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55% Growth through Chaos / Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Worth of a Captain

Capítulo 11: Chapter 11: Worth of a Captain

Chapter 11: "The Worth of a Captain and their Crew."

Special thanks to my Beta-reader: Leaf Ranger.

Announcement: Fanfictions can be great to write, and amazing to read. Many different series and franchises have fantastic stories, and they fill us with awe and enjoyment so much, me are filled with motivation to write our own ideas or stories because the classic versions were amazing.

Some stages or arcs of popular stories can become difficult due to how iconic they are. The classic story can involve the characters at their best, and omitting them can be extremely unpopular. But so many re-writes in different stories have been made, they become little more than cut-and-paste projects, with small changes in the setting while the same events, confrontations, conversations and results all remain the same. No originality.

I like to be more original, and balance that with the best of the cannon-material in stories that I write. But still deliver stories that are well-written and popular. So, for the Arlong Arc I have three ideas for how the climax of the arc can happen, and am going to let the readers vote through a Review.

1) Luffy vs. Arlong. The classic is too great to ignore. The clash between captain, and show Nami, Sasuke, Sakura and Kakashi what happens if one of Luffy's nakama get hurt.

2) Kakashi vs. Arlong. Luffy got to fight Krieg, let the Sharingan stand out. And show the Straw Hats what happens with an angry Kakashi, after seeing a comrade hurt, betrayed and abused.

3) Naruto and Sasuke vs. Arlong. The underdogs against a detestable murderer. Both can relate to Nami in different ways, and Arlong betraying her means he needs to pay.

Each of these will have different consequences. Influencing who and how different Straw Hat members fight Arlong's crew. And the repercussions that will come after the battles.

Please vote in a Review!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or One Piece.

Soft waves broke at their crest, splashing against the haul of the tiny ship. Sasuke's eyes cruised over the horizon from the bow, before glancing at his sensei. Kakashi stood at his shoulder, nose pointed high to search for their wayward comrade's trail.

'Why is he obsessed with that mask, even with a mission like this?!' the Uchiha thought, incredulously. There was no sight of Nami on the horizon, and Sakura had announced the Baratie had dropped out of sight some time ago.

"Sasuke. I need to keep a focus on Nami's scent or else lose it out here to the surf. How do Zoro's bandages look?" Kakashi spoke up, sparring a glance at his Genin. Glancing back, Sasuke saw the first mate hadn't moved an inch.

Zoro was laid-out in the middle of their boat, with Sakura close by, standing vigil over the wounded man. Kakashi had focused exclusively on him while Sakura and Sasuke moved the ship away from the battle. Kakashi and Zeff had taught the pair some sailing techniques over the past weeks in preparation for their eventual departure, and to keep them distracted while Naruto's sexy-jutsu was enjoyed by the cooks.

"He's not groaning anymore, and there isn't any blood seeping through the bandages. He's out-cold for now." Sasuke explained, turning back to face his sensei.

"Ohhh!" Kakashi fumbled his mask. Hurriedly replacing it from taking an unobstructed whiff from the air, whilst nobody could spot his face.

"Good…good to hear. Helm, turn us 15 degrees to the right! I found Nami's scent again." The Jonin called to a second Kakashi at the rear of the boat. Nodding, the clone made the adjustments to their course.

"Sensei?" Sakura called over. "Why did you both with that water-clone instead of shadow-clones like Naruto uses? Don't those last longer since they are more durable than the ones Zabuza-used?"

Kakashi sparred a glance at the girl. "While that might be true, I'm afraid Naruto can afford to spam that technique far more than I will ever be capable of. Shadow-clones might be quick and simpler. But since they are composed of pure chakra, the demands to make and sustain them are ten-times more challenging than elemental clones. We don't have any idea of how far Nami will travel, or how much time will pass before catching up to hear. Using water as a medium is more sustainable for this situation."

"Then how can the dobe use that jutsu so much, sensei?" Sasuke's curiosity piqued.

"Everyone has their own talents, Sasuke. Naruto might not have much natural aptitude with the theory or complexities of different jutsu. But his chakra-levels are a different matter entirely. They are already more than twice the size of my own chakra-pool, leaving him with plenty to spare. But that's not important right now," Kakashi answered, sternly.

"Focus on the jobs at hand, Zoro's condition and spotting any traces of Nami. I can't afford to use my own Sharingan without collapsing after a while and likely losing her trail. Nor can I afford to shift attention and lose her scent in all the salty air of this sea."

Sasuke nodded, pushing his thoughts over the blonde teammate aside. "Right. We need to find that cowardly bitch and get both the ship back. Especially after this betrayal right when danger showed up," growling at the reminder of Nami's abandonment.

"I'm not certain that kind of language is appropriate to address her by, Sasuke. Though I do agree, she does need to be accosted for abandoning her own comrades like this," Kakashi agreed. True to himself, the Jonin was quite mad that Nami would simply abandon her own friends; bring herself lower than scum by the decision.

