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36.54% A True Beginning / Chapter 72: Ch.14

Capítulo 72: Ch.14

With two weeks on the clock it wasn't a surprise when the Prometheus found an asteroid headed to earth. When their scans picked up Naquadah, the colonel in charge towed it to orbit around Mars. There they set up a mining crew while they reported the find to the SGC.

Through Thor they reported it to the Asgard high council who was in the middle of finally finishing off the replicators using the android that had started it all. There plan to recall them all worked after they sent the signal throughout their galaxy through the stargates.

They artificially collapsed the nearby star into a black hole while their people were moved to a new home world. I'd given Thor permission to go and help them out with his old ship as I didn't want the ancient's technology anywhere near these replicators.

The Asgard high council contacted the system lords and through them, me. I wasn't exactly thrilled and told them that Anubis's plans to wipe out the Tau'ri pissed off the Asgard. The other system lords were understandably pissed as the Asgard no longer looked like they were a weak dying race.

They looked human once more and with Anubis's failure the Asgard threatened to send ships our way. We agreed to handle whomever was responsible but left out who we knew to be the perpetrator. A random minor goa'uld was sacrificed for the cause and we gave the Asgard the excuse that it thought to raise it's prestige by ending the Tau'ri.

With no proof otherwise the Asgard were forced to take it as finished. That left earth squarely in the green. I popped over to the free Jaffa ships and added enochian wards to them. Now even I'd have a hard time finding them much less Anubis whom failed with both the Tau'ri and the Tok'ra.

Things got a little interesting with the free Jaffa. One amongst the Jaffa who'd been ready for recruitment showed promise as a leader and as such, Bra'tac, who'd been keeping an eye on them came to me to ask my opinion while here on earth.

I followed him through to their current base on Cal Mah. There I saw who he'd been talking about and shook my head. Bra'tac knee it wasn't a good sign so when the Jaffa started his speech he called him out. "Joma secu."

The warriors turned to Bra'tac who'd said so and even Teal'c was confused. When he went to stop Bra'tac I stopped him instead. Bra'tac went to the training field and tossed his advanced weapons aside that he'd been concealing.

He grabbed a wooden staff and proceeded through the motions of beating the supposed Jaffa to death. When he killed him and revealed he had no Jaffa larva pouch Bra'tac told them. "He was no Jaffa. He was goa'uld. Get to the ships and evacuate this camp. The system lords are probably on their way here."

One of the Jaffa accused. "You no longer have a pouch as well master Bra'tac. Perhaps he did the same as you and managed to remove it."

Bra'tac looked to me and I shook my head so he told them. "That would be impossible. The one who removed my pouch is the only one who knows how and he disagrees."

I stepped out and began floating about them all. "Hear me free Jaffa. I am Osiris, and unlike the goa'uld, I am a real god. I removed the pouches and the dependence of them from those that follow me and live in my territory. I'm sure many of you are confused as yes, there was a goa'uld who used my name in the past. It was imprisoned and eventually died. For the time being I can make things simple for you."

I raised a hand and Imhotep's body floated as the skin and muscle fell away to their horror. To their credit though none looked away or got sick. When the organs and blood fell away leaving only the bones, cartilage and brains inside with a goa'uld corpse, I told them. "He was indeed a goa'uld, as proven now. If you have any doubts of my divinity then see with your own eyes."

I removed the goa'uld and flicked it away as it burst into flames. The skeleton fell to the ground where it began to repair itself. A gruesome site to be sure as it healed at a rapid pace until it was just a dead body. I reached through a magic seed and brought the bodies original soul back to it before reviving them.

He breathed in and looked around, freaked out to be alive. I cleaned the taint and madness out of him after a deep mind scan. Then I told them all. "The vessel that was used as Imhotep's toy is revived. I've removed the worst of his memories to preserve his sanity but you're free to ask him whatever you desire. As for doing the same for you, perhaps one day I will once you've played your part in the goa'uld's downfall."

I dropped to the ground a a few Jaffa kneeled. Sighing I told them. "Stand. I am not so vain a god that I require worship or wish to inspire fear in you all. I merely revealed myself to show you that gods, real gods, do not wish you to sacrifice yourselves. It is true some may but as far as I can tell there is no other real gods in this galaxy."

