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88.98% The Bloodiest Devil. / Chapter 103: Spoliers

Capítulo 103: Spoliers

I most probably will not finish this book for a variety of reasons, but I've already produced most of the arcs and think it's a shame if I dont just tell what happens.
















Up to foundation it is about simply Cultivating qi, body and soul, but at truth stage one needs to strengthen their principals and beliefs, then at pain stage one is tested on that to see if your truths can hold through. Then at general stage one was said to put these principals to the test in combat and action and force it into their very being. One was forced, by the Cultivation road into action. Then in Emperor stage one must conquer something for each person it is different. It was a strange and unlikened stage. Then mystic enchantment one must not only challenge fierce tribulations, but also putting inscriptions on your soul and body, but one's that the universe has chosen. Ascension and true god again were simple Cultivation of soul, body and qi. The soul was especially important and one needed that as one of the ascending requirements. Then True flow one was building your own tao. It was rejoining the various rivers and paths you've established and compounding then into yourself. Such like the Tao. This was the boundary between a god and saint. Immemorial stage is establishing yourself in existence. Pure existence - I can't remember, but I will explain later.

They say a Immortal gets immortality, a god power, a saint control. Or something like that.

As Ryuk and his group go to the sect competition and the days just before it starts he and Mooneye are constantly teasing and flirting with each other. For Ryuk he finds seeing her annoyed, exhilarating as if she actually notices him. For Mooneye she feels something new and can't help but be captured by Ryuks charms. During the ball held by the sects to further relations between sects Mooneye dances with Dion to Ryuks pain amd and anger. He finds the girl who he met in Green Doe village. Obviously she doesn't recognize Ryuk, but they dance and they get close. Ryuk then alone in a room is confronted by a angry Mooneye. She doesn't know why, but she is. Ryuk tells her closing in on a kiss to not look or go to anyone. She asks why, but Ryuk can't say that the reason is because it would hurt him and says he dosent know.

During the sect competition Ryuk pretends to barely defeat opponents weaker than him and through the audience's eyes he luckily gets halfway through being the only person from his realm on the leaderboard. He then pretends to lose causing him much mental stress, but eventually he lets it go. Mooneye and Dion reach the finale with ease. Dion is even found out to have Innate Perfect Yin-Yang body. Dion surrenders, but Mooneye challenges Ryuk. Ryuk originally afraid of the spiritual emissary and his backing formulates a plan to replace the emissary and then accepts because he feels this pulsating feeling rush and wants to fight her and to be noticed, she similarly feels that way. They have a harsh battle and under the efforts of the Imperial sect such that only they and spiritual emissary can see. They draw, Ryuk collapsing and Mooneye shortly after.

They wake up in the hospital and Ryuk and Mooneye continue to bicker fighting strange new feelings welling up.


Ryuks goes on a mission and meets White an angel who's hated by the entire universe as his father was the angel who made the Heavenly beast pathogen that created Heavenly beasts the enemies of all beings. Black and White fight. Later through some stuff the three become brothers closer than anything else.

Mooneye and Ryuk are forced to go on a mission together all the while bickering and getting close. They are attacked on a large bridge with a bottomless valley below. They fight to their best ability, but the bridge is cut.

They can't fly because of powerful forces and Ryuk tries to send Mooneye, but it dosent work.

They fall to the bottom of the valley, a extremely low distance from the surface. Mooneye is severely injured and Ryuk is mildly injured. They get closer everyday sorting out their misunderstandings and also finding the beauty in each other. They share their burdens. Mooneyes burden of being the goddess who can change the fact that no saint has been born ever since the creator died according to her grandmothers prophecy, and although Ryuk dosent elaborate he shares he needs to kill someone fearsome.

A year passes and during that time, Mooneye and Ryuk went from friends to something much deeper. A half step from accepting their feelings. Yet Ryuk contemplates his worthiness of being her partner. Ryuk is arrogant and prideful, but he dosent know if he's good enough to protect or anything else for Mooneye. So he brushes it off. Furthermore with such a dangerous fate Ryuk doesn't know if he is being cruel or kind not accepting his feelings.

Yet Mooneye is unwilling. She realizes she loves Ryuk, a love that fills her, a love that only he is allowed to have. Everything she has is his. She knows he loves her too, but has mis misgivings with their status.

They manage to escape somehow. They return and for many months people see their closeness. Ryuk is extremely overprotective of Mooneye allowing her to become a little devil.

The girl who Ryuk met at Green Doe village comes and spurs Mooneye to confront Ryuk.

She tells him her feelings, but he says to let him think and that he dosent want to mess us her life.

Mooneye goes on the aggressive flirting and proposing to him all the time. Yet Ryuk dodges again and again.

One day Ryuk finally decides he should tell her and then work on protecting her. He sees her with Dion, but misunderstands and leaves coldly.

Later that years sect competition is taking place and Ryuk and Mooneye go to participate.

Ryuk trying to let off some steam fights and easily rises the ranks. On one of the last days Mooneye tells Ryuk to come to her battle. Another Cultivator from heaven.

Ryuk that night is attacked, by a Cultivator from heaven.

They fight, but the other person's treasures and secret techniques are too much.

Ryuk is sent a killing blow when the stone in his ring vibrates and a scythe appears. It kills the enemy, but the energy from the attack hits Ryuk and all his Meridians and burnt, his acupoints torn to shreds and his dantian seemingly dissapearing from his control. The Scythe is called Universe Devourer and the part where the blade and the stick are connected has a long Jackal head.

Ryuk severely injured crawls to the stadium and passes out. Left in dismay over his current situation Ryuk shuts himself off.

Yet through this he forms deeper friendship's and some old ones are destroyed. Mooneye even seeing Ryuk as a waste loves him. She takes care of him and protects him.

Eventually Ryuk gets ideas from Rebirth realm stage and begins to destroy his physical body and to create a spiritual body, but he accidentally destroys his soul and dantian. While wondering Nihility the essence of Existence/Tao merges with the essence of the one who defies the universe. Ryuk forms a new body from scratch, a perfect body called Innate Universe Tao body.

He hides as he redevelops his Cultivation. Eventually Mooneye on a mission gets attacked, but Ryuks saves her and announces to the world that he is back. Similarly he accepts his feelings for Mooneye, but can't find a proper time to convey it. Eventually a misunderstanding occurs and Mooneye thinks Ryuk loves someone else. She doesn't want to inference in his love and says one last sorrowful goodbye. Ryuk screams saying he loves her. The two bed that night, but without food or sleep for two months they are in their room making love. Ryuk and Mooneye are extremely happy and are constantly in each others embrace.

They go to their final sect competition as the two are close to becoming sages.

Ryuks easily manages to win, he tells the girl from Green Doe village that she was just a feather in the wind for him and Mooneye is his forever.

Ryuk is informed a war is staring and that it is dangerous to be out in the open. Mooneye is safe due to status, but not him. They have one night before he departs where he claims her as his wife.

Ryuk flees and on the way stumbles on a carriage being attacked he saves them and then tries to use them as cover to hide away, they also hire him.

Ryuk as the young miss of the carriage are always talking to each other. Ryuk begins to feel an attraction towards the girl, and she does as well from his constant shameless acting. The two get closer day by day. Perhaps it was because he accepted Mooneye, but Ryuks heart became more open and less narrow. She quickly found a place in his heart and he did the same for her. Eventually he leaves thinking their isn't a way to take her with him to the spiritual realm, that their fates are too different. Yet he leaves a promise if they ever met each other again then that would mean it was irreversibly fated and he would marry her. What he dosent realize is her background.

