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75.48% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 3095: PLENTY FOR ALL

Capítulo 3095: PLENTY FOR ALL

April and Allen lived with his father, Frank, on a farm that was half hers and half his father's. Still in their early twenties, they had been married a couple of years. They had grown up knowing each other all their lives. They lived on neighboring farms and had played together since they were kids. Neither one had ever even dated another person. They were playmates from as long as they could remember. It was with each other that they learned about the world. From the days of; I will show you mine if you will show me yours, to the day they first had sex they were always together.

They made a handsome couple. She grew up to be a tall girl with long pretty legs, long brown hair, and eyes to match. Her ass looked well in a pair of jeans and her breasts stood high on her chest. It was really an eye full when she wore Allen's shirt tied under her breasts without a bra, which was the way she dressed more often than not.

Allen was over 6 feet tall and weighted over two hundred pounds. He also had brown hair and eyes. Many women had looked at him and wished they could swap places with April, if only for a night. He worked for a pharmaceutical company and was gone most of the week. He had been fucking April since they were teenagers and had only strayed a couple of times when he was gone all week. April didn't know about them, but was pretty sure that he had plenty opportunities. If she had ask him about them he would have told her. They were close enough that something like another person was not going to come between them.

Frank was in his early forties and looked years younger. He looked a lot like his son, maybe a little larger. His family and April's family had always been good friends. Actually they were more than friends. The two couples had swap wives and husbands before the kids were born, and continued to up till their death. Allen and April had been out on a date, and the two couples met at their place for some fun and games. A gas explosion had totally destroyed their home and killed April's mother and father and his wife. Frank had gone after some beer when the explosion occurred, thus he was spared.

April and Allen had been planing on marrying anyway so they went ahead and hurried it up. They moved in with Frank after the honeymoon. By combining the two farms they had a pretty large spread. Frank had seen so much of April all her life that she seemed like she was his daughter. They got along better than most in-laws did. Frank didn't know that the kids knew about the swapping that went on between the families, but April saw her mother and Frank together and told Allen. They started watching and before long figured out what was going on. By this time April and Allen were having sex at least once a day.

The kids loved to ride their horses. They would race up and down one of the valleys that were more than a mile long. At one end, where the trees started, was a small steam. This was where the race usually ended, and where the sex took place.

April loved to feel the muscles of the powerful horse under her. She wanted to ride him naked without a saddle, but Allen was afraid someone would see them and tell his folks. The feel of the horse always made her horny and she was ready to be fucked as soon as the race was over. This didn't stop when they married. Only now she would ride naked sometime when Allen was away.

She had a wonderful personality. She was always smiling and happy. Her out going spirit kept the men of the house in good spirits also. She and Frank took care of the cattle farm and Allen worked as a salesman. She loved her father-in-law almost as much as she loved her husband. She didn't think anything about being around him in her nightgown or the skimpy bikini she often wore. She knew that he loved seeing her body even though he never said anything, and she didn't mind him looking.

They included Frank in most everything they did. If they went out to dinner and dancing he was asked to go. Sometimes he refused and let them have the night out alone. More often than not after they insisted he would go with them. April loved to dance, fast, slow; it didn't make her any difference. Allen danced some but he didn't care much for it and let his father who loved dancing as much as April take his place with her. He was content to sit and sip on his drink and people watch. He didn't tell her but he liked it when she danced with other men, especially with his father. He would have to have been a fool not to notice the condition she left Frank in after a night of dancing. He wondered if she had ever thought about sleeping with his father while he was gone during the week.

April and her father-in-law made a good dance couple. Her enthusiasm wore off on him during the fast dances. During the slow dances she moved into his arms as she would Allen's. She liked to feel his arms around her as she rested her head against his chest. She could feel him from head to toe touching her. She knew that he sometimes got a hard on from her being so close, but it didn't bother her. That was just the way men got when she danced with them.