I turned to look at the sky in annoyance before telling them. "It truly is time you've all left now. The system lords are about to launch their attacks."

I waved a hand and sent them to the cloaked ships while sending the supplies the team brought with them. I sent SG-1 and Alice back to earth before taking Bra'tac with me back to Chulak.

In moments the planet was deserted and swept clean. There was one good part about Imhotep, he brought a lot of Jaffa to the cause, several hundred in fact. Those added to the ranks of the free Jaffa nicely now. They took off just as the system lords entered the solar system.

Nearly a month after the free Jaffa's escape happened, Daniel came back to the SGC with an acute dose of radiation. He was doomed and I was a bit of a prick as I told them. "I won't interfere."

Sam knee why from reading my mind and kept quiet but Jack and Daniel sure didn't until I told Daniel. "It's time you continued your journey. Kheb was where you stepped foot onto the path of enlightenment. I can feel Oma is close as she's been waiting for you to be ready. It's just time."

Jack was angry still but Daniel understood and tried to continue. I felt him let Oma in as they continued getting him ready until his body passed away and she helped him ascend. After seeing and feeling the whole process, I knew what to do and how to go about it.

I sat with him through the whole process ensuring he no longer felt the pain his body was in. Sam made her report about better shields and hyperdrives with the naquadria the Langarans had. The same stuff they were experimenting with that Daniel stopped from going boom.

They were blaming Daniel for the mess and since the naquadria was so useful, General Hammond was forced to play the diplomat. He sent Jack with an apology letter to their leaders that mentioned future trade negotiations.

Jack in turn told Jonas Quinn, the guy that had been the only witness to Daniel saving all their lives, that they wanted it for shields and hyper drives. Jonas in turn stole some of the naquadria and brought it to the SGC.

All the members of the SGC were taking turns saying goodbye throughout the day and night. Even Jonas came to apologize and saw Daniel ascend. After he left Jack punches my face, breaking his hand arm as he'd through his all into it.

I saw it coming and could've avoided it or at the very least rolled with it to minimize his damage but I was curious. "Did it make you feel better?"

I healed his arm while he shook his head. "You're a right bastard!"

I nodded. "I'm aware. But then, that's not why you're angry. You could've called your allies or used a goa'uld healing device on him. I'm aware you have Hathor and Cronus's sarcophagi as well. Any one of those things would have kept him alive or even brought him back to full health."

He ground his teeth and I continued. "No, you're mad because he chose to take a different path. One that perhaps you yourself cannot walk."

He stilled before snorting. "You'd have stopped me from healing him!"

I sighed. "Unlike me, you're not a god or even psychic, so you couldn't know that. No, your anger comes from your own indecision and fear of unworthiness. That same fear is the reason you'd fail. One must be decisive when walking their path and you're feel like you hesitated and faltered in your own path as you feel you're not in control of your life."

I pulled out a charm I'd made a long while back. "This is used to help those with self control issues regain and master their own minds and willpower. The original was shown to me a long time ago in a distant reality by an old friend I'd been a mentor of sorts to. I made a magical one to help myself as my control issues are more serious than even yours."

I handed it to him and stunned everyone in the room. Jonas ask. "Wait, you're a god? Like the Goa'uld?"

I snorted and teleported away to the bedroom of my house, leaving the others to answer his questions. There I laid down and closed my eyes thinking on the burdens I knew I'd have to let go of to ascend one day.

Mates, family, friends, wants, needs, in the end all of it was what tied my soul and essence to my body and the mortal plane. I would have to let it all go and accept that my path laid beyond the mortal realm. That didn't mean I couldn't find the again once we all ascended. It just meant that in the end I'd have to ascend for myself, not for others.

It had to be something I wanted for myself and not for any other reasons. I had to be decisive and unwavering in my determination or it would become extremely hard to succeed. For hours on end I thought about it, going so far as to include Illyria with a mental connection.

She too studied it with me as she found it more interesting than beating Spike into a paste for the time being. My mates came and joined us for a time and slept for a while afterwards. They seemed to do so a great many times until I realized a good deal of time was passing without me realizing it.

