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20.53% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 842: KIDNAPPED

Capítulo 842: KIDNAPPED


Brad and Sabrina Gibson led a charmed life. Their mother and father both came from rich families so combined they were one of the wealthiest families in North America. Their father, Terry was a real estate mogul who had made a lot of enemies with his aggressive business style, a style which also made him a lot of money. Brenda Gibson, the mother of the family was heavily involved in a number of charities throughout the city and had become a leader in the neighborhood.

Despite their busy schedules, Terry and Brenda always made time for their children. Brad was 19 and taking a year off before beginning University the following year. He had been the starting quarterback in high school but a serious injury to his knee had played a large factor in his decision to take a year off.

Sabrina was 18 and in her last year of high school and one of the most popular girls in school. An attractive girl, she was never lacking male suitors but rarely went out on dates. She was always busy planning activities with the social committee, helping her mother out or spending time at home with her brother.

The family lived in a massive house, with four floors, over 100 rooms and 25 servants made it one of the most impressive homes in the country.

Part 1:

Brad groaned as he woke up, his eyesight was blurry and his head was pounding. He sat up in the bed and took in his surroundings. He didn't know where he was, or how he got there. He heard something beside him and saw his sister Sabrina. She too was starting to wake up and struggling just like her brother.

For the first time Brad realized that he was in the same bed as Sabrina. He looked down at her and then around the room. The bed they were in was small, no bigger than a double. Aside from the bed there was a small bathroom, a small wooden table with only one chair, no windows and a surveillance camera hanging from the ceiling.

Slowly bits and pieces were starting to come back to him as he remembered what had happened the night before (at least he THOUGHT it was the night before) he woke up with a splitting headache, in an unknown room, in the same bed as his sister.

He and Sabrina had been watching TV in the den when four men crashed through the front door, violently attacked some unlucky servants and kidnapped Brad and Sabrina. Brad had struggled as he and Sabrina were taken to an unmarked van and got a smack to the back of the head with a baseball bat for his troubles, that's when things went black.

Brad swung his legs over the side of the bed as he went over and over and over the events that led him and his sister to be kidnapped and left in this dingy room. He stood up and walked over to the mirror. The person he saw looked very different than the person he was 12 hours ago. He was wearing a t-shirt and hospital pants, Sabrina, a short hospital gown.

Sabrina groaned and rolled over on the bed, "where are we?" she asked.

Brad signed as he sat down on the edge of the bed. "I don't know sis. I don't know."

Sabrina's lower lip started to tremble, "I'm scared Brad! I don't know what's going on, where we are or who did this to us or what they want?!"

Brad shifted closer to his sister and wrapped his arm around her. "I know Sabrina. Me too, he sighed, me too."

Sabrina started to cry softly as the situation they were in began to sink in to her.

Brad squeezed Sabrina's shoulder as she rested her head on his shoulder, "I'll take care of you sis, I promise."

Part 2:

It was a day later in the morning when Brad and Sabrina first heard of from their captors. Before that it just been a meal passed through the door. Brad was sitting at the table and Sabrina was still in bed.

"HELLO," boomed a voice from a speaker.

Brad and Sabrina looked up but did not respond.

"I'm sure you are wondering what you are doing here, and you will find out in due time," the voice said.

"Who are you?!" yelled Brad.

"You have 20 minutes to shower and refresh at which time we will answer your questions."

"Why are we here??!!" yelled Sabrina.

There was no response.

"Answer me!!" she yelled again.

Again, no response.

Sabrina started to cry as Brad moved over to her to soothe her. "They're in control Sabrina, whoever they are. Let's just do what they want and get out of this fucking room."

20 minutes later Brad and Sabrina were escorted by a man wearing a mask into an open room with a couch, a bed and three other people, all of whom were wearing masks.

One man stepped forward and smiled. "Welcome," he said in a booming voice.

"Who are you?" asked Brad.

The man chuckled, "you can call me Zeus."

"What are we doing here?" asked Sabrina.