The first time it happened, Frank tried to pull away from her before she realized what was happing. She had felt him getting hard like the others she danced with. When he pulled a way to put some distance between them, she just moved closer to him. She looked up in his eyes and saw him looking at her with a look in his eyes that she had seen in Allen's. She pulled his head down and whispered in his ear. "It's ok, I don't mind. You feel good holding me. Just enjoy the feeling of touching each other." She raised up on her toes and moved her body till the head of his cock was resting against the opening of her cunt Whispering in his ear she said, "we both might find something we like. "From that time on when ever they danced he would pull her tight against his body and let her feel his hard cock touching her. She never backed up or stopped him.

Around the house it was the same way, She dressed to please the men. When she kissed Frank bye or hello she kissed him on the lips. She didn't give him the tongue treatment that she gave Allen but more than most daughter-in-laws gave their father-in-law. She had her two men and she loved them both. She had oftener wondered what it would be like to sleep with Frank. She remembered what he had looked like when he was fucking her mother and wondered how different he would be than Allen. She had never cheated on her husband, but if he were willing she would sure like to help take care of Franks needs.

Allen was a satisfied man. He had the only girl he had ever wanted for a wife. His sex life was complete. She never failed to satisfy him in bed, and her enthusiasm for life carried over in the bedroom. They still made love down by the stream when they could get away. He wasn't jealous of her at all. He knew that she had never cheated on him. If she were going to take on another man she would tell him.

He watched her around his father. He was glad that they got along as well as they did. He knew that she often had the effect of leaving Frank with a hard cock after dancing with her. Hell, she did that to every male she touched. He watched her when she was in the house. She didn't go out of her way to dress sexy in front of them, but at the same time she didn't try to hide what she was so blessed with from them. When he left them alone each week he wasn't worried about them doing something between them. If she were so inclined then she would let him know.

He knew that Frank had been swapping wives with April's father. Since the accident he hadn't even been with another woman. It was like he was feeling guilty for them dying and he was still alive.

He also knew that his father loved April and would not do anything to hurt her. Now taking her to bed was another matter. It was April that would keep them apart, not his father.

Frank, like any other man could not help but look at her. Her large breasts tied up in one of Allen's shirts with no bra on, always turned him on. When he danced with her it was like dancing with her mother once again. When she wouldn't let him pull away when dancing, it just made him love her more. He had to think of taking her to bed. No man could be this close and not have that desire. He would never do anything to hurt her or his son, but if they didn't mind then he sure would like to feel her long legs wrapped around him. It was a fantasy that he had, but thought would never come to pass.

Several days each week April would saddle her horse and go for a ride. Most of the time she rode alone. If Frank rode with her they usually rode back down toward his old farm. If she was alone she headed for the stream where she and Allen had always had so much fun. Prince, her horse, was over 16 hands high, and coal black. He loved her as much as the men. Each day he greeted her when she went to the barn. He seemed to love their rides as much as April. Once saddled they headed out for the stream. Prince knew the way and seemed in just as big hurry as April to get there.

She would ride him to the stream and dismount. She would unsaddle Prince and take off his bridle. He never roamed off very far, and all she had to do was call and he came running. She spread the blanket that was always behind the saddle, out on the bank of the stream. During the warm weather she would then strip off all her clothes. She loved being out doors completely nude. Allen did also but most of the time he was afraid they might be seen. Being seen didn't bother her that much. She lay on the blanket and let the hot sun play on her beautiful naked body.

As she did most days she called Prince to her. She climbed upon his broad back and they would gallop for nearly a mile down the valley. At the end they would turn and gallop back. She liked the feel of the wind blowing on her naked body as Prince moved along. She could feel the powerful muscles of his shoulders as they move them along. The feel of his body was much like the feel of Allen when she wrapped her legs around him during sex. She could feel him quiver with each step.

The naked ride was sexual to her. By the time it was over she had either already cum or she finished herself off before cleaning up in the stream. Sometimes she would be thinking of Allen and at others about Frank. It was the times she thought about Frank that she would cum before the ride was over.