I pulled myself out of contemplation and found three months had passed. I cut the connection with Illyria while I went and grabbed a shower before cleaning the room. I found most of the team was there while the gate was active and the iris was up.

As soon as I entered Jack told me. "We could use your help if you're willing. Apparently the goa'uld are planning to blow us all to hell. The Prometheus is off planet and all the ships from the other nations are incomplete. We've no way to contact the Asgard or shut off the stargate and Carter says we've only a few days before this thing blows."

I raised an eyebrow and Sam spoke up from the computer station. "Apparently the goa'uld are planning to take us out. Another hour without any ideas and I'd have come to get you myself."

"Hello again sexy."

I turned to see Rodney McKay, a scientist who worked at area fifty one come in. When I saw him looking at Sam I took away his sight. He screamed. "What's going on? Why can't I see anything?"

I growled. "Because you were looking at my fiancé."

I removed his mouth now and I told Jack. "Have him escorted out of town. When he's past the city limits his mouth and sight will be returned. If I see him lusting after my women again I remove both his mouth and tongue without magic."

I turned back to Sam. "I'll deal with the stargate. Then I expect a run down of what's happened since I've been out."

She nodded and I teleported to in front of the gate. There I told everyone. "Those that do not wish to go blind may want to leave this room. Sam, close the blast doors and open the iris, I'll shield the base but you'll not be able to look directly at it. Might I suggest you turn the cameras to thermal. And lower the monitors brightness setting?"

The SGC staff workers left the room as I put up the shields in place. When the blast doors were down and the iris opened a beam of energy hit me dead on. I pushed it back and reached for several stars of power.

I roared as I slammed a wave of power back through the incoming wormhole and blew up the planet and the solar system it was in in a blast of sheer power that by all rights would've killed even an ascended off they took it head on.

Unfortunately while Anubis was responsible, he was no longer near the planet in question. He must've felt the surge and left in his flag ship as I knew for a fact it took out several hatak in the area.

The stargate shut off and I stopped them from coming in saying. "There's enough radiation in here to kill half the planet. Give me some time to fix it before you come in."

I absorbed the radiation into balls and sent them into the earth, fueling the plants as they cleaned it of harmful radiation and basically turned it into energy to grow. It was then filtered back into the earth where it would be put to good use by the earth itself.

My plants withdrew back to where they nestled the deep underground complex. After several hours had passed I opened the doors and removed the shields while I put on new clothes as my old ones had been burnt off in the blast. I repaired the melted steps and clamps holding the stargate and even powering and buffering it.

When I finished the blast doors were already open again. There Sam looked at me with a smile while my wives were behind her with half hearted smiles of their own.

I teleported to their sides saying. "I blew up the planet and star system that held the device. Anubis will have lost the forces in the area as the planet and star blew up. He managed to flee but lost ten ships in the process."

After several thanks from the general and the SGC personnel I could care less about, I got an update on all that had passed. I checked on Thor as they said he'd been captured by Anubis and found him where they'd left him sort of. His body was with the Asgard but his mind and soul was in the ship that had been once apart of Anubis's fleet.

It was now headed for earth and abandoned by the goa'uld. When I told them that they told General Hammond who told the Prometheus commander. When they approached the ship I teleported aboard and turned off the auto destruct by reading the minds of the Jaffa hiding on board in a deep state of meditation.

Their life signs weren't there by scanner capabilities as they'd slowed down their own heart rate to one or two beats a minute, but to me they were as alive as any other, well until I knew all they had to offer. They died from complications moments later. I retrieved Thor's consciousness and soul before making him a new body.

When he stood before me once more I told him. "You're to allow the Prometheus access to the shields and show them how to make their own this powerful. Then you're to head to earth and deposit this ship for the humans to take it apart and study. After that head to Asgard and finish your business with them."

He bowed and thanked me for the new body but I just shrugged it off. It had the same access to magic as the last because his soul inhabited it but I'd added a few upgrades including Alteran DNA to essentially make him an Ancient/Asgard hybrid.

That added to his already substantial knowledge and the seed of wonder I formed as his core and he was a formidable mortal. As soon as the magic made a strong enough link to himself and vise versa he would become immortal.

