"I ask that you calm yourself once again, Leiji," the blue haired youth said, once more opposing his fellow council member's outbursts. "Perhaps there is some truth to her claim. This world is full of mysteries even we cannot yet explain."
"You would believe her, Siegrain," Leiji said dejectedly. "You're always siding with the next generation."
"That's why I'm a part of this council," Siegrain simply responded. "To offer up a differing perspective to those who have been among its ranks for far too long."
"Enough," Org said, trying to bring the situation back under control. He then looked down at Bambietta once more. "So these Hollows as you called them, your power was crafted and forged to fight against them?"
"Yeah, I guess you could say I'm kind of spiritually attuned?" Bambietta had no idea what she was trying to go for at this point yet she continued on nonetheless. "We Quincy pretty much cam purge their essence with their powers... I guess."
"So your magic can wipe out the negative forces that comprise these Hollows as well as Curses. How intriguing." Org glared down at Bambietta then. "I suppose we have nothing to fear of the Quincy then, if your power was created to protect."
"Yeah," Bambietta replied with a half-hearted smile, "that's what we're all about."
"A new magic we've not heard of, one capable of destroying Curses," an older woman sitting upon the council began to say, "as well as an entire clan not known in Fiore. Bambietta Basterbine, where is it you come from?"
Bambietta could only blink, the Quincy having truly dreaded such a question being raised. There was truly no good answer. "Where I'm from?"
"Yes," Org said. "The Magic Council has done extensive research into your name and we could not help but find it amusing that there is no record of your existence. A Bambietta Basterbine simply does not exist on any form of paperwork, at least not until your confirmation of joining Fairy Tail occurred. Don't you find that interesting as well?"
Bambietta took a deep breath, trying to keep herself calm. She would have to do something, anything, to placate the Magic Council. A false story perhaps? Yet how could she hope to do that when she had no knowledge of the world she was in? She knew of Fiore, but that was all she had to go by.
The Quincy sighed then, knowing that the truth was clearly her own option. To speak of the world from whence she came, perhaps even of the atrocities she had committed in the name of her god there. Perhaps they'd lock her up for such actions, or simply cast her into some foul pit, declaring her completely insane.
There was no telling what would be the case, yet Bambietta knew she had to speak the truth. There was simply no other way.
"I apologize for the interruption," a voice said from behind, "but there is someone here who wishes to speak on this Bambietta Basterbine's behalf."
The Quincy had not been expecting that, not in the least. Bambietta had simply expected to be on her own, to face this 'enemy' with no support at all. It was clearly how those she had considered her friends would have done such things. Yet it was clear she had true allies here. The Quincy simply breathed a sigh of relief, hoping for the best.
The amphibian attendant of the Magic Council began to move to the side, allowing a woman to enter the chambers. The very sight of her led Bambietta feeling her breath catch within her thought.
"Pardon the interruption," Erza Scarlet said simply as she walked forward, "but I feel it is absolutely vital that I speak on behalf of my fellow Fairy Tail wizard."
Bambietta did not know what to say, what to feel, she simply glanced back towards the Magi Council and could see they were clearly agitated, though some showed it more than others. All save Siegrain, the blue haired youth simply smiling slightly.
Bambietta could only find that unnerving, though she could not put her finger on exactly why.
"This is outrageous!" Leiji shouted, his temper flaring once more. "Remove her from this chamber at once!"
"Silence!" Org began to grow impatient then as well. "Erza Scarlet of Fairy Tail, do you have pertinent information in regards to the matter at hand?"
Bambietta knew she could not possibly be able to offer anything in her defense, so why then was Erza here?
"Yes," the armored mage said, surprising even the Quincy, "I believe I do."
"And why must you offer up such information yourself?" Org questioned. "Can Bambietta Basterbine not speak for herself?"
"Yeah, I kind of can," Bambietta mumbled, yet she knew that she was in-between a rock and a hard place. The Magic Council was clearly looking for answers she could not willingly give, while Erza was still her same odd and intimidating self. "But I'll shut my yap."
Erza nodded, all the while Bambietta folded her arms across her chest in a huff. Only then did the armored wizard begin to speak, taking a deep breath first to clear her throat and thoughts. "You all know full well of the Tower of Heaven."
Bambietta did not, yet she could clearly see a visible reaction among those in the council, the older members whispering among themselves. Then there were Siegrain and the dark haired woman by his side, neither showing any true reaction at all. That led Bambietta to wondering what was going on once more.