Zeus' smile grew even bigger. "You are here because of the indiscretions of your parents. Your father has made a lot of enemies and what goes around comes around. Our employers were embarrassed by your parents, now they will suffer that same shame, " he chuckled.

"Our parents will pay whatever ransom you want," replied Brad.

"We are fully confident they will, but money isn't everything. As I said before, we want to EMBARRASS your parents and you are going to help us," said Zeus.

"What makes you think we will help you embarrass our parents?" said a defiant Sabrina.

"Because if you don't, I'll kill you," laughed Zeus and his companions.

Brad pulled Sabrina close to him as their captors laughed at them.

Zeus laughed even louder, "go ahead boy, try and protect your sister. It won't do you any good."

Zeus stepped forward, closer to Brad and Sabrina. "You can't protect her from the fact we have a camera in every room. You can't protect her from what you KNOW is going to happen. We will succeed in making the two of you have sex and we will use every camera to make sure it is forever immortalized on camera. You two will have sex and your parents will pay for both your safe return and to make sure that the tape you two make will never see the light of day."

"You must be brain-dead if you think we'd EVER do that!" yelled Brad.

Zeus and his friends laughed again, "either you fuck your sister like we tell you, or we will fuck HER and kill YOU!"

Brad looked down at Sabrina who melted into his body, seeking his protection.

"We have our orders, either you do what we want or we hurt you and those you care about to achieve our goal," said Zeus as he slowly wore down the hope of the siblings.

Brad sighed and looked down at his sister. Even now it was hard to look at her as anything other than his sister. He was aware of her beauty, it was hard not to, she had the girl next door look to her, but she was still his sister.

Sabrina too was having trouble accepting the situation even if deep down she knew it was going to happen. Her brother was handsome, a couple of her friends even had little crushes on him.

The room fell silent for what felt like hours. When Zeus spoke his voice filled the room, "Well? Do we do this the hard way or the easy way?" he asked.

Neither Brad or Sabrina answered him, looking at the floor.

Zeus smiled, "the easy way it is."

He ordered Brad and Sabrina to undress, Brad stepped away from his sister and hesitated. When Zeus barked out his order again Brad took off his shirt. Sabrina watched as Brad started to undress and felt her heart start to pound. Brad stopped and looked away from Sabrina as he pushed his pants down revealing his cock which was quickly covered up by his hands as he stood naked in front of his sister and strangers.

Zeus shook his head, "take your hands away from your cock, your sister has a right to see what will fuck her."

Sabrina blushed when she saw his hands move away from his cock and turned away. Zeus ordered Brad to take off Sabrina's hospital gown, and again he hesitated.

"If I have to ask everything twice then we WILL do it the hard way," Zeus yelled.

Brad moved closer to his sister, his hands on her shoulders as he whispered in her ear, "I'm sorry sis. I don't want to do this. I don't want to hurt you, " he said.

Sabrina pressed back into his body, looked back at him and smiled weakly, "I know Brad, I know you'd never do anything to hurt me, please just do what he says and this will all be over"

Brad moved his hands moved down Sabrina's body as he grabbed the bottom of her short hospital gown. Sabrina could feel his breath hot on her neck. Brad turned Sabrina around and pulled her gown up as he pulled her body into his, shielding her from their kidnappers.

Brad tried not to look at his sister's body but it was impossible. Her skin was so soft and her breasts crushed against his chest were impossible to ignore.

Zeus smiled, the siblings looked good together, "Brad, I want you to kiss your sister."

Brad looked down at Sabrina. She was scared and unsure about what was going to happen. Brad didn't want to anger Zeus again so he leaned down to kiss his sister.

Zeus sighed loudly, "kiss her like a like a WOMAN."

Sabrina's heart pounded even more as she felt Brad's hand go to the back of her head as he pressed his lips against hers more passionately.

Sabrina felt her brother kiss her and fell into his hands. She was scared but felt as long as she was with him, she would be ok. As Brad kissed his sister more passionately and felt her body press into his. He felt his cock twinge slightly, especially when he felt Sabrina kiss him back.