It was on such a day that someone finally saw her. Frank had been looking for cows that had broken through the fence, when he topped a hill and saw Prince galloping down the valley. The horse was easy to recognize, but he had to look twice before he saw that it was April and that she was naked. He sat on his horse and watched as she completed the run and turned back for the stream. She wasn't close enough for him to see but he knew that she was naked. He turned his horse away before she could see him and made a vow to be there the next time April went for a ride.

Frank watched her for another week. He still wasn't close enough to see very much, but he could tell that she sometimes would use her fingers to bring herself off. As he watched from a distance he would relieve himself while watching her.

That weekend the three of them went out for dinner. After a good meal they went to their favorite watering hole for a few drinks and dancing. The drinks and the past week of watching were having an effect on Frank. He had hardly taken April in his arms when his cock started getting hard. She stepped back and looked him in the eye, "What brought that on so quick?" He turned red and would have pulled away but she moved back against him before he could.

"Sorry," he said.

"Oh, It's alright. I just wondered why it happened so quickly. Usually it's after several dances before you get so amorance."

Frank could not get the picture of her riding her horse naked from his mind. He had never seen her naked but he had seen her enough around the house to know what kind of body she had. Each dance with her and his cock just got harder. He tried to think about something else but each time a slow song came on she was back in his arms with her body touching his.

April didn't know what had come over him. She wasn't complaining she liked the feel of his cock touching her cunt. If he wanted to be closer to her then she wasn't going to stop him.

Allen was watching the others dancing and sipping his drinks. He looked at his father and his wife. They were dancing even closer than normal. Each time they came back to the table his father was caring a hard on. He was use to seeing him like this and at first he didn't think anything about it. As the night wore on Frank seem to always be in worse shape each time. He could see April's tits and the nipples were hard. Looked like his father was having the same effect on April.

The next song started after the break and Allen danced with his wife. After a fast song they played a slow one and he pulled her into his arms. "You sure have dad in a state tonight."

April was dancing as close to Allen as she had Frank. She could feel his cock just as hard as his father's. "I don't know what happened to him tonight, he started off like that. Doesn't seem to bother you much since you are in about the same shape."

"It doesn't bother me at all. You two have your fun. Just keep in mind that he may be my father but he is still a man and it has been nearly two years sine he has been with a woman. I watch you and know that you have been letting him get away with a lot. Any man still breathing would be sporting a hard after dancing with you."

"Are you telling me to take care off his needs?"

"No, I'm just telling you that a man can only take so much. If you continue the way you are going then be ready when he finally makes a move."

"And what am I suppose to do? Do I just stop the way I've always been around him?"

"No, just be ready when it happens, and it will happen."

"I don't mind taking care of his needs. In fact I think I will enjoy taking care of his needs but how are you going to take it?"

"If it was anyone else I would have a problem, but with dad I know that he cares for you and that you care for him. I know that you spend more time with him than you do with me, and that when a male and female or together that much something may happen.'

"Allen, I want to be perfectly clear on what you are saying. If your father makes a move on me then I plan to fuck him to death. You know that I don't do anything half way." She could feel his cock grow harder when she said that. "I have a feeling you are going to like the idea of him between my legs. I have never understood why some men like the idea that another man is fucking his wife." She moved her cunt against his hard cock and he had to pull away and head to the restroom before he soiled his pants.

The rest of the night she danced with Frank while Allen watched. His cock was hard again after the quick trip to the restroom to relieve the pressure. Frank, on the other hand, was the beneficiary of Allen's conversation with April. If he thought she had been dancing close before then he was in for a shock. Not only did she keep her cunt against his cock she kept moving it around each time they made a turn. He was so hot that he thought he might cum right there.

The night was coming to a close and Allen went to pay the bill while they shared the last dance. They were on the dark side of the dance floor where no one could see them. She took his hands and moved one to each cheek of her ass, and wrapped hers around his neck. His cock gave another surge as he felt the firm globes under her dress. When his cock jumped she pulled his head down and kissed him. It wasn't the first time they had kissed but for the first time she opened her month and ran her tongue across his lips. He opened his mouth and they kissed like the lovers they were going to be.

In bed that night, Allen couldn't get enough of her. They fucked well into the morning. The thought that his father may fuck his wife while he was gone the next week turned him on like nothing ever had before. She was going to have the only other man in her life.