He heads to the battlefield and begins to make a name for himself fighting demonic Cultivators, accompanied by Black, White and Dion. He becomes a Sage and become a commander, one of the four heavenly kings. They keep fighting and the war becomes bad causing even the sects to join and then there is a betrayal from one of the sects and they are at a loss. The golden cloaked disciple betrays the sect and Riel and his party have to leave. Mooneye is safe because of her status. Ryuk meets with Mooneye and have a date, Black and White are finally introduced to Mooneye, to her shagrin.

Ryuks advances to Pain stage and the war heats up.

Ryuk advances to Rebirth stage and kills the Demonic sovereign. It was a long and hard battle and he goes to celebrate with his master and wife. Yet a person from the spiritual realm kills Riel due to this being the spiritual realms plan the whole time. Ryuk goes mad, Nothingness is freed, but it is horrified to find a insane Ryuk who craves death and suffering. Ryuk kills the man who killed Riel, brutally stomping on him and using a Gu worm he and White made to make him suffer.

Another person comes and attacks Ryuk, but Ryuk barely manages to fight back.

She decides to just leave considering she can't do anything and takes Mooneye as that was her mission. Ryuk goes further in a maddened state and shoots a "God's disdainful gaze," Killing the woman and destroying much of the battlefield and realm itself.

A grim reaper a servant of the Samsara palace is attacked by Ryuk when he tries to take Riels soul. Ryuk puts Riel soul in Hell with pleasant memories until he can save him.

Ryuk carries Riel to Imperial mountain, he cleaves it and buries Riel there.

He asks Black to seal his memories for now so that he can rebirth properly.

They do and Ryuk ascends. Ryuk finds out the 5 great palaces and 10 great unions are behind his masters death and swears to destroy them all. The Spiritual realm unlike the realm before has kingdoms instead of sects. They work the same and everything for the most part, but they concentrate on warfare and combat. There are many kingdoms from low rank to high rank. The five palaces are the strongest empires, the ten unions are like the palaces but are most like an association. They are basically the same except one has royalty and the other doesn't. I can't really remember exactly what I thought when I made it, but yes. Ryuk after regaining his memories has a hard time controlling his emotions and easily angers. He continuously pushes White and Black away, and at the same time takes risk after risk to hurry his revenge. He also becomes much more cruel and sadistic. He begins to find more and more excitement in torturing and seeings others in pain and despair. He even finds attacking innocent people who have sowed no karma with him fine. Ryuk at this point also becomes more sneaky, deceptive and arrogant. Ryuk at this point is even willing to kill children in front of parents just to see them suffer.

He is attacked by the 5 great palaces and 10 great unions, they made it almost like a show. Ryuk barely survives managing to kill some of the higher echelon, but he loses his memory.

He ends up in a small kingdom without any memories of his life or Cultivation. He works as a beggar, and eventually saves a duke. He is adopted into their family. They try and allow him to Cultivate, but he can't, because Ryuk already made his foundation. The daughter of the duke and her friends constantly taunt and bully Ryuk. later on one of the suitors of the dukes daughter tries to kill Ryuk and sends an expert. Put into that dangerous situation causes Ryuks body to automatically respond and fight. As he keeps fighting he remembers who he is. He decides that he should Keep pretending for now and tries to suck up as much resources from the kingdom as he can. Finally he sees a chance when the kingdom opens a secret realm. He enters with the rest of the youths and quickly takes all the resources, he also saves the dukes daughter from being raped. He comes back and when he sees the duke and his wife's smiles he considers them his real parents and tells them the truth.

Ryuk goes on countless journeys to advance to Emperor stage. One he goes to a library in a desert world, etc. Eventually he becomes an Emperor and his need is to kill the 5 great palaces and 10 great unions and to swim on their blood.

Ryuk encounter's a Pheonix tribe that has what he needs, but the person who has it has a much more powerful bloodline that Ryuks ordinary red Pheonix bloodline. He goes on a quest to find a way to enhance his Pheonix bloodline, deciding if he can't he'll remove it forcefully.

He finds a drop of seven feathered Phoenix blood in a small town, and then uses it. He becomes a seven feathered Phoenix king.

He steals from the Pheonixs. Yet they aren't angry as he is their king, yet they ask him to go to a challenge between the Blood red tiger clan and the Tyrant Dragon clan representatives. Ryuk agrees as he himself wants to kill the two clans and absorb their blood to enhance his race.

Ryuk goes to the battle and easily wins, he even tries to kill the east dragon kings son. He extorts a large sum of resources from the dragon king and then lets him go, but not before setting a curse that will slowly infect those around the prince, who will absorb the life force of those around him and eventually return to Ryuks side as a mindless slave.

Ryuk goes to rob the Heaven shaking tiger king of the east, but a red blooded tiger from the saint realm appears and he is the prince. His Cultivation is higher than Ryuks, but still can't win. Ryuk steals all of the resources and then decides to dissapear for some time.

To keep a low profile Ryuk joins a bandit group and gets closer to the bandit leader known as Brother wolf.

Ryuk eventually is forced by circumstances to battle brother wolf. He of course wins and Brother wolf calls Ryuk his elder brother. Ryuk as bandit leader begins to plan a robbery of one of the palaces.

Ryuk secretly begins to send out mosquitos and bugs to every organization. He also begins to set more and more curses upon important people and starts to devour the empires surrounding the palace he plans to rob. Eventually the kings, generals and everyone else are Ryuks pawns. Ryuk slowly begins to make the palace face problems by making Riots and other commotions that draw in the unions who try and annex the Palace. Eventually Ryuk causes the two sides to escalate in to a large battle. The two sides face innumerable deaths and the rest of the palaces and unions either begin negotiations or make alliances. Ryuk himself has made a blood Gu that spreads a soul killing poison, each time someone infected is killed and touches even skin the other is infected. Most of those infected are from the surrounding countries Ryuk controls and so more need to die for Ryuk to get more control of the situation.

Ryuk secretly controls the finance ministers of the palace and makes them send resources to places where Ryuk and his bandits lie in wait. The resources Ryuk dosent take him makes the ministers spend lucratively on the army so that they kill more and eventually get infected. Win - Win.

Ryuk eventually takes all the resources of the palace even infiltrating the other unions and palaces. Ryuk then makes one end all battle. The number of soldiers he had at command outweighs those not infected. Right as the two armies are about to engage the two sides find that a majority of their own army attacks them. Only a handful of soldiers on both sides survived, but the sheer amount of blood Gu in their bodies makes them Ryuks pawns.

Ryuk bandit gang becomes a large force, but this causes Ryuk vexation. He decides that being the bandit leader is too open for him to be there and leaves.

He continues to act in the dark. Spending his time in a small village as an eccentric young man. He befriends a young girl who dreams of becoming an Immortal. She eventually becomes accepted into a small reclusive sect. Ryuk advises her not to go, but her family snickers and sends her. She also finds Ryuks advice inappropriate. Ryuk enters the sect saying he wishes to steal from them, but actually it's to protect the girl. From the shadows he protects her. She is not very talented, but still becomes a foundation stage expert, while Ryuk continues to expand himself and after the advice of Nothingness begins to start closure about Riels death.

Ryuk slowly begins to let go of his anger and despair. Ryuk and Nothingness become close and we learn of Nothingness backstory. How Nothingness in his own way was a hero betrayed by his allies.

Eventually the Red tiger prince joins together with the Fox princess and boar prince and finds Ryuk. They attack the sect and the village. They kill everyone that Ryuk was close with. Ryuk in a rage after just having begun to let go of his guilt and despair over his masters death kills the three princes. The girl is taken by Ryuk and he begins to guide her in Cultivation.