"Touch each other" they siblings heard Zeus say as they kissed.

Brad's hands stayed at his sisters head as they kissed. He felt her move her hands down his chest and resting on his ass.

"TOUCH each other!! Zeus yelled.

Sabrina's hand trembled as it moved down to her brothers crotch. Her hand wrapped around his cock as she felt it's warmth and size.

Brad groaned into his sister as he moved a hand to her chest and squeezed her breast. He felt her hard nipple press against his palm as he squeezed her breast.

Sabrina pushed herself into his hand as Brad's cock continued to grow and grow in her hand. Their kissing continued as Brad and Sabrina kept their bodies close together. Sabrina's moans were muffled in her brothers mouth as his other hand moved down to touch her young virgin pussy.

Sabrina responded out of instinct but not lust. Instinct because a man was touching her, instinct because she did not want to experience strange men touching her and using her. She knew her brother would be gentle.

Brad rubbed his sister's pussy harder and harder. Her body was pressed against his and he kept it that way, shielding it from their kidnappers.

Brad felt Sabrina push into his hand as he felt her up, her pussy moist as he started to rub her clit, his cock growing in her hand.

Sabrina stroked his cock faster and faster as he grew harder and bigger.

Zeus and his friends watched as the siblings touched each other. All the cameras in the room focused on them as they touched each other. Groped each other.

Zeus took a step closer to Sabrina, his voice not as loud but just as strong as before. "Get down on your knees and lick your brother's cock," he commanded.

Sabrina froze when she heard Zeus' command. Kissing and even touching was one thing but licking Brad's cock, her brother's cock was something she wasn't looking forward to.

Brad stopped touching her when he heard Zeus' order. He looked down at his sister who looked away from his gaze as she slumped to her knees before her brother.

Timidly she flicked her tongue out, pulling it back in her mouth when it first touched her brother's cock.

Zeus watched and grinned evilly, "I said.....LICK HIS COCK!" he yelled.

Sabrina's face flushed as she moved closer to her brothers cock and started to lick it again. Slowly at first she touched the head of his cock. Her hands went to his hips to steady herself as she slowly and surely licked more and more of his cock.

Brad's hands moved to his sisters head as he felt her tongue work over his penis. His eyes closed as he tried to fight moaning out loud. He felt bad for his sister, he didn't want to make her do this but he couldn't deny to himself it felt GOOD.

Sabrina continued to lick her brothers cock, kissing it every now and then.

Zeus watched and smiled, clapping as he watched. "I want his cock to drip with your saliva you little slut!" he bellowed.

Sabrina groaned inwardly as she kept up her pace on Brad's cock. Her fingers dug into his hips harder as she worked more on his cock. Her jaw a little sore as her mouth glided over his cock the wetter it good.

Zeus smiled broadly, "Good, good. Good girl Sabrina, you've done well. You've done all the work you'll need to today," he said.

Sabrina looked up hopeful the ordeal was done, making eye contact with her brother for the first time since she began to lick his cock.

"So we can go?" she asked hopefully.

Zeus laughed instantly, his loud cackle filling the entire room, "Fuck no," he paused as he continued to laugh, "now it's time for you to lie back and let your brother fuck you and do all the work!" he said, much to the excitement to the rest of the kidnappers.

Sabrina's heart sunk immediately, she knew it was too good to be true. She looked up at her brother and then looked to the floor. Not moving.

Brad stood above his sister, his cock hard and wet from her tongue. He watched as Sabrina slowly lay back on the dirty floor, her legs closed together but failing to cover her moist vagina.

He hated that he wanted to fuck her. He didn't want to do this, he wished this had never happened. He wished this was all a bad dream.

Brad was awaken from his haze when he heard Zeus' voice once again, "well? What are you waiting for boy? Get down there and fuck your sister! Because if you don't then WE WILL!" he laughed.

Brad looked down at his sister, he saw her pleading eyes and knew she did not want that. Time moved slowly as he moved down to his sister, her legs spread like the red sea as he mounted her virgin pussy. He leaned close to his sister and kissed her cheek.

