bronze rank before turning back to Nie Li. "There's some people waiting outside for you, perhaps it's time to introduce me to your friends?"

He smiled as easy going as any happy go lucky MC before telling the little girl to let the people in. He called her Nie Yu. Cute kid and all that jazz, called me big brother and thanked me for helping her and everything. She brought in Du Ze, Lu Piao, Wei Nan, Zhu Xiangjun, and Zhang Ming respectively.

Nie Li introduced them to me while I made my own aura at peak silver rank to avoid trouble or rumors. It didn't help though that Nie Li immediately told them. "This is Lu fènghuáng, he's a friend and a legend rank demon specialist."

I gave the happy fool a glare he ignored and sighed nodding. "It's nice to meet you all, I'd show off my abilities by I'm trying to stay low profile. If the dark guild got word that there was another legend rank demon spiritualist in glory city, odds are they'd attack or the demon lord might come himself."

They paled a bit and nodded in understanding. Nie Li asked. "Demon lord?"

I shrugged. "The leader of the dark guild. As far as I can tell he's close to heavenly fate realm in strength. Not something I can face right now."

He frowned but nodded in understanding. Du Ze asked. "Heavenly Fate realm?"

I chuckled. "You're not ready to know yet. I'm sure when Nie Li feels it's time he'll tell you all about it."

Lu Piao shrugged it off and started telling Nie Li about the holy orchid institute's sacred grounds. I was curious to see it as the demon spirts from the sword could bring my own to legend rank without much difficulty, but then, I had enough demon spirits to do so from the free for all slaughter I performed on the way back.

When he asked if I was interested I shook my head. "Not really. I've no use for the sword it contains nor do I need the souls force or the demon spirits."

He gave me a wry smile and chuckled. "But I do have an interest in the founder that's tied to it all so let's go."

His expression changed repeatedly until he settled on a nonchalant attitude. "Alright, you three stay here and watch over Nie Yu, she's still very young and I don't want the dark guild spies finding out about her."

We moved at a fast pace for them as we ran to the school where the holy grounds doors were. I showed my a one star gold rank and they approved of my entering with Nie Li most excitedly.

There he found Xiao Ning'er, one of the reasons he was in here, being bribed and tricked by the spirit of one of glory city's founders. When Nie Li showed off I remained quiet until he went to make his deal with the spirit.

I stopped him saying. "I'll tell you what cultivation technique we both practice if you swear to follow me afterwards. I'll even show you how to reform your own body and surpass legend rank."

He looked me over as I'd practically came out of nowhere to his senses and I revealed my legend rank status. He saw how young I was and nodded. "Deal!"

I smirked and tapped his soul, passing on what he wished to know and turned to Nie Li. "I can feel the sword, I'll take you to it."

He nodded and we exited the girl's mind. The founder came out as a ghostly visage of himself. Chuckling I gave him the basics for the laws of souls that I'd picked up when I touched him. He was a grinning fool now but didn't say much as he was basically a servant for me now.

I lead them to the thunder god meteorite sword and told Nie Li. "I'll be taking him to form a more complete soul puppet body. If I'm right it shouldn't be hard to let him grow even inside the soul puppet."

He gave me a look but I shrugged and left, dragging the spirit of one of the founders with me. When I exited I told the dean and Nie Li's friends. "He's taking his time absorbing soul force and meditating. Xiao Ning'er is doing the same. You can stay and wait here if you'd like, it'll be a while yet."

I left them there and headed to the market where I bought all the materials I needed before renting a forge and building the soul puppet. The inscription patterns I changed to allow the soul inside to be in full control of itself and to grow and practice with soul force.

It wasn't hard and with my own understanding of souls it was actually pretty relieving to know I was on the right track. Once Ye Yan entered the soul puppet and found the changes I made he cried, or as close to it as a metal bird could cry anyway.

I told him. "Go, feel the wind and see all of glory city from above. Your body is as strong as a legend rank demon beast so there's no fear or harm in looking around. When you've seen all there is to see, make a map of the current city and bring it to me."

He flew away while I made my way back to Nie Li's friends. I felt a ripple of power half way there and chuckled. "He's pulled it off."

When I got back to the school, he and the girl that clearly liked him had just came out. He said a few words to the dean about not telling anyone about it and we left towards the city lord's court yard where he'd been staying.

Along the way a group of individuals decided to ambush us. In a flurry of strikes, I crippled them all and tossed them on a nearby cart. I then bought the cart and pulled them all to the alchemist association to Nie Li's amusement.

He told Yang Xin they were dark guild and I confirmed it. "They said so with their own words. Extract what information you can of them but I can safely say I've seen a few of them before. They are sacred family members."

She was furious to say the least but after a moment of calming down she had the guards take them away to be interrogated. Nie Li and the rest were escorted home by black gold rank experts while I and Yang Xin had a meeting of minds.

I'd felt the changes in her and commented. "You've become a legend rank demon spiritualist."

It wasn't a question but she nodded anyway. I showed her how to hide the aura and change it to suit her needs before teaching her about laws. Hers lay in the law of fire and earth. Not to be confused with nature, but the ground itself. It explained her fiery and down to earth nature for sure.

She became a two star legend rank demon spiritualist just by taking in a bit of the laws. I understood when I saw her doing it where I went wrong before. Many people can practice the same laws, but I was directly challenging to be the focal points of the laws I'd wanted.

I immediately went into meditation and study the laws I'd learned as well as my law of rebirth that is yet to become the focal point for. I branched out to other laws as well, a hundred and thirty six of them to be exact. There were more but not many and none I hadn't at least touched on.

It was simply too much for one small legend rank to take in so my soul force and laws grew rapidly until I'd reached the peak of five star legend rank. Now that was a painful process as it had actually unbalanced my own soul for a bit.

Even now though my soul was holding back the vast amount of law energy and preventing me from exploding from the sheer amount I'd taken in. In that brief moment when I first opened my eyes I saw the world not as physical matter but as patterns and energy.

I saw everything that made up this planet and connected it to others. It was brief but very enlightening. Lucifer grunted as he appeared next to me. "So you've gained insight into what a law is, have you figured out the rest then?"

I grunted but he snickered, knowing I hadn't yet.

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