Ryuk feels that the only way to get closure is to destroy the 5 great palaces and 10 great unions. He begins to slowly decompose the organizations. He then begins to kill of the upper echelons.

Eventually he destroys the organizations, but has to fight the puppet masters. They are all the creators progeny, having an extreme bloodline and power. Ryuk fights a hard fight and eventually wins, they declare he won just to lose. Yet Ryuk says he will become the creator and the darkness in his eyes dissapeared. His eyes turn completely white and he feels a weight off his chest. Ryuk has now achieved the requirement to become a mystic, but decides to hold back for now.

Ryuk goes into hiding as he is also very injured and was even cursed.

He goes to a small city and hides in a cave. The curse becomes worse and worse and Ryuk can't go out and decided to take a mortal child as his 'disciple' to collect materials for him. The child is the bastard child of a noble who doesn't even have a name. Ryuk eventually accepts the boy as his disciple and names him Uriel after his master. He teaches Uriel all he knows even making him a devil. Uriel begins to show his talents entering a Alchemy competition, forging competition and formation competition.

Ryuk finds the curse is getting worse, but can't solve it here. Yet he gets a notification through his bond with Mooneye that she is out of seclusion. He decides to head there and seek her assistance.

Uriel angers his half brother and father, as well as an important noble by simply winning the competition. He is attacked by hired hands, but Ryuks saves him. The bandits are shown to be under the control of Brother wolf who joins Ryuk and Uriel. Ryuk journeys to join Mooneye who have a long needed night together. Ryuk goes into seclusion with the medicine and facility's Mooneye gives him. Ryuk begins to unravel the curse. The personal guards of Mooneye are angry and disdainful of Ryuk, feeling he isn't good enough for their mistress. Ryuk suddenly rises to the sky as a dragon and forms a formation with his body and uses the moon and finally destroys the curse, and also absorbs the curse and the bloodline it has. Similarly he breaks through to soul grand birth and remembers his past life.

In his past life he was an orphan in a heaven sect. He used to be a sweeper and was always around dust. Eventually he had a realization the world was all made from dust. He created his tao, and with his innate talent quickly rose in the sect. He eventually became a god known as dust god. He was a one in a million practitioner. As dust remained present forever like how blood was always present he saw into the future. He saw the saints coming to the heavens and battling the gods. He tried to warm everyone, but his sworn brother who since he was a sweeper and servant betrayed him. His sworn brother was the River bending gods son, and successor. The current river bending god had become a servant due to his low talent and being bastard and become best friends with the dust god. Even when the river bending god got his status as River bending prince he was outshined by dust god, but he took it with a smile. Providing resources and everything else to dust god. The dust god Aswell did this even telling River bending god about the prophecy before hand. River bending god told his father and his father told his son to betray the river bending god. Perhaps jealousy, perhaps for his fathers affection perhaps because of lies his father wrote the River bending god betrayed the dust god. The dust god was called a heretic seeking to form an army to take over the heavenly emperor's Throne. Yet the dust god was strong and couldn't be beaten easily. Numerous gods including Mooneyes grandmother's joined together to besiege him. Enraged his desire to protect the gods was used as a executing Axe and that his brothed and numerous other gods he had helped were trying to kill him he died leaving behind a promise to kill them all.

He went to the samsara palace and was being harassed by them. Anger filled the normally gentle dust god and he found Nothingness who promised him reincarnation and power and that's all that she wrote.

River bending gods avatar descends and after a hard battle Ryuk wins. Saying he will come for revenge, for his mother.

Ryuk and Mooneye spend a year together, Uriel becomes a truth sage. Brother wolf flirts with those in Mooneyes entourage, eventually becoming a Taoist partner with one of the females.

Mooneye has to leave for the Immortal realm as she has already become a Immortal. Yet she cannot go to the Primordial realm as she actually used a time chamber to speed up her training as is over a hundred years old.

Ryuk leaves Uriel with brother wolf and goes to advance.

Ryuk successfully advances into a mystic and is attacked by two big empires who took the 5 great palaces and 10 great unions place. Ryuk goes and destroys the two.

While wandering aimlessly and freely he comes across two little girls being hunted.

He sees they are devils and protects them.

Devils were treated extremely horribly by almost every race, those that didn't treated them like air. Devils were mutants or crossbreeds. They were basically the shame of the universe for some. Normally if one race for example a dragon and tiger bred it would be impossible, but once you become spiritual beings it's possible. When that happens one of the races becomes the prominent one with there being a bloodline of the other. This way their is a affection and connection with both families, but devils are different they are perfectly equal turning into a new race. They become a combination of the two races. Although most devils are considering stronger and more talented that isn't always the case and in general their abilities are constantly being suppressed by other races. This is mostly due to the different natures in their existence basically colliding. Of course Devils once they understand themselves can become a true force to be reckoned with. But people look in disgust at devils and they have no relation to either family.

Their have even been campaigns to purge devils.

Ryuk similarily is a Devil a part human, dragon, tiger, turtle, Qilin, Vermillion bird and phoenix. He has the Yin Ape bloodline, but that isn't a part of his genetic composition.

Ryuk normally has no affection for many people, but he just can't stand Devils being treated so horribly for no reason. So he decided today he would defend these children.

He didn't have any grand goal to become the King of Devils, but he just wanted to help some whenever he could.


As Ryuks reputation spread many devils flocked towards his abode seeking asylum.

Ryuk, Black and White the three Brothers reunite.

Eventually he became known as the Devil King and the devils unanimously took this gratefully. Ryuk was their light and savior and thus they truly admired him as a king. If he wished for them to die they would as before they met him they weren't truly alive. Their lives belonged to Ryuk alone. Ryuk then actually become the king of Devils. Meaning his Bloodline is considered royalty and if he so pleases has a domination over all Devils. When a race becomes king they get an absolute skill like absolute sacrifice which turns any member of their race into food for the King, absolute transport or absolute control. Ryuk got two one for his strength and the other for the respect his race has for him. Absolute love and absolute king are the skills.

Ryuk establishes a place like a sect called Blood mountain. The devils are all Disciples there.

Ryuk goes a kingdom to collect his disciple. While there he finds his disciple is competing in a competition and joins to spectate.

Ryuk makes friends with Duke Liu of a middle sized empire, the Liu family is a merchant family.

After Uriel wins, Ryuk decides to go to Duke Liu's empire liking his personality.

Duke Liu tries and set his eldest daughter with Ryuk.

In their house the eldest daughter barges in an questions her fathers love for her children as he continuously gives them away in marriage. She had already given her heart to someone yet was being forced. She doesn't show any respect to Ryuk, but when their faces meet they recognize each other.

The eldest daughter is actually the young miss who he acted as a guard for when he first escaped his sect in his original realm.

Ryuk questions the situation and the honestly of her heart, but seeing her eyes understands the feelings they shared were true.

Ryuk calls her his wife and he kisses her.

The Liu family is delighted.

Ryuk and Liu Xin decide to have their marriage.

Ryuk and Liu Xin have a huge wedding.

Their consummation lasts for three months.

Ryuk takes her back to blood mountain, where the elder Devils pass Ryuk the Race technique "Devil dance."

Ryuk enhances the sects power and various forces like the Pheonix clan and Liu family enter Blood mountain.

Ryuk hears a competition from an Immortal sect to get Disciples. He joins and wins after fierce battles.

He joins the spring grand sect.

Black joins a demon sect and White an angel one, yet the three continuously meet.

