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44.44% A Quincy's Fairy Tail / Chapter 8: 2/4

Capítulo 8: 2/4

Bambietta could see it clearly, however, that Natsu and Gray were now too focused on each other. The two wizards stared at each other, their power radiating around them.

"Why don't you butt out of it, you half-naked jerk?"

"And why don't you just cool yourself off, hothead?"

Bambietta watched on as the two exchanged pitiful insults, wondering when the nonsense would stop, but then she heard the sound of a familiar voice nearby.

"Why don't you join up with me, Lucy? Later tonight, just the two of us?"

The Quincy whirled around then, catching sight of Loke with his arm over Lucy's shoulders. "You," the Quincy whispered, knowing this man well.

"Oh my," Loke continued, not budging an inch from Lucy, "I just have to keep my shades on when I'm around you. Otherwise I'd simply be dazzled by your incandescent beauty."

Lucy was simply unimpressed. "Are you trying to tell me that girls are really won over by that?"

Bambietta had to admit, if only to herself, that it was a line she liked. Still that did not stop her from getting irritated at the lecherous man getting close to her roommate. She was about to say something then, only to be caught off guard by Loke's next action.

"Those keys!" Loke suddenly backed away from Lucy then, trying to put as much distance between them both. "You're a Celestial wizard?"

"Aye, sir!" Happy exclaimed, the cat appearing as if from nowhere and standing beside Lucy. "She's got cows and even crabs!"

Loke went into a complete panic at that moment, clutching at his face as he screamed as if towards the heavens. "Falling in love with a Celestial wizard, not that! No! Why has destiny conspired against me so tragically?"

Loke began to turn and ran then, moving right past Bambietta. Yet then did he stop and back towards her. He looked at her then with eyes wide with shock.

"Somebody call a doctor! Quick!"

"What the hell?" Bambietta could not understand what had come over this wizard now.

"No! Don't talk!" Loke replied, his voice still frantic. "Are you all right! Do you remember your name?"

"Okay," Bambietta said in response, "what are you going on about?"

"It's just," Loke began to say, "you've clearly suffered a nasty fall."

"Say what now?" Bambietta furrowed her brow in confusion. "What the heck gives you that idea?"

"Because," Loke began to answer as he moved his face closer to Bambietta's own, his eyes locking with hers, "I'm pretty sure you fell straight out of heaven, angel."

Bambietta did not know what to say in response. Then did she laugh a little, understanding that Loke had no idea of whom he was speaking such a forced line to. "Oh, sweet and smooth," Bambietta replied, trying to keep a straight face. "And do you know what happens to angels that fall from heaven?"

"What's that?"

"They become devils!" Bambietta allowed Blut Arterie to flow through her body and she grabbed Loke by the scruff of his shirt. With one quick motion she lifted the man off from the floor, his feet losing contact with the wooden boards. She looked up at him then, the Quincy smirking. "But I'll say this much... A for effort. Though in my case that shades line might have worked better for you. I'm no angel."

"A devil, huh?" Loke replied as he looked down at Bambietta. "Well, I'm game if you're up to living in sin tonight."

Bambietta screamed then, letting Loke go as she covered her ears. "I'm not hearing this!"

Loke took the opportunity presented to him to put some distance between himself and the offended Quincy before things got any worse and headed for the door. "You know, I think I'm just going to bid a hasty retreat. Bye!"

Then Loke was gone, running out of the guild hall at top speed.

"Okay," Lucy began to say, "I can understand why he's scared of Bambi but why me?"

Mirajane was quick to offer yet another explanation. "Loke once said he's always had bad luck with Celestial wizards. He probably dated one that ended in tragedy."

"Well," Lucy began to say, "I can't say I'm sur-"

Then was Lucy surprised, Natsu crashing right into her, the both of them falling to the floor.

"That looked like it hurt," Mirajane said simply in response. She looked over then, taking note of Gray holding an arm up in victory.

"Okay, so you stopped me and Natsu from having it out," Bambietta said as she moved close to the acting master and watched as Natsu stood up and began to argue with Gray once more, trading verbal barbs back and forth. "So what's a guild master to do about this, huh?"

"Oh, they're not fighting," Mirajane said softly. "This is just the way they are."