Frank would have slept better if he had known that he was going to have her. He had to masturbate just from the excitement of the night.

Allen left on Monday morning as he always did. As he kissed her bye he whispered, "be careful and enjoy the week. I'll call later in the week to check on you."

The week followed just like all the others did. About mid morning she saddled Prince and rode down to the valley by the stream. She stripped the same as she always did before riding Prince down the trail and back.

Frank watched her leave and he quickly saddled his horse and followed her. He watched from the top of the hill as she prepared for her naked ride. He had already made up his mind that this week was going to be different. He rode down the hill to the edge of the woods where she would make the turn to go back, and waited.

April was so excited this morning that she couldn't wait to get started. The horse under her just made her think what it would be like to have Frank between her legs. She was positive that he would not make a move toward her unless he knew that she wanted him too. She was about to cum before the ride was half over.

She didn't see Frank until Prince was right on him. They were lest than 10 feet apart when he spoke and she came out of her trance. Even thought she had been thinking about how she was going to get him in bed it was a shock to find him sitting there watching her. "My god Frank! What are you doing here?" There was no where to run and nothing to cover up with. Allen had told her she was going to get caught and now her father-in-law had!

Frank sat on his horse and looked at his beautiful daughter-in-law. He had seen her beautiful breasts through the thin material of her gowns, and in the bikinis she wore. Nothing had prepared him for their beauty uncovered. Her long brown hair was pulled back behind her ears. Her nipples were hard from the thoughts she had been having and now he was looking straight at them.

He was smiling as he said, "I was looking for cows that had gotten out, but it looks like I found Lady Godiver instead. If I had known that you like to ride around like this I would have joined you long ago. I use to ride like that some times a long time ago."

She turned her horse and started to ride away. She was surprised when he fell in beside her. They didn't say anything for a long time. She saw him keep looking at her and he wasn't trying to hide it. "Allen told me that some one was going to catch me. I never knew that it would be his father."

"I have a confession to make. I saw you last week and just decided to follow you this morning. That was why I was the way I was last Saturday at the dance. I just had to see you up close. I hope you don't mind."

"I wondered what set you on fire so quick. I have to say that I enjoyed the dancing more than ever. Why haven't you made any move before now? We are alone at the house most of the week. You have had plenty of opportunities; I don't exactly try to cover myself when you are around."

"I have wanted to many times but I didn't want to mess up you and Allen. He doesn't seem to mind when we are together on the dance floor and I know he can see how close we dance. Today I just had to take my chances, and it has been worth it. If I never see you this way again then I will have a beautiful memory of you."

"What makes you thank you want ever see me like this again? I go riding like this several times a week when the weather is warm."

"You mean that it's all right with you if I tag along when you go riding?"

"Frank, I mean more than that." She moved her horse over next to his, and reaching out she took his hand. She held his hand a moment before bringing it to one of her tits. What he had been admiring from afar was now close enough to touch. Her tit was warm and firm in his hand as he caressed it. He was doing what he had dreamed of doing since she first started having tits.He pushed his horse up beside Prince and before she knew what he was doing he reached around her and lifted her into his saddle with him. There she was, his daughter-in-law setting across his lap naked with nothing hidden from his eyes. Her breasts were pressed against his chest and her brown hair covered cunt exposed to his eyes. His hand went straight to her cunt. With one finger he slid quickly into her slick cunt. He leaned down and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. Their tongues playing with each other.

"Be careful," she said. "I don't want to get raped by this saddle horn before you have even fucked me."

Frank knew then that his dream was about to come true. They were back at the stream and he slid off the horse and helped her down. As she slid down her naked body rubbed his until her feet hit the ground. She stayed in his arms while he kissed her. He picked her up and carried her to the blanket. He lowered her down and quickly shed all his clothes. He wanted to be as naked as she was, and he couldn't wait to feel her hot cunt wrapped around his cock.

When her back hit the blanket she spread her legs and held out her arms to him. There wasn't any doubt that she was ready for him. She watched as he undressed. When his big cock came into view she said, "hurry I want you in me now. I've wanted you a long time.