Erza continued to talk, ignoring the council's rambling amongst themselves. Bambietta noticed it then, the armored mage taking deep controlled breaths as if forcing the words forward. "When I was brought to the tower by a Zeref cult, there were many there before me. So many, yet none of them were broken in spirit enough that they could not cherish a newcomer in great need. And yet..."
Erza's shoulders slumped then, the woman looking towards Bambietta then and there.
"Bambietta was there before I was. In time I learned from others that she had been forced to slave away in that wretched hell since she had been a true child. Time was cruel to her and she had lost all memory of where she had come from. She could not even remember who she was."
Bambietta simply stared at Erza, understanding quickly what this woman was getting at, what game she was playing, even if she did not know what this Tower of Heaven was. It almost sounded like a theme park to the Quincy but she could understand from Erza's reluctance to speak of it that it was something entirely different.
"That damned tower again." Org rubbed his eyes gently before staring down at Erza. "I suppose we are fortunate that it was abandoned during the rebellion of years gone by. The atrocities those Zeref worshippers committed were simply unforgivable."
"Yes," Erza said both simply and sharply, "they were."
Bambietta felt a shiver run down her skin then, her spiritual senses awakening to whatever deep rooted emotions Erza was experiencing with her soul. Yet then did the Quincy realize it, having Erza's presence to compare it to. She simply could not feel any presence radiating from the Magic Council. Still did Bambietta know now was not the time to ask any further questions of her own.
"I have allowed you permission to speak, Erza Scarlet," Org suddenly said, his voice curt, "so I do suggest you make your point clear and concise."
"She had no name and no memory," Erza said, her own tone growing solemn in response to the sharp tongue of the Council member, "and I... felt she needed a name."
Bambietta simply did not know what to say. Even she was beginning to fall for Erza's deception. Yet she could see something among those in the council that caught her eye. The one known as Siegrain's eyes were narrowing ever so slightly, as if this topic was a source of frustration for him, no matter how slight.
Org, however, continued to speak. "Bambietta Basterbine was your choice? A rather unique name, but I suppose I should not expect anything less from one with a reputation such as yours."
Erza bit her own tongue, unsure of if she should take that phrase as an insult or judgment. "It was an easy name to remember. She deserved that much."
Bambietta could not help herself, a slight smile beginning to tug against the corners of her mouth. Yet then did it fade quickly, the Quincybeginning to wonder once more if she truly did deserve what Fairy Tail had to offer.
"So she escaped from the Tower of Heaven, as you yourself did following the successful rebellion," Org said, his gaze never wavering as it focused on Erza. "So many children lost in this world since that day. Perhaps it was simply fate that at least two who survived that ordeal came together once more in Fairy Tail."
Bambietta was impressed, that much was true. She had assumed Erza Scarlet simply a woman bound to the rules and the law, yet here she was being rather deceptive to help another. For reasons the Quincy could not explain, it was warming her reborn heart ever so slightly.
"I do not believe in such thing as fate," Erza simply responded to the Magic Council. Bambietta noticed then the woman's eyes shifting slightly, as if they were settling upon one individual beyond Org himself. "We make our own futures, for good or for ill."
"Be that as it may," Org interrupted, dragging Erza's attention back to himself, "the information you have provided only explains where she was nearly a decade ago. The question of where she was in that time and how she came to possess the magic she has now is still the heart of this matter, Erza Scarlet."
Bambietta no doubt knew that Erza had a planned story for this, that much was for certain, yet the Quincy was not so inclined to simply watch the deception play out. She appreciated the unexpected assistance, yes, but there was the matter of her pride as a pure blooded Quincy.
"I can explain that," Bambietta said, catching even Erza off guard ever so slightly. "After I left the Tower of Heaven I had no family. My parents were killed by those..." The Quincy's voice paused for a second, Bambietta's teeth gritting as true rage seeped into her voice. "My parents were killed by, my home town burned to the ground by those... bastards!"
Bambietta bit her lower lip in frustration, having not dared to imagine any sort of truth would mingle with the lies she had intended to spread. Her anger was threatening to overwhelm her, giving the Quincy nothing but contempt for the Soul Reapers of another world.
Then did she gasp, suddenly feeling a gentle touch upon her shoulder. She turned slightly to the side, catching sight of Erza's armored hand upon her. Then did the hatred dissipate for the moment, allowing Bambietta to speak freely and with no negative emotions clouding her mind.
"I wandered aimlessly, with nowhere to go," Bambietta continued, "and that was when he appeared."