After that he would at best be able to safely form and maintain a single moon sized power core of magic. His mind no matter how advanced now, simply wasn't prepared for more. He needed practice to make it the size of a planet and from there, essence enough to stabilize a star sized core.

The seed would keep him strong but until he was ready for more it wouldn't supply more than what he could currently hold safely. As he got to work I picked up the trinium-carbon ninjatō the Jaffa had and teleported back to the SGC.

There I strapped the sword on and walked into the meeting room. Hammond was a bit surprised asking. "Where did that come from and do I need to apologize to a museum?"

I chuckled as I shook my head and sat down. "No need. I took it off of a Jaffa that I just killed. It's made of the same material the hull of the Prometheus is made of."

I flicked it out of the sheath and handed it to him. "A fine weapon. Am I to assume the Jaffa in question was on the ship I just received word Thor is on?"

I nodded. "They were in a deep state of Kelno'reem with a mission to sabotage the ship as it got to earth and crash it into the planet. I figured since they'd slowed their heart beats so low to avoid detection, I might as well slow them a little further to help the pretend death become real."

General Hammond nodded slowly as he handed back the blade to me. "Then you have my thanks for that as well. I've no doubt they'd have killed several of our people if they'd gotten the chance. Not to mention the thanks I owe you for stopping their sabotage attempt."

I shrugged it off and put the sword back in it's sheath before handed it to Buffy whom liked sharp objects. She was very happy to receive it. "Some guys bring flowers but you really know what a girl wants."

I chuckled and Sam looked at me expectantly. Sighing I told her. "The goa'uld ship is being sent here. It's one that has been upgraded by Anubis and as he has been inside the head of at least one Asgard and has access to ancient technology, I figured you'd want to play with it and see what you can find."

She grinned and nodded before looking to Hammond who shook his head. "Don't look at me, the ships he gave me are already torn apart. If he's giving it to you-"

I cut in. "I am."

He continued. "Then it's you're personal property until such time as you've decided otherwise."

She smiled happily and Jonas asked to help her study it. He looked eager and seeing as how Jack had finally accepted him into the team, she said yes. A month later the Antarctic team finally made a discovery while I was on Jonas's home world setting up a rebellion and healing some sick scientists.

They'd all developed dementia caused by the radiation from the naquadria. They in turn started the rebellion in secret after I'd healed them. It was the last straw in a bale of hay for them. The naquadria bomb they'd been making before had been tested a week ago and they were each terrified in turn.

I merely healed them and encouraged an uprising of sorts while providing them a means and a shit ton of names of people on their planet that felt the same way in all three countries. They reached out in secret and contacted many of the people under my supervision and help.

In the end by the time I heard the prayer from Sam that said they needed my help, they had nearly a million people backing them spread throughout all levels of government in all three countries.

I arrived at the Arctic outpost where the SG-1 members were trying to save a clearly frost bitten and hypothermic human. I coughed to get their attention. When they saw me Jack said. "Good maybe you can heal him. Everything we've tried has failed. Even Alice tried that magic crap."

I snorted. "Magic is not crap and while I don't know what spells she applied I can assure you they were not weak."

Alice spoke up now. "That's the problem. Whatever this virus is, is resistant to magic."

I frowned before trying some more powerful spells and watching it too fail. I saw the issue now. "It is a virus designed to wipe out a species. It's resistant to magic because it's mutated. It wasn't meant for the human species."

I turned to the Alteran female watching us before sighing. "It is the plague that nearly wiped out the ancients fifty million years ago."

My words hit like a bomb and Jack asked. "How can you know that?"

I pointed to the girl. "Because she is an ancient. Her name is Cyla Urbanus. An ancient that by all rights should have been dead fifty million years ago."

My words continued to effect all those in the room until Jonas asked. "Her name is Cyla?"

I nodded and looked fascinated at the living ancient. She looked at me weirdly and I felt her mind try to connect with me. I gave her the connection and all I knew about her from the ancient repository. Something clicked in her as she thanked me more formally in Alteran.