Ryuk undergoes his tribulation to become an Immortal.

He goes to the Primordial realm and bathes in the Primordial sea and binds with the numerous constellations. His body enhances and his soul. His Cultivation becomes more profound.

It is extremely powerful and wide taking up 90% of the Immortal realm causing many to migrate to safety.

Ryuk successfully passes his tribulation and becomes an Immortal.

He enters the spring grand sect and joins the forging division.

The forging Division is in shambles due to the other departments bullying. Ryuk challenges the other Divisions as his forging nature boils.

He easily suppressed the other Divisions and under a bet wins all their resources. Yet he of course leaves a little for them just in case bad karma is sewn.

The elder he made the bet with takes Ryuk as his disciple.

Ryuk begins to cultivate towards godhood. He quickly enters many secret realms and devours resources. He finds Mooneye in another sect and because of her advice they should keep quiet till they are both gods in fear of her families retaliation. They act coldly in front of others and warmly with each other.

Ryuk tells her about Liu Xin. She's fine with it on the surface.

Ryuk continues to rise and deepen his relationship with his master.

The different sects decide to have a competition.

Ryuk is now only a few steps away of Mooneye surpassing her even with all her resources.

Ryuk battles a name for himself with his beauty and power. He garners the attention of Mooneyes senior sister and the spite of another sect head disciple who likes Mooneye.

They see the closeness despite the acting and decide to make a lie to Keep Ryuk from Mooneye. That the boy disciple has actually taken Mooneyes hand. Mooneyes senior sister agrees. Ryuk dosent question Mooneye, but can't help but wonder if time cannot do anything to their love.

The two Orchestra a situation to trick Mooneye who becomes filled in anger and rage.

He and the other male Disciple meet in the finales and his taunts keep fueling Ryuks rage.

Ryuk defeats him, but tries to then kill him.

Having nearly died by some nobody the other disciple tries to attack Ryuk.

To keep Ryuk sane, nothingness takes over.

Ryuk in a maddened state kills the disciple and begins to try and start a slaughter.

His master and other sect masters join together to control Ryuk. The demon hall leader is elated as he knows who Ryuk is.

All the Disciples begin to help to try and suppress Ryuk. Ryuks master who knows of Ryuks and Mooneyes relationship shouts to get her.

Mooneye is taken out of seclusion and finds Ryuk in a maddened state.

Seeing Ryuk in such pain people involuntary feel pain and despair for Ryuk.

Ryuk tells Mooneye he understands and that he is sorry. She scolds him. She tells him only Ryuk belongs in her heart.

The two make up and Ryuk gets the title Immortal Love.

Ryuk brings up Liu Xin. The two battle for the place of first wife.

They use a charm from the goddess of love causing a symphony of fated lovers to sing throughout the universe, showing Ryuks love for the two.

Ryuk is attacked by a church in the Immortal realm and uses his natural law Technique called, "Law of the jungle" and kills all those weaker than him.

Ryuk eventually become a god.

He dosent immediately go kill River bending god.

Ryuk firstly finds a god named War god and tries to bargain for a extremely powerful carving knife. The War god rejects and just then his wife who is pregnant with his child is nearly to die. Ryuk saves her and the child earning the War gods brotherhood.

Ryuk goes to the Immortal realm and takes Black and White with him to the fallen realm.

When Ryuk and Mooneye fell into that valley, Ryuk realizing it was the gateway into Hell. Ryuk managed to enter for a short moment and saw a giant hand.

Ever since then Ryuks wished to make that hand into a sword.

Ryuk begins to carve the hand with Black and Whites' help.

Ryuk produces the five fingered sword and also figures out this hand is the hand of the deceased creator. Ryuk learning this sends the sword into the chaos field outside of all the realms. The chaos purges the sword, ensuring that the creator has no control over it.

Ryuk returns to heaven and storms River bending gods firmament. He kills all the enemies and eventually faces off with River bending god. River bending god loses and asks that Ryuk spare his family. While chuckling in self deprecation the River bending god tells Ryuk he should be the god of despair.

Ryuk says on behalf of his past life he would accept it, but that he isn't his past self. How River bending god took his mother and he will never forgive that and kills the River bending god and stores his soul in Hell giving him the worst punishment. He then kills the River bending gods family in body and soul.

Ryuk gets the title God of despair. He begins to establish his Firmament.

Before that he barges into the Samsara palace and takes his mothers shattered soul and also destroys a good portion of it for revenge and also as a warning.

He notices the Blood mountain is having a catastrophe.

About Blood mountain I'll give two extracts.

[An Emperor of a certain big empire in the Spiritual realm was surrounded by his officials and said, "Why can't you just steal the Devils technology?"

The officials quickly dismissed this idea and said, "My lord you may not know, but the Devils of Blood mountain are known especially for their cruel nature. They like playing around with other people and hate making a loss. If you are good to them you can fly, but otherwise you will sink. Not only have they become increasingly strong in only ten years, with their elders and core disciple's all being peak powerhouses. Their lord is the Blood Devil mystic. He is to ascend in only a year or two. Their was once when the blood mountain faction was young and a few nobles and officials from other countries stole and abused the devils. Their was no response from the Blood Devil Mystic so they thought him to be in seclusion and became more rampant. The Blood Devil Mystic was in fact present and instead of using violence used the other countries own laws to behead those robbers. He destroyed families and kingdoms with words and tricks.

A king that was rather close with the Blood Devil talked to him and the Blood Devil said, "It's so fun to see nobles and people the such who invent these petty mortal laws to control the masses die from its own vices. It's very humorous." He said that with a wicked smile. In fact all the Devils are like this cruel and tricky, but also loyal. When new devils are born for five years they are taught history and crude ways to never lose out in terms of profitability. Then the next five years under disguises they enter our Martial society and learn even more about nature of people. They are ingenious and cruel and completely loyal to their king."

The emperor was silent as he heard this. In fact he had also heard from his mother the Queen Dowager about this.

The devils who they treated like ants and beat without a cent of remorse were now the Venerable Blood Devils of Blood mountain. Their name and status cause fear all over the Spiritual realm. All devils went there, even those old monsters. The worst thing though is that they are absolutely and completely loyal to Blood mountain and Ryuk their king. Even newborn children from Blood mountain are loyal. Once their was a nine year old prince who tried to court the three year old blood princess which was a holy title in Blood mountain and possesesed the status of a core disciple. He gave her money and good things, but she loved candy. One day an ordinary disciple from Blood mountain who was four and also loved the Blood princess courted her with cheap candy. The prince brought some of the finest treats, but the princess didn't even care and chose the ordinary disciple. In fact in Blood mountain all disciples no matter bloodline or anything else were equal. Even if one was a dirt talent and the other a heavens child the Blood mountain elders and their own parent's wouldn't stop the marriage. The entire Blood mountain from the new born devils, the old devils all the devils and even the few other race disciples and the servants all got along like one big family. Once a perverted man tried to steal away a fairy like devil maid from the mountain. He offered all kinds of expensive items and treasures and tried to leave. Yet as he was leaving all the disciples the mountain charged at him and beat him making him an eunuch. A core disciple who was in love with maid was especially mad and nearly killed him till all the disciples agreed it would be more enjoyable to see him suffer.