He move between her legs with his cock positioned just over her steaming cunt. She lifted her knees up and opened wide to give him all the access he need to enter her. "Don't wait. Put it in. I am more than ready for you." The head of his cock entered her opening. She was so hot that he could feel the heat of her cunt envelope his whole cock. Without waiting he drove to the depths of her cunt in one stroke. It was almost more than he could stand. After all he hadn't been with a woman in nearly 2 years. As he bottomed out he began to cum. There was nothing he could do about it but hold her tight and fill her cunt with over 2 years of cum.

She was surprised at how fast he came, but when his cum hit the back of her cunt she climaxed alone with him. She laughed and said, "That sure didn't take long for either of us." He apologized to her, "It had been so long and you or so tight and hot that I couldn't stop."

"Don't worry about it. I can tell that you are still hard and I am sure that the next time will last longer." She was right about him still being hard. His cock didn't soften any at all. When he caught his breath he started fucking in and out of her cunt slowly. This time he could take his time and enjoy the feel of her cunt wrapped around his large cock. He had fantasized about fucking her but the reality was even better. She was a girl that loved to have her cunt stuffed with cock. Allen did a good job of keeping her happy. Now her father-in-law was filling her even more.

She was riding him on each stroke. Her legs were wrapped around his hips and on each stroke she pulled him in her as far as he could reach. She remembered the many times they had dance together and how his cock felt as it rubbed against her. Now she had him where he could really do some good. She loved the feel of his naked body touching her body from head to toe. She was thankful that he had finally made a move and that Allen knew about it and approved. Now she had someone to take care of her during the week while Allen was gone.

Soon both of them were reaching their peak once again. He drove in to his balls and held it there. His cum shot out the end of his cock and spread to the depths of her womb. She started to cum and was bucking so hard that she almost threw him off. It seem to go on forever before they both calmed down. He said, "That was just as good as I always thought it would be."

"How long have you thought about doing this with me?"

"Ever since you were a teenager and started having these beautiful breasts. Since we have been living in the same house I have had a constant hard on. How long have you thought you like to sleep with me?"

"Since I was sixteen." She thought for a minute and decides that she would let him know that she had known about their families swapping. "That was the first time I saw you naked."

He was shocked, "How did you see me naked?"

" I saw you and my mother together. I watched as you and her fucked on the couch in the den of our house. I wondered why she would take such a chance of dad finding out about you. I told Allen and we started watching both of you. It didn't take long before we found out that dad and Allen's mother were doing the same thing. We thought both of you were slipping around until we saw the four of you together. Allen had been trying to get in my pants for some time. After that we came down here and right here on this spot I lost my virginity the same day."

Frank didn't know what to say. He was lying here naked with his daughter-in-law and she was telling him she had known about him and her mother all along. "I loved your mother before I met my wife. We were the first for each other. While I was in service John talked her into going out with him. Pretty soon they were having sex and she got pregnant with you. They were married by the time I returned. I met Jean and fell in love with her. After we were married a couple of years your mother and I found that there was still a lot feelings for each other. We had been slipping around having sex when we could. Some how we found out that John and Jean had been doing the same thing. From that time until their death we pretty much got together whenever we wanted. Sometimes it would be together and sometimes alone. It was that way for all four of us. We had talked about stopping before you kids found out, but none of us wanted to stop. What did you and Allen think when you found out?"

"We thought enough about it to know that we wanted to find out just how to go about it. There weren't many days that we didn't get in some practice. We have probably had more sex before we married than since. Only because he is gone so much. He knew that I wanted to fuck you ever since I saw you and he wanted my mother. He told me this weekend that if it happened it happened, and to go for it. If you hadn't come today I would have come to you this week."

They made love again on the blanket before cleaning up in the stream. They saddled up and rode back to the barn. They talked to each other about the swapping and Allen giving his consent for them to be together. She told him that he was only the second man to ever be with her, and that no matter how much she had wanted him it would not have happened if Allen had not said it was alright.