Sighing I watched her heal the sick man and felt out how she did it. With a smile I grabbed her arm after she finished and did the same for her knowing she couldn't do it for herself. When she hit the floor I felt a wave of odd sensations hit me. A weakness and a price for using those abilities without having the physiology to match the abilities.

It was sort of like pushing a bolder up a mountain with your hands tied behind your back verses pushing it over a flat plain. Needless to say both were tiring for most,but as I had not even touched on using the ZPM energy as a viable usage, it made it scaled to my size.

I felt like I'd built an entire reality by hand while fighting a million twilight's with bare hands. Both annoyed and exhausted for the first time in a great long while I sat down while she passed out. A while later she woke up and healed most of everyone else except Jack whom she asked that I heal.

I shook my head. "I cannot. I've not the physiology nor the skill in using that energy. Besides, he is your descendant and as such he's in a great deal more danger. Unlike the regular humans the virus didn't just mutate in him. He carries both the mutagen and the original virus because he is in a way part Alteran."

She was both surprised and sad as she knew she couldn't heal him either now. Sam contacted the SGC and I contacted the Tok'ra. One of their people had recently fallen in battle while the symbiote survived. Egeria was more than happy to send a representative to earth if it meant a willing host even temporarily.

They'd been cut off from my people and home worlds while they were attacked and as such, finding hosts was far harder now for them. While I sympathized, Anubis has been watching my territory with keen interest and if word got back to the other system lords about me harboring the Tok'ra, my fun with them would be over.

And that I would not allow to end until I decided it I'd drawn out as much amusement as the goa'uld could bring me from them. As it was, the Tok'ra were desperate and in a tight spot. Soon enough their representative arrived on earth as an envoy.

There he presented a viable trade of sorts. The Tok'ra would heal Jack in exchange for the knowledge of the mission Kanan, the symbiote, was working on when it's previous host was killed. When presented with his situation and seeing the toll it had taken on both me and Cyla, he agreed.

The Tok'ra took him to their current home world I'd helped them set up in secret. It was far more protected than any other planet they'd called home including the ones previously in my territory. The surface has cloaked turrets and surface to space missile systems on it with their technology and shields as advanced as any even Anubis has thanks to the humans sharing the technology they'd taken from Anubis's previous ship.

They had sensors covering the whole of the solar system waiting and watching for the same type of cloaks they were using. Their base was protected as heavily as any and all goa'uld fortresses in most places and the rest was even better as they were paranoid as hell. Their entire base was encompassed in a field of energy from a naquadah generator that was charged to disrupt cloaking technology.

All of their numbers were constantly checked and rechecked for Za'tarc programming. As evidenced by Jack having to go to a sub base before being implanted with Kanan and being checked for Za'tarc hypnotic programming that effectively turned one into a sleeper agent.

Three weeks after he left, the Tok'ra said he'd disappeared. He's apparently left their base by simply walking out. Their defenses were placed as such from keeping unwanted individuals from coming in undetected, not stopping a Tok'ra from leaving. The ambassador then turned over all the files of Kanan's missions as per the treaty rules.

When they figured out what had happened to him, Sam, Teal'c and Jonas held the briefing. When Sam said they knew where he was Hammond shook his head. "We don't have the manpower to take on such a venture and I cannot risk the one working ship we do have taking on Ba'al's fleet. I'm sorry major, but if Jack's on this world we'll just have to figure out another way."

I read the file on the base before speaking up. "You may not be able to commit the resources to taking out Ba'al's secret research base, but I can. We system lords have a pact to share all technological advancements. seeing as how this proves Ba'al is hiding such advancements, I am well within my rights to lay siege and all out war with him."

I tossed the file down and stood up. "Send a team to retrieve him in three hours. Until then I must contact the other system lords and inform them of Ba'al's treachery. We will lay waste to the facilities and seize the technology in a matter of hours."

I teleported to my flag ship and contacted each of the system lords except Anubis and Ba'al. Yu responded immediately and vowed his forces to join mine. In fact, they all did, though only devoting a small portion of their fleets. Right on time we laid siege to Ba'al's secret facilities.

Needless to say he was pissed and afraid as we didn't take his word that it was merely a ship building yard. When we blew up half the facility and uncovered the truth he begrudgingly admitted what he was up to here. In the midst of it all Jack seemed to have escaped with the lo'taur he'd come to rescue.