Sakura glanced up at their words. Her own mind recalling how she viewed Nami as happy and close to all of the Straw Hats. 'They looked so much like true friends, especially Miss. Nami. Her smiles were just so happy and pretty, even when the others were causing trouble. Why would she leave like that? Does it have something to do with…'

'Wait!" Sakura's eyes widened, her mind drawing pieces together. 'That poster of Arlong. Miss. Nami had some kind of reaction to it, like it mattered to her or something. And afterwards she behaved a little strangely. Could she have gone after him, or be connected to that pirate at all? No, that doesn't make sense. And Johnny-san described—'

"Sensei." Sakura called out towards him. "I think I might know where Miss. Nami is going!"

Kakashi turned in good eye towards Sakura, while Sasuke whirled around. "What gives you an idea of her destination, Sakura? And how did you arrive at an idea like that just now?"

The girl took a moment to organizether thoughts.

"Yesterday, after Naruto, Luffy-san and Usopp-san sprang their prank on your clone. As the trap went off, Johnny-san and Yosaku-san sprang to their feet, causing some wanted-posters to scatter on the floor. One of them caught Nami's attention, showing an image of a pirate called 'Saw-tooth' Arlong."

"His bounty was even higher than Don Krieg, at 20,000,000 bellies. When she saw the poster, Miss. Nami kind of spaced-out. She even began trembling. When Johnny asked why, she became pretty aggressive and secretive about it."

Kakashi's eye narrowed at his Genin's description. "You think this Arlong has some connection to her?" He coaxed her to continue.

She nodded. "Y-yes, sensei. Miss. Nami did look interested in Arlong. I think they might be connected, or have had some encounter with each other before. She told us once that she things she likes the most are money, tangerines, and drawing a map of the world. But she dislikes giving away money, and murderous pirates," placing emphasis on the latter fact.

"So, what. She probably just took the boat to keep the Krieg-pirates away for mtheir treasure and hoard it to herself, and is going after Arlong to get more form his bounty," Sasuke suggested.

Sakrua grew quite at his suggestion, pondering over her crush's idea. "S-s-Sasuke-kun. Th-that doesn't make sense," she hesitantly answered.

Sasuke glared at her mildly, but Kakashi intervened. "Sasuke. A ninja should never overlook something or admonish an idea that contradicts their own. Sakura. You should always listen to your instincts, instead of following the thoughts of others. You're a sharp girl with book-smarts and solving puzzles. Tell me more. Did you noticing anything that doesn't make sense?"

After a while, Sakura nodded. "Y-yes, sensei. This "Arlong's" bounty is very high, and Miss. Nami does love money. But Nami-san is a thief, not a bounty-hunter. And if she was a coward like Sasuke-kun thinks, then why would she think about going to confront him at all.

Plus, if she had wanted to betray the crew, she could have just suggested that we attack Arlong together, then steal any treasure he might having while the rest of us were fighting, loaded it onto the boat, and then stolen to Merry. Letting her get even more money."

"When Nami was looking at the poster, Sasuke-kun. She looked a little bit like you did while talking about w-w-wanting to kill s-s-somebody important. I think Miss. Nami might have some kind of past that involves Along, or she's connected to him in some way."

Sasuke himself stiffened at the comparison, while Sakura continued to spake.

"I went to talk to Johnny-san and Yosaku-san afterwards, ann according to them, Arlong is close a place called Cocoyashi village in the Conomi Islands. Maybe that is where she's going."

Kakashi's eye lingered on Sakrua for a few moments. Before nodding at his clone near the stern. The second Kakashi stepped forward, pulling out one of Tarm's maps while Sasuke was mulling over Sakura's words. Some moments pasted as the clones took measurements and followed the sea-charts.

"Sakura," the clone called over after a few minutes.

"Y-y-y-y-yes sensei?" she answerd.

Soon, the clone was patting her head in approval. "Good job recalling and piecing those ideas together. Especially this close to the Baratie."

The real Kakashi beamed, gathering his hands together in a cross-shape. "Shadow-clone jutsu!" One immediately appeared beside him, waiting for their instructions.

"According to these maps, Nami's trail is moving towards the Conomi islands. Now that we have a destination, my third clone can travel back to the Baratie and inform Luffy and the others. While we plan out our next move to take upon arrival."


Zeff's eyes cast over the battleground so aggravatingly close to his restaurant. For now, the sway and tide hung in the balance. The remainder of Krieg's men were down to half their strength, but still numerically superior to the cooks and their allies. Patty and Carne had crawled out and stood with the rest of his staff. While Gin had beaten Yosaku and Johnny, but Sanji was between the Man-Demon and anyone else. Luffy was still up, but Naruto was out on the wreckage, with Don Krieg sputtering in furry over the orange-ninja's refusal.