"He?" Org questioned. "And who might this man have been?"
"My savior?" Bambietta questioned, the Quincy suddenly wondering how she could dare to disrespect the god who had given her life purpose so many decades ago. "Yes, my savior. He took me in when I had lost everything. Helped me find a purpose. He... taught me everything I know."
"About being a Quincy?" Org looked down at Bambietta, his eyes narrowing. "Was this man a Quincy."
"He was more than that," Bambietta answered, glancing down to the table before him. "So much more. He helped make me what I am today. And for that I... I-"
"What was this man's name?" Org interrupted. "Where is he now? How could he have found a way to destroy so easily what Zeref created?"
"He's dead," Bambietta answered, the Quincy unsure of the final fate of whom she spoke of. Still she had to go along with what she was thinking and feeling now. "Yes, he's dead."
"What," Org began to repeat, "was his name?"
"Does it matter?" Erza Scarlet interjected. "If she says that he is no longer-"
"It matters a great deal!" Org suddenly raised his voice, glaring at Erza. "If such a wizard found a magic that could destroy a curse of Lullaby's magnitude so simply, then the Magic Council deserves to know what other knowledge he passed down to this woman! We deserve to know who he was!"
Bambietta began to think then, knowing full well His Majesty's name yet still unsure if she could dare speak it under such circumstances. To use her lord's name within a lie, it was tantamount to pure sacrilege. Yet then did Bambietta remember one particular thing from a time since long passed. Giselle Gewelle had not been able to properly pronounce Yhwach's name for the longest time. It was right up there with how she kept spelling the word pain as pein. Yes, that error was the loophole Bambietta needed to keep her lie intact while preserving her faith.
"His name," she began to say, "was Juha Bach."
"And how did this Bach die?" Org continued his interrogation. "Surely a... Quincy you hold such reverence for could not be fell so easily."
"It was a dark guild," Bambietta answered quietly. "Their leader was a cruel man. An old man. One who held within his hands a magic equal to the sun itself. They... killed each other in their battle."
"The power of the sun?" Siegrain simply said, glancing down at Bambietta with the utmost curiosity. "Such a power would very well dwarf even the greatest of fire wizardry. A lost magic perhaps?"
"I wandered about after that," Bambietta continued to say, "with nothing left to... to live for."
A heavy silence hung down upon the chamber, Bambietta fidgeting slightly, her body shivering quite slightly as the thought of what she had endured.
"And then?" Org simply asked, the elder having no time for pity at this time.
Erza considered her options, the mage wondering if now was the time to speak up. She knew full well she had the answers that both Bambietta and the Magic Council sought, yet still did she find herself hesitating for a moment, Porlyusica's words from weeks gone by staining her memories.
"I will help this girl, but I wish to make it clear to you the danger she might possess. Should she reveal a darker side upon her resurrection then I will not hesitate to do what I must in that situation."
Erza had caught sight of that darkness perhaps, having witnessed Bambietta's lashing out against the Eisenwald wizard that had attempted to murder one of his own, yet was that enough to leave her truly concerned for this woman's mental stability and morality? She simply was unsure and that was something that did not sit right with the S-class wizard.
Yet did Bambietta begin to speak, surprising even Erza. "I remember little," she began to say, "thanks to the spell I was put under thanks to one of the dark guilds own. I just..." Bambietta began to grit her teeth, her body trembling ever so slightly. "I remember the pain, the humiliation, and then... more pain. A flash of steel against flesh. After that..."
Erza felt her mind flinch yet she kept her body still.
"I was saved," Bambietta said, looking up at the Council, trying to keep her expression calm. "Not from the grace of God but from someone who wished to save me."
Erza kept her eyes on Bambietta solely then, the armored mage left to wonder just how much of their initial encounter this woman remembered after all.
"She brought me back from the brink," Bambietta continued, "and then told me that I could find a home in Fairy Tail."
"And this woman," Org continued to question, "who was she?"
Bambietta paused for a moment, trying to remember the name. So much had happened to her since coming to this world in the warped state she had been in that her memories of that time were not entirely meant to be trusted. Yet then did it come back to her, leaving the Quincy to question how she could forget her personal savior. "Porlyusica."
Erza felt herself relax then, understanding at least how far back Bambietta's memories seemed to be extending. The senior mage watched then as the Magic Council began to converse amongst themselves once more, their attentions drawn away from both herself and Bambietta for the moment.