I didn't particularly care as I had other things on my mind at the time, aka, forcing Ba'al to pay reparations to the system lords as per the council rules. He lost a fourth of his territory and a good deal of refined weapons grade naquadah.

The other system lords were appeased for a time at least. When I around the nearly dead Tok'ra on the planet, I returned it to Egeria saying he'd been compelled to help her because of the blending with Jack. Jack's hard ingrained never leave a person behind outlook had influenced the symbiote's own actions.

When I arrived back on earth I told Jack he was so damn stubborn he'd influenced a Tok'ra to risk it's own life and capture to safe a human slave. My words didn't stop his hate at the violation until I told him. "It's your own dislike for giving up control that influenced the Tok'ra not to risk the chance of you disagreeing. While it did the act, in essence, it was you who forced it to act like that. Your personality was essentially so overpowering that it made the symbiote act as you yourself would."

He grimaced and Hammond seemed to agree. "You do have a tendency to go against orders if it means saving someone. I would say it was both you and Kanan that did this, not just a rouge Tok'ra."

The ambassador looked perplexed. "I've never heard of such an outcome."

I chuckled. "That's because no goa'uld would equally blend with an individual and no Tok'ra has inhabited a living descendants of the ancients."

Jack grimaced at the reminder that he himself wasn't entirely human as well. I turned to Cyla who had finally remembered who she was. She spoke up now. "My people are powerful mentally. More so than any other race we've come across. It is of no surprise that my descendant would be the same."

I chuckled. "Now that you mentioned it, Jack is in fact the direct descendant of you yourself."

My words hit them both like a bomb. Cyla was shocked because her son who'd left with Atlantis had actually had a child before he too had eventually ascended. Jonas was fascinated while Jack looked more than a little disturbed. "So that's where I get the hair from huh?"

I snorted. "I doubt it considering you're only very distantly related. She herself was born fifty million years ago and the ancients lived up to a thousand years naturally because of their advanced physiology. No, your base genes are the only things you have in common now. The rest is a sort of mesh of genetic material from other humans your ancestors mates with. Things like hair and eye color and even complexion are most likely from those others."

Sam spoke up. "It's a fascinating concept though."

Jonas agreed. "You're right. To be able to see your own ancestor from millions of years ago is truly a wondrous occasion."

Some time later, after the meeting that is, I headed back to what would soon be known as Langara. There I erased my existence from the minds of the rebel leaders and left them in full control. They would soon seize power and rest control from their respective countries and shut down the Naquadria project for good.

I wasn't nearly surprised when two weeks later the Kelownan government contacted the SGC in an effort to gain military aid. They wished to trade naquadria in exchange for fighter jet technology. When Hammond, on behalf of the SGC had denied their request, the lead scientist and Jonas's mentor, had returned a little while later to attempt to get Jonas on the rebel's side.

It was an interesting concept as he'd agreed and informed the team and Hammond about it. They returned to Kelowna with an agreement to help with non military technology and relief aid.

There, Jonas met with the rebel leaders and got a good view of the situation. When the Kelowna government refused to negotiate with the other two countries, they were at an impasse. When both the Tirania and Andari Federation made a non aggression pact and refused to include Kelowna and war was inevitable, the rebels finally acted.

In one fell swoop they dismantled all three governments and imprisoned each of the leaders and high ranking government officials who'd stopped listening to the people and wanted war. The stargate was revealed to their entire world as was the naquadria project.

All of the nequadria was then traded to the SGC for non military aid and technology. The three countries were then forcefully and irrevocably fused into one world nation and people. The SGC sent over a delegation for peace talks and treaties from there.

The now dubbed Langaran world was officially on the right track. As such, Jonas was on temporary loan to the SGC to learn and be the ambassador of the Langara people. He would continue his work as a member of SG-1 while learning all he could about the shielding technology the naquadria generators were being used for.

The treaty stipulated that any and all uses of the naquadria traded to earth must never be used to create weapons of mass destruction and all technological uses must be shared in great detail with the Langara government.