"Yeah, okay, sure." Bambietta rolled her eyes and continued to watch as Natsu and Gray let their powers build around them once more, the two arguing. The Quincy could see it then, everyone in attendance watching the wizards go at it, clearly finding the spectacle amusing. Even Lucy was giggling a little bit despite having been caught in the crossfire.

Then it hit Bambietta. The Quincy could feel it in the air, the sensation pervading all the reality around her. Something was fast approaching.

"What is that?"

Bambietta began to produce a cold sweat slightly then, feeling as if her body was standing against the running waters of a river, the pressure swarming her body. The Quincy had to wonder then if this was how Lucy and Levy had felt when she had flexed her power upon the bandits from the other day. The Quincy's skin was crawling in response, a shiver running up and down her spine as if in anticipation of the overbearing power moving far and away.

Yet it never did. It simply continued to come closer with each passing second, leaving the Quincy's body to tremble ever so slightly. It was not a malevolent force, no, but it still unnerved Bambietta nonetheless. The Quincy coul not help herself, standing in awe of that which she could not see. Yet while Bambietta continued to sense the inspiring power, the others continued their antics, unaware of what was coming. That, however, was about to end.

"We've got horrible news!" Loke was in the doorway once more, his face in a panic that dwarfed how he had reacted to both Lucy and Bambietta only minutes earlier. Everyone in the guild hall turned to face him then. "It's Erza! She's coming back! And if she sees us like this, if we don't all straighten up immediately, it will be the end of all of us!"

Bambietta watched as all those around her in the guild began to panic, as if the end was coming for them. All save Cana, the woman continuing to stare at her keg of beer with lust in her eyes. She rubbed the temples of her head slightly, however, as if she was now experiencing a headache. "Hey, Loke, how about a little warning the next time you do that? Some of us are trying to enjoy a hangover with a good beer."

"Just mention Erza and everyone goes crazy," Lucy said, watching as the others went in a panic. "She must be pretty scary."

"This Erza is what I'm feeling?"

Bambietta's hands were shaking then, the power still making her feel as if she were a simple child. Then it grew only worse, the Quincy noticing something that only added to her dread. Natsu and Gray were no longer arguing, the two young men simply carrying worried expressions as well.

"This cannot be good," was all Bambietta could say then.

"Oh, you two shouldn't be scared in the least," Mirajane said as she moved behind both Bambietta and Lucy, placing a gentle hand on a shoulder for each of them. "She's the strongest female wizard in Fairy Tail but don't let that worry you. She's a good person deep down, though I guess she is more than a little intimidating."

"A little?" Bambietta struggled to catch her breath then, the Quincy hoping that Mirajane was speaking the truth with what she had just said. Yet she had felt something unnerving within this chipper young lady as well, leaving her to wonder if this Erza would be any better.

Then did it go from bad to worse. Bambietta could still see the abject looks of fear on those around her, all save Cana. She could still feel the ever-present power pressing down on her. Yet then did the Quincy beginning to hear something as well.

Heavy footsteps, ones that were closer than Bambietta would have liked.

"That must be her," Laki Olietta whispered. "Erza Scarlet."

"You feel that? Even the air has gone completely still." Macao Conbolt began to move slowly away from the guild hall's entrance.

"You'd think from reactions like this that Erza was a demon," Lucy said, the young lady shivering slightly.

"No, not a demon," Bambietta said softly, trying to contain her shaking. "But she has... power."

Then did it happen. A figure came through the doorway, its features obscured by the sunlight that was pouring in. Yet Bambietta could see something large atop this Erza's shoulders.

Then did the figure move closer and come into full view. It was a woman with scarlet hair and armor plating across her upper body, a blue skirt hanging from her waist. That, however, was not what truly took hold of the attention of Bambietta, Lucy or anyone else. No, it was the ebony object the woman was easily holding above her shoulders with one hand; an object that dwarfed her own size several times over.

Then did this Erza Scarlet drop the large object to the floor, causing the guild hall to shake underneath its immense weight.

"I have returned," the woman said simply, as if nothing was out of the ordinary about her extraordinary reputation or feat. "Would anyone care to tell me where Master Makarov is?"

"Wow," Lucy said under her breath. "She's rather pretty."

"Oh I'd say that's the understatement of the century," Bambietta offered up in agreement.