"FUCK HER!" Zeus yelled.

Brad cringed as Zeus pushed the siblings into sex. Still leaning over her body he whispered in her ear, "I'm sorry sis," he said as he pushed his cock inside her pussy.

Sabrina didn't respond as she felt her brothers cock enter her cunt. She lay there as Brad pushed deeper and deeper inside of her, sliding inside until he reached her hymen.

A single tear rolled down her cheek as she looked up at her brother, Brad wiped away her tear and kissed her nose as she nodded, signaling her brother to take her cherry.

Sabrina grunted loudly as Brad thrust down into her, taking her virginity in one stroke.

Brad couldn't suppress the groan the came with taking his own sister's virginity. He felt a flood of passion as he pushed deeper inside of her as blood trickled out.

Sabrina bit her lip as she adjusted to her brother's large cock. Out of instinct her hands moved up to his body as he pushed deeper into her, fucking her slowly.

Sabrina looked directly in her brother's eyes as he fell into a rhythm as he fucked her. Thrusting in and out of her slowly. She smiled weakly as her brother fucked her, happy it was him and not Zeus who was inside her.

The siblings fell into a mechanical type of sex, fucking each other in a haze, not kissing or touching or talking as they thrusted against each other.

Brad's hands moved down to his sisters body as he held her tight, gripping her as he fucked her hard and slow.

Behind them Zeus and his companions hooted and clapped behind them. Egging the siblings on as they fucked each other.

"That's it you little slut! Fuck your big brother!" yelled one of the kidnappers.

"Fuck her virgin cunt!" yelled another.

"CUM IN HER!" yelled Zeus.

The kidnappers all laughed at Zeus' bellow.

The siblings shuddered together as their kidnappers laughed above them. The lost themselves in the rythmatic fucking, seeing only each other until Brad's cock stiffed and erupted inside of his sister, cumming inside her as she started to shake all over his cock.

Part 3:

Sabrina listened to Brad breath as they lay in bed. For two days after their first time together they had been taken back into the same room and forced to fuck each other again. After they fucked they were told to fuck again, and then after that, again. After a while the siblings didn't have to be forced even though they made it appear that way.

Sabrina looked over at her brother as the sun was just beginning to rise.

After Brad had cum in her the last time they had been allowed to go back to their room where they hadn't seen Zeus or his friends since.

Sabrina lay in bed as she waited for Brad to wake up and thought about what had happened. She hated being forced to fuck her brother, knowing what they were doing was helping whoever had kidnapped them in their plan against their parents. She also hated that it was all that she could think of, that deep down she wanted it to happen again. Her brother had been there with her in a traumatic time and he was the only person able to make sure she wasn't harmed.

Sabrina looked over at her brother, his morning hard-on was making quite the tent in his hospital pants. Her pussy was damp again, just like it had been every morning after their first night together when she looked at his hard cock.

Her hand moved down to her pussy as she began to rub herself, the dreamed of being together with her brother where no one could hurt them, where they could be together, alone.

She rubbed her pussy harder and harder, disgusted with herself she was enjoying the idea of being with her brother. Hating what she was thinking of doing but feeling like she was unable to stop herself.

She reached over and slide her hand under his loose pants. Her hand snaked down until she reached his cock, her hand wrapped around his cock as she sighed in relief.

She reached over with her other hand and slowly began to pull Brad's pants down. She stopped suddenly when Brad shifted but exhaled when he did not open his eyes. She pulled his pants down to his mid-thighs and stopped, leaning over as she licked his cock, this time willingly.

Sabrina hungrily took more of her brothers cock in her mouth, licking around the base as she sucked more of it into her mouth. Her hospital gown rode up her body, exposing her ass and young wet cunt as she started to suck off her sleeping brother.

Brad had woken up when he felt Sabrina's hand wrap around his cock. He had been dreaming of fucking his sister again when he felt her touch him. He had dreamt of fucking her again since they first fucked, waking up each morning with a raging hard-on.

