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76.03% POKEMON: SHADOW VEILS / Chapter 164: EPISODE 164: The Flower that Blooms Eternaly!

Capítulo 164: EPISODE 164: The Flower that Blooms Eternaly!

This morning wasn't gray, but by soothing lavender and brilliant amber. The colors merged into neon pink and peach. Spreading sunrise, pinkish glow, clouds tinted, colors spread across the sky announcing the new day, oranges and reds painted across the clouds as if by a celestial hand.

Twilight melted away, majestic sunrise, red-orange glow seeping over the horizon as if the light itself was being poured from a molten sun. Powerful rays flood over the landscape lighting every blade of grass, shining from each leaf.

The campfire oozed murky smoke and haze, as the sun's glint woke me and my Pokemons up. Day two has arrived, of this unexpected turn of event. Now lies a danger awakening for all of us. Zeraora makes it leaps towards the tall brown trees. The warning has been given yet everyone was ignorant.

"Wh... What the?" My eyes were blurred and clouded at first. I could see a white fluffy face smiling and looking unto me. My vision started to clear when suddenly this white fluffy face licked my cheek. I was startled and surprised, my body reacted quickly and stood up immediately.

The Pokemon got startled due to my immediate reactions. She hid herself behind the rock while shivering with fear. Due to my immediate reactions, my Pokemons were accidentally awakened.

"Oh, it looks like your feeling better Shaymin! I'm sorry if I startled you." I apologized while trying to comfort Shaymin's scared and shivering body.

"How did you know my name!? Are you one of them?" Shaymin questioned while her body shivered even harder than before.

"The Pokedex told me. My name is Kalem, and these are my Pokemons. The girl sleeping over there with her Pokemons is Camellia. Nice to meet you Shaymin!" I smiled and introduced while I slowly rubbed Shaymin's fluffy and silky fur. She was still on her Sky Forme for some reason, when she should be on her land forme.

"What is a Pokedex!? Is that a new firearm?" Shaymin panicked and shook off my hand. She started to growl and warned me to back off.

"Woah! Shaymin, you were probably harmed by-"

"Humans like you! All of you are the same, a bunch of nincompoops who hunts mythical Pokemons like me!" Shaymin angered and growled.

"Shaymin relax. I'm not a Pokemon hunter. In fact, I'm a Pokemon Trainer! I care and love for all Pokemon species."

"A Pokemon trainer? I've never heard of such a thing! Leave me alone, or I swear I'll bite you." Shaymin warned.

"Shaymin, if it wasn't for me and my friend, your wounds wouldn't have recovered quickly."

"Oh... right. Thank you anyway for your help. A lot of people go to the island just to hunt me down. Yesterday, I was a victim of Pokemon Poaching, men with feisty eyes, bad odor, and cold smiles, chased and tried to stab me many times. I barely made it out alive." Shaymin became calmed and explained telepathically.

"There are a lot of bad people out there, but there are also a lot of good people like me and my friend. Humans like us are truly ambitious and arrogant beings, but behind all of that? There are humble and compassionate beings."

"Well your specie killed my parents, my family, my neighbor, and my community. I am the last Shaymin of Kuchiba island. Zeraora is my guardian, he protects me from humans. I accidentally fell off the cliff when those hunters lost their heads."

"Lost their heads!?"

"My guardian is very frustrated with humanity, especially because of the fire your specie created on Kuchiba Island years ago. From that day on, my guardian swore that for every human which steps on the land, his or her head shall be cut off."

"Well, your guardian is kinda insane. He sounds like a serial killer or a Psychopath."

"Is that a mockery or a compliment?"

"Um... hehe! Anyways, I was wondering why you're in your Sky forme and not on your landform."

"You see, there is a flower called 'Gracidea' it is the flower which makes me able to transform from land forme to Sky forme, but... the flowers started to wither away for some reason. Without the Gracidea, I am forever stuck as a Sky Forme, even if it only needs the sky to be twilight to return, without the Gracidea? No matter what time, or condition, I cannot transform." Shaymin was starting to trust me as she explained her background and experiences while laying on my laptop.

"Oh, but if the flowers bloomed again, will you be able to return?"

"Sadly, not anymore. The Gracidea's power will be drenched once it decays. A flower that withers, cannot bloom again. This petal on my back is also a Gracidea flower. It doesn't decay since it gets its water from my body."

