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86.48% pokemon fanfiction / Chapter 32: chapter 39

Capítulo 32: chapter 39

Ash Ketchum and Serena Yvonne arrived in Pallet Town, where they arrived at Ash Ketchum's house. There, Serena got reacquainted with Delia, and they soon went to Professor Oak's Laboratory.

"Ash!" Three people that came up to Ash and Serena said. One girl and two boys.

"Tracey! Daisy! Gary!" Ash said, with his arms wide open.

"How have you been?" Gary Oak asked.

"Well, could be better, but I could be worse." Ash said.

"Could be better? How? You have a cute gal standing right next to you, who looks eerily familiar..." Gary said as Ash started to blush at the sound of hearing Gary compliment Serena on her beauty.

"Gary Oak?" Serena correctly guessed.

"And she knows my name. Hey, you're not related to anybody named Desiree, are you?"


"Okay, just checking, I almost thought I was morgue meat!"

"I'm Serena Yvonne. I'm from Vaniville Town in Kalos." She announced to everyone politely.

"Nice to meet you, Serena!" Tracey spoke up.

"Pleased to make your acquaintance!" Serena responded.

"Kalos? Great job, Ashy!" Gary said, playfully punching Ash in the arm.

"Gary, what the hell?"

"Whoops, I mean, nice to meet you! I'm-"

"Gary Oak. I know who you are." Serena repeated again, remembering when Ash and Gary fought over who was gonna be Serena's friend. "Daisy, long time no see! Don't know you, though..." She said, pointing to Tracey.

"I'm Tracey Sketchit! The assistant to the great Professor Oak!"

"Long time, no see... Serena... I got nothing." Gary said, throwing his hands up in surrender.

"Gary! This was Straw Hat Girl! The girl that you and Ash used to fight over like dogs!" Daisy said, smacking Gary upside his head.

"Oh. You tore up the band, Yoko!" Gary said.

"Don't worry, he was a jerk before we met you, Serena!"

"Still her little white knight, huh Ashy?"

"Whoa, whoa! Wait a minute!"

An old, hoarse, but soft voice said as that voice was accompanied by an old man with graying hair, and lab coat, over a purple polo shirt, and khaki pants, who came running out from his lab.

"Everybody was getting along fine! What happened?"

"He started it!" Ash and Gary said, pointing at each other.

"You two haven't changed a bit. Oh! And who might you be?"

"I'm Serena Yvonne! I'm from Vaniville Town in-"

"In Kalos! Ah, Serena! How you've grown! Do you remember who I am?"

"Yes sir, you are Professor Samuel Oak, their grandfather, and the benefactor of the Pallet Town Summer PokéCamp!"

"Well, there's some trivia not many know about me! Ash, have you been taking care of this young lady?"

"Of course..." Ash said, trying to hide his seriously blushing cheeks.


"Oh, and hello Pikachu!"

"Pika Pi!"

"I'm doing great! And everyone else is waiting in the back!"

"Oh, great! Let's go!"

"Who's everyone?"

"You'll see!"





"Oh no, what now!"

"You guys! Calm down!"

Various Pokémon cry out at Ash's Return, and the Herd of Tauros that belong to Ash come charging at Ash.

"Oh shit!" Ash said as he waits for the trampling, but out of nowhere, a Pidgeot swipes Ash out of the sky. It's no ordinary Pidgeot, as it is his own Pidgeot from his Kanto travels, which is said to be bigger than other Pidgeot.

"Pidgeot! Is that you?"


"Hey! Long time, no see!"

"Pidg! Pidgeo!"

"Oh, nothing! Up to the same thing since '97!"

"Pidgeo! Pidg! Pidgeo!"

"The Spearow and Pidgeotto made peace? That's great! Tell me, is there another Pidgeot in that flock?"


"Awesome! Do you want to come with me to Professor Oak's Lab?"


"Let's go!"

"My Arceus! Ash, are you okay?" Serena ran up to Ash and said.

"I'm alright! My Pidgeot saved me!"

"This is your Pidgeot?"

"The same Pidgeotto that did all of Charizard's work in the old days? He's fuge!"


"Freaking Huge!"

"He's bigger than I remember!"

"Well then, maybe Pidgeot can get reacquainted with everyone here, while I tell you and Serena about a task I would like for you both to do for me as well as a potential idea for your next destination!" Professor Oak said, leading Ash and Serena to his office and Gary, Daisy, and Tracey to their own devices.

"Now then, I've received an e-mail from my former student, Professor Kukui of the Alola region, who now runs a Pokémon School alongside my brother, Samson Oak." Professor Oak started. "He tells me of a power that is similar to Mega Evolution, but with attacks as opposed to the Pokémon's stats." Oak put out a blurry picture of a white bracelet with a rhombus shaped gem on it. "They call it a Z-Ring. And while they understand how they are made, and from what, they aren't sure why they are made, why they do what they do, or when it started. I was asked to take all the attention away from Mega Evolution, as there are already two established professors and two teams of scientists on the job, but Kukui is understaffed and overworked, considering he also runs the Pokémon School, and while his fiancée, Professor Burnet, is also doing all she can to gather info on Z-Rings, she also has her hands full with her own work, of which Kukui has not disclosed with me, and is also expecting a boy. They have no one to scout for them, and Samson suggested to contact me, and here we are." Oak said, as he leaned back with his hands in a "here we are" motion. "I'll be sending Gary to Kalos and Daisy to Hoenn to shed some light on Mega Evolution, but I don't think they will be much help there, seeing as they know just as much as I do on that front. And Tracey is just as clueless, but he'll checking up on the GS Ball in Azalea Town. So, Ash, as a favor for me, would you and Serena go to Alola, to discover more about Z-Rings?" Oak said as Ash and Serena prepared to speak.

"You got it Professor!" Ash said with a not so subtle hint at excitement.

"Anything for you, sir!" Serena said with the same excitement.

"Now contrary to popular belief, there is something in this for you and Serena: I hear Aria Dionne is attempting to introduce Performing to Alola, and will be collaborating with a local who is fascinated with Kalosian Performing. As for you Ash, they used to have a series of trials, that was exclusive to the natives of Alola, however with the arrival of the current Alolan Champion, this rule was discarded, and now anyone can take part in the the Trials Of The Tapus."


"Would you look at that? Another chance against Aria? I thought I was through!"

"Well then, since you'll be going to Alola, and you'll need information on the Pokémon that live there, I am honored to be the one to suggest that you and Serena be the first to use the latest in Pokémon Encyclopedia Technology, the greatest thing since the Pokedex in 1994!" Oak said as he pulled out two gauntlet sized screens with a Mega Ring attached to each and a solar panel on the side. "It's called a Nanodex! But when these working prototypes were made, Z-Rings weren't a part of the final schematic, but will be able to be integrated as an optional add-on, so you can see Professor Burnet about it. In addition to that, it merges the best of a Pokédex and a Pokégear, and its variants, into one device. These will become a necessity. We are developing a healing app for the Nanodex, which is intended as an Emergency Use only application, only necessary for when you aren't close to civilization. And it can store up to Three Thousand Pokémon."

"He's at a loss for w-"


"Oh, Clemont would be heartbroken."

Then Ash proceeded to insert all of his Pokémon/Poké Balls into his Nanodex, and Serena did the same. They could summon their Pokémon to come out as they did before, but they had to hold up their Nanodexes in a flexing position instead, for it to simulate a Poké Ball opening. Pikachu stayed out for obvious reasons, but his Poké Ball went in as well.

"Well, now that you're all set, I take it you'll be heading for Alola in the morning?"

"Why not now?" Ash said as Serena nudged him then pointed out to the window.

"Wha? How long did we take?"

"You have a lot of Pokémon, Ash."

"Ok, fair enough."

"So where will you stay Serena?"

"She can stay with me! If you don't mind, of course..."

"It doesn't matter if I mind, the question is, does your mother mind? Call her right quick, and use the Nanodex! I want to see it in action!"

"How do I call?"

"Oh wait. Okay put your finger there, both of you on your Nanodexes. Doesn't matter which finger."

"Ow!" Both Ash and Serena said as they both got poked in the finger, and a blood sample was taken to link their Nanodexes to each other.

"There, now only you can use them, and you have unlocked more than the Pokémon Storage System. The Comm Function is that green phone button."

Ash touched the button on the screen, and dialed in Delia's Pokégear number.


"Mom, it's me, Ash!"

"Oh hey Ash! Finally have a Pokégear, do ya?"

"Long story about that, but Serena needs a place to stay for tonight."

"Well if you're asking if she can stay with us, the answer is yes!"

"You read my mind, mom! Thanks!"

"No problem, sweetie!"

"We'll be home in a jif!"

"See ya here!"

"Bye!" Ash said as Delia's face disappeared and the screen said CALL ENDED in big red letters.

"Well then, it is settled, Serena, you can stay with me and my mother tonight, and we will leave to Alola tomorrow!"

"Great! Thanks!" Serena said as she grabbed Ash into a hug. Ash, unsure of what else to do, hugged her back, albeit slowly and cautiously.

"Uh..." Serena said as soon as she let go of Ash. "Sorry, I got a bit excited."

"You shoulda seen me when I heard the news!"

"It's getting late. We had all better get home before we get to a point of no rest!"

"Right, good night everyone!" Ash and Serena said.

"Good night you two!" Professor Oak, Gary, Daisy and Tracey said.

"He has no idea." Tracey said.

"She is head over heels for him." Daisy said.

"My boy is becoming a man. A little slower than I would have thought, but nonetheless." Gary said.

"Whoa, Pikachu, we're going on another adventure!" Ash said to Pikachu in solitude in his room, in his bed, so enthusiastic about the whole thing that he laid awake. Serena got the guest room, so she was not out on the couch. "But do you know why this adventure will be special?"

"Pika pi?"

"That's right! Serena is coming too!"

"Pika? Chuu Pika!"

"I don't like her that way. I mean she's nice, and she's cute, but I always feel so nervous around her!"


"Why would you say that?" Ash shouted as he fell of off his bed.

"Pika Pi?" Pikachu asked with his ears back.

"No thanks to you. No ketchup for all of tomorrow."

"Pika..." The yellow rodent said as it's ears drooped.

"It's just a day, so don't get too down."


"Night, Pikachu." Ash said as he lay awake, not even bothering to get back on his bed. 'Things are surely gonna be different now.' Ash thought to himself as he zoned out and eventually fell asleep.

The next morning, Ash and Serena said their goodbyes as they boarded a flight to Alola. Ash and Serena had all of their Pokemon with them, by way of Nanodex, and everything else they might need in a backpack. They still had their Kalos outfits on, but figured they would just get some clothes in Alola. The clothes there would be better suited to the tropical environment anyhow.