At first he had felt bad about wanting to fuck his sister again, about wanting to feed her every inch of his cock, about wanting to do something she'd probably hate him for. But now, now that he felt her hand and then her mouth on his cock, he knew she wanted what he wanted.

Sabrina continued to suck her brother's cock, not caring if she woke him up, just wanting more of his cock. Brad reached out and put his hands on Sabrina's head. She opened her eyes when she felt his hands but relaxed when she felt him start to thrust into her mouth.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm" she moaned around his cock as Sabrina felt her brother start to fuck her mouth. Sabrina moved her hands up her brothers body as she sucked his cock, bobbing her head up and down his penis as he moved deeper and deeper down her throat.

She moved one hand down and cupped his balls as she sucked him, squeezing them and moaning louder when he groaned at her touch.

"Ugh god yes Sabrina...suck my cock....mmmmmm yes" Brad moaned.

Sabrina moaned in response as she sucked her brother harder, squeezing and playing with his balls as he thrust up into her mouth. "MMmmm sis...I'm gonna cum," he groaned.

Sabrina increased her grip on her brother as she felt his cock stiffen once more and his cum shoot down her throat. She tried to swallow as much as she could but she wasn't experienced enough yet as some seeped out of her mouth and dribbled down her chin.

Her mouth stayed glued to his cock as she took as much of his cum as she could. When he was finished she lifted her head from his cock and licked her lips. Smiling up at her brother. "Morning Brad," she smiled sheepishly.

Brad looked down at his sister and pulled him up on top of him, holding her body close as she rested her head on his chest.

"I'm sorry Brad, I just couldn't help myself, all these feelings just washed over me..." she rambled on before Brad stopped her.

" don't have to explain yourself. It's ok, I wanted it, I enjoyed it," he said.

Sabrina smiled as her brother told her he enjoyed her blow job, relieved that she wasn't the only one who had wanted something taboo from her sibling.

She looked up at her brother as she rested on his body, feeling content for the first time since the ordeal began. "So..............what do we do now?" she asked.

Brad smiled and opened his mouth to speak but no words came out.

"What?" giggled Sabrina.

Brad shrugged his shoulders slightly, a huge grin crossing his face. Sabrina felt Brad's hand move to her bare ass and moaned softly at his touch.

"I thought we could do what we both clearly want," started Brad, "I want to fuck you so bad Sabrina," he said.

"Ooh Brad! I thought I was the only one! I felt to dirty, so nasty. I thought I was sick," she said. Sabrina bit her lip, "fuck me Brad, fuck me however you want, just fuck me" she said.

Brad squeezed her ass again and rolled her over on her back, grinning when Sabrina immediately spread her legs.

"You still might be sick or nasty for wanting to fuck me Sabrina, but so am I. So at least we will be sick and nasty together," he said.

Sabrina moaned at the idea of being sick and nasty with her brother, forgetting about the room they were in, the situation they were stuck in and the people on the other side of the door. Wanting only to escape from all of this anyway she could.

Brad kicked away his pants and rubbed his hard cock against his sisters wet pussy.

He heard her moan as he mounted his sister for a second time and slid his hard cock home in her wet pussy.

"Mmmmm Brad," moaned Sabrina as she felt her brother sink into her.

Brad gripped his sister tight, holding her body against his as he leaned over to kiss his sister as he started to fuck her deeper.

Sabrina kissed her brother back passionately, meeting his lips eagerly and pushing up to get more of his cock in her teenage cunt.

Sabrina's pussy was wet and tight and on fire as Brad fucked his sister. Her moans filled his head as he fucked her harder and harder. Fucking her harder than he did the first time, fucking her with passion and lust this time.

Sabrina wrapped her legs around her brother's waist, wanting every inch of her brothers cock inside her pussy as he fucked her. Humping back against him as he thrust deeper and deeper inside her.

Brad grunted as he fucked his sister harder and harder. Slamming into her now, filling her pussy with brother cock, his cock throbbing as her pussy buzzed with excitement.

"Ohh yes Brad yes!" yelled Sabrina as Brad fucked her deeper and harder.

