Silveria transformed into a pistol. This small machine pistol is an in-demand model amongst civilians who just want a nice extra piece for their collection.
Its subtle weight makes it quite easy to handle. It has a lot of power with extraordinary precision.
This particular machine pistol comes with an ivory grip, expensive decorations, and a light-duty barrel, which could be gilded if so desired.
This weapon was originally designed as a cheaper alternative to another version, but it soon became a household name among gun owners and is now in use by many recreational gun owners.
Its official name is the JE-E3Q, but it generally goes by its unofficial name: Nightmare.
As soon as Nightmare was created the demon lunged at Alex at the speed of a bullet, arriving before him in an instant.
Unfazed Alex aimed the gun's muzzle at the demon before him and declared.
A shot from point-blank range.