"Bambietta Basterbine, Erza Scarlet," Org said, finally turning his attentions to the two mages. "You are quite fortunate that a few of our own are enamored with Fairy Tail's reputation. However, you are more fortunate that Yajima here is perhaps more familiar with your guild than any who have ever been within our ranks."
"If Porlyusica has faith in you," another older gentleman, Yajima, said as he moved forward, "then I have the utmost confidence that this council has nothing to fear of you or your powers, Bambietta Basterbine."
Faith, that was an phrase Bambietta had not expected to be bestowed upon her by those who clearly dwelled within the light. She who had been forced to live within the confines of shadow had come to expect such things only from others who dwelt in mutual darkness. This was so unnatural, so alien to Bambietta that she did not know how to properly respond.
As if looking for guidance, for reassurance, she glanced towards Erza Scarlet. The mage was looking towards her as well, a certain shine upon her eyes. It was rather comforting to Bambietta and in turn did the Quincy begin to chide herself for her momentary thoughts. This was not alien to her, far from it. She had found herself amidst those who called Fairy Tail their home. They had accepted her, they had welcomed her, they had taken her in when she had nothing. There was no more living within the darkened corners of this world or the next, there was simply basking in the radiant light of the guild.
Then did Bambietta's mood suddenly grow dower. She was within the light, yes, but she knew that all it did was cast long shadows in the end. Hers was a particularly long one, a creature born from the darkness within her heart and soul. She was not deserving of such acceptance, not one who was hoping to return to the shadows and stand among the darkened souls that composed her fellow Stern Ritter.
Erza was simply too perceptive for the Quincy's own good, catching note of the slightly shifting expression and body language she was beginning to exhibit. "Bambietta?"
The Quincy caught sight of Erza through the corner of her eye, noting the hint of concern in her eye. Another undeserved emotion, nothing more.
It was too good to be true, yes, that was what Bambietta told herself. No one could be this sincere, this caring, this perfect. Not the Soul Reapers, not the Vandenreich and especially not this Fairy Tail. They did not know the truth of Bambietta, that much she allowed herself to feel. They did not know the depths of depravity she had allowed into her life. If they did, then clearly this false pretext they presented to her would be gone like so much ash, lost like tears in the falling rain. They would hate her, fear her, despise her. They would turn upon her, just like the Soul Reapers did the Quincy, just like Bambietta's friends had done when the mood suited them.
There was no hope of true friendship, of camaraderie. There was only a means to an end, nothing more. They would betray her someday if they knew the truth or she would betray them first and return to whence she came.
Bambietta looked to face Erza then, the Quincy forcing her storming thoughts to calm, her expression remaining blank and serene despite the chaos within her soul. "I'm fine, Erza."
"Bambietta Basterbine," Org said, suddenly stepping in front of Yamija and looking down at the Quincy, "the Magic Council has learned what it needed to. You are free to return to your Guild. This inquiry is at an end."
Then did Bambietta simply watch in amazement as those who composed the Magic Council began to fade away, leaving behind no trace of their existence.
"Okay, that was strange," Bambietta said simply.
"Projection magic," Erza said in turn. "They were broadcasting from Era, nothing more."
"Oh, that's nice," Bambietta grumbled. "I'm not good enough to meet face to face?"
Erza glanced down at the Quincy and could see that she was quite cross, her arms folded across her chest, her face clearly showing signs that she was fuming. In turn did Erza do her best not to chuckle, not even slightly. "Let's return back to the guild hall, Bambietta."
Bambietta sat up then and began to follow Erza through the chambers door. Soon did the darkness of the room fade away, leaving the Quincy to close her eyes slightly in response to the onrush of light that was issued forth from the main hallway.
"Damn, this is too bri-"
Bambietta's words were cut short then, the Quincy bumping into Erza's armored chest. She stumbled away and rubbed her nose, it having bounced off the metal plating.
"Hey, Erza, warn me the next time you're going to stop in front of me."
Bambietta quickly regretted her burst of attitude, expecting to be chewed out by Erza for it, yet that never came. Instead she could hear Erza breathing a slight bit harder than earlier. Worse, however, was the sense of foreboding that was suddenly seeping through the mage's magical output.
Bambietta glanced over Erza's shoulder than and could see a man leaning against the left wall of the hallway, his eyes focused on the red haired wizard. It did not take long for Bambietta to recognize this man for who he was, having seen him only moments ago.
Erza, meanwhile, began to speak in a hushed tone. "Siegrain."