Melemele Island, Alola

Ash and Serena touched down in Melemele Island, and came to a strange surprise. Now to him, a backwards cap was no surprise, but what might as well have been the biggest shock in the world, was that every cap worn by a little boy seemed to resemble the one that he has now. Alongside some of these boys, other boys were carrying a papier-mache blue X on their backs. It was no secret at this point: some pairs of boys were intended to be Ash and Greninja. In similar fashion, some girls had hats like Serena's, and others waved sticks like magic wands. Those pairs of girls were supposed to be Serena and Braixen.



"Is this really happening?" Ash and Serena asked each other in unison.

"It's happening, cousin!" A man in a lab coat, no shirt underneath, and cargo shorts and sandals said from behind them both, jumpscaring the pair as well as Pikachu, who got spooked out of his ketchup withdrawals.

"Professor Kukui?"

"How'd you know?" Kukui asked, to which Ash and Serena held up their Nanodexes, and on it, was Kukui's face.

"Are those the Nanodexes? You gotta let me and my fiancée know how they work! We implemented the Mega Ring/Z-Ring integration!"

"So far, they aren't too shabby! I liked it as soon as I got it!"

"Cool! Say, you look like you're ready to take on Kalos again! Why don't we get you into something a little more fitting for Alola?"

"Why not?" Ash and Serena said in unison as they followed Kukui to the nearest clothing store.

"How's it fit, cousin?" Kukui said, as Ash came out of a fitting room.

Ash came out in his old Kanto hat, but everything else was different. He had an outer shirt like his Kanto shirt, but with a red collar, as opposed to a white collar, and he had black cargo shorts, and his Nanodex was where is should be.

"I like this outfit!" Ash said, popping his collar.

"And you, Serena?" Kukui said as she came out of a dressing room, near Ash's.

Serena's outfit was more simplified, compared to her previous outfits. She wore a yellow shirt, with pink flowers on it, and green shorts. To top it off, she also had a bright red beanie with a logo vaguely resembling a Poké Ball.

"I love how comfy it is, and it's practical, but still pretty fashionable!" Serena said, as she started posing in her new outfit.

"Serena, you look nice!"

"Thanks Ash! And you look-" Serena said as she cut herself off staring at Ash's midsection, which she didn't remember being THAT phenomenal...

"Cool, like ol' Kukui?" Kukui said, elbowing Serena in the elbow.

"Professor, you're not that old, are you?" Ash asked.

"I'm only 26, but I will be considered that old once my kid is born!"

'That's ten years away for us...' Serena thought as she stared at Ash, dreamingly.

"Serena?" Kukui asked, snapping her out of the thoughts on what her future children with Ash would look like.

"Uh, yeah!" Serena said, attempting and not quite succeeding at covering her face, to hide the embarrassment of being caught daydreaming about Ash.

"Are you OK?"

"I'm fine!" Serena said, waving her arms with her eyes wide open, and her face as red as her beanie.

"Ok, cousin..."

"Uh... Serena?" Ash asked as she tried to approach Serena.

"Ash, can I have a minute?" Serena asked, with her beanie pulled shut over her eyes.

"Uh, sure..."

"Is she okay, cousin?"

"I don't know, but for Serena, this isn't far from the norm." Ash said, with a hint of worry in his voice.

'That was a close one...' Serena thought, referring to her crush on Ash.

"Serena Yvonne?"

'Um, who sent?' Serena thought, careful not to speak, as she didn't recognize the voice.

"Oh my Arceus, IT IS YOU! Oh jeez, I didn't think I would get this opportunity so soon! I'm Lillie, Lillie Lynch!"

"I'd formally introduce myself, but it seems you did that for me..." Serena said, shaking the young bleach blonde's hand with one hand and scratching the back of her head with the other.

"Sorry! I just, I mean, Serena Yvonne AND Aria Dionne on Melemele Island? Unexpected and unprecedented! It's an important day for Alolan Performing indeed!"

"Aria is here?"

"That she is!"

"Oh jeez..." Serena said, holding her stomach, and stumbling briefly.

"A rematch would be glorious for the first ever Alolan Performance!"

"Rematch?" Serena asked with her eyes wide open, as Lillie held up her Pokénav, with a headline on it.

"'Kalos Queen Open To Rematch, Refuses Anyone Else In The Interim'." Serena read aloud.

"She really wants to perform again, she even showed up in performance condition!"

'Oh, Arceus, what did I get myself into?' Serena thought as she passed out in front of 12 year old Lillie Lynch.Serena?" A voice echoed. It sounded familiar, but Serena couldn't place it.

"Serena?" The voice said again. Now she knew who it was. She opened her eyes to see Ash Ketchum's hazel eyes looking back at her.

"Ash... Hold me..."

"Are you okay?" Ash asked, grabbing Serena and cradling her in his arms.

"150% Ash. Let's get on the road." Serena croaked weakly.

"No way, cousin!" Professor Kukui stepped in from the hallway of the clinic.

"Professor Kukui?" Serena croaked out again.

"You're dehydrated, Serena. You'll need to stay here till they can get your fluids back up. Should be no longer than a day."

At these words, Serena passed out again.

"Alright, so there's a day off of the journey. So if you wouldn't mind, how exactly does this island trial system work?" Ash said, flicking through his Nanodex, familiarizing himself with it.

"Well, you must visit the Island Kahuna first, Kahuna Hala Anu."

"Alright, and from there?"

"He must determine if you are worthy to attempt the Trials, cousin."

"Serena! Where's Serena Yvonne?" A young lady with long burgundy red hair asked, as she came out of the elevator as fast as a Rapidash.

"Room 114." The receptionist said as Aria Dionne headed towards that room. "Ms. Dionne, wait!"

"Is she okay?" Aria approached.

"She's gonna be fine, who wants to-" Ash said as he was cut off by Aria's regal presence. "Know..." He finished as he recognized the Kalos Queen in the flesh. "Aria... How did you-"

"Girl named Lillie Lynch, she told me of her fainting. Is she okay?" Aria said, quite rapidly as if ttosay 'Get to the point'.

"She's okay, thank Arceus. She's a little dehydrated, but she'll be okay by tomorrow."

"But why?"

"All I can think of besides dehydration are maybe she's not used to tropical weather or she was really stressed about something."

"What could she be stressed about?"

"Facing you again."

"I didn't mean to cause any stress."

"It's not your fault. She's just nervous in general."

"Well, when she wakes, tell her I await her response on that proposal."

"Ok..." Ash said, as Aria turned away with a hint of worry in her eyes, or was that a tear?

"What was that about, cousin?" Kukui said after coming back from the espresso machine.

"It was Aria Dionne. She asked about Serena."

"She was the one who got Serena into performing. She said something about a proposal."

"You mean the rematch, intended to kick off Alolan Performing?"

"Rematch? I thought they were earned? Who sanctioned that?"

Kukui just shrugged at the question.

The next day, Serena was cleared to go, and go she did with Ash and Professor Kukui. But Aria showed up to speak with Serena. She still wanted an answer.


"Serena! You look great! I'm jealous!"

"The rematch... Why?"

"I never felt a thrill like I did when I went against you. It was a real thrill, and I know it wasn't just me that felt it."

"Aria, as much as I would love to take you up on that rematch," Serena said, but then took a deep breath before continuing. "I want to help Ash achieve his goal of Pokémon Master, by whatever means I can."

"Serena," Ash said, turning her to face him. "This is your dream! Don't throw it away because of me!"

"I'm not throwing it!" Serena said to Ash, but then closed her eyes, and took another deep breath before continuing. "My opportunity will always be there. I want you to get to yours before I do anything else, and I won't face Aria until you win a Pokèmon League."


"Ahh!" Serena cut off Ash. "Promise me. You will win the Alola League!"

"There's no league here..."

"Promise..." Serena said, with a hint of authority in her voice.

"Okay! I'll win it for you!"

"Okay!" Serena said as she turned back around to face Aria.

"When will we meet again?"

"Two years from now. Right here on Melemele Island."

"See you then! Bonne chance!" Aria said, waving everyone goodbye.

"Actually, Ash," Kukui cut in. "There is a league but it's not your conventional league. You see, after the trials are done, you must go to Mount Lanakila, and climb it. All the while, there will be Totem Pokemon, and other trainers who will be just as hungry for a chance to fight the champion. The first one to make it to the top will face the champion!"

"Challenge accepted!" Ash said, turning his hat backwards, and Pikachu steps onto his shoulder, holding up one of his thumbs.

"Where to first?" Ash said, looking literally ready to take on anything.

"Well remember, cousin, you have to see the Kahuna first!"

"Alright , let's do it!"

Kahuna Hala!" Professor Kukui called out, with Ash, Pikachu, and Serena in tow.

"Professor!" A voice shouted from behind. And as everyone turned around to meet the provider of that voice, they saw a tanned boy, about Ash's age, with his hair tied back, in a black shirt, orange shorts, a yellow backpack, and a white bracelet, seemingly made of stone: a Z-ring.

"Hau?" Kukui asled, puzzled, but not by why he was here.

"Hold up... One moment... I just... Got back from... Hau'oli City..." Hau panted.

"What were you doing there?" Kukui asked.

"Looking for you guys... I got there at 9:00 am... As planned..." Hau said, still struggling to catch his breath.

"We left at 8:45, I said meet us HERE at 9."

"Oh. So, you're Ash Ketchum?" Hau said, finally breathing normally.

"That's me, uh... How did you know that?" Ash asked.

"Nobody forgot that Greninja, and also, you placed second, fought the Champion of Kalos, and here is some useless trivia: he saved the world in the summer of 1998, at the side of the legendary Lugia!"

"I'm overwhelmed, uh..." Ash said.

"That was you?!" Serena said, almost panicking, then swaying almost to faint.

"Calm down, Serena, don't swoon!"

"I'm not swooning!" Serena said again, snapping out of her swaying.

"Then what's wrong?" Ash asked, full attention on Serena.

"I- I- I uh-" Serena said, suddenly overwhelmed by Ash's attention all on her.

"Wait, are you two-" Hau asked, as he was cut off.

"No!" Ash and Serena said in unison.

"Okaaay. Uh, let's go?" Hau said, turning away from Ash and Serena.

"Let's do that." Kukui said as he grabbed Hau's collar on his shirt. "What the hell are you trying to do? Start World War III?" Kukui whispered.

"Are you okay?" Ash asked as Serena grabbed Ash into a hug, almost as if she was afraid to lose him.

"They look too close to not be dating." Hau whispered.

"They are madly in love with each other, but they don't know it yet."

"And they haven't fallen for each other?" Hau asked, almost giving away the conversation, but luckily for them, Ash and Serena didn't care what they had to say about them.