In fact except for a matter of resources and outside matters all the disciple's of blood mountain have the same treatment. The lowest and weakest devil can learn the same techniques as the strongest. Even the techniques made by Ryuk were available to anyone. All except for the Devil race exclusive skill: The Devils dance. This Technique Ryuk got from uncle Lance was only learnt by him, uncle lance the sect master and the elders. This also was just to make sure their disciples didn't count on one technique alone and ruin their foundation. When they reached truth sage they could learn it, but all the disciples asked their masters and elders to keep it until they were elders so they could temper themselves. The Devils Dance was after all a really overpowered technique. ]

[Blood mountain was in a state of crisis for the first time since it's establishment. They had Ryuk as their backing adding on to their own personal growth and subsequent strength. Furthermore they had many allies in the Spiritual realm.

This had all happened because the daughter of two mystics had renegaded on her marriage and come and married one of the lowest disciples. They had been wed and she was even expecting, but the two mystics, her former fiancee and his parents joined together to express their disapproval and required 'justice.'

They had asked for the daughter back as well as the disciple who they would do as they wish with. Furthermore they had tried to forcibly set some rules upon the Blood mountain as they were very furious.

Yet the Blood mountain was a sect forged from the blood of their sovereign the Bloodiest Devil. The techniques used by every disciple were the best of the best. With some even having techniques Ryuk had personally written. Furthermore due to the lack of distinction and classes between the disciple's having a sense of dignity and equality all the disciples were strong and connected as brothers and sisters. Even those who were not devils were close as if they had personally become blood with their fellows. The elders under Ryuks assistance had become Mystics and trained powerful martial arts, furthermore they had the races unique skill Devils Dance.

Yet the shadows underneath the light had risen with these people and over 30 empires from large to small, with over 50 mystics and some 9,000,000 disciple's of all ranks had come.

Their intentions were clear they were hungry wolves looking at Ryuks Techniques and their resources.

Even if they knew Ryuk was a god they thought could use reasoning and morality to win him over.

All the disciples of Blood mountain, the servants and lovers of its disciple's stood outside receiving the unwelcomed enemies with smiles.

Blood mountain had about thirty elders all of who were mystics.

For this battle the elders had given small segments of the Devils dance so their disciples would stay alive and safe.

Their the Devil disciples numbering over two million stood in magnificent armor, looking valiant and mighty like powerful war gods. In their hands were coiling spears, spinning parasols, fierce swords and most presently scythes. This was after all the main weapon of their lord and they had utter devotion towards him, and furthermore perhaps it was Destiny but devils seemed to mostly have a favoritism and talent towards scythes. Many had bows as well as they had learnt the further diluted Gods disdainfully gaze - Immortals light. It wasn't that Ryuk didn't feel he could trust these children, but rather that they personally couldn't handle it and do what even Uriel could. The most important reason was bloodline, Cultivation technique and more. Only Ryuk with his Existence form could use it, in it's undiluted form. Enough to destroy half the Universe.

Furthermore Ryuk had passed down his unique schools for weapons.

The devils had various body parts. Some with fox bodies and butterfly wings. Some with dragon Bodies and elephant heads. There were numerous forms.

In the back area a devil with a humanoid from with a Lion mane over his human like face with, two two mantis scythes.

Next to him was another Lion.

They rubbed their heads against each other as they stood closely.

The Lion was a female and her belly was enlarged.


The servants were from various other races. The heads were Old Lue and Old Hugh. The twins who had served Ryuk. They similarily had powerful and beautiful armor.

The other disciples similarily followed the pattern.

The elders sat drinking tea around a wide round table. Casually chatting as if not afraid of anything.

Outside some felt worry others anger and some disdain as they saw the smiles and casualness of the Blood Mountain.

They felt such humor when they thought of how even Blood mountains supposed allies had abandoned them.

Finally the sun broke out and the battle would commence.

The two armies had been stewing enough.

Elder Luo came from the table and looked upon his disciples with a stern expression.

He said, "Children of Blood Mountain. Our lord from the first moment of this palaces existence had made it so that everyone who entered was equal and were considered family. The lord had always dreamed of having a large family and that is why he believes you as all his children.

Our Blood Mountain is all inclusive, rejecting none! From the weakest to the strongest we are all equal in our lords eyes! Yet we are not allowed this quality! We are considered heretics and need punishment!

Us Devils had been abused and tormented for generations upon generations with no hope. We like little slaves walked with no homes and family! We would be beaten and killed without a glance and an ounce of pity. Yet we were rescued from such a fate. Now some bastards have come to take our home! Our sanctuary! To kill our family! To spit on our names and existence! Well fuck them! Let's fucking massacre them!

You shall do your very best to look after each other in war! Making sure no one dies! Making sure our enemies suffer and die cruelly is our most important task! If we see our allies die, hold their lives in your heart carry their burden and dreams and charge forward for them and yourself!

Show them our beautiful slaughter! Our beautiful insanity! Show then our blood and the power of our Lord - Ryuk the Bloodiest Devil!"

The disciples, servants everyone chanted, "Slaughter! Insanity! Beauty!"

Some younger disciples roared, "Burn those bastards alive! Come brothers let's show them the price of trying to steal our home and family!"

Another fat disciple shouted, "You fucking green hats, you dare come to my Blood mountain?! I your father shall steal your skin and make a suave suit!"]

Ryuk saves Blood mountain and relocates many of the disciples and elders to heaven alongside his wife Liu Xin, and other followers from the spiritual realm and Immortal realm.

Various people who have a good relationship with Ryuk similarly come to heaven.

Soon numerous races and people numbering over a billion or more make their home in the part of heaven Ryuk had made.

Ryuk named this place the Eternally Beautiful Firmament or Eternal beautiful world/Kingdom.

Black and White ascend and go to their specific races to become the King of the races. Black easily does it with Ryuk having the Yin ape blood and with Grandpa book who is actually Pride. White faces some problems, but quickly reclaims the throne.

Ryuk forms an army to protect his home with all the races: Devils, humans, demons, angels, beasts, etc.

Mooneye stayed behind to Cultivate by herself and then see her family.

Ryuk gets word she's ascended and goes to get her.

He finds her people and family are hostile towards him. Even Mooneye is. Ryuk is confused and Mooneye says that he killed her grandmother.

Ryuk dosent understand, but realizes Mooneye is in a tough situation. He apologizes and says he would have offered his life if it was before, but now theres too many people that depend on him.

Mooneyes actual grandmother the third sister explains what happened.

Mooneye apologizes to Ryuk and asks whether he can forgive her. Ryuk does and takes her away.

Suddenly Mooneye gets pregnant. Yet the gestation period is said to very long.

Ryuk hears that Dion is getting married. Dion invites Ryuk privately. Dion tells Ryuk he loves him.

Yes by the way Dion is the child of the emperor of heaven and has an arranged marriage with the daughter of the saint king.

Ryuk quietly leaves.

The next day Dion is set to marry, but before anything else Ryuk interupts the wedding.

He uses a silence formation and says that he also perhaps has some form of feelings for Dion, but as Dion is a man he can't accept it and that Dion should find his happiness and if he dosent want to do the wedding say no and Ryuk would help.

Dion takes a Yin Yang reverse pill and becomes a woman and asks whether Ryuk can love her. Ryuk agrees.

Dion has a perfect Yin Yang body.

Btw just in case you think it comes out of nowhere. Dion had feelings for Ryuks since in the Imperial sect and Ryuk found out later. Later during the wars the got even closer. Furthermore Dion and Ryuk have always has a kind of connection. I haven't explained the details, but just know it isn't outta nowhere.

Here to elaborate.

[Dion told Liu Xin and Mooneye, "Unlike you two he did not marry me out of love, but rather as he felt he could not dare abandon me as I had done much for him and held his back."