"In this world, everyone is either with you or against you! And all who antagonize or deny Don Krieg, shall be CRUSHED!" the failed commodore roared, drawing back his flail. The massively spiked weapon was cast in an arc, forcing Naruto to jump high to avoid it and land on the water.

Kreig smirked evil, tossing several bottles forward towards Naruto's landing-spot. With a pistol from his cape, the bottles shattered, splashing oil across the ocean surface.

"Kaen Hosha!" from his wrist, a flamethrower emerged, setting the oil alight.

"Brat!" "Naruto!" Zeff shouted at the sight of Naruot falling towards a fresh inferno, while Sanji dashed forward to find some way to save him, unafraid of the flames.

Naruto glanced around, search for something within range to save himself. Panicking too heavily to recall the kawarimi jutsu. "Oh crap! Crap! Crap! Ugh-"

"Gum-gum: Rescue!" Luffy solved the problem, snatching Naruto from the air and yanking the boy back to safety. Well….the safety of being knocked into the wall of the Baratie. "Oh, sorry, Naruto." The captain called over.

"You Brat!" Zeff shouted, angrily. "Are you trying to wreak my restaurant or save it? And why be so careless with your own men!"

"I said I was sorry. And I was trying to stop him from getting his butt lit on fire. That can hurt a lot, you know." Luffy tried to excuse. "Naruto's a tough guy. So, I'm sure he can take it. Unlike the weak bozos that follow this Krieg-guy."

"Weak! How can you know about weakness when you never had strength to begin with!" Now Krieg twirled the spiked ball over 2 meters above his head. "Now quit stalling my men or my ambitions with your useless honour to defend my ship!"

The fail sailed through the air, aimed straight at Luffy. For all his faults, Krieg knew how to handle the weapons in his arsenal. Yet the strength and skill he carried with each was a separate matter entirely. Luffy's arm's curled back for a bazooka, parrying the metal ball back towards its owner.

Krieg was too slow to do more than shift from a smirk to a snarl as it struck him dead-on. The commodore was forced back, his armour dented from the added strength Luffy carried. With a sploosh, Krieg found himself in the water, furry clear by the veins in his eyes.

Forgoing any thought or rational, the man's temper ran loose, compelling him to reach another fragment of his former flagship to continue to fight with brute force. Luffy leaped forward to meet him, landing on a section of the stern, with a serious look on face.

Everyone looked on, caught up in the thrill of the captain facing other another down. Sanji especially was engrossed. 'Still can't wrap my head around that kid's elastic attacks. Nor his attitude or sheer focus on beating this guy on his own position of that wreaked shi—'

Brouuuunnggg! Sanji's mind went blank, knocked forward head-over-head from behind. Pearl stood upright, smirking at his own cheap-shot.

"The fool lost sight of where he was and failed to even notice an attack from behind. Such an imbecile."

"Pearl, what the hell!" Gin snarled at the man. "I owe that man my life, so don' lay a hand on 'im again. If Sanji leaves it'll take all th' fight outa these cooks, and the Don'll 'ave his new ship."

"Hahahahahahaha! And of what importance is that," the pale man jeered at the notion of honour. "You know very well the captain despises such morals. And-"

"Gwwwhhhhhhh! No!"

Both officers froze. Krieg's yell of pure fear reached across the scene. Luffy stood tall before him, puzzled. While the Commodore was grasping the collar of his armour, where the deflected flail had left a dent. Krieg's eyes were wide, laced with tears at the sight.

"My-my-my-my….I surrender!" Krieg fell to his knees, hands folded to beg. "I have no chance against someone who can get through my Wooze-Armour. And none of my weapons can get through rubber. Please…please….please let me leave alive!"

Everyone reacted to the pathetic display before them. The cooks jeered at the man, while his own subordinates felt lost and betrayed. The man strong enough to kill each of the Krieg Pirates himself, ruling by fear, was seen to be consumed by it all from his failed armour.

"You don't wanna fight anymore?" Luffy asked. "Okay. Just get lost," he shrugged.

"Luffy, no! It's gotta be a trick!" Ussop cried out.

"Yeah, Krieg's infamous for pulling tricks like this. Don't believe him at all, Straw Hat!" Patty chimed in, trying to remove Naruto form the wall. Luffy turned to them, his face blank.

"But he said that-"


Gin and Pearl both fell, as the gunshots rang through the crowd. Luffy looked on, as did Naruto, to see both men fall. Before the Straw Hat to the source of their murderer…Don Krieg.

The man's face was heartless and unflinching. The sight of his stone face behind two smoking pistols filled Luffy's vision.

Stoic at the sight of his officers, Krieg spoke. "Those two aren't getting me anywhere. I've got no use for someone that unreliable the burn something I take, or idiots that put mercy or honour above victory. Both of you are fired," the man declared. Filled with self-centered justification.