"They're complicated. Just don't fan the flames, or it will burn them alive."

"For having just met them, you seem to know them well!"

"I know their type. He's determined and good-hearted, and she is supportive and loyal. There's something there that you can't place. I know you like to play matchmaker, but for the sake of these two, don't."

"Okay. You got it."

"Now, where's your grandfather?" Kukui asked, returning to a normal tone after the "Now".

"At the Ruins Of Conflict. He said it was urgent."

"Then let's go!" Kukui said, Ash, Hau and Serena in tow.

Ruins Of Conflict, Melemele Island

"Who are you?" Lillie Lynch said, backing away in fear from seven people, four men, and three women, each in a color on the Rainbow.

"Doesn't matter. We need the key!" The man in the silver shirt said.

"The key! The key? What key?" Lillie started in panic, which became confusion.

"You! Let the girl go!" A loud, deep voice boomed like thunder.

"What's it to you old man?" The man in the red shirt asked.

"Let the girl go and leave immediately, or I will beat you into submission." The old man boomed again.

"You can't take all seven of us, old fart!" The man in the green shirt said.

"Grandpa Hala!" Hau shouted from behind to the old man, who was his grandfather, Hala Anu: an old, but strong man, in his unbuttoned tropical shirt, khaki shorts, and a white shirt, all under a black belt.

"Hau!" Hala shouted, worrying over his grandson.

"Who are these people?" Hau asked.

"I don't know, but they were harassing this little girl!" Hala said.

"Lillie!" Serena cried out, recognizing the little girl who saved her in Hau'oli City.

"Serena!" Lillie cried out, remembering the Kalos Queen to be.

"Who do you guys think you are?" Ash shouted.

"I'll tell you what we aren't! A Kalos League Reject!" The man in blue shouted.

"Charizard, Pidgeot, come on out!" Ash shouted as the Nanodex released Charizard and Pidgeot from their virtual rooms.

"Looks like the Kalos reject has a Charizard! Where was he in Kalos?" The woman in purple asked

"Charizard, Flamethrower! Pidgeot, Hurricane!"

"Dude, he just burned all our Pokémon!" The young woman in black shouted.

"Let's get outta here!" The man in red shoited.

"You bet!" The man in blue agreed.

"We'll get the key someday!" The man in silver shouted.

"Key? What key?" Asked.

"Pew?" a blue and black cloud came out from behind a statue of Tapu Koko.

"That is the key." Hala said.

"What is it?" Serena asked.

"A Pokémon, but what is its name?" Lillie said.

"Nanodex, activate!" Ash said as a disc flew off of the Nanodex and went to scan the Cloud Pokémon.


"What is that?" Hau asked, referring to the Nanodex.

"Cosmog, The Gas Cloud Pokémon. Whether or not it's a Pokémon from this world is a mystery. When it's in a jam, it warps away to a safe place to hide." The Nanodex said.

"So you're Cosmog..." Ash said to himself.

"Pew!" Cosmog said.

"It looks like a nebula... It can't be from here." Serena said.

"I'm gonna call you Nebby!" Lillie said as she ran out to hug the Gas Cloud Pokémon.

"Lillie, uh, you shouldn't get so attached to it so fast..." Kukui said.

"But if it is the key that those creeps want, we have to protect it!" Lillie rationalized.

"Lillie has a point. After all, leaving Neb- I mean Cosmog alone like this is the worst thing we could do right now." Hala said.

"So who is going to watch Nebby?" Lillie asked.

"I will." Hala said.

"Kahuna!" Kukui said in disbelief.

"Grandpa!" Hau said with a hint of worry.

"I will hear none of it! Cosmog will stay with me until we figure out its purpose, and what those people wanted with it." Hala boomed.

"But what if they return to seek Cosmog?" Hau asked.

"I will fight them off. As Kahuna of Melemele Island, it is my sworn duty!" Hala declared.

"But Kahuna, what about Ash?" Kukui asked.

"What about him?" Hala asked as Kukui and Hala moved closer together.

"He and his friends, Serena and Pikachu have come from the Kanto region to take part in our trials!" Kukui said with astonishment, quiet enough for no one else to hear.

"Another Kanto native? He's the first since Sun!" Hala said in the same volume.

"I know! So I say what if he is the one in the prophecy?" Kukui asked.

"The Prophecy..." Hala said, pondering the possibility of Ash being the one in this foretold prophecy. "We'll discuss that later." Hala said, breaking the suspense. "Ash, right?"

"Right!" Ash said.

"It is time to determine your worthiness to take part in the Tapu Trials!" Hala announced.

"Alright!" Ash said as he jumped in the air with his fist in the air.

"Now, the test is simple. If one of these three Pokémon, more famously known as the Starters Of Alola, steps forward and chooses to travel with you, you are encouraged to take part. And if not, well... when we get there. It has never happened before though."

And the suspense started as the Starters Of Alola stared intently at Ash, or so they thought. The blue seal, and the green bird both leapt forward...The green bird, Rowlet wound up in Ash's arm's while the blue seal, Popplio, actually wound up in Serena's arms.

"Amazing! Two trainers and two Pokémon, at the same time! This in itself is unprecedented!" Hala said in astonishment.

"Whoa! Now I really have a story to tell my friends!" Lillie said, jumping up and down.

"Well, then, what's your name?" Ash said as the Nanodex scanned Rowlet.

"Rowlet, the Grass Quill Pokémon. A Grass and Flying type. It stores energy during the day from photosynthesis. It swoops down without making a sound and unleashes a powerful kick without being noticed." The Nanodex said.

"Really? Well, I feel like you should hang outside with me and Pikachu!" Ash said.

"Pika Pi!(Welcome to the team!)" Pikachu said, holding his hand out for Rowlet to shake with his wing, which he did.

"And you? Who might you be?" Serena said as her Nanodex scanned Popplio.

"Popplio, the Sea Lion Pokémon. A Water type. Popplio can control water balloons, and works hard so it can make bigger balloons."

"You would make a good performer, wouldn't you, Popplio?" Serena said as she nuzzled Popplio's nose with her own nose.


"Well this is a great day for Alola! We have Kalos royalty here!" Lillie announced.

"I thought you were from Kanto?" Hau said to Ash and Serena.

"I am. She is from Kalos." Ash said.

"That's right! She was supposed to face Aria Dionne in Hau'oli City!"

"The Kalos Queen?" Hala asked.

"Yes!" Kukui said.

"I knew she looked familiar! Serena Yvonne, welcome to Alola!" Hala said.

"She's not the only one who grew to epic proportions of popularity!" Kukui said.

"That's right, Ash here almost won the Kalos League!" Hau said with the same enthusiasm as he had said it before.

"You're the user with the ancient Greninja?" Hala asked with awe.

"Yes, er, I am!" Ash said, feeling flabbergasted again.

"Well it is such an honor to have you two take our trials!"

"The pleasure is ours, Kahuna!" Ash said.

"Guys? Is that who I think it is?"

"What do you mean, Lillie?"

"Tapu Koko!" Hala said.

"Tapu Koko?" Ash asked.

"Are those sparkling stones?" Kukui asked, doing a double take. "The last time that he showed up..."

"Who are you?" Ash asked.

"I am Tapu Koko. Guardian Tapu of Melemele. I am aware of who you are, Chosen One. You must stop them." Tapu Koko said, so that everyone could hear. However, this must have been the first time Tapu Koko spoke, as everyone but Ash was shocked to hear Tapu Koko speak a human language.

"Stop who?" Ash asked.

"The Forces Of Darkness!"

"Forces Of Darkness? Hey come back! Who are the forces of darkness?"

"We may not know until the time comes. Whoever they are, Cosmog is a big part of why they are here." Hala said, as Tapu Koko disappeared into the ruins.

"What can we do to help?" Ash asked.

"Take Lillie with you on your Island Challenge. That is all, until I figure out what those people want with Cosmog."

"Can I lead them, grandpa?" Hau asked.

"Of course, Hau. The professor and I will figure this out!"

"Cool! Okay, so the first place we wanna go is up Route 2, which is past Hau'oli City..." Hau said as Pikachu and Rowlet got aacquainted.

"Pika pi!"


"Do you think Cosmog and Ash are linked somehow?" Kukui asked.

"Yes. And if I'm correct, darkness is ahead..." Hala said, as Ash, Serena, Pikachu, Rowlet, Lillie and Hau walked of towards their their first trial...

On the way to Hau'oli City, Hau, Ash, Serena and Lillie have a conversation about Pokémon Evolution. Hau navigates, while Lillie asks all the questions.

"Hey Serena, why hasn't Braixen evolved?" Lillie asked.

"I don't know." Serena said, never questioning why this was the case, and instead always thought that Braixen would evolve when it's ready. "But I guess a better question is why hasn't Pancham evolved because I know it can, but I can't help but think he doesn't want to."

"But why would Braixen not want to evolve?" Lillie asked, simultaneously doing some wondering of her own.

"Maybe it likes itself the way it is. That's why my Pikachu is still a Pikachu." Ash chimed in, offering an explanation that was given to him a long while back.

"But does he evolve on his own? Or does he evolve with an item?" Lillie asked, forgetting about Serena, Braixen, and Pancham for a moment.

"He does require an item to evolve. A Thunder Stone to be precise." Ash said, thinking of the Thunder Stone that he still carries, should Pikachu ever want to change his mind about evolving.


"So where's our first trial?" Ash asked, clearly getting a little anxious and clearly spoiling for a battle.

"On Route 2, past Hau'oli City. It is where Ilima lives, and also where the Pokémon School is. Shall we pay a visit to there?" Hau asked.

"Why not?" Serena said.

"Sounds fun!" Ash said.

"Ok then!" Hau said.

"Let's go!" Lillie shouted as she took off and left everyone else in the dust.

"So this is the Pokémon School?" Ash asked.

"Yes it is!" Hau said.

"It's huge!" Serena said.

"And Kukui runs this place?" Ash asked.

"Actually, him and Professor Oak." Hau said.

"Professor Oak?" Ash and Serena asked in unison.

"Yeah, Professor Samson Oak. He's not a professor anymore though, like Professor Kukui or Professor Burnet, who have taken his place as professors in Alola. He always preferred to teach rather then constantly inquire."


"Lana! Mallow!" Lillie called out to two girls, one with long green hair, and another with short blue hair.

"Lillie!" The girl named Mallow called back.

"We heard! Is she-" Lana asked.

"It's her." Lillie confirmed.

"Lana Fisher, Mallow Marsh, I present to you Serena Yvonne from Vaniville Town!" Hau said, knowing that is what Lana and Mallow were so excited about.

"Oh my Arceus! It really is her!" Lana shouted, as she started jumping everywhere.