Back at the house they spent the rest of the afternoon and night exploring each other's body. He eat her cunt until she came. She sucked his cock until she swallowed all he had to offer. They made love like honeymooners. There was not any guilt between them. The only one that mattered was Allen and he knew. By the time Allen arrived home Friday afternoon they had fuck in every position imaginable.

Allen didn't have to be told; when he took one look at them he knew that they had been fucking. They were all going out for dinner and a few drinks the way they did most every Friday night. While they went to their room to dress, Allen could wait no longer. "Tell me what happened."

She told him everything. How he had rode up to her, how they fucked by the stream, and how they had talked about everything. Allen's cock was hard as a rock by the time she finished. They went to the bed and had a good fuck as he pictured in his mind his father fucking his wife.

They drove into town for dinner. She rode in the front between the guys. April had dressed for the occasion. She had on a sundress that buttoned down the front. It was all she had on, no bra or panties. If the guys were going to be feeling her up all night she didn't want anything to be in the way. Sitting in the car between then her dress was up above mid thigh. A little more and they could have seen the brown hair covered pussy. The men didn't know about the panties but it didn't take them but just a glance to tell that she didn't have on a bra. The low cut dress barely covered her nipples and left the tops of her breasts exposed.

Allen was driving and she leaned against Frank. He put his arm across her shoulders and soon let his hand drop down to cover one tit. He played with her nipples all the way to the restaurant. Allen saw what he was doing and he had a hard time keeping the car on the road. His cock was hard from watching his father playing with his wife's tits. She would glance down and see both men's cocks standing up tall.

At the restaurant they had to wait a few minutes for a table which gave them time to cool down. All three tried to behave during dinner. They talked about other things and stayed away from what each was really thinking.

After dinner they walked back to the car with her between the two of them. Allen asked, "Where do we want to go now?" Frank said, "I guess the old watering hole will do as good as any." They both looked at her to make the final decision. "Why don't we just go home. We can have a drink and put on some music. We can dance without being on a crowed dance floor." They all quickly agreed. They didn't know what was going to happen, but home would be a good place to be.

At home Allen mixed a pitcher of drinks while Frank and April loaded the C D player and pushed the furniture back to make room to dance. They each had couple of drinks before they started to dance. The guy's were waiting on her to make the first move. All three were nervous as to what was about to happen. The drinks made them relax a little.

She stood up and held out her hand to Allen. She usually had the first few dances with him before he sat down and just watched. The music was slow and the lights were down low. She moved into his arms and tight against his body. She could feel that his cock was already hard from the anticipation. As always she let him pull her close so her cunt could feel his cock at her entrance. They danced through a couple of songs before he turned her over to Frank. By that time a couple of the buttons had been unfastened and more of her beautiful breasts was open to view.

Before dancing with Frank she had another drink while the music kept on playing. Setting on the couch between them she took the opportunity to unbutton a couple at the hem of her dress. Finishing her drink she stood and pulled Frank to his feet. At first he was reluctant to hold her close. Always before they had been on a dance floor and Allen couldn't see everything they did. Here he was sipping his drink and watching them. She solved that problem by moving tighter to him. Soon her cunt was caressing his hard cock through his pants.

Frank leaned down and kissed her. She opened her mouth and welcomed his tongue down her throat. They were hardly moving to the music any more. They were standing in the middle of the room and kissing with Allen watching. His cock had been hard all along but watching his father and wife make it worse.

He stood it as long as he could. He moved behind her and pressed is body tight against her back. He moved with them as they swayed to the music. They didn't stop their kissing. He pushed his hands between their bodies and cupped her tits in his fingers. He moved his hard cock against her ass.

When they felt his hands between them they broke the kiss and separated. Allen continued to play with her tits while his father watched. Then he moved from her tits to the buttons on her dress. Very slowly he would unbutton each button. Each time a button opened more of her breasts came into view. He opened them until he reached her waist. Then he pulled the dress back from her shoulders to expose her tits to Frank.