A month later SG-1 was captured by Anubis's forces and a group of scientists had managed to get involved. I laughed my ass off at the report as both Sam and Faith had to let themselves be captured. They were trying to get close to the Tok'ra member that was in good with Anubis as his underling.

When he'd been killed along with the free Jaffa under his command, I brought all three of them back while helping them flee back to their people. The scientists were sent back to work after being torn a new one by general Hammond as they'd put both SG-1, Tok'ra agent and the free Jaffa in danger by their actions and blew the mission.

I heard from Egeria a week later that an Ashrak, a goa'uld assassin, was caught and killed trying to infiltrate the Tok'ra base. He'd apparently been using a personal cloaking device. They shared with the SGC who in turn studied it and made progress of their own.

By the time they'd made contact with Pangara, the planet Egeria had once been imprisoned on, the scientists at area fifty one had come up with a viable way to make more personal cloaking devices. Each of the SG teams were given some and the technology was then mass produced and delivered to the Tok'ra.

The SGC had found the Pangarans had suffered a twenty percent population destruction a couple years ago when Egeria had went missing. Thousands had died but they stilled had samples and research on the project in question which they traded in exchange for technology just ahead of their own.

The Tok'ra were keenly interested in it as it was a possible viable alternative to the Jaffa's dependency on symbiotes. In the long run it could very well be adjusted to suit their needs as well as removing the need for symbiote's. In the end all Jaffa would then be free to help permanently wipe out the goa'uld as a race.

I was called off world to deal with Anubis and the struggles with the system lords. With Ba'al at odds with Yu now, they went to war against each other. While I chose no side, most of the other system lords decided to follow my lead, except Anubis. He backed Ba'al as he knew Yu would never side with him.

When Yu started taking heavy damage, I sent in a fleet of ten ships to even the odds. This put me at odds with Anubis and Ba'al. Yu however, was grateful. He was determined to press the advantage and while the other system lords saw the struggle between myself and Anubis as a break in the factions they decided that backing either one of us would immediately put them on the bad side of the other.

As it was we both had massive fleets of advanced and upgraded ships. Neither of us had even remotely contributed the full power of our forces just yet. After Yu pressed the advantage and weakened Ba'al by destroying several of his ships, I withdrew my fleet and told Yu that it was enough for now.

He agreed and we parted while I went to check the goa'uld Osiris's hidden temple in his old territory. The eye of Osiris was missing from it's secret chamber and several dead Jaffa bearing Anubis's mark were killed by the traps there.

I checked the hiding place where I hid the eye of Tiamat next and it too was missing. In fact all but the eye of Ra and the eye of Apophis were missing. Mostly because the Eye of Ra was very well hidden and the eye of Apophis was on Saqqara, Apophis's former home world and one of my core worlds.

Anubis would have to declare all out war on my territory or send a cloaked group of Jaffa to seek out the eye in secret. I mentioned the latter because there I was watching said group sneak around the temple looking for the eye.

I watched them for a good long while before I told Illyria who was watching them with me. "It only takes one to deliver the eye."

She smiled a rare bloodthirsty grin before killing several Jaffa quietly and by hand. None of them could see each other or us so they died with relative ease and quietness. After that I put the Jaffa under an illusion where he would be looking for a few months before finding it and returning with it to Anubis.

When I returned to earth I found Jack and Cyla having a spat until finally she told him she intended to ascend and find her son. Jack was stunned silly and as her last technically living descendant he was a little heartbroken.

That night I helped her ascend by walking her through the process until I felt Oma arrive. I left them to it until she was gone. Jack was muddled but then he'd just come back from facing off against human form replicators so he'd already been on edge.

Sam was quiet for a while until she told me about what had occurred. She'd let a replicator inside her mind, albeit temporarily and to a limited degree. The replicators had wanted to figure out what was protecting her but in the end even they were confused.

It'd all started with a reporter knowing about the Orion project, aka the X-304. It had all the upgrades the Asgard had provided plus some Sam had deemed necessary from the repository. Nothing too advanced physically, but technologically it was at an even footing with the Asgard ships in both power and shields.