"Hey, Kiawe, Sophocles! We're back!" Hau called out.

"Who are these two?" A blonde boy asked.

"Ash Ketchum!" Ash said.

"Serena Yvonne!" Serena said.

"Pika!" Pikachu said.

"Roo roo-hoo!" Rowlet said from inside of Ash's backpack.

"You're Ash Ketchum? Hey guys! It's Ash Ketchum!" Kiawe, the tall kid with red and black spiky hair said outloud.

"Ash Ketchum?" A flock of kids came over and said.

"I think this is gonna happen a lot more now." Ash said to Serena under his breath.

"Cause of Kalos?" Serena asked.

"Yup." Ash said.

"So. You're Ash Ketchum?" The blonde kid said.

"That's me." Ash responded.

"I challenge you, to a battle!" The blonde haired kid, named Sophocles said.

"I accept!" Ash shouted.

"Alright then! Let's start!" Sophocles said.

"I will officiate this battle." Hau said. "Choose your Pokémon, dudes!"

"Go, Pikachu!"

"Go, Togedemaru!"

"Togedemaru?" Ash said as he typed into his Nanodex, and soon it spoke loud enough for everyone there to hear.

"Togedemaru, the Roly-Poly Pokémon. An Electric and Steel type. Its ability to generate electricity is weak, but its long needle acts as a lightning rod, so it can attract lightning and store the electricity. When happy, it forms a ball and rolls around. But once it starts rolling, it can't control itself."

"That's strange..." Sophocles said.

"Toge?" The Togedemaru said in confusion, wondering who had just spoken.

"Thanks Nano!"

"Okay, Togedemaru, use Discharge!"

"Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!"

"Lightning Rod ability! I came prepared to defeat you! Now, use Iron Head!"

"Huh?" Serena asked. She had no idea that such an ability was a thing.

"He really did his homework!"

"No kidding!" Kiawe said.

"No he really did! He never does any assignments related to Mega Evolution!"

"We'll copy Sophy later!" Kiawe said, trying to hush his friend.

"You are gonna be sorry!"

"I already am for listening to you." Kiawe muttered.

"Pika!(Just bring it!)"

"So, you want to play tough! Alright then, Pikachu, use Iron Tail!"

"Togedemaru, use Iron Head!"

"Pikachu, use Quick Attack to make him chase you!"

"What are you doing?" Sophocles asked.

"You'll see." Ash said.

However, when Pikachu used Quick Attack, it went much faster than a normal Quick Attack should have. It wasn't Quick Attack anymore. It was now Extreme Speed.

"You learned Extreme Speed! Alright!" Ash said to Pikachu as Pikachu gave a quick "Pika!" to show that he acknowledged what he said.

"Togedemaru! Don't give up!" Sophocles said, with Togedemaru still charging at him with Iron Head.

"You're gonna have to!" Ash said, seeing that Togedemaru was running out of stamina.

"NO! Togedemaru, stop!" Sophocles said, as he commanded Togedemaru to stop, where he was left spinning.

"Now, Pikachu, Extreme Speed!" Ash said to Pikachu as he charged. However, Pikachu paused when he saw Togedemaru regain balance and form spikes on his back.

"Now Togedemaru, use the Z-Move!" Sophocles said as he did a short dance, before the gem in the white bracelet, which Ash had recognized as a Z-Ring, began to glow. Afterwards, he commanded what was supposed to be the move to end all moves here. "Gigavolt Havoc!"

"Strike back with a Thunderbolt!" Ash said, knowing that a Thunderbolt wasn't going to counter this Z-Move.

"Yes!" Sophocles said as he thought he had won. However, after the dust had settled from the attack, and Togedemaru started dancing in relief, which turned into rolling, Pikachu charged at Togedemaru with Extreme Speed. Sophocles couldn't believe his eyes.

"What?" Lillie, Kiawe, Lana and Mallow, and all he other kids said all at once as Serena jumped for joy.

"Go Ash!" Serena shouted.

"But how? Gigavolt Havoc destroyed Hau's Pikachu countless times!" Sophocles said!

"Pikachu has taken on legendaries and Megas and is still alive and kicking ass! What made you think that would work?"

"Z-Moves never fail! But you can't have much left in the tank, can you?" Sophocles calculated out loud.

"Let's find out! Pikachu, Volt Tackle!" Ash commanded.

"Togedemaru, Gyro Ball!" Sophocles responds with his own command to Togedemaru.

"Pikachu, Thunderbolt!"

"What is he doing?" Kiawe asked.

"Wait! I know this tactic! He used it against an Electivire in the 2002 Sinnoh League!" A kid shouted from behind him.

"Watch out, Sophy!" A kid shouted.

"Do it, Ash!" Serena shouted opposite the kid.

"Avoid him!" Sophocles said, trying to find another way to beat Ash's Pikachu.

"Keep going after him!" Ash said, knowing his own strategy better than anyone.

"Stop absorbing electricity!" Sophocles shouted in desperation.

"Keep launching Thunderbolts!" Ash shouted back.

"Togedemaru! Use Iron Head!" Sophocles cried out.

"Dodge it with Extreme Speed!" Ash calmly ordered.

"No! Togedemaru!" Sophocles shouted, knowing that his first match against Ash Ketchum would be an L.

"Now, Pikachu, finish him off with Volt Tackle!" And once Pikachu landed the last Volt Tackle, Togedemaru eventually couldn't hold in his own electricity, and short circuited himself, making him pass out from having so much power.

"Togedemaru is unable to battle, Pikachu wins, and the win goes to Ash!" Hau announces.

"Yay Ash!" Serena said as she ran up to Ash and almost tackled him to the ground, and had to resist the temptation to shower him with kisses. She was so proud of him, and how he always manages to turn these things around!

"Whoa!" Kiawe said, amazed at how Ash had Sophocles on the ropes like that.

"Ash you did it!" Serena said as she noticed something coming in from behind. "Ash, look out!" Serena shouted as Pikachu and Rowlet instinctively jumped in front of Ash and Serena.

"It's a Greninja..." The kids started to mumble. Then the Greninja in front of them started to change, and Ash felt a familiar feeling. The Greninja was enveloped in a tornado of water, and this happened until the Greninja resembled Ash, and had a giant X on its back, or a giant Shuriken. It could only be one Greninja...

"It's THAT Greninja..." Kiawe said as everyone present marveled at the arrival of Ash-Greninja!

"Greninja, we missed you, old friend!" Ash said holding his hand out for Greninja to shake, and at first Greninja slapped Ash's hand away. Then he opened his arms, signaling for Ash and Serena to hug the ninja frog. And hug him they did, and Pikachu and Rowlet joined in as well.

After a victory against Sophocles and the return of Greninja, Ash and Serena wanted to talk in private to Greninja while everyone else takes part in games that they play in Alola.

"Ok, so how are things in Kalos?" Ash asked Greninja.


"What's wrong with Zygarde?"

"Greni! Ninja Greninja!"

"Asleep? And in Alola?"


"Greninja! Ninja."

"Great. Team Flare is still active. And they'll be headed here next." Ash deduced. However, his conversation with Greninja was interrupted by a sudden silence as a guy with bleached blonde hair, piercing green eyes, dressed in all black walked into the gathering. He straight away went to Ash and said in the most snobbish way possible:

"For having a strong bond with your Greninja, you misinterpreted a key part of what he said."

Ash of course paid no mind to this at first, but he then realized that he was the only trainer in the school, potentially even the only trainer in Alola with a Greninja.

"Who said that?"

"Oh no..." Mallow said, from the sidelines of what she thought was gonna be a massacre.

"Lynch. Gladion Lynch. And you misheard your Greninja. He said that whatever this is, it's bigger than Team Flare. I would expect better from a Frontier Prospect!" Gladion said, showing no remorse from his previous statement.

"Do you wanna battle?" Ash asked, ready to call up Charizard, Pikachu, and Greninja and unleash all three on him.

"I'd love to kick your ass," Gladion started as he looked at his fingernails, signaling he was waiting for something to happen. "But I'm not here for you, so don't flatter yourself, pretty boy."

After an awkward silence, Lillie stepped forward, head hung low, saying "Bye, everyone."

No one dared to speak a word after the fuse that had been lit that now led to a powder keg the size of a Snorlax.

"As you were..." Gladion said as he and Lillie left the School.

Ash however wanted to teach this smug punk a lesson.

"Get your punk ass back here!" Ash shouted, preparing to charge after Gladion Lynch.

"Ash! Don't." Hau said before Ash could go anywhere. As this happened, Gladion looked back with a smug grin on his face.

"Ash..." Serena said, with a look familiar to Ash, but not a common one. He knew it anywhere though, a look that basically plead with him not to get into something he may not be able to finish. If this were someone like Misty, May, Dawn, Brock, or Clemont and Bonnie, it still could have worked, but no one did it better than Serena. Those blue eyes always made his fiery temper calm.

"Fine." Ash said in defeat, but also because he knows how much she hates to see fights started over nothing.

"I know Gladion is a snob, but trust me, he is just like that. He's not a bad guy, but you did misinterpret what Greninja said. That annoys him deeply, but there is one thing that annoys him even more." Hau explained, giving some backstory on Gladion.

"What's that?" Ash asked.

"Evil." Hau said as if he had seen him "annoyed" first hand. Bearing this in mind, Ash tried his hardest not to think about Gladion. He just reminded him of a former rival of his, and he didn't have the energy to deal with that right now.

"We need to figure out what is happening here!" Ash commanded. "First Tapu Koko tells me I have to fight the forces of darkness, of which I am not even sure of who they might be." Ash continues, with Hau motioning for him to not say these things so loud. "Then Cosmog shows up, and its supposed to be a key in all of this. And now Greninja is back, and telling me that Zygarde is asleep and in Alola. How does any of this correlate?" Ash finished in frustration.

"I don't know, but there is a Pokémon Center nearby that we can stay at." Hau said, rubbing his eyes.

"No need cousin!" A familiar voice spoke out from behind.

"Professor Kukui!" Serena said in surprise and joy.

"My house isn't far from here! You guys can just stay there!"

"Cool! Thanks!"

"Let's get going!"

At Kukui's house, it is a mess. There are papers scattered, and that is really all that is messy as that is all there really is.

"So, THIS is the ancient form Greninja that people having been talking about..." Kukui said in awe of the Ash-Greninja form.

"That's him!"

"He looks so much more epic from up close!" Hau said.


"Rock ruff!" A little sand colored puppy barked as he jumped on Ash and started licking him.

"Whoa!" Ash said.

"Oh, that's Rockruff! He likes people, but beware of his nuzzle, he likes to rub his neck on people..."

"What's wrong with his neeeee-" Ash said as he found out the hard way what was up with Rockruff's neck.