"Welcome back!" Mirajane said cheerfully as she approached Erza, the one wizard in the guild who was unafraid of the armored mage while not being intoxicated as Cana was. "As for the master, he had to attend a conference with the other guilds."

"I see," was all Erza offered in return, her voice never showing the slightest waver in its brusque tone.

"So, Erza," a rather brave mage asked from a distance. "What's up with that thing you brought in?"

The armored wizard never missed a beat, answering the query as if what she was about to say was just a routine occurrence that happened to her on a regular basis. "This is the horn of a monster I was requested to slay. The locals were so happy that they decorated it and then gave it to me as a souvenir."

Then did Erza's expression harden and she spoke once more.

"Is there a problem with it?"

"No, ma'am!" the no longer brave wizard replied, backing away at a rapid pace.

Then did Erza shift her gaze, her eyes running across all those in the guild hall. "Now all you, listen! While I was away I heard several things that displeased me. The word is that Fairy Tail has been causing the local towns nothing but trouble as of late."

Bambietta mentally shrugged at that, knowing not to worry. Master Makarov had started his speech the other day exactly as Erza had just now, only to back pedal and speak against worrying about the Magic Council's opinion so much. No doubt Erza would be the same.

"Master Makarov may be lenient but I assure I do not approve of what has transpired."

Bambietta's shoulders sunk then, the Quincy's head falling forward. She began to whisper to herself as well. "Oh, I hope she didn't hear about what happened in the town of Oak."

Bambietta listened well as Erza began to verbally run down all those present, starting with Cana and her drinking habit and eventually ending with Macao, a man that Erza had no idea where to even begin with.

"So she's a little bit bossy," Lucy mused under her breath. "I still don't see why everyone is so freaked out about her."

Bambietta said nothing, understanding full well that Lucy could not sense the power that was radiating from this woman. It was both a blessing and a curse to the Quincy, yet she was slowly beginning to acclimate to the strength's presence and pressure.

"Oh yes," Erza suddenly said, "I almost forgot about the matter in Oak Town."

"Crud." Bambietta felt her blood run cold then, the Quincy taking notice of Erza looking her way. "Well it's been nice knowing you all."

Bambietta watched as Erza began to walk over to her then, the armored mage carrying a stern expression that left the Quincy trembling more than the woman's apparent power had.

"You and Levy were the ones who responded to the job requesting that the monster terrorizing Oak Town be dealt with," Erza began to say, her voice never losing its edge. "A Fairy Tail wizard dressed in white and identifying herself as something called a Quincy."

Bambietta gulped deeply then, her worry reaching its peak. "That was me, yes. Bambietta Basterbine at your service. And I just want to say that Levy was not responsible for any of the destru-"

An armored glove firmly grasped one of Bambietta's shoulders, cutting the Quincy's words off completely.

"Good work," Erza said simply as she looked the Quincy in the eyes, "Bambietta Basterbine."

The Quincy blinked once, twice, three times over. That had hardly been what she had expected to hear. She opened her mouth in an attempt to respond but all that came out was a slight squeak. It was unbecoming of a former member of the Vandenreich and in turn did Bambietta try to utter something again, yet once more did it happen, another high pitched squeak issuing forth. Her shock was simply too great to allow words to form.

"Erza, you're not mad?" Levy asked as she approached, her own nervous reaction to the strict mage lessened. "I mean, the building-"

"Hey, wait a minute!" a gruff voice suddenly shouted, cutting of Levy completely. Erza turned to face it and could see Elfman fast approaching. "When I fought a manly battle against a monster in the center of Hargeon, you berated me for months on end!"

A hard expression became apparent on Erza's face, one that forced Bambietta to gasp in surprise despite it not being directed at her. "And the result of your 'manly' battle was the destruction of several streets, homes and even the local chapel! If I recall right, you only summoned up nerves of 'manly' steel and ended the threat properly when the monster threatened an innocent family at the town's railroad station."

Elfman was about to protest then, raising a hand in defiance only to stop himself before he got in any more trouble. His shoulders slumped as he backed away. "I'm sorry, Erza."

Bambietta watched then as Erza turned back to face her. The harsh expression was gone, yet still was the armored wizard still serious to a fault. "Now you," she began to say once more, "I heard that you brought the fight away from innocent civilians and kept it contained within an abandoned building. That's commendable."