"It's been such a long time," the blue haired man began to say, his lips curling slightly upwards, "since we could talk like this, Erza."
"You two know each other?" Bambietta asked innocently enough, though quite perturbed by Erza's sudden change in mood, tone and disposition.
"You could say that," Siegrain simply answered for Erza as he moved away from the wall and began his approach. "Though clearly not as well as you two do. Erza and I simply have a... mutual acquaintance."
Bambietta could still feel it, the sense of dread enveloping Erza. It was wrong, so very wrong to the Quincy. She had already seen Erza as a force of nature, as a wizard deserving of fear and perhaps respect. How then could she be so disturbed by this man before them both.
Then there was Siegrain himself. He was clearly a magic projection, just as he had been in the council chamber, yet still could Bambietta feel something off about him. This time, however, was not something born from her spiritual senses. No, it was simply the way he spoke, the way he carried himself, the look in his eyes. They were all telltale signs of a man who had grander aspirations than those around him. Of a man who felt he was beyond reproach.
Bambietta knew his kind far too well.
"So you're from the Tower of Heaven as well," Siegrain said as he began to look towards Bambietta. "I'm so glad to hear another managed to escape as Erza did."
"What?" Bambietta was so confused then, unsure of what this man was speaking of. Had Erza and the Magic Council not spoke as if everyone had left this tower years ago. "What are you saying?"
Siegrain simply moved closer, his even tone never slipping for an instance. "Perhaps the event was so traumatizing that you do not remember what happened. Or..."
Siegrain suddenly turned his attentions to the silent Erza.
"Perhaps it was all simply a brilliantly constructed facade," the blue haired man continued, his eyes narrowing. "Oh, Erza, lying before the Magic Council a second time. Such a naughty woman you are."
Bambietta looked towards Erza than, her own discomfort at this conversation beginning to seize her heart. "A second time?"
Siegrain suddenly looked back at Bambietta and she could only feel as if his eyes were trying to peer into her soul. It simply began to chip away at the Quincy's nerves, leaving her to wish she could simply lash out at this man. Yet she knew that would not do, not at all. To strike one in power would be a foolhardy thing when she did not possess the power to fight off the entire world. Yet also to strike one who was not even there in the flesh would be an even greater offense, an action that would cast Bambietta as a fool. That she would not allow.
"Yes, a second time," Siegrain began to answer. "That accursed tower seems to make Erza always speak with a forked tongue. It's rather amusing if I do say so myself."
Then did Bambietta grow even more irritated, the feeling seeping into her tone of voice. "What the hell is so special about this tower?"
"Nothing you need be made privy to," Siegrain said, his eyes narrowing. "It's the past, that's all its ever been. However, you clearly know nothing of it, so I do have to wonder why Erza would lie so blatantly on your behalf. It's rather... curious."
Erza, meanwhile, began to grow tired of Siegrain's verbal undressing of the situation, and thus did she turn his own words against him. "It's nothing you need be made privy to, Siegrain."
The man simply laughed. Not long and deeply, but he did laugh. It was short and concise, a momentary lapse in his character that left Bambietta simply on edge. She watched as Siegrain moved back towards Erza, the man suddenly reaching out with his hand.
His fingers began to brush against Erza's chin, gently moving her face up so that her eyes locked with Siegrain's own.
"You wound me, Erza," he said quite casually, his mirth no more. "I wish only to look out for your well-being and your own good, nothing more. "However, I will ask in return that you speak not of the Tower of Heaven ever again to those doddering old fools on the council. Did you not make that promise to me once before?"
Erza was unwilling to talk at first, leaving Bambietta to once more be thrown off by the hesitation this woman was clearly experiencing. The dread was still enveloping her body, though now it was joined by sheer revulsion.
"Yes," Erza at last said, her voice low and controlled.
"I will do what I can to finish that matter for you," Siegrain said then, "just as I promised all those years ago. I will do all that I can to secure your future, as well as the future of all those who suffered at that tower, but clearly that is not enough for you if you were willing to broach such a subject for this woman beside us."
"What of it?" Erza asked, her own sense of defiance coming back to her.
"Allow me to offer an added incentive," Siegrain began to answer. "Never speak of that tower to the Magic Council under any circumstance ever again and... I'll keep myself quiet about how this Quincy was never there in the first place."
Bambietta began to feel her skin crawl then, feeling as if she had become part of some twisted game this man was playing. That was something she did not appreciate in the least. "You know," she began to say, glaring at Siegrain, "tell the damned council whatever you want. I'd rather not be indebted to someone like you."