She said it passively with a slight smile, but their was a hollowness

Liu Xin took a deep breath then took Dions hands and said, "Our husband has done much, met many. He had met countless women, and countless women have done things for him some much greater and some much lesser than your help, and countless of those women have loved him and some perhaps with the same devoted intensity as us. Yet amongst all these people he chose you. He loves you aswell."]

Ryuks battles the Emperor of heavens forces.

Ryuk goes home and prepares to fight against the Saint kings emissary.

Ryuk wins and kills the emissary absorbing his Cultivation and speeds up his own.

Ryuk finds out he can become a Saint and in care for his wives, masters, friends and future child sets out to rule the entirety of heaven.

Blacks wife who they met in the Immortal realm gets attacked and struck with a seven lives samsara curse. Black begs Ryuk to save his wife.

Ryuk begins to forge a weapon that can control the samsara.

He makes a samsara ring that can start Samsara or prevent it.

The samsara palace kneels down to Ryuk as the samsara palace itself kneels to Ryuk as it's master.

Ryuk is visited by a tortoise race who kneels to Ryuk as their king. They are the royalty of their race and look at Ryuk as their god as he is the Origin beast Black tortoise.

Ryuk is also visited by the seven feathered Phoenix Queen. Ryuk and the Pheonix Queen become friends.

Ryuk goes to the heaven river and shatters it he uses a majority to forge another sword for himself. He has three remaining shards of heaven. To sow good karma Ryuk send two shards with a remnant consciousness to the lower realms and forges an anvil out of the last.

Ryuks Despair legion conquers heaven and his daughter Snow cloud is born.

An extract.

[Ryuk moved up and down throughout his palace. His mind spinning and so nervous that he could hardly breathe. He couldn't meditate or Cultivate he was too focused on the birth of his child. It had been 107 years for Mooneyes and Ryuks child to be born. Riel, Black, White, War God Aspin and his wife, Brother wolf, Nothingness and the rest of Ryuks brothers all stayed outside similarily nervous as it wasn't uncommon for their to be a complication with the birth of a child of gods. The despair legion and all the inhabitants of Ryuks Eternally Beautiful Empire were out even if they were weak children or poor Cultivators not only as a show of affection towards their Emperor God, but also to protect against any enemies that may come. The demons began to sing various Hymns and kept sending sacrificial blood to their Emperor. The angels cast various arrays and prayed harmoniously their hearts expectant and nervous. The devils tightened their fist as their Kings child was being born.

The 2 divine maidens performed various incantations.

Finally out of nowhere the roaring of a newborn child escape the palace and filled the entire empire sending Billions of people into mass celebration!

Ryuk dissapeared as fast as he could appearing before a large black door.

Uriel laughed as he saw his masters unseen face. Talon, Regros and Riel looked at each other. Black and White hugged each other crying. The two divine maidens were crying. Duke Dangan and Lady Era saw their son's nervousness and laughed. The old Taoist priest patted Ryuk on the back.

Ryuk opened the door and a midwife handed Ryuk a baby.

Her eyes were large and beautiful seemingly the endless sea of stars. Her small drop of black hair that flowered atop her head. She was so tiny, but her every cell boomed with untold and uncontrollable vitality and strength.

Ryuk bit his lip to not embarrass himself, but tears cascaded down on the little babe in his arms.

He gulped, smiling so widely his jaw would snap.

The little babe in his arms seemed tired, but as salty tears fell on her she looked up and saw Ryuks eyes. She roared delightfully, her cute and small voice echoing.

Ryuk held out a hand to wipe the tears and the little one caught it and began to suckle on his thumb.

Ryuk looked down smiling gently and happily. He said softly "Mom I wish you were here to see this beautiful little one."

A whisper followed by wind fell upon Ryuks ears "What will you name your beautiful daughter."

Ryuk said "I don't know... She seems so amazing. I Just can't tell."

The whisper laughed "Even I made a name. Well we know her last name since you chose your family name - [To be made.]."

Ryuk nodded and said "How about... snowcloud."

With the the little babe in Ryuks arms cried more, but different. It was extremely happy and her eyes were plastered on her father.

A grand Taiji symbol appeared overhead. It's grandness filled the entirety of heaven shocking everyone. From the grand spinning dot a smooth river bore downwards. Everyone was shocked. Those of the eternal beauty empire shot to their knees and bowed. Not only was this their princess, this was the tao extending it's arms.

The baby grabbed her fathers robes and tightly held it. Smiling as if saying: I did this for you. A drop of water miraculously fell from the river hitting Snowcloud head and a beautiful dot appeared on her head. The cries of birds filled the world as two gorgeous red feathers appeared on her forehead aswell.

Most fearsome was the Natural law which coddled Snowcloud gently. Snowcloud's wings which were tightly pressed against each other madly flapped as she played in the warm and cozy aura.

7 Years had passed. Ryuk had spent more time conquering heavens killing of masses of defiant gods. He knew that when he became a saint his land would be in jeopardy so he prepared extensively.

His Cultivation had perhaps reached the point at which he could advance, but Ryuk didn't. Perhaps for better foundation and Cultivation by layering his Cultivation again and again, perhaps due to being too preoccupied with capturing all of the heavens or perhaps due to his love for his daughter.

In fact Liu Xin had got pregnant aswell and was infact expecting the child quicker than Mooneye. After Liu Xin was a human after all. After the Liu family found this out they went under grand celebration constantly preparing for the birth of the next prince or princess of the eternal beauty. The citizens had similarily undergone great celebration.

The entire world of Eternal Beauty treated Ryuks daughter like a true gift.

Ryuks daughter Snowcloud was extremely mischievous and liked to play pranks on everyone. She adored her father immensely and was sometimes jealous of her mother. Her talents were unprecedented and in some places even more talented than her father. In regards to anything with water and in terms of the natural law Snowcloud performed Fearsomely. In fact that was discounting her bloodline and exceptional genius. The main palace of course had a protection and without permission couldn't leave, but after only a few months Snowcloud had decoded Blacks hard work. The nurses and guards who followed her around were constantly getting headaches as Snowcloud rushed off into danger and risk without a change in expression. She was Fearsomely strong and even at two was at late stage foundation stage.

The citizens treated Snowcloud so well that sometimes it was wondered whether Ryuk would even get such treatment. They treated truly as if she was the greatest gift to existence.

Snowclouds behavior had shocked Ryuk so much he nearly had a heart attack. Seeing his daughter fight large beasts and run around nary a fear. Ryuk even wondered how the daughter he took care of everyday especially was so rampant. Of course then he would remember Mooneye from when they were young and could only sigh.

Ryuk had just caught Snowcloud returning riding a pain stage 7 element Tiger. Naturally Snow was the princess of all tigers, turtles, dragons, Qilins, Phoenixes and Vermillion birds as well as demons, angels, devils, humans and many other races. Even the 7 feathered Phoenix Queen who had become Ryuks close friend said that "Brother your daughters blood is extremely pure it's Perhaps even better than mine."

Ryuk said with a huff "Snowcloud."

Snowcloud's eyes brightened as she turned into beam of light and smashed into Ryuk.

Ryuk said silently "How is she so strong. Even I wasn't this strong at her stage."

Ryuks anger faded with the expression of love, but he said "Snow you're fighting again! You know how dangerous it is and look at this poor tiger it's crying."

Snowcloud threw her head away and said "Daddy you're such a liar. To make me not play you said that you never did anything dangerous at my age, but while drunk Grandpa Lu shan said that when you were a child you did so many dangerous things. You fought all sorts of wild animals when you were weak."

Ryuks eyes went blank and he muttered "Uncle why must you do this."