"Well, you know," Bambietta began to reply, completely flustered. She moved a hand behind her head and ran gloved fingers through her hair nervously in response to it all, the Quincy unable to process just how to handle the praise. "That was honestly Levi's suggestion and all. I just thought it made too much sense to do anything else and ran with it."

"We were there to save the townspeople after all," Levy added.

"Yeah, that!" Bambietta continued. "Totally that!" And then I just figured 'Hey, if I bring this condemned building down on the monster's head it'd probably be knocked out in no time flat!' So a little creative throwing into pillars and it was a done deal!"

"That's just what I hoped to hear." Erza nodded her head then, content with what she had listened to. Then did she turn her gaze sharply to the side, her focus shifting away from the Quincy. "Natsu! Gray!"

Bambietta all but cringed then, wondering how this Erza, serious to a fault as she was, would take to the young men continuing to argue and give life to their apparent rivalry. Imagine the Quincy's surprise then when she took notice of Natsu and Gray trying to play it cool. They both had an arm draped across each other s shoulders, their other hands clasped together. It was forced, Bambietta could tell that much from one quick glance. The nervous expressions that were etched upon both faces of the young men were a dead giveaway that they were trying and failing to put on a show for Erza.

"Oh hey, Erza," Gray answered sheepishly. "We're just, you know, hanging out like good friends should!"

"Aye, sir!" Natsu added, his voice cracking.

Bambietta could not believe what she was seeing or hearing. She knew that Erza was strong, having felt her power as she had, yet to see these two act so terrified in their own way only added to the Quincy's fear. The fact that Natsu was all but acting like Happy spoke volumes. Yet it was so very forced. Bambietta knew in her heart that one such as Erza Scarlet would not fall for such poorly acted theatrics.

Erza, meanwhile, simply nodded her head in approval. "I'm quite pleased to see the two of you getting along so well."

Bambietta simply went slack jawed then. She spoke with a low whisper, one that gave life to her disbelief. "You... you really think they're all buddy-buddy?"

"However," Erza continued, "it's only natural for even the best of friends to lock horns with each other every now and then."

"Oh," Gray nervously chuckled, wondering if Erza was giving him and Natsu permission to actually battle, "I wouldn't exactly call us the best of friends you know."

Natsu could only repeat what he had said earlier, his fear palpable. "Aye, sir."

"What's gotten into them both?" Lucy asked, just as surprised as Bambietta, though for different reasons. "Even Natsu is acting stranger than usual."

"He picked a fight with Erza a couple of years ago," Mirajane offered up. "She kind of beat him up pretty bad when it was all said and done."

"Well, that explains it," Bambietta glanced from the Dragon Slayer as he still acted under a false pretext, then back to Erza. "So Natsu defeated me, she totally trounced him... Yeah, I've got a long road ahead of me."

"That's not all though," Macao Conbolt said from his seat at the nearby table. "After that little brawl she found Gray walking around oblivious to his lack of clothes and he got beat up pretty good to."

"And let's not forget Loke," Cana added as she leaned forward on the counter, trying to reign in her drunken hiccups. "The poor jerk tried to hit on Erza and she kind of hit back. Literally. He totally had it coming though."

"Yeah, well," Lucy began to stammer, "I can't say I'd hold that against her."

"Okay," Bambietta replied with a smirk, "that I can totally understand. Maybe she and I have more in common than I thought. Thanks, Loke. I think."

Then did the mood grow serious once more, Erza still looking towards Natsu and Gray. "I know that I am about to ask a lot of you, yes, but I have a request for you both."

The fire and ice mages flinched then, neither having ever expected Erza to ask of them a favor.

"While I was travelling I heard something that has me quite concerned," Erza continued. "Something much more worrisome than simply Fairy Tail's standing within popular opinion. I was hoping to speak with the master in regards to this but I cannot wait for him to return before I am to act. The situation is too grave."

Erza took a breath then, leaving Bambietta and all the others to feel a slight sense of dread. The Quincy understood at least a little what power this woman possessed, yet she was clearly concerned about something out in the world. Bambietta could only imagine what terrible forces had her so concerned.

"Natsu, Gray," Erza began to say once more, "you two are the most powerful wizards within this guild that I can trust wholeheartedly. I would appreciate your assistance in dealing with this matter."