"My, aren't you a feisty one?" Siegrain returned Bambietta's glare, yet his expression seemed to be that of one composed of nothing but curiosity. "Though I suppose Erza would find herself in such company thanks to being a part of Fairy Tail."
"Siegrain, that's enough."
Both the blue haired man and Bambietta were caught off guard then, Erza's voice startling them both. The armored mage turned to face Siegrain then, her eyes pure and steady, her expression not allowing itself to show a hint of hesitation.
"I'll speak no more of the council, but I do expect you to do as you promised."
Siegrain could not help but smile, nodding his head as he looked towards Erza. "You have my word, Erza Scarlet. I'd hate to imagine the council punishing you for such deceptions after all. They may simply lock you away for far too long. I wouldn't want that."
Bambietta watched as Siegrain moved close to Erza, the man all but draping his head atop her left shoulder. Than did he whisper, leaving Bambietta to strain to hear his next words.
In that moment did the Quincy wish that she had not made the effort.
"I'd miss you, Erza."
Than did Siegrain fade from sight, his magical projection leaving both Bambietta and Erza with only each other as company. While the latter was simply unmoving and wrapped in silence, the latter was letting her emotions flare up in response. Bambietta's teeth came together, her lips baring them as her hands began to curl into shaking fists.
"Don't tell me," the Quincy began to whisper, her voice raising with each spoken word, "don't you dare tell me that man is your friend."
Erza was quiet, her expression belaying nothing of what she felt. Then did she look at Bambietta, her tone exhibiting no emotions. "It's none of your concern, Bambietta."
"The hell it isn't!" the Quincy suddenly screamed. "I don't know what it is going on between you and that creep, I don't know even really know what this Tower of Heaven is, but thanks to you I'm a part of it now, aren't I?"
Erza said nothing at first, the woman shifting her gaze away from Bambietta. "He and I are not friends, let's leave it at that. Like he said, we just have a mutual connection, that's all."
Bambietta could hear it, the strange sense of bitterness within Erza's voice. More to the point, however, she could steel feel the waves of despair issuing forth from the woman's magical power. There was no hiding her true feelings from the Quincy, yet the true motive behind them would clearly have to remain a mystery. Bambietta could tell well enough that to speak of this Tower of Heaven had been painful for Erza, yet still she had done so to help the Quincy in her time of need when faced with the Magic Council's interrogation.
Bambietta began to clear her throat, knowing that she had to do what was next to come. "Erza, th-" The Quincy paused then, quickly growing frustrated. She did not like failing at something, not even this, and she forced herself to try again. "Erza, tha-"
Once more did her body resist her command, leaving the Quincy to bite down on her lower lip in frustration.
Erza, meanwhile, could at least tell what Bambietta was trying to do and spoke in turn. "You're welcome."
Ultear watched simply as the still and quiet Siegrain began to stir, the man's eyes slowly opening. He turned from his chair slightly to face the dark haired woman, a grin upon his face.
"I suppose that went as well as you wanted?" Ultear asked simply.
"Better than expected," Siegrain answered as he sat up and moved across his office. The man glanced out the window then, his eyes settling upon the landscape of Era. "I never dared dream Erza would speak of the Tower of Heaven to defend another, though I suppose it was an effective lie. The amount of truth she mixed into that grim fairy tale of hers no doubt made it more believable to those fools we've left ourselves surrounded with."
"And to think she'd be so cruel as to say that she gave a name to that Bambietta woman," Ultear said slyly, a slight laugh escaping from her. "That must have hurt you deeply."
"You speak out of turn, Ultear," Siegrain responded, his expression hardening for a moment as he placed a hand against the glass pane of his window. "I suggest you remember your place in this partnership of ours."
"My apologies," the woman said in return. "I'll make sure I keep that in mind from now on."
"See that you do." Siegrain simply kept his eyes upon the town before him. "It took much effort in getting Lullaby to Eisenwald without revealing our hand, yet that plan failed miserably. And all because of this... Quincy."
"You think this Bambietta woman is the one we heard of before?"
"For our sakes," Siegrain began to reply, "I hope so."
Sorry for the wait everyone. I dont really have much to say about this one. Just know that no, the quincy that they heard of before, is NOT Bambietta. Who is it? I wont say.
That said, I do hope you enjoyed it and you leave your thoughts in a review, it would be REALLY appreciated. Thank you very much.
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