Ryuk said loudly "What dangerous they were all weaklings and I was especially careful! But that's not the point! I had to do those things you dont."

Snowcloud looked down sadly and seeing this Ryuk cleared his throat and bent down he held Snowcloud's cheek and said "I just worry you know. No matter how strong you are, you are my daughter first and foremost."

Snowcloud's eyes brightened and a blinding smile spread on her lips causing her dimples to show.

Ryuk chuckled and held out his hands and said "Okay then show me what you got my little princess."

Snow nodded and began to showcase her Techniques.

Ryuk nodded and tossed her hair saying "You're my daughter of course. Look at how amazing you are. Even the heavens would be jealous of you."

Snowcloud similarily to how Ryuk would rosse her elbows and laughed.

Snow then said "Don't worry daddy! I will become super strong so you can live with Mommy and second mommy and third mommy and with snow as well forever!"]

Ryuk becomes a saint and destroys the Blood red tiger race.

Ryuk begins to make alliances in the saint realm.

First he goes to the Serendipity Wolf saint and challenges him to a physical fight for king.

Ryuk wins and becomes the impromptu Wolf king. Ryuk and Serendipity Wolf saint become brothers as Ryuk spends a lot of time their the two become even closer.

Ryuk goes to visit the Tyrant dragon saint.


["Young master Deacon. You two dont have a fate together. Forcing your relationship will only poison your life." An old woman with a snake tail and a halo on top of her head told a young man with a similar tail and halo. "I dont care! She will be mine even if she retaliates!" The young man screamed erratically.

Meanwhile a girl with two pig tails ran through the crowded streets of saint Wolf plaza. Her cherry pink hair and eyes could make even the sky jealous. She had slick jade skin and a cute rose mark in between her forehead. She had a worried expression on her beautiful face. Two men with snake tails and halos were chasing after her exasperatedly. Finally she got out of the long labyrinth like alley and crashed into a man. Ryuk. The moment Ryuk and the girl met eyes there was like a bolt of lightning that shot through the both of them. It seemed as if everything had been set up just for this chance meeting of theirs. Ryuks dotted eyes rippled as he looked at the girl and the girls eyes were glued to Ryuk. Ryuk had never met this girl in his life, but he felt as if he knew her better than he knew himself and the girl was feeling the same, but the loud sound of two ethereal chains being conjured out of the void broke the two out of their trance. Ryuk saw the chains coming at him and simply snorted and everything became quiet again. The two men had ghastly looks on their faces and ran away quickly. Ryuk looked at them for a moment and looked back at the girl who now had a cute dimple on her face.

At first Ryuk thought that maybe his previous life had a lover and this was her reincarnation and that's why he felt so strange, but then remembered his previous life never had anyone he loved nor anyone who loved him. He simply stayed in the company of dust. Ryuk felt that this whole situation seemed out of control, but as he looked at the girl he couldnt help but simile.

The girl had a natural youthful voice she was actually young instead of having an immortal body like Ryuk or any other cultivator. She was around 22. "Thank you mister! Those bad guys were chasing after me like meanies! My names Iris. What's yours?"

Ryuk looked at her and then away and said "Ryuk."

Ryuk began to walk away he was scared of that uncontrollable feeling and thought it was best to get away from it as soon as possible.

Iris on the other hand looked gloomy and she shouted so loud that windows cracked "Ryuk has to be Iris husband!" Her qi amplified voice spread throughout the entire plaza. Ryuk looked back at the girl and felt his heart flutter and his ears become warm. Iris seeing that had giggled, but the innocent way she laughed made Ryuk lose control again and so he disappeared. "Ryuk will marry Iris!" Iris shouted again and closed her eyes in ecstacy and walked away. She occasionally said that again and again almost as if a chant. Everyone in saint Wolf plaza looked at Iris as if she was either a fool or a comrade, but the ones who saw what happened were stunned. They saw the Bloodiest Devil saint Ryuk become shy!

A group of people with pink hair and eyes eventually reached Iris and said in a hiccup "Miss? Was that you? Were you the one that said that Ryuk will marry Iris?" Iris looked at her uncle who was usually calm as ice now with cold sweat all over and said "Yep! Ryuk will be Iris's husband!" Iris's uncle fainted and the rest had cold sweat on their back. "Am i more scared of master or Saint Ryuk?" That was the question they kept repeating.]

Ryuk goes to Tyrant dragon saints home and is attacked because he questions Ryuks motives.

Ryuk explains he dosent love Iris.

Finally Tyrant Dragon saint invites Ryuk into his clan.

Ryuk and Iris spend time together and eventually Ryuk comes to find this childish little girl so amazing, so kind, so good that he can't help but love and protect her.

He tells Tyrant dragon saint who eventually agrees.

Ryuks eye Bloodline since he rediscovered hope became white in the Spiritual realm. This was because of a eye bloodline mutation. Ryuks completely white eyes then have a numerous black lines like a spiderweb in his eyes which represent chaos. Then it changes to a single small dot which is order. Then Ryuks eyes turn into creation as a Universe is born inside it. Then it turns into existence and numerous Universes Exist in Ryuks eyes, this is the lead towards the finale.

Ryuk fights against the saint who's son wants to marry Iris.

The saint tells his son to leave it, but he dosent listen.

Ryuk thinking that the end finds that his Firmament is being attacked.

He rushes down and finds his people easily killing the enemies with hardly any losses and those that do die the samsara palace brings back to life.

Ryuk finds his wives and daughter easily defeating the enemy.

Ryuk spends time with his family and awaits his next childs birth.

At the same time the Saint finally decides to agree and goes to fight Tyrant dragon saint.

Ryuk rushes to help.

Ryuk easily kills the saint showing his power, but the saint hits Iris with his saint power destroying her soul.

[Ryuk held Iris in his hand and as her beautiful body became cold he let out a scared moan. "Ah... Ah..." Ryuk raised his head to the sky his eyes widened and his head palpating in fury, indignation agony. Tyrant Dragon saint similarily felt despair. Black White Ryo Nothingness all came and when they saw Ryuk they rushed to help and try and control him. "Ryuk calm down..." Nothingness said but was cut out by a shockwave. Ryuk eyes sparkled and he moved his hands causing space to distort and collapse. Countless lives within the Universe were put at Risk as Ryuks fury was causing the already unstable Universe to further collapse. The skies moaned and blood rain poured, the heavens shook and began to break. The saint realm saw cracks spreading all over. All the Sky serpent race members felt their souls collapse into a hellish world. They felt utter anguish and torment. "Is this still the power of a saint?" White said as he stared out. "This is... I'm not sure." Nothingness said. Ryuk stepped forward and bellowed causing more Ruination causing red lightning to purge the universe. Black asked "She just died why can't we just find her soul and transplant it back?" White answered with a dark face "If she was a saint it would be fine... But she was a mortal even if she was a god her existence couldn't stand the judgement of the saint an unbelievable existence. I dont think there's any hope..." Black knew Ryuk was suffering, but said "How do we stop him? Should we ask his other wives?" Nothingness said "It might it might not. If any of his wives died I dont think he could control himself. Even with the others help I don't think he'll be able to stop himself." Ryo suddenly froze and said "What is master doing?" The four looked at Ryuk who was converging a ball of something. Suddenly a golden hammer appeared in his hand and a Cosmo colored anvil. Ryuk began hammering down causing bright sparks. The orginally opaque ball turned clear and clean. White widened his eyes and said "He's forging a saint weapon out of a soul her soul..." Nothingness shocked asked "What?! Is that possible?" White looked back and said "How should I know I've never heard of something like this." Black asked "What are is that hammer and anvil?" Ryo answered "When master shattered a portion of heaven to forge heavenly river sword he had extra and except for two he sent to the lower realms for a destined one he made an anvil. The hammer is what he constructed using the true Origin flame after he absorbed it into his body. The hammer was made from numerous saint level materials and Master used a drop of the Primal soul sea and a large amount of chaos after baking in the flames of the origin flame and being purified from the OVERLORD Wrath lighting he made it." White contemplated for quite some time and said "Primal soul sea? It can't be he's planning to remake Iris's soul into a saint soul to prevent her destruction?" Nothingness shouted "What we need to stop him he'll die! Only a creator has the allowance to grant a saint soul!"