"There are rocks all over it. Sorry bout that, cousin."

"It's fine. It's something you don't see everyday."

"Around here you do!"

"Rock ruff ruff ruff!" Rockruff barked as he got off of Ash to let him walk.

"But this Greninja, do you know how it happened?"

"I have been told that my Greninja is a descendant from the last Greninja that could do this, and it comes up only once every 300 years."


"It's getting dark. I think we should get some rest if you're gonna pass your first trial." Hau suggested.

"Yeah, you have a point. Night everyone!" Ash said.

"Night cousins!" Kukui said

"Night guys!"

"Night folks!"

Late at night, Serena woke up. She felt in her heart that something wasn't right. She woke up to see what wasn't right, and she saw four all too familiar figures standing next to a window against the Alolan Moon. First, she saw Ash, looking very stoic in his demeanor, as if something was coming towards them, and Ash intended to take on whatever challenge lay before them head on. Then there was Greninja in his normal form, ready to back Ash in that fight. Pikachu sat between them, ears down, as if he was pondering something, and then there was little Rowlet, who was sleeping his cute little head off, and making snot bubbles from his nose/beak/wherever snot would come out of on an owl.

"Ash? Greninja? Pikachu?" Serena said, not addressing Rowlet for obvious reasons.

"Serena?" Ash said, his white of his eyes beginning to turn red, not turning to face her, as he was too tired to face her, but somehow not tired enough to sleep.

"You can't sleep, can you? What's wrong?" Serena said as she went to him and grabbed his forearms.

"I can't explain it in any other way other than my mind just won't stop running." Ash said as Serena's hands moved up to his shoulders. "I can't stop thinking about all that has happened today. First Cosmog appears, and there are people after it. They seemed more like common criminals then masterminds of a massive crime syndicate bent on topping Team Flare's stunts in Kalos." Ash continued as Serena got closer to Ash, until her forehead was on his neck. "Then Tapu Koko tells me about these Forces Of Darkness, who I would naturally assume is those thugs we saw, but again, they don't seem smart enough for that. Then Greninja shows up and confirms these fears by telling me that something happened to Zygarde, I mean... What does all this mean? It's nervewracking."

"You know cousin," Kukui said, spooking Ash out of his trance, and Serena from her embrace. "I would normally tell you to get some rest, but you're not a little kid anymore, especially not after all you've been through." Kukui said as Ash looked at Kukui, wondering what he meant. "Yeah. I know about Shamouti Island, the Unown Incident in Johto, and even your encounter with Mew in Kanto."

"Encounter with Mew?" Ash asked, as he recalled no such encounter.

"Oh, that's right, you don't remember that... I'll explain another day... But you want answers. I'll tell you what I have found out, but only if you keep this a secret from everyone else: you two and I are the only ones that know this."

"Got it."


"Alright." Kukui motioned to his living room area, where Ash and Serena sat close, and Greninja and Pikachu sat in their own spots. "Now, Hala thinks it might be an organization called Team Skull. He would be right, as they spoke just like Skull Grunts. But there's two issues with that theory. One: their uniforms, they don't match that of Team Skull's usual descriptions that have been reported all around Alola. Also, the fact that Team Skull was disbanded 5 years ago by the Alolan Champion. With him as Champion, I doubt they would reform."

"You think it's someone else?"

"Exactly, but we don't know who. I can't fathom anyone else who would want to invade Alola..."

"Whoever it is, they're looking for Zygarde too..." Ash said.

"The Kalos Legendary?" Kukui asked as Ash nodded.

"That's why Greninja is here. He tells me that Zygarde has been drawn to Alola, and put to sleep by something."

"You see, Ash and I protected him from Team Flare in Kalos, and Greninja volunteered to stay and aid in his reformation."


"He was separated into 95 cells and 5 cores. We found one, and he stayed with us until it was revealed that Team Flare had almost 50% of Zygarde, but was missing the core that we had to bring him to his standard form. We put him back together, and he was looking for his other half by the time we had to go."

"That's how he wound up here."

"Yes. About Cosmog-"

"Where does he come in? Let me start with a story. It's more about the Tapus, but it explains Cosmog's existence. It is said that an evil Pokémon arrived from outer space, and tried to steal the Light of Alola. Arceus saw this, but could not stop him alone. So Arceus created the Tapus, Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Tapu Bulu, and Tapu Fini. These four together destroyed this evil Pokémon, who is now known as Necrozma. It wasn't easy. But these four did it, and have been protecting the islands of Alola ever since. However, Necrozma was said to have revealed another goal, and this second goal was the cause of its demise. From the excess energy, Arceus accidentally created a fifth Pokémon. This was Cosmog. This Cosmog has been said to be immortal, but around the same time, two legendary Pokémon spawned, each said to be residing in an area where there are now altars and shrines dedicated to these Pokémon. These were Solgaleo and Lunala. We don't know where they came from, but we know that there have been multiple Cosmogs over the years, as there was one who may or may not have evolved into a new form, but a new Solgaleo appeared 5 years ago, just as another died off."

"They think that if they get Cosmog, then they can bring Necrozma back!" Ash deduced.

"Could be. It's all speculation in terms of where Cosmog fits into all this."

"But why would Tapu Koko need Ash to defeat Necrozma? Can't they do it again?" Serena asked.

"They could. But remember that second goal I mentioned? That second goal was power, and indirectly, one could say that power is in Cosmog. It knows Cosmog is powerful, as it made Necrozma change its focus from Alola's Light to Cosmog once it wandered into harm's way. But how powerful, no one knows. My wife, Professor Burnet, has a theory to explain this. If Necrozma sought whatever power Cosmog has, and the Tapus took it out quickly, if it obtained that power, the Tapus would have lost."


"Again, part of my wife's theory. She thinks that Cosmog evolves into Solgaleo or Lunala, depending on which altar it is at. Those forms may have a loose genetic link to Necrozma."

"My gosh. Like a fusion forme?" Ash asked.

"You know of it?" Kukui asked.

"Heard of it. Professor Oak told me about Black Kyurem and White Kyurem."

"Fusion formes of Kyurem and either Reshiram or Zekrom!" Serena said as she got a curious look from Kukui. "Unovian Field Trip, can't talk about it." She finished as Kukui nodded.

"You think Zygarde might have been lured here by Cosmog?"

"Or by Necrozma's essence."


"Not sure."

"Ok, well what about my being the chosen one?" Ash asked.

"That you will have to wait on. Hala will tell you himself after you have defeated him in your second trial." Kukui said.

"Fair enough."

"Do get some rest now. I'm too old to be staying up this late!"

"Night Professor!" Ash and Serena said as Kukui waved them both good night.

Seren began to make her way to where she was sleeping, when she saw Ash where she had left him. "Ash, what's wrong? You still look tense..." She asked, going back to where Ash sat.

"I'm not pondering anymore. I'm a little scared now."


"More like nervous." Ash said as Serena put her hands on his shoulders, and he grabbed them, making an X with his arms. "What if I can't do it? What if I am Alola's last hope, and the Tapus have been defeated, and I'm all that stands between Alola's Light and Necrozma?"

"Look, Ash," Serena started as she came around to sit next to Ash, still joined by one hand each. "I never thought I would ever go anywhere past my hometown after what happened in Pallet Town. But seeing you on the 5 o'clock news on top of Lumiose Tower, made me remember who my hero was, who everyone's hero became after that, and later became a living legend in the making at the Lumiose Conference, and after hearing about what you have accomplished in the Orange Archipelago, in Johto, even meeting Mew and living to tell about it-"

"And not being able to tell about it." Ash reinforced.

"Anyway, after seeing you save the world again against Team Flare, I know you won't fail. Even if you don't think you can, don't forget," Serena said as she turned Ash to look at her an stare into her eyes as she said this. "Never give up till it's over..." Serena said as she kissed Ash on the lips, and led him to where she slept. She went to lay down, and he followed suit, as she motioned for him to put his arms around her. And put his arms around her he did. In no time at all, they fell asleep, Ash holding Serena in his arms, protecting her from bad dreams that could get to her.It was morning again, and Ash, Serena and Hau set out to Route 2, which of course meant that they had to pass through Hau'oli City again. And make their move they did. They said their byes to Kukui, but not without reassurance that they would see him again. /spanAnd then they heard a sad howl. Rockruff had already begun to miss Ash. However, Kukui had to convince Rockruff to stay, as he was still not well enough to go anywhere.

Eventually, they got past Hau'oli City and were now officially on the way to the first Trial of the Tapus. The whole way, Serena continued to think about what she did last night with Ash. Not that he objected, nor hinted at anything at all. But that was what scared her even more, as she would rather have some sort of clue as to whether Ash thought of her as another companion that he will eventually part with, or if he sees her as she wants him to, rather than nothing to go off of at all.

Meanwhile, Ash had many things going through his mind. First, he had to ensure he didn't lose this trial, nor the next, as he really wanted to hear Hala's take on the situation, and he wasn't sure what happened to those who lost in the trials.

Second, Kukui's information may have done more harm than good, as he knows that it's another legendary situation, and he may have to battle one this time around. Granted, he had beaten legendaries, a Darkrai, an Articuno, and a Regice, to name a few, OR the only legendaries he had ever beaten. He also had an army of Pokémon in his Nanodex, but most of them are about the same level. The only ones he knows that really stand out are Charizard, Greninja, Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Infernape, Donphan, and Snorlax. Granted, to say that this handful of Pokémon is the cream of his crop is saying something, considering most of his Pokémon aren't pushovers either. But he doesn't know anything about this Necrozma. Also, who is even trying to do all this? No one has any leads, which makes him even more paranoid.

The third thing, however, was what confused him the most. His night with Serena. She and him slept together. It was nice, he would definitely agree with that, but what was the point of it? Did she know it would calm his nerves? Does she know things that he doesn't? And why did he feel the need to cocoon himself around her? They were in no immediate danger, and it wouldn't have done any good if they were. Also, why did he follow her? Does she have a spell on him? Sure feels like it sometimes. And then there was the one thing that happened last night that hadn't happened since Johto... A kiss. Why? Last time, he wasn't even sure if it was a girl who kissed him or not. Of course, he knew Serena was a human girl. That still doesn't explain the kiss. This was already gonna confuse him more than why Misty followed him for three years straight, in three regions. However, Misty was the only other companion besides Brock, May and Max, who all went with him to multiple regions, Brock having been with him in four regions, Misty having gone through three with him, and May and Max having been through two. Until now. Serena has now joined that list, having been to two regions as well, Kalos and Alola. He liked the kiss too, but he just wishes he knew why...

