The branch leaders were currently in a meeting room. They are talking with some dark cloaked men and there are some scrolls and spatial rings on the table.
"We need to find out why this Outer Deacon of the Five Great sects colluded with this guy. As you already know, we are no match for the Five Great sect, we need to find out if this is done by the sect itself or that one man did it for personal gains, we can have some room to breathe and react if we know what is going on."
The black cloaked man who seemed to be the leader of the team said.
"You do know that we are also not a match for the Five Great sect's right? Even though we deal in information, we are very careful when it comes to certain powers."
Second branch leader rolled his eyes and placed another spatial ring on the table.
"This is the best we can do. As you see our first branch is currently in recovery period. We are short of resources."
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