April dropped her arms and the dress fell to her waist. She stood before the two men with her tits firm and her nipples hard as rocks. Allen then reached up and cupped them in the palm of his hand. As he squeezed them he offered them to his father. While Allen held them his father begin to suck on first one and then the other. She couldn't stand the pleasure and the erotic effect father and son had on her. She began to cum at once.

April could not believe how it felt to have both men touching her at same time. Her husband was offering her to his father. She had fantasized about something like this but never in her wildness dreams did she think Allen would ever consent to this.

Frank had backed off when he felt Allen moving his hands over her tits. He thought that Allen was going to take over at the time and he would just have to wait. Little did he know how hot watching him kiss April made Allen. When he had offered her tits to him to suck he jumped at opportunity. He and John had taken their wives at the same time before but he never thought his son would include him .As he sucked on one of her tits he reached for the buttons on the dress. Within seconds he had it unbuttoned and it fell around her feet.

She felt Frank reach for the other buttons and she knew that in just a short time she would be naked in front of both of them at the same time. They didn't know that she didn't have on any panties. When it fell to the floor Frank's eyes followed. He was surprised to find that she was naked under the dress. He knew then that she had intended to be fucked by them both that night.

Allen slid his hands down across her naked stomach, drawing a sigh from her as he went. He left her tits to his father while he moved down to her cunt. She was wet from the first cum and when his fingers reached her cunt she came again.

Both men were having a ball exploring her body. They were doing all they could to keep her hot and ready. The music had continued to play as they played with her. Allen said, "dad I think she is ready to dance now."

Allen turned her loose and Frank pulled her to him. He held her naked body to him while they slow danced. While they were dancing Allen quickly stripped naked. When his clothes were off he tapped Frank on the shoulder and cut in. It was naked body to naked body as they danced, His hard cock now rubbing just above her open cunt.

Frank undressed just as fast as Allen did. When that song ended and the next was about o start he cut in. Allen liked to watch them dance. He sit down on the sofa and stroked his hard cock while his naked father dance with his naked wife. Frank was so hard that he thought he was going to cum. She had moved her cunt back against his cock like she did when they danced. This time there wasn't any clothes to hinder his cock from touching her cunt. He moved his hands down to cup her ass. He picked her up high enough that when he lowered her, her cunt was centered on his cock. He slid in to his balls as she came down on him. She wrapped her legs around his waist and hung on for dear life. There wasn't anyway to fuck in and out with her wrapped around him like she was. With his cock buried in her, he carried her to the bedroom.

Allen saw what he was doing and hurried to open the door and turn back the spread. Frank lay her back on the bed without taking his cock from her. Once she was on the bed she relaxed her legs and let him settle in more comfortable. Opening her legs wide she pulled him back down on her. When he was back in and fucking away she looked for Allen and he was standing by the bed with his cock in his hand. She could tell by the look on his face that he was turned on as much as she was.

She motioned for him to come closer. He did and she pulled his cock into her mouth. As Frank fucked her with each stroke she answered him by riding his cock each time he pulled back. She sucked Allen with the same rhythm Frank was using on her. First Allen started cumin, then her, and finally Frank. They all finished about the same time.

The rest of the night one or the other had his cock in her somewhere. Sometimes it was both of them at the same time. April had loved to fuck since she and Allen had played together. How she had the best of both worlds. Two men to take care of her needs and they were the two men she loved the most. She was glad Allen wasn't the jealous kind.

Allen had to leave early Monday morning. Once again she was left at home with her father-in-law. Only this time she knew what would be happing each spare minute during the week. Frank had his dick in her before the breakfast dishes were even washed. He just pushed them aside and took her there on the kitchen table.

All that week they made love everywhere. Frank even rode naked with her down the valley trail. Afterwards they fucked beside the stream. By the time Allen came home Frank was pretty well fucked out. Allen had her to himself most of the weekend. On Sunday night the three were back in bed together.

April lay between the two sleeping men. Each had gone to sleep after the last sex bout with a tit in his hand. For the first tine since she and Allen had made love the first time she was contented. Now she wanted a child and she wondered how Allen was going to take it when she told him that it didn't matter to her, which one was the father.

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