Hau, on other hand, noticed that nobody had spoken since they left Kukui's house. Wanting to address the obvious Donphan in the room, which he knew was the reason nobody was talking, or so he thought, he decided to dig a little deeper into why these two came together, why they looked at each other like that, and why there was a tension that was so thick, you could cut it with a knife. "Ash, Serena?" Hau asked, breaking a VERY long silence. "How'd you guys meet?"

"Uhh..." Serena stopped, dead in her tracks, as she hadn't told anyone the full story about this. Her mom didn't even know, that's how close she kept it to her chest.

"Well, do you want to know how we originally met, or how we reunited?" Ash said, scratching the back of his head.

"How did you meet for the VERY first time?" Hau said as he pulled out a voice recorder and started recording without anyone's knowledge, and tucked it under his many necklaces.

"Well, Serena and I were seven years old, I believe. I knew we were about the same age, because Professor Oak, Professor Samuel Oak, separated everyone by age. So Serena, a friend of mine named Gary, and I were in the 7 year old group at The Pallet Summer Camp. I don't know if he still does it. Serena, why were you in Kanto again?"

"Uh, I, uh, my mother and I lived in Pallet for a few years..."

"Wow. I mean I never saw you again after the camp, so I take it that is when you moved to Kalos, right?"

"Right!" Serena said as she tucked her head low, and pulled her beanie over her eyes.

"Anyway, she and Gary were paired up, and I remember that I was paired with another person, but I don't remember who. It was a scavenger hunt, to find our assigned Pokémon before anyone else. Mine was a Poliwag, and I recommended that we split up to cover more ground. Well, the Poliwag was particularly sneaky, but most just yelled at the Poliwag to go away, so when I heard a scream, I went that way, assuming it was the Poliwag, and it scared a girl. It did scare a girl, and more importantly, it scared Serena. I found her on the ground trembling in fear of another Pokémon jumping out and attacking her. She was in pain, so I decided to help her up, and I gave up on the scavenger hunt to return her to safety."

"You mean, you gave up the scavenger hunt to help me?" Serena asked as she took off her beanie to face him.

"Yeah, and it didn't help that freaking Gary showed up at that point. We're good friends now, and we were good friends then, but there was a rivalry that started that day. He came back with their Pokémon which I believe was a Caterpie. He saw Serena and asked where she was, and she said-"

"Lost." Serena said, cutting off Ash. "I got lost. He was moving too fast, and it didn't help that I got scared easily. If Ash hadn't found me, I would've stayed there."

"And then he proceeded to make fun of her hat. Since for the longest time we didn't know her name, we just called her Straw Hat Girl. I felt like a jerk, calling her that, but she didn't object, let alone talk much. That's why her screaming drew my attention. Then I think she finally told me her name on the last day of camp."

"That's why you didn't remember me..." Serena said, remember to when she and Ash reunited.

"That and I didn't recognize you without the straw hat." Ash said as he moved a stray lock of hair out of Serena's face. She simply stared at him, and thought to herself, "I would let him do anything to me right now..."

"Anyway," Ash said, scaring Serena out of her thoughts. "He and I always fought over who was Serena's friend. I won that argument almost every time."

"How?" Hau said, genuinely wondering how a seven year old would win an argument about friendship.

"7 year old Gary wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed. Of course, with Oak being his grandfather, he eventually went from being the dumbest kid in Pallet to the smartest kid in Pallet. After camp, I didn't see Serena again until I was 16."

"I found out Ash was in Kalos after I saw him on the 5 o'clock news while I was in Vaniville Town." Serena spoke up, surprising Ash, and also making him think "Oh shit! She saw that?". Even Pikachu was thoroughly shocked to learn that she saw them almost die. "He was on top of Lumiose Tower, trying to save a mind controlled Garchomp from itself. He, his Pikachu and Greninja, then a Froakie, went up there, and Garchomp kept throwing Dragon Pulse after Dragon Pulse, but Ash kept going. He never backs down from anything, and only until his Pikachu fell off, and when he dove down to catch him, did I see his face. At that point, I thought back to when he found me in Pallet Town. He was saved by a man called Blaziken Mask, and his Mega Blaziken. I took off, the next day so that I could meet Ash in Lumiose, but by the time I reached Santalune, he was gone, and in Santalune for his first gym battle. There, I found him again, and met our other friends, Clemont and Bonnie. I haven't left his side ever since, although I came close to it once he was set to go back to Kanto."

"What made you stay?" Hau asked.

"I figured I couldn't go on my own to Hoenn if I couldn't defend myself."

"It's not dangerous." Ash said, knowing full well that she wouldn't have to defend herself there. She didn't have to worry about Team Aqua and Team Magma like he did.

"I know, but I was also told I would have to battle more, and I'm not the best at that."

"You beat me." Ash said, trying to boost her confidence.

"You let me win." Serena retorted flatly.

"Not according to the records." Ash countered.

"Anyway, that is why I am here: to hone my own battling skills. I'm gonna be a fighting Kalos Queen!" Serena said, taking a pose similar to Ash's "I-caught-THIS-POKÉMON" stance.

"Great story!" Hau said, applauding as he also turned his voice recorder off.

"How far are we?"

"Not too far. There is a Pokémon Center if you want to stop there and grab a bite before you start the trial. I personally recommend it."

"Why not? My stomach agrees." Ash said after hearing his stomach roar like Charizard.

"Mine too." Serena said.

"Pika pika!"

"Rooow!" Rowlet said as he yawned from inside of Ash's backpack.

"Oh hey, Rowlet's up." Serena noticed.

"Perfect timing!" Ash and Hau both said.

Ash, Serena, and Hau got their fill of food. Even Pikachu, Greninja, Rowlet, and every Pokémon they had between them got their fill. They were gonna need it. Then Ash saw that he was getting a call from Professor Oak.

"I'll be back, guys!"

"Okay!" Serena said as she started daydreaming about what married life with Ash would be like. And then came the ultimate crash...

"Battling... Weakest excuse I have ever heard." Hau muttered.

"Beg your pardon?" Serena said, wondering if she heard him right.

"The way you spoke about Ash in that story you told me, no fan I know would talk about him in the same tone you do." Hau said as he ate a french fry, staring at Serena, as if he was staring right through her.

"What do you mean?"

"All I'm saying is that you have to be a moron not to see the romantic tension between you and Ash." Hau said smugly as Serena turned red.

"THERE IS NO TENSION! STOP SAYING THINGS AND EAT! EAT EAT EAT!" Serena said as she grabbed two cheeseburgers that were nearby, and shoved them in Hau's mouth.

"You loff hig, hog-hog." Hau said, trying to call her out by saying that he knows she loves Ash, with two Cheeseburgers in his mouth.

"DON'T TALK WITH YOUR MOUTH FULL!" Serena shouted, grabbing two more cheeseburgers and putting them in Hau's mouth, resulting in a very much silent Hau.

"Serena? Are you okay?" Ash said as he rushed over to Serena, who's screaming he heard.

"THERE IS NOTHING WRONG!" Serena said, still shouting.

"Okay. Look let's just sit down, and why does Hau have 4 cheeseburgers in his mouth?!" Ash said as he saw what Serena did for whatever reason.

"Mm mm-hmmph. Hmm-hmm!" Hau said. With four cheeseburgers in your mouth, it's very hard to say anything that makes sense. Hau didn't care, he was gonna eat all four anyway, and Serena just made it easier for him to do so.

"What was the call about?" Serena said, turning him away from Hau.

"Well, an update on Z-Rings, and also, Oak tells me of an auto-feed function in the Nanodex that we can activate so that we don't have to worry about buying this much food, and them taking up this much space. I believe it's for urban areas."

After Ash and Serena finished whatever they were doing, and Hau finally got done with the four cheeseburgers that Serena shoved in his mouth, they were ready to make haste to the very first Alolan Trial.

"This guy's name is Ilima, and he may be the first Trial Captain, but he's no pushover. Only three trainers have beat his trial the first time. Me and Gladion are two of them." Hau said.

"And the other?" Ash asked.

"The Champion was the third one."

"So only three have beaten Ilima's Trial the first time?"

"The hardest thing isn't even the battle itself, it's just that the way it is set up isn't exactly intuitive. You must either be very adaptive, or very lucky. I was damn lucky. But Gladion and The Champion became known for being adaptive to their environments."

"Kinda like you, Ash!" Serena said, noticing the obvious similarities between Ash, Gladion, and the Alolan Champion.

"Yeah. But you said Gladion was able to beat him the first time?" Ash asked, once again getting angered that Gladion had done something before he did.

"Look, don't think you have anything to prove to him, okay? He's got his own thing with the Aether Foundation, and you have your own thing going too." Hau explained.

"Aether Foundation?" Ash asked.

"I shouldn't have said that. I should not have said that..." Hau said as he started walking faster.

"Aether Foundation?" Ash mouthed to Serena as she shrugged, and they both made a mutual decision to get moving.

"Verdant Cavern. The location of the very first trial of Alola." Hau said as he suddenly felt like he forgot something. "Wait! You guys are gonna need these!" Hau said as he gave Ash and Serena gold amulets with four colored rhombuses on them.

"What are these?" Ash asked.

"Island Challenge Amulets. You'll need them to verify your participation in the trials. There are benefits to taking part in the Tapu Trials!" Hau said.

"Like?" Ash asked.

"You'll see!" Hau said.

"Well then, let's do this!" Ash said as he motioned for Serena to go on into the cave as it was time to do their trial.


"I'll be waiting here!" Hau said.

Ash and Serena kept going into the cave until they reached a chamber in the cave. There was light shining through it, and a hooded figure stood in front a fork that led to two caves.

"Hello. I am Ilima, the Trial Captain of Verdant Cavern. Who dares to attempt my trial?" The hooded figure said.

"Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town!" Ash said as he put his arm up with his fist up to his shoulder.

"And Serena Yvonne from Vaniville Town!" Serena said as she mimicked Ash's stance, and Ash looked at her, surprised. She looked at him and nodded, then turned to the hooded figure, Ilima.

"Are you going to attempt together?"

"Yes." Ash said.

"Luckily for you, Ilima has a way to test you both at once! You thought there was only one Totem Pokémon, but I have raised a second Totem Pokémon in the occasion where a couple would show up and take the trials together!"

"We're not a-" Ash said as he was cut off.

"SILENCE! You have come as a duo, therefore you are a couple in Ilima's eyes!"

"Okay." Serena said quietly.

"Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town, you will go this way!" Ilima said, pointing to the right. "Serena Yvonne from Vaniville Town, you will go this way!" Ilima said, pointing to the left.

"Good luck, Serena..."