The hyper drive was galactic so they'd be able to travel relatively easy inside the galaxy within weeks. Still below the Asgard's but above most goa'uld's. The reporter wanted an exclusive and the ship ended up being taken over by the camera crew as it wasn't in full working order but enough to skip around until SG-1 who was giving the tour, was able to disarm them.

Thor showed up asking for their help as if already warned him the Asgard would receive no more direct help from me or my people. They'd used the android and information I'd given them to set a time dilation device trap for the replicators but they'd managed to disable it in time.

The replicators then sped up time there on the planet and evolved further as six human form replicators were formed. Sam has ended up tricking the human programmed one that showed signs of a budding soul. She was torn up about it and I understood. I held her and Alice who were both sad that night.

The Orion was returned to it's building dock for repairs and to be finished. The next mission they were sent on ended with them bringing home an ancient artifact that allowed one to see into alternate realities and dimensions.

Sam of course was careful not to turn it on as she read the inscriptions on the device thanks to the language download I'd given her to read and understand most races languages. Jonas was fascinated with the device and it's uses as much as she was.

I watched them scurry off with it before sending it to area fifty one a week later when Hammond forced them off the project. I spent some time off world dealing with the goa'uld politics and favor bargaining for a good while. When I came back to earth I found things were heating up. Just before I'd come back the poor malnourished Jaffa had managed to get away with his prize and take it back to Anubis.

When I did arrive Daniel was there, well sort of anyway. They couldn't see him unless he wanted them to but I did watch him give Jack a talking to before leaving. Jack then reported that Anubis was after the eye of Ra and that it was on Abydos. Sha're and Skaara has returned there not long after Daniel had ascended so they had easily been able to convince the others to fight.

When Hammond asked. "What do we know about these eyes?"

I sighed. "They're approximately the size of a child's head in diameter and the shape of a giant coin. Each one is made of crystal like material and has the power individually to blow up an unshielded hatak. Together they have the power to blow up a planet or a seriously large fleet of hatak. Anubis invites the wrath of the system lords by going after them as it is forbidden by their highest laws. No single system lord outside of Ra has held all of them at once. I buried the eye of Tiamat on the planet you found it from deep in the ruins and under nearly the entire temple after collapsing it on top of the hiding place."

I turned to Jack who said. "A lot of good that did."

I chuckled. "True, it bought a years worth of digging time as he couldn't have blown it up without destroying the eye. If you'd have taken it like planned earth would've been invaded by a system lord with equal the fleet size of my own months ago. As for the eyes of Osiris and Apophis, I've checked and both are missing. He only needs the eye of Ra from what I understand of it and that is on Abydos."

Jack blew a sad breath. "Any chance you'll help us and tell us where it is?"

I shook my head. "All part of the journey I'm afraid. Soon enough though I'll be revealing myself as not a goa'uld and thus not really a system lord. Until then you'll have to deal with these matters yourself."

I teleported to my own fleet whom were meeting with Yu's. I'd scheduled a summit of power between us to talk about an alliance. He would have command of most of my ships in exchange for his vote to remove Anubis from the system lords once more.

It was a rather easy arrangement and one that came in handy when Daniel came to us and notified Yu and the rest of the system lords about Anubis's plans. I turned to Yu as did the others as I said. "My army is at your disposal, deal with Anubis as you see fit."

In secret I gave them orders to cloak as I arranged the show of their false deaths to Anubis and the other system lords. When Daniel made his deal with Anubis, I appeared in front of Jack and the others on the planet.

There I told them. "The tablet is far more important than even Daniel realizes. Through it you'll have access to Atlantis, the city of the ancients and the crown jewel of their empire. Be very careful with it."

I repaired it and left in a flash as Daniel arrived. I appeared beside Oma now as she was a bit stunned. I cloaked myself from all others and told her. "You will have to stop him soon. Be sure he is sent to a safe place as he will want to return to human form after this. I'll deal with the people of Abydos. There's no need to ascend them."

She released a breath as I disappeared from even her view now as I headed up to watch Anubis. When he received the eye of Ra and ordered Abydos be destroyed, I watched as Daniel reacted negatively to that.

When he and Oma were gone and the system lords were being attacked I used a massive illusion to make it appear as if my ships were amongst those to be destroyed as in reality the shields easily shrugged off the damage and they cloaked.

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