They were right Ryuk was recasting his beloveds soul and they were also right Ryuk was risking his life. He slammed down again and again. With each ring of his hammer a rumbling shook the universe. The three pure ones appeared with shocked gazes. They tried to approach Ryuk, but were stopped by the The true five. Ryuks Universe eyes searched diligently for parts of Iris. Soon a thick river descended full of stars, galaxies and more follower by thick bolts of white lightning. Ryuk covered the ball of soul with his body causing numerous wounds to cover him and his blood to boil. Ryuk moaned in pain and felt himself tiptoeing between life and death. Ryuk bit his lip and muttered "Can't die! Can't did! I need to be there for them!"

In heaven every god was running around busy trying to handle the backlash of Ryuks actions. Mooneye said "I feel he's in danger! He's scared!" The other two nodded tears falling.

Nothingness felt his body quiver and looked up so did all the other saints and gods and Ryuks wives. A long silence followed by a quick flick of blinding light. Ryuk coughed up blood his entire body collapsing. A bottle in his body cracked and the dust ran to Ryuks soul. Ryuk went unconscious for a moment. Soon he was in a cloudy room. He looked around and his eyes stopped on a certain figure. She was beautiful not comparable to the women Ryuk had met, but like a diamond in his eyes. He hadn't seen her for many years and had almost forgotten her looks, but that gentle gaze he saw when he was first alive, when he was scared, when he nearly lost control. Ryuk muttered out with a quivering lip "Mom."

Ying Yue circled Ryuk with one eye closed and said "My my look at how handsome my son is... But look at the dark circles around your eyes. Right I saw you got me a daughter in law actually 4... " Ryuk chuckled "I didnt mean to. I just love them." Ying Yue said "Then its fine. Ah... I'm glad I get to see you, but I'm afraid I'll wont be able to come back. This time for real." Ryuk asked "Why?" Ying Yue sighed and said "The bottle broke... My soul is fading away... That's good as well." Ryuk shouted "Mom!" Ying Yue huffed and said "Quiet! Listen I don't have much time... Ryuk my son Im so proud of you! Im sorry I couldn't be with you, but it seems your genes carried you anyway. Son I have a selfish demand. You must live you must protect your wife. Don't stop now. Make me even prouder. Whether I exist or not you will always make me the happiest mother ever. Ryuk I love you." Soon everything disappeared. Ryuk found himself back. Ryuk roared furiously. Was he going to let his mother disappear? No! Ryuk tapped his glabella and a small cloud of dust came out. Ryuk began to forge another soul. His dantian quivered. The previous rampage became more and more fierce. "To defy is nature. To break principles is nature." Ryuk muttered. His natural law shone brightly and suddenly Ryuk felt himself overpowered. A third golden ring appeared on his right hand. 10 days later. The Ruination stopped. Ryuk took long breaths as his thin body fell. Ryo caught him. White said shocked "He made two saint souls..." Tyrant dragon saint saw the conclusion and ran he grabbed his daughters soul and appeared near her body and began the transfer. Dazu seeing the other soul began to create a mass of flesh and soon the soul found its home in it. Ryuk ate millions of pills and beast blood and heavenly soup Yin water Yang fire. Finally his complexion somewhat bettered. He ran to his mothers body. "It'll take sometime for her to awaken." Dazu said. Ryuk nodded and went to Iris. Tyrant Dragon saint got on his knees and thanked Ryuk. Ryuk said "Father in law. Even if you didn't want me to do it I would. She is my beloved and I would do anything for her." Tyrant dragon saint laughed as he cried and hugged Ryuk.]

Ryuk and Existence talk. The first time they talked was when he accepted the Yin apes heritage.

Ryuks eyes become existence and his tao is enhanced.

Ryuk becomes a pure existence being.

He challenges the Universe creator in the universal palace.

It's the hardest fight Ryuk ever fought. He can't seem to win no matter what as the creators soul, body remnants and Cultivation are at Universe god stage.

[When Ryuk was facing the creator he knew he couldnt win through any normal means. His cultivation base was lower. His soul was lower. His body was weaker, but Ryuk was better than anyone in one thing and that was technique.

Ryuk got on all fours. He clutched the heavenly river sword in between his teeth. The moved the devouring universe scythe down his body with one hand and it came up looking like a scorpion tail. The five fingered sword in his free hand. The animalistic stance that Ryuk had used only once before. In his first battle with a human. The human he fought with had long been forgotten, but the flavor and tang of battle still was stuck on his tongue.]


"in your eyes that isnt a single universe! That's millions of universe! You mad man!" Fen li screamed as the previous god of the universe how could he not understand what the dots in Ryuks eyes meant. Two blood tears fell down his jade skin as he stared at Fen li's will. This was a battle for many things - for Fen li it was to get a body to once again rule the universe, and for Ryuk it was for the end of his journey. "You are wrong. In my eyes both the universes and nothing are ever present under natures allowance."

"Hell Series: HELL."]

Ryuk becomes creator and severs the universe and begins to forge his own.

A god named Mirror god who lives in Universe called Mirror Universe kneels towards Ryuk and takes all the people in Ryuks Universe and moves them to the mirror Universe as Ryuk forges the new universe.

Ryuk forges the universe.

Ryuk was the creator finally after a journey so harrowing and harsh. One where his morality, loved ones and even life hung by loose strings played by a sick marionette. He was finally free of rules and restrictions, of a fate where one must cling to every single piece of litter for opportunity. He felt exceedingly happy, but also empty. Even though he was naturally one who disdained needless fighting and action, in the end he was a martial artist. He had been a orphan, a son of heaven, a mortal powerhouse, a revenger, a slaughterer, an Emperor and now a creator. He felt dissolute as he faced the emptiness that was his journey being finished. It was as if he had read a long book and suddenly the book was finished. He was left with the endless silence, his beating heart and the emptiness inexplicably locked in his chest.

He looked on as celestial rivers ran across twisting voids and celestial bodies larger than the brightest star burst and were reborn. He saw all these things and couldn't even think of the beauty in it.

He then looked on and from a corporeal image four women came out. He smiled joyfully as this sadness and emptiness was washed away.


A boy could be seen outside a large watery realm. He walked quickly and yet also slowly. This boy was Ryuk and as his last task he went around severing karma.

Karma wasn't inheritly a bad thing, but neither was it a good thing. If one had good karma good things would happen and vise versa.

Ryuk knew that inevitably Karma could not exist in a creator except for his relations and those of similar status.

Ryuk in fact wasn't to sever all karma. He simply would repay debts and kill of enemies.

There's a lot more content and stuff, but this is the main story. There's an epilogue where Ryuk has all his children and goes to battle other Universe creators. They basically have a club.

There are many side stories like one for Comet who Ryuk basically does a tensei shitara slime datta ken. Wukong is born and he becomes someone important in a battle against another deranged Universe creators army. Ryuk's son Raiden. Etc.

Thank you for reading.

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