"Good luck, Ash..."Serena walked through the left cave, and encountered a few Rattatatatas.(Not a typo, this is actually how I say this)

Meanwhile, Ash encountered mostly Yungoos's in the right cave. Soon, Ash reached an end of the path, and he walked out to a chamber with an opening on top. Hau was right, this isn't exactly intuitive as to how the hell they're supposed to complete this trial! 'Sure hope Serena has better luck figuring this out than I do. I'm officially clueless...'

And then he heard a roar.


"Pika!" Pikachu said, motioning for Ash to turn around.

"A Giant Pokémon..." Ash said in awe. He then typed into the Nanodex, and it scanned the giant Pokémon.

"Gumshoos. The Stakeout Pokémon. Although it wasn't originally found in Alola, this Pokémon was brought over a long time ago when there was a huge Rattata outbreak." Nanodex said.

"Misty, Brock, I wish you could see this! Reminds ya of the good old days, huh Pikachu?"

"Pika!" Pikachu said.

"Ok then, I choose you, Hawlucha!"

"Lucha! Lucha!" Hawlucha said as he came out from the Nanodex.

"Hawlucha, Flying Press!"

"Pika-chu!" Pikachu shouted, pointing at the Giant Pokémon.

"It used Protect!" Ash said as he then saw the Totem Gumshoos call for help. "What is it doing?" He hadn't seen that before...


"It's an army of Gumshoos!" Ash said as they all started using Sandstorm in unison. "Now they're all using Sandstorm!"

"Pika!" Pikachu shouted he flew off of Ash's shoulder.

"Lucha!" Hawlucha shouted as he flew back also.

"Pikachu! Hawlucha! I got you!" Ash shouted as he ran back to catch both Pikachu, who was way behind Ash, and Hawlucha, who was getting closer to them both.

"Get behind me!" Ash shouted as he thought of potential ways to counter this Sand-Cyclone. "Ok! It might be time to rethink this..." Then he got an idea. "Let's call in an army of our own! Come out Donphan, Gliscor, Gible, and Torterra!"





"Guys! Torterra, plant yourself with Grass Knot! Donphan, stand right next to him! Gliscor, get rid of this storm! Gible, use Dig!" Ash ordered as his Ground Type army got to work.

Donphan and Torterra planted themselves in one spot, giving Ash, Pikachu and Hawlucha some cover. Gliscor flapped his "wings", if they would be called wings, to try and resist the storm, and Gible did what he did best, he dug, almost playing a reverse Whack-A-Diglett with the the Gumshoos. Of course, Ash knew this wouldn't be of much help. Yes, Ash could've called on Pidgeot, Noctowl, Swellow, Staraptor, Talonflame and Noivern to try and blow the storm away, but they would've still been injured from the storm, and if the Gumshoos army decided to call on another Sandstorm, they wouldn't have way to counter it again. Add-on that the Gumshoos still have a numbers advantage, and one can see an almost impossible solution to get out of. However, Gliscor was glowing for some reason. Then the light left Gliscor, and slowly went to the sky...

Then the storm finally faded, and was replaced by an intense sunlight.

"You learned Sunny Day! Alright, Gliscor, now finish them off with Stone Edge! Donphan, Rollout! Torterra, use Solarbeam! Gible use Draco Meteor! Hawlucha, Flying Press! Pikachu, Thunderbolt!"

And the army of Gumshoos went down like flies, with Thunderbolt preventing anyone from moving, Solarbeam blinding them, Stone Edge and Rollout knocking them down, and Draco Meteor finishing the job, with a Flying Press and Rollout for the big boss.

"We did it!" Ash said as he, Pikachu, Hawlucha, Donphan, Gliscor, Gible, and Torterra celebrated until they heard clapping.

"Well done, Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town... You are now officially the fourth ever person to beat Ilima's Trial on the first go. Will your girlfriend have the same luck?" Ilima said.

"She's not my-"

"SILENCE! She is a girl, and your friend, so she is your girlfriend in Ilima's eyes!"


"Let us find out!" Ilima said as he led Ash through a secret tunnel that led to the tunnel that Serena went down.

"It's very dark in here!" Serena said, after having encountered the last Rattatatata.

"Nanodex Light On." Nanodex said.

"Thanks Nanodex!" Serena said as she raised the light of the Nanodex, only to see a giant Alolan Raticate

"Ahh! A giant Pokémon!" Serena said as she hastily typed into the Nanodex.

"Raticate. The Mouse Pokémon. Its disposition is far more violent than its looks would suggest. Don't let your hand get too close to its face, as it could bite your hand clean off."

"Okay. So we can't get close to it..." Serena said as she continued to back away. "Pancham is out of the question. Go, Braixen!"


"Use Psychic!"

Braixen used Psychic only to find that it had no effect.

"What?" Serena said as she ssaw the Raticate charge up a Dark Pulse.

"It's using Dark Pulse! Dodge it!"

"Try a Flamethrower!" Serena said. "It hit him!" She jumped for joy, but then realized that it only pissed off the Giant Raticate. "Uh-oh. Now he's mad!" Serena said as Popplio and Sylveon jumped out of her Nanodex, automatically.

"Popplio? Sylveon?" Serena said as the two Pokémon started to use a light that came out of a ball of of light that came out of their bodies.

"They're using Moonblast!" Serena said as Ilima and Ash arrived, to see Popplio and Sylveon using Moonblast, there by destroying the Totem Raticate. 'I love her...' Ash said.

"What? She is the fifth trainer to beat my trial? Er, I mean," Ilima said in a less over the top, Shakespearean accent, and more of a natural Unovan Accent, which would be the Poké World equivalent to a non-posh British accent. "Well done Serena Yvonne from Vaniville Town! You have become the fifth person to beat Ilima's Trial on the first go! You and your boyfriend are definitely PHENOMENAL yeeess..." Ilima said in his over the top accent again, after clearing his throat.

"FOR THE LOVE OF ARCEUS, WE ARE NOT A COUPLE!" Serena shouted. She didn't see Ash there, though, and is hoping he didn't hear that. But Ash did hear it. He is a little heartbroken over hearing this, but he then realizes that they really aren't.

"Okay... Sorry... I just thought..." Ilima said in his normal voice again.

"Ilima?" Ash said as Serena realized that Ash heard what she said about them not being a couple. 'Great, now you can kiss Ash Ketchum's heart goodbye. UGGH! I hate that damn Ilima!"

"Yeah, I think I took my act a little too far..." Ilima said as he pulled his hood down to reveal Platinum Blonde Hair, and blue eyes with tanned skin. "I'm Ilima Black. Hope I didn't annoy you guys too much..."

"Ash Ketchum." Ash said as he shook Ilima's hand.

"Serena Yvonne, Ash's "girlfriend"." Serena said as she did not dare face him again.

"Sorry about that. I like to get into people's heads as part of the trial, you see, I want to be an actor!"

"You definitely had us going there." Ash said.

"Well, don't worry, no one else will do that. As a thank you for enduring my bad acting, I want to buy you guys dinner, and have you at my house for the night."

"Are you usually that generous?"

"People usually bail before I get to apologize and break character." Ilima said, slumping over a bit.

"To be fair, they likely haven't seen what we have seen."

"Well, would you take me up on my offer?"

"We would like to. However, there is one more person we have to account for..."

"How much longer are you jerks gonna be in there?! Me and my Pokémon could have had some Malasadas by now! UGGH!" Hau shouted from outside of Verdant Cavern.

Finally, Ash, Serena and Hau followed Ilima to his house, in Hau'oli City, as they needed to go back that way anyhow, to get to Iki Town. It was dark, so they would stay at Ilima's, and leave the next morning, similar to how they did at Kukui's house. However, he won't lie, he half expected a Rockruff to jump on him, but instead, all he got was nothing, followed by the revelation that Ilima actually lives alone.

"You have this big ol house, and you live alone?" Ash asked.

"Its a problem. But it's okay, I've learned to live with it. Won't you guys come this way for dinner?" Ilima said.

"I'll be with you guys in a bit!" Ash said as he waited outside of Ilima's house.

"Ash, where are you going?" Serena said, as she tightly grabbed Ash's arm.

"I'm making a call." Ash said as he patted her hand, letting her know that he wouldn't be gone long.

"Okay..." Serena said as she blushed... again.

"Hey, uh, Melody?" Ash said after he dialed in a number.

"Ashy? Oh my god!" Melody, from Shamouti Island said as she ran out of her room to find her big sister. "Maren! It's Ash! Say hi to Ash!"

"Hi to Ash." Maren said after a chuckle.

"Ash, are you finally gonna ask me on a date?" Melody asked in anticipation.

"Uh, kinda?" Ash said as he shrugged his shoulders.

"What does that mean?"

"Well, you see, I think I know somebody who you might like..." Ash said.

"Is he cute?" Melody said as she widened her eyes.

"He's like a platinum haired Antonio Banderas!"

"Oh my god, I love Antonio Banderas! Where is he?" Melody squealed.

"Melemele Island, that's in Alola."

"That's in Alola, HA!" Melody said as she kissed the screen. "You're so cute, I wanna squeeze you!"

"Erm, don't. I'm spoken for."

"Did you and little red finally get busy?"

"What?" Ash shouted.

"You and Misty, did you two finally hookup?"

"NOOOO! NOT MISTY! Another girl!"

"Oh, is she prettier than me?"

"See for yourself." Ash said as he sent a drawing of Serena that he made on the Nanodex.

"Oh, she's actually really beautiful. I can't even be mad right now. I think you should marry her."


"Yes really! Nobody resists me, but you're the first!"

"I was just asking if you wanted to see this guy I met..."

"What does he do?"

"Get over here and find out!" Ash shouted.

"Okay, but not now. I'm busy."

"Fine! Whenever you can!"

"K, bye! We will be together!"

"Hope she doesn't meet Serena. She'd kill her..."

"Ash, hey!" Ilima said as he finished making a dish, and pulled it off of his wok. "So as I was saying, I kinda lied about buying dinner, because I really like to cook. I never have anybody to try my stuff, besides Hau, but he just inhales everything."

"Well, for what it's worth, I love it!" Serena said as she went on to eat some more of Ilima's Mei Fun.

"I'm not that far from that, so there's that." Ash said.

"At least you chew." Serena commended.

"True. Hey, do you battle?" Ash asked.

"Me? Yeah, but not often." Ilima said.

"Do you wanna battle me after this?"

"At this time? Sure!"

"Alright!" Ash said.

"Each of us will use three Pokémon. Last one with one Pokémon still able to battle, wins! Understood?" Ilima asked.

"Understood!" Ash said.

"Go, Gumshoos! Choose your Pokémon!" Ilima said.

"Another Gumshoos... I know what to do... Go Gliscor!" Ash shouted.


"Gumshoos, use Sandstorm!" Ilima ordered.