"Now I see... The flower on your back doesn't decay, so that means it eternally blooms right?"

"Yes, but not quite. We Shaymins, have the privilege to store power from blooming flowers. With the stored power, we are able to make a withered life bloom again. Although, the laws of space are loud and clear, a soul for a soul."

"If I resurrect something or someone, the payment would be my life. For the stored power becomes my life, without the stored power? I am lifeless. It's like transferring my life to someone else.

Once the resurrected body blooms again, I shall decay and return to the soil. That is when my flower withers. That is how, my mother saved me from the wrath of your specie."

"Your mother transferred her power and life to you didn't she?"

"Yes... So that I may live again, she sacrificed herself and gave me her stored power. I couldn't bear to watch her flower and soul wither away."

Shaymin started to interact with me and my Pokemons. She played around, and caused some slight troubles, which... may have awakened Camellia. It turns out Shaymin was actually a friendly and cheerful Pokemon, it was our doing which caused Shaymin to fear us.

Now comes the hardest problem in life, finding breakfast. Our Pokemons were able to eat since they didn't mind to eat berries. Me and Camellia however, are fed up with berries, especially the Oran Berry. Although I know that people eat Pokemons, I will not hunt down any of them in front of my Pokemon's eyes, especially in front of Shaymin who was recently traumatized by Pokemon hunters.

"I guess we have no choice but to eat berries," Camellia uttered with disappointment.

"Let Shaymin and our Pokemons eat those berries. It has been a tough night for them. Missing breakfast is fine with me as long as my Pokemons are able to eat!" I beamed with joy while watching my Pokemons eat. We also gave Shaymin some berries as well.

"Here Kalem, you can have half of my berry." Riolu smiled and chopped the berry in half.

"Have my half too Kalem!" Gardevoir smiled and chopped the berry in half.

Our Pokemons were kind-hearted. They couldn't leave us hungry with our bodies starving. Each of them gave half of their berry to us.

"You gave those humans half of your berries?" Shaymin questioned with shock.

"Hey, they're more than humans! They are our trainers, they loved and cared for us, and we'll love and care for them too." Riolu explained thoroughly as he takes I bite from his berry.

"You'd do that for a human? A specie which hurts and kills us?"

"Not all of them are bad. Some are caring, and loving just like my trainer!" Sylveon smiled and explained while eating her berry.

"Don't they treat you like slaves? I mean, you battle for them, and the compliment goes to the right?"

"Some trainers are really like that, but my trainer would always hug and compliment me after winning or even losing a match." Gardevoir smiled and flashbacked.

"If they treated us like slaves, then why would they fees us? Care for us? Or even love us? It's not about battling, when you're with the right human, your hearts and souls combine as one!" Absol smiled and explained.

"How does it feel to loved and cared for?"

"Wait Shaymin, you never experienced what love felt like?" Scizor beamed with shock and surprise.

"All I feel is pain, grief, anger, and sorrow. I never knew that humanity had some advantages as well."

"When you were saved by Kalem, when your wounds were aided and healed, what did you feel back then?" Floette questioned.

"That is what I was wondering too. I felt a tingling feeling, a sense of belongingness, and warmth. It was like I had this unexplainable feeling going through my spines."

"Well that unexplainable feeling is called love. A trainer's love to a Pokemon is the best gift he or she could offer." Delphox explained while playing with her fiery twig.

"L... Love? So that's how it feels like. Love is happiness." Shaymin smiled and beamed with joy.

"Love is more than happiness and joy, it has the power to thaw a frozen heart." Gardevoir explained with her elegant voice.

"K... Kalem!?" A familiar voice called outside the hollow tree.

"P... Professor Beatrice?" Me and Camellia beamed with shock and surprise. She was with a girl about as tall as her. The girl wasn't familiar to us, but it was definitely familiar to Professor Bellice.

"Wh... Who's that?" Shaymin started to shiver in fear as she hid from the two professors.

"Oh, they're professors. They do good research on people and Pokemon. There is no need to worry." Riolu comforted.

"P... Professors? Do they love Pokemon too?"

"Of course they do! Professors are the best when it comes to Pokemon research and investigation." mawile beamed with joy while hopping around the ground.