Sabrina felt his thrusts become more powerful with each and every stroke. She felt content to let his strong hands roam her body as he fucked her.

Sabrina pushed back against his cock, fucking him with more urgency now, her pussy was sopping wet.

Loud sloppy fuck noises filled the room as the siblings made love. Brad thrust into his sister with more authority. Slamming into her as the bed started to shake with his thrusts.

"Fuck me harder Brad! HARDER!" moaned Sabrina.

Brad's hands squeezed his sisters firm round breasts as the fucked her harder and harder. His cock sawed in and out of her cunt now, finding a strong and powerful rhythm as brother fucked sister.

"Yes yes yes yes yes yes YES!" screamed Sabrina as she suddenly started to spasm all over her brothers cock, showering his cock with her juices. Sabrina clamped down on his cock as be continued to bang her young pussy.

Brad grunted and groaned as he fucked his sister, lost in animal lust as he fucked her with almost reckless abandon. He felt her pussy clamp down on his meat and that was more than he could handle as he groaned loudly and exploded in his sister's pussy.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmm", "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm","mmmmmmmmmmmm", moaned Sabrina as she and her brother came down from their orgasms, Brad keeping his cock inside Sabrina's pussy, some of his cum leaking out of her freshly fucked pussy as he kissed his sister again, moaning as she returned his passion.

Part 4:

Sex between the siblings continued as they went without any contact from their captors for another five days, making it a full week since they had first had sex.

At first sex was an escape from the situation they were in, days felt like weeks. It was a way they could be together and experience pleasure. But as the days passed and time moved slowly sex became more for the need to be together and the need to feel each other.

Sabrina began to enjoy waking her brother up with a morning blow job and was pleased to have her brother return the favor, first by eating her pussy and then by fucking it.

They tried different positions as well. Brad fucked his sister doggy style, he fucked her on their table, he fucked her in the shower. Sabrina also discovered the joy of riding her brother's cock and would happily spend time bouncing up and down his cock until he could hold out no longer and came in her cunt.

It wasn't until after a week had passed that they heard from Zeus again.

The siblings were naked and fucking like animals on the floor. Sabrina was on all fours as her brother plowed into her cunt, she was squeezing her tits as she looked in the mirror, watching their reflection as they fucked. The taboo of their coupling had become an enormous turn-on, something only they could share.

"I have good news!" boomed Zeus' voice.

Brad's hands were on his sisters, hips, he cock buried in her pussy as he continued to fuck her long and hard. Sabrina for her part was giving as good as she got, franticly fucking her brother back, needing more of his cock.

The siblings stopped in mid-fuck when they heard Zeus' voice.

"You will be going home tomorrow," Zeus said. "Tonight you will join us for dinner before the exchange tomorrow," he continued.

"Be ready in one hour" he finished.

Sabrina looked over her shoulder, her face filled with a bright smile.

"Brad! Did you hear that?!!! We're going home!" she exclaimed.

Brad was just as happy as his sister, his cock even grew harder at the prospect of leaving. "I know sis! I was beginning to think we would never leave," he said.

Sabrina started to cry in happiness, she nodded and sniffled, "me too Brad," she said, "I love you."

Brad smiled back at his sister, "I love you too sis, I couldn't have gotten through this without you," he responded.

Sabrina's face swelled with pride, "me either Brad, I can't imagine going through this without you," she said.

Brad's cock was still inside his sister as they looked at each other with happiness and joy, knowing they would be leaving soon.

Brad started to fuck his sister again, fucking her harder than ever before, fucking her in celebration of their liberation.

Sabrina knew exactly what her brother was thinking and moaned as he continued to work over her pussy.

"Mmmm yes Brad, fuck me....oh god...yes....yes....fuck me hard Brad," she moaned.

Brad picked up his pace, his balls slapped against her as he fucked her with more force, SLAMMING into her as his cock throbbed and he came once more inside her sweet young pussy.

Sabrina moaned as she felt her brother cum inside her what had now become countless times. She let go and experienced her own orgasm as her brother came inside her.