"Again with the Sandstorm! Okay, Gliscor, use Sunny Day!" Ash said.

"Whoa. Did not see that coming..." Ilima uttered.

"Your move!" Ash shouted.

"What is this, Yu-Gi-Oh? Gumshoos, use Crunch!"

"Right. Whoops. Gliscor, Giga Impact!"

"What?" Ilima shouted.

"Gumshoos is unable to battle! Gliscor wins!"

"Way to go, Gliscor!"

"Alright, Gliscor, return! Rest up, partner. You might need it."

"Ok then, go Smeargle!" Ilima said.

"Go Hawlucha!" Ash said.


"Smeargle, use Extreme Speed!"

"Hawlucha, dodge and then Flying Press!"

"Smeargle, Fire Blast!"

"Hawlucha, Karate Chop!"

"Smeargle, Fire Blast!" Ilima said as he noticed that Fire Blast missed. Hawlucha stood there like it knew that would happen. "What? It missed?"

"Oh, you didn't know? Fire Blast is indeed a powerful move, but precision is not it's strong suit. It rarely hits its target twice in a row!" Ash said as he turned his cap backwards. "Hawlucha, Hi Jump Kick!"


"Smeargle is unable to battle! Hawlucha wins!"

"Okay, no more games! You want a battle, here's a war! Go Komala!" Ilima shouted.

"Alright, Hawlucha, you good?"


"Alright, use Flying Press!"

"Zen Headbutt!"

"Oh shit!"

"Hawlucha is unable to battle! Komala wins!"

"Hawlucha, Return! Rest up, buddy, you earned it. Okay, time for the big guns! Go Snorlax!" Ash shouted.


"Komala, use The Z-Move!"

"Oh yeah? Snorlax, Protect!"

"Crap." Ilima uttered.

"Now, Body Slam!"


"Snorlax, Hyper Beam!"

The Hyper Beam and Breakneck Blitz collided, leaving a cloud of smoke, and no indication that anyone was moving. Then, Hau made a decision.

"Both Komala and Snorlax are unable to battle! It is a draw, but the victory goes to Ash!"

"Dang it. I forgot about Gliscor." Ilima uttered as Ash and Serena celebrated. "Oh, Ash, Serena, I have something for you guys."


"Yes. A prize for completing my trials on the first attempt."


"WAIT! The Z-Move is no good without the dance!"


"Watch." Ilima said as he danced the Z-Dance for Normalium-Z.

"You have to do THAT every time you use a Z-Move?"

"Yes." Ilima said as he handed the Z-Crystals to Ash and Serena.

Finally, Ash and Serena were alone. Now they could talk about more practical matters.

"Serena, tell me something." Ash said.


"When you said that we weren't a couple, did you mean that?" Ash asked, wondering why his heart was hurting earlier when he said that.

"What do you mean?" Serena asked.

"Do you know about the things that couples do?" Ash asked.

"Liike what?"

"Like the things we did last night? The kiss..." Ash said.

"You remember..." Serena said, as she almost cried.

"I couldn't stop thinking about it..." Ash said as he cupped her face with one hand and moved a lock of Serena's hair away with the other.

"You couldn't?" Serena asked, her eyes widening.

"No. In fact, I wondered if couples do that all the time..." Ash said, his eyes matching her widened eyes.

"If they are really in love with each other, yes, they do it often." Serena said as she went to grab his hands.

"But we're not a couple..." Ash said with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"We could be, if you really wanted to." Serena said as she and Ash got closer to each other's faces.

"I really want to-" Ash said as he kissed Serena. They kissed passionately for what seemed like a few minutes



"We have to keep it a secret..." Serena said.


"I'm nervous. I've never had a boyfriend before. I don't know what to do." Serena said.

"Afraid of getting teased?" Ash asked as she nodded. "Me too. We can't keep it entirely a secret, we have to tell someone. We have to figure out what to do here."

"I'll call someone I trust, and you call someone you trust."

"Okay, but in the morning. I want to celebrate the fact that we won our first Alolan Trial!"

"Okay!" Serena said as Ash picked her up, and carried her to bed.

"Pika!" Pikachu said.

"Roo-roo-oo!" Rowlet said.

The next morning, Ash woke up, still holding Serena in his arms. He couldn't help but adore how beautiful Serena looked, and like how this felt. If couples that love each other very much did this often, did that mean that Ash and Serena love each other? Did this explain why he always felt an instinctual need to protect her? Or why they always supported each other in everything they did? Or why she started to become like him, mimicking his determination, confidence, and good-heartedness?

He couldn't answer these things, as he had to get something to drink. His mouth felt like it was once full of cotton.

So get a drink he did. He got a glass full of water and chugged it as fast as he could. As he started to pack supplies for the trip back to Iki Town, he heard some laughing. Also, he heard what sounded like Serena's Pokévision video that she made back in Kalos.

"What a hopeless little girl, huh?" Ash heard Hau say. 'You son-of-a-bitch.' Ash said as both of his fists balled up.

"Hey!" Ash shouted.

"Ash, hey man, is ever-" Hau said.

"Don't "hey man" me!" Ash said as he grabbed Hau, and pinned him up against a wall.

"Whoa, whoa! What the hell are you doing?" Ilima shouted.

"Don't make fun of her again!" Ash said as he shoved Hau back again. "And don't bother coming with us! We know how to get to Iki Town."

"What about the rest of the trials?" Hau asked.

"I'll figure it out!" Ash said. "Serena, let's go."

"What's wrong?" Serena, now awake, asked.

"We're parting ways with Hau."

"Thank Mew, he was starting to- Wait what?" Serena asked, after thinking he meant we're leaving Ilima.

"I'll explain later."

"Okay..." Serena said as she got ready as fast as she could, and she and Ash were out the door.

"Hey, Ash, why did we leave Hau? I mean, I know he could be annoying, but did he deserve to get pushed around like that?" Serena asked as she, Ash, Pikachu, Rowlet, Greninja, Popplio, and Braixen walked along Route 2, back to Hau'oli City.

"For insulting you, I should've broke his damn face!" Ash said, with such rage, Rowlet woke up, and flew out of Ash's backpack to Greninja and Braixen.

"What did he say?" Serena said as she stopped and grabbed Ash's arm. He turned to free his arm, but then he saw a stare in Serena's eyes that he hadn't seen since Kalos. She was challenging him. She wanted answers, and she wanted to know what Hau and Ilima did to piss him off. She hated seeing him like this. Eventually, Ash gave in. How could she ignore her request for answers? He couldn't do that to her. She wouldn't do it to him.

"They were watching your Pokévision video, and..." Ash said as he clenched his fists again, but then, they eased back into open hands when Serena grabbed his arms. "They called you a hopeless little girl. I won't stand for that." Ash finished as he turned away from Serena, only to find himself facing her again.

Serena then took his hands into hers, and spoke. "I'm glad you would b-br-break somebody's face for me," Serena then pulled him closer for an embrace. "But you need to find a more civilized way to stick up for me."

"For you, I'll try." Ash said as he pulled back to look Serena in her eye, and tell her this. Then, they went in for a kiss, and the kiss became more passionate the longer it went. And then...

"Ash! Serena!" A little girl's voiced screamed as Ash and Serena broke their kiss quickly.

"Lillie!" Serena said as Lillie Lynch ran into Serena's open arms.

"Hey, Lil." Ash said as he stood awkwardly, not really sure about what to do, after such a tender moment.

"How did you know that name?" Lillie asked as her facial expression clearly showed that Ash's shortening of Lillie's name definitely struck a chord.

"It's just short for Lillie." Ash shrugged.

"My dad used to call me Lil..." Lillie said as he went to hug Ash, with Ash again feeling awkward about the situation. And then Serena pulled both Lillie and Ash into a hug. "And my mom used to hug Gladion and I like that!"

"Speaking of Gladion, we won't see him anytime soon, right?" Ash asked, getting very uncomfortable at the mere mention of Gladion.

"Not until Iki Town. Where's Hau?" Lillie asked, wondering how she didn't see that Hau was gone. Ash and Serena looked at each other, almost as if they didn't know what she meant.

"He had to be somewhere." Serena said.

"But he'll be at Iki Town?" Lillie asked.

"I don't know." Serena said.

"Look, we should get moving, this way, we can at least get to Iki Town." Ash said.

"Right." Serena said.

"Right!" Lillie said as she ran to catch up with Rowlet, Braixen and Greninja. Pikachu rushed to join them.

Meanwhile, Hau was rushing down Route 2 to catch up, and hopefully pass Ash and Serena. It was then that he ran into Kiawe.


"Ow, man! Ever hear of a carb?" Hau asked Kiawe as he rubbed his head from hitting Kiawe.

"Ever hear of slow and steady?" Kiawe asked as his Charizard started laughing.

"No!" Hau said as Kiawe gave him a hand and dusted him off.

"Why you in a rush? And where's Ash and Serena?" Kiawe asked.

"I lost them. They got ahead, so I lost them. My grandfather is gonna read the prophecy!"

"THE prophecy?" Kiawe asked.

"Only if Ash wins his grand trial!" Hau said.

"We need to root him on! Charizard, mount up!" Kiawe ordered as Charizard prepared to takeoff at the fastest speed known in Alola.

"...Come to Iki Town, please?" Hala asked a mysterious figure in a black coat.

"Of course, Kahuna!" The figure said as he and Hala exchanged greetings. "Ready, Decidueye?" He asked his Decidueye. The giant ghost bird nodded. "Let's go!"

"Well, we are now here!" Lillie shouted as she ran into Professor Kukui, or almost did.

"Alola, cousins!" Kukui said.

"Alola Professor!" Ash, Lillie and Serena said.

"How did your first Trial go?"

"It was a breeze!/I almost didn't make it!"

"Very mixed indeed... I take it you beat it the first time, right?" Kukui said.

"How did you know?" Serena asked.

"Hau told me."

"Hau?" Ash said as he balled up his fists, and Serena grabbed him to hold him back again.

"And he also wants to clear something up with you." Kukui said as he motioned for Ash and Serena to follow him.

"Ash." Hau said as Ash balled up his fists again. "Hear me out." Hau continued as he put his hands up. "I haven't told anyone about the incident this morning, except for Professor Kukui. He's trustworthy, so he won't tell if we don't. I was not laughing at Serena. I know she has a Pokévision video on YouTube, but I was not laughing at her."

"Then why were you laughing?" Ash asked, with malice in his voice. Serena is standing next to him, with a piercing gaze in her eyes that no one has seen until now. Greninja, Braixen, and Pikachu are standing behind them: Braxien with her stick pointed at Hau, Pikachu's cheeks are flaring with electricity, and Greninja, in his Ash-Greninja form, has formed blades to use like swords, or has Cut prepared.

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