"Finally, help has arrived!" Camellia beamed with relief and solace.

"This is Professor Indigo, by the way, she's my best friend, and a professional in Pokemon Biology." Professor Bellice introduced.

"Hi there! So you are the trainer that professor Bellice was talking about. Your name is Kalem right?"

"That's right professor Indigo! This is my friend Camellia. What are you doing here professors?"

"Well, it's a long story. What are you doing here Kalem? Camellia?" Professor Indigo questioned.

"It's a long story too. Anyways, Glade and Captain Smith is are somewhere on the island. The four of us got stranded here." Camellia giggled and explained.

"Well well! Lucky you, all we have to do is to find Glade and the captain you speak of, then we can set sail back to Aulmurus city!" Professor Bellice beamed with excitement.

"Aren't you forgetting? We lost the ship remember?" Professor Indigo recalled.

"Oh right... and we have to find the ship first. Hehe!" Professor Bellice giggled while rubbing my hair.

Me and my friend felt relief after seeing the professors pass by. It was a coincidence to meet each other, but a good coincidence indeed.

"Alright everyone! Return to your Pokeballs." Me and Camellia instructed. Our Pokemons were then absorbed by the light and charged forth towards their respective Pokeballs. Riolu leaped into my shoulder while Shaymin hid and watched from behind.

"Hey Kalem, what are we going to do about that Shaymin?" Camellia whispered and questioned.

"Oh right. I forgot. Hey Shaymin, are you going to be alright? Me and my friend alongside professors will be going now." I questioned and reassured.

"Wait... a Shaymin!?" The two professors beamed with awe as Shaymin showed herself. At first she shivered towards me, but was soon getting more comfortable and convenient with the professors.

"It's kinda a long story too," Camellia explained while the two professors started to take pictures of the mythical Pokemon.

"Wh... where are you going Kalem?" Shaymin questioned.

"Well you see, my friend is in trouble, and I need to find them quickly before something bad happens."

"So... you're leaving huh. Thanks for everything at least." Shaymin suddenly got melancholy as she tilted her head down.

"Shaymin? Do you want to come with me?" I knelt down in front of the sad Melancholy and questioned with a smile.

"C... Come with you? What do you mean by that?"

"You know? You'll be permanently mine. We'll start to create memories together, make new friends, and grow closer to each other."

"You mean... you'll love and care for me?"

"Of course I will! I'm going to treat you with respect, honor, and of course, compassion!"

"So, the body doesn't catch any Pokemons, he convinces them." Indigo giggled.

"Kalem doesn't like to 'catch em all.' he wants to be with Pokemons who choose him rather than him choosing them," Camellia explained.

"I see. It reminds me of the former champion. Her Abra was the very first Pokemon she saved from Pokemon abuse. Since then, they grew stronger and even more powerful." Professor Bellice suddenly sobbed as she remembered the deceased champion. Camellia, however, was feeling worried, hoping that the professors won't know that it was his father who truly killed the champion and not some random heart disease.

"What if there are more hunters out there?" Shaymin feared.

"Shaymin, the world is truly a cruel place. You're never sure when chaos will strike. A detective once told me, no matter where you are, you are never safe."

"I'm just scared, I'm an island Pokemon. What if I can't cope up with your so-called technology?"

"A passionate Pokemon can learn anything! If there's a will, there's always a way."

"If that is so... Kalem? I've thought hard and long, I am willing to be with you!" Shaymin smiled and leaped with joy.

"No way... That's Kalem's first mythical Pokemon." Professor Bellice beamed with shock.

"Really!? That's great Shaymin, here... this is a Pokeball, this will be your new home for now until I send you out. Don't worry, it may seem small in the outside but it's big in the inside." I smiled and explained while I took a Pokeball from my pocket.

"All you have to do is to press this button over here, and then? You'll be automatically mine!"

"If that's the way to do it, then fine by me!" Shaymin smiled and tapped the button with her soft paw. While smiling, Shaymin was directly sent to the Pokeball. For three turns she didn't hesitate. Shaymin is finally mine.

"Wait... the Pokeball, it didn't teleport to my lab!?" Professor Bellice beamed with shock as the Pokeball in my hand remained on it. The Pokeball didn't shrink or even teleport to the lab. I began to wonder... how could I be bringing seven Pokemons with me!?

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