Yes, then was Bambietta truly worried. If a wizard of this caliber wished to possess backup against whatever threat she was about to face it could only mean that it was something truly awe inspiring in terms of its destructive potential. The Quincy felt a slight hint of fear, her skin roiling under the sensation, yet she knew what she had to do.

Bambietta understood well the importance of going into battle with trusted comrades by her side. It was something she had made very clear to her new friends, to both Levy and Lucy. Yet there was more. While she had only just met this Erza Scarlet, she could not help but be impressed by the strength she so clearly possessed. Yet if the possessor of that strength felt that it was not enough for the task at hand, however, that meant there something out there that was demanding Bambietta's attention.

"Wait," Bambietta whispered to herself.

Looking at Erza, something about the wizard just screamed for realization from the Quincy. A foggy memory began to claw at her thoughts but it was gone as fast as it had come. Clarity was something that she could not grasp. Bambietta's attention was then diverted to the present once more, the Quincy watching as Natsu and Gray simply stared at each other.

Bambietta could hear it, the members of the guild speaking in hushed murmurs, as if they were shocked that Erza asked for help. Yet still were the Dragon Slayer and Ice-Make wizard simply glaring at each other, as if they could not put past any petty rivalry to help one of their own. That got underneath Bambietta's skin. Bracing herself for whatever may come of it, she stepped forward then. "I may not be the strongest in this guild and I don't know if you can place as much trust in me as those two," she began to say, "but I want in."

"Your offer is appreciated," Erza replied, the wizard staring towards Bambietta then. "Though may I ask why you wish to involve yourself in a matter you have yet to learn the exact details of?"

Bambietta metaphorically stopped in her tracks then. The Quincy was unsure of just what had come over her in all actuality, having acted without truly thinking. To some it was perhaps a foolhardy trait of hers but Bambietta always tried to play it off as one of her adorable little quirks. Yet now she was beginning to wonder what had possessed her to step up to the plate as she had. However that lapse of thought was brief and nothing more. She was a proud warrior of the Vandenreich, one of the respected Stern Ritter. Thus was the motivation behind her resolve a simple matter that Bambietta understood with all her heart.

"Well it just sounds like you've got quite the fight on your hands," Bambietta offered up as an explanation, a smile creeping across her face, "and there's nothing I enjoy more than a good scrap every now and then."

It was as simple as that as far as Bambietta was concerned. This was a golden opportunity for her. She knew Natsu was strong, yes, but he was clearly not the top of the food chain within Fairy Tail, let alone this kingdom of Fiore. If she were to tag along then Bambietta could see what this Erza Scarlet, one of Fairy Tail's strongest, could do. Not only that, she could see what else this world had to offer.

That was what Bambietta had on her mind, her main motivation to see what threats and power lay both within and beyond Fairy Tail, yet perhaps Erza was not so readily convinced. "So you say."

A hush fell upon the guild hall then. The silence hung over the members of Fairy Tail for several tense moments and Bambietta glanced towards Erza and could see it. The armored mage was staring directly towards her as if her eyes could peer into the Quincy's soul. Bambietta could swear then that she could all but hear the gears turning in Erza's head, as if the wizard was weighing all her options.

Yet there was something else there, as if Erza was most curious about Bambietta in general. The Quincy was slightly unnerved then, wondering just what was going on. Despite her momentary flash of memory, of a clear vision lost in the fog of time, she could not recall having ever met this woman. Not in this life or the one before. So why then was Erza paying so much attention to her? That was a question that was leaving Bambietta confused to no end.

"All right then," Erza at last said, nodded her head as she placed her armored gauntlets against her hips. "I accept your generous offer, Bambietta" Then did Erza glance back towards Natsu and Gray, the two men still staring each other down in silence. "Then it's settled . Tomorrow morning we shall all meet at the train station."

Erza began to move away then, the armored mage retrieving the decorated horn that had been bequeathed to her by a grateful village. With a round of thunderous steps did she depart from the guild hall, leaving a several stunned individuals in her wake.

"Wow," Mirajane said, the silver haired acting guild master blinking several times over. "Erza, Natsu and Gray? This may be the strongest Fairy Tail team ever assembled."

"Hey!" Bambietta interjected. "I think you're forgetting someone!"

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