After their fuck Brad and Sabrina went and showered to get cleaned up but ended up fucking in the shower again. Sabrina pinned against the wall as her brother pummeled her pussy with hard cock one last time.

Once again the siblings were escorted into a room a room where Zeus and his friends were waiting. They were still wearing masks like Brad and Sabrina were still wearing their hospital pants and gown.

"Welcome," said Zeus. "I see you two have become more.....acquainted with each other," he laughed.

Brad and Sabrina blushed, not making eye contact as Zeus continued.

He laughed some more, "You should be proud boy, you made a real slut out of that sister of yours!" he said as the other kidnappers laughed.

"I'm glad you enjoyed the show," Brad said through gritted teeth.

Zeus smiled, "Oh WE did. But now to the situation at hand. Your parents will pay the ransom for your safe return and to make sure those tapes don't get out. So eat up and this will all be over soon."

After dinner Zeus had an awful smile on his face.

"What are you smiling about?" asked Sabrina snidely.

Zeus' smile got even bigger. "We thought that since you two have become so comfortable with the camera we'd make one last video," he said.

Sabrina's face filled with disgust, "what makes you think we'd want to do that with you?" she asked.

Zeus laughed, "you really have no choice. We crushed up quite a bit of viagra and put it in your brother's drink, so either you can fuck him like the caring sister you are OR you can let him suffer in a separate room all night with one hell of a hard-on!"

Sabrina looked over at her brother who looked down at his groin, his cock semi-hard but growing hard fast.

Zeus and his friends laughed again as they watched Sabrina look from Zeus to her brother and then the floor.

"ROLL CAMERA!" he laughed again.

Sabrina blushed as Zeus mocked everything, she wanted to walk away but she couldn't. She couldn't leave her brother like this and she could leave his hard cock, her brother's cock.

"Suck his cock whore," Zeus said.

Sabrina blushed as she sunk to her knees between Brad's legs, his cock growing harder by the second. She licked her lips in anticipation as she pulled his pants down before devouring his healthy and very hard cock.

Brad reached down and grabbed her breasts, squeezing them as his sister devoured his cock. Her tongue swirled around his penis as he started to fuck her face. Slowly at first but then increasing in pace.

Sabrina moaned around his cock, swallowing more and more, she had practiced sucking his cock a lot the past week and had grown quite good.

She took more and more down her throat, breathing through her nose and shaking her head as she rubbed her nose against his pubic hair.

His cock was so hard in her mouth, he fucked her harder and harder, his balls slapping against her chin as he fucked her mouth.

Sabrina moaned loudly as her brother fucked her mouth, her pussy started to immediately water, her juices poured out of her pussy, running down to her ass crack.

Zeus watched the two siblings as brother fucked sister. He smiled and ordered Sabrina to stop, but she couldn't. She was swept up in his hard rock in her mouth.

Zeus again ordered the siblings to stop but they didn't. Brad only fucked his sisters mouth harder, Sabrina only moaned louder.

"STOP!" yelled Zeus.

They stopped.

The siblings looked up at Zeus, "get down and fuck your sister with that hard cock of yours," he said.

Sabrina giggled to herself and slipped her lips off his cock, slurping loudly. Her pussy was sopping wet as she got down on the floor and spread her legs wide.

Brad moved over to his sister and stood over her, his hard cock swinging as he moved down to her open pussy.

"STOP!" said Zeus again.

Brad, annoyed, looked over at Zeus.

"Fuck her we ass," he said.

Sabrina moaned loudly at the idea of being fucked in the ass, the idea of her brothers rock hard cock pistoning in and out of her puckered hole.

She crawled onto her hands and knees and displayed her wet ass to her brother, her juices making her asshole glisten.

Brad moved behind his sister and lined his cock up at her hole. Sabrina could feel his hands on her body, her pussy watered in anticipation. She felt his cock press against her hole and then push inside her.

Immediately Sabrina orgasmed, shaking all over her brothers cock as he pushed deeper and deeper inside her extremely tight ass.

Brad reached under his sisters body and grabbed her tits again, he was addicted to them. He squeezed them as he slowly pushed deeper inside his sister. He pushed deep and then pulled back before thrusting back in.

Brad kept this up as he continued to fuck his sisters ass, slowly going deeper and deeper. Sabrina moaned louder and louder as her brother pushed deeper and deeper. Slowly she started to push back against his cock, wanting to work it deeper.

The siblings found a grove as Brad fucked his sister's ass. He fucked her harder and faster now, pounding into her ass as his cock got harder in her tight young ass.

Sabrina bit her lip as Brad fucked her, he was fucking her silly and squeezing her tits. Her nipples were rock hard in his hands, so sensitive as they rubbed against his palms.

Zeus watched as Brad fucked Sabrina in the ass. He watched and listened as Sabrina screamed like a whore with her brothers big cock buried in her ass. He watched as she thrust back to meet his cock. He watched as Brad brutally fucked his sister and she screamed for more. He couldn't believe these were the same two siblings who he kidnapped over a week ago.

Sabrina started to spasm for a second time with her brothers cock in her ass and moaned loudly as she came. Brad grunted loudly and stiffed as he exploded, unloading his nuts in his sisters ass.

Brad continued to fuck Sabrina's ass as they came down from their orgasm but his hard-on didn't die down. Sabrina slumped beneath him but Brad continued to fuck her sweet, sexy ass.

Zeus and his team couldn't hold it in anymore and pulled out their cocks as they watched Brad fuck Sabrina. Brad pulled his cock out of Sabrina's ass which immediately began to leak his cum. He turned his sister over and in a horny daze slid his hard cock back into her pussy.

He started to ride her cunt as she moaned beneath him, Brad was a man possessed as he fucked his sister. He POUNDED into her teenage cunt like a wild animal, riding her like a bronco.

Sabrina moaned incoherently as she thrust up to meet her brothers cock. She grabbed her tits and squeezed her nipples as her brother used her pussy.

Sabrina was lost in lust as her brother fucked the shit out of her, slamming her box with his hard cock, embedding every last inch of his cock inside her.

Brad continued to fuck his sister, curling his upper lip as he fucked her harder and harder, boning his sister balls deep.

The siblings were so lost in lust they didn't even notice Zeus and his friends move around them, stroking their cocks as they watched Brad wail on his sisters tender young pussy.

Sabrina started to cum again from the assault her brother put on her pussy, moaning loudly as she came all over his cock.

Brad groaned as his sister came all over his cock, cumming again, her juices making his cock slick.

Zeus and his friends watched Sabrina cum and scream like a whore beneath her brother's cock. They stroked their cocks faster and faster, hearing Sabrina moan made then stroke even harder until the erupted and came all over Sabrina.

They shot their load over her face, over her chest, in her hair, all over her body. For the first time Sabrina recognized their presence and came again as Zeus and his friends shot their load all over her.

Brad continued to fuck his sister as his hard-on continued, fucking her through yet another orgasm as she bucked uncontrollably around his hard cock.

Part 5:

The next morning Brad and Sabrina were back in their room when Zeus and his team walked in on them as Sabrina was riding her brother's cock.

Brad's hands were on his sister's breasts, squeezing them as she fucked her brother, enjoying the size of his cock and she slid up and down his hard cock.

"You have five minutes, then we never see you again," said Zeus.

They left the room and immediately Brad came in his sister's willing cunt. The idea they were going home too much for the siblings.

6 minutes later they were blind-folded driving in an unmarked van to the exchange. They were still wearing their hospital clothes, Sabrina squeezed her legs together, keeping her brothers cum inside her pussy.

The exchange went about as smoothly as it could go. The siblings were transfered to another van where they were left bound and gagged. Zeus and his friends went to the drop to pick up the money and once they were safe they phoned in the location of Brad and Sabrina.

As Brad and Sabrina returned home from their ordeal the were mobbed by friends and family over-joyed about their safe return.

The siblings knew that from now on, nothing would be like it once was.

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