"You bastard! Now I need to beat you up for Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto shot to his feet, sprinting towards Krieg with righteous anger.

"Naruto, stand down." Luffy declared, his faced shadowed by the hat. His words and tone empowered. The captain hand rose to his head, grasping the straw hat. Slowly, he removed it. Before stretching back his arm, to place it on Naruto's head.

"Don't let any harm come to my treasure Naruto. That hat means more to me than my own life. So, you better not let any bastards here scratch it." Monkey D. Luffy declared, placing it out of harm's way.

Naruto couldn't move. 'What…what is this feeling from Captain Luffy's voice. Nobody's ever sounded that mad or heartless before, even talking about me back in Konohagakure.'

Luffy's hand curled in a fist. While Krieg faced him with apathy. "You even have the gall to claim a worthless piece of straw more valuable than the One Piece itself! Or the glory and power of the Pirate King! You really are nothing but an insult to all true pirates!" he taunted Luffy, from a face curled with pure superiority and conceit.

The raven-haired, rubber-man brought both hands together, cupping a fist in his hand. "You," cracking one knuckle as he spoke. "Shot. Your. Own. Men." Luffy brought the other hand up, while a strong breeze gathered between him and Krieg. "They were loyal and dedicated, but you threw them aside over having different thoughts."

Then he met Krieg, with a look of pure anger in his gaze. "Naruto! Go cheek on our cook. Krieg is mine," he called back to the ninja. Before facing Krieg in his eye.

"Ha! Men! Clear out the Baratie or face the consequences!" Krieg ordered his crew. Who attacked, emboldened with desperation over their captain's actions.

The cooks rush out to meet the pirates as well, while Ussop took pot-shots at the groups with his exploding stars and hard-shot. Naruto rushed over to his teacher, kicking aside anyone near him before making clones to drag Sanji to safety.

While they passed Gin, a groan was heard from the man-demon. Naruto glanced at him briefly, before dragging him as well with pity in his eyes. Soon both men were beside Zeff, who knelt to check their injuries.

"Hmm. If that Pearl-bastard had hit Sanji any higher, it would have killed him. Probably tried for a rabbit-punch[1] but aimed too high. He just needs to sleep it off," Zeff declared, concerned for his protégée.

"Chef Zeff, Gin is still alive!" Naruto called out. Sure enough, the man-demon was only semi-conscious, as Krieg has missed any vital spots on his body.

"Carne! Get the med kit and patch-up that man's wound until we can remove the bullet!" Zeff ordered his man.

"Yes Chef. Heh, good thing we thought to add some stuff to treat bullet-wounds from any difficult customers some months back," the cook acknowledged, rushing inside.

While Carne complained, Naruto prompted Gin into a sitting position. "I'm…sorry…Naruto…"

Even now, the man's pride compelled him to stay awake, and follow his personal code.

"I'm sorry…for all'u this…"

"Shut up!" Naruto told him. "Krieg's the one at fault, not you! He chose to attack us when he promised not to. And he even shot you after all of effort you made to save him!" The genin's fist were shaking with furry, fixing Gin with an angry glare.

"Why do you follow that man! He doesn't care about you, or any other members of his crew. That no kind of leader to follow. A true leader puts his crew and his comrades ahead of everything, even his goals or missions! What is it about Krieg that make you want to follow him! There's no reason for him to shoot you!"

Gin's head sunk down. "There is." Naruto stiffened at the tone in Gin's voice.

"I've let my captain down. I was useless t'him and got in the way. Krieg…he's th' strongest man around. Th' one who can get victory in his grasp no'matta what's in his way. I cou'n't fill th' role he wanned. So I'm useless t' any'one."

Those words struck a cord in Naruto's mind. Gasping, he recalled someone else…

"Krieg's my captain, and to any man who turns t' piracy, nothin' can be more absolute than the'captain's word or goals. In our life, any hesitation to follo' an order, or question th' captain's goals, can bring th' whole crew t' ruin." Gin continued.

"Tha's th' simple truth. And more th'n that, Krieg is th' strongest man I've met. If I fail' th' captain at all, then I've got no right to live. I'm useless. Jus' and unnecessary buden tha' would've failed the Don again."

Naruto couldn't move, as another set of words echoed in his mind. '"This day has shown that I am no longer of any use to Zabuza-sama…I was unnecessary…I am a tool to be used towards Zabuza-sama's ambitions and aspirations. To be used at his will…I have fail you Zabuza. I am like a weapon that has been broken and of no further use."'

Haku's silhouette cast over Gin's in Naruto's eyes. He found himself turning to face Krieg, the heartless commodore wrapped in a tarp covered with Spikes. Smirking from behind his weapon as Luffy charging forward, ignoring Sanji's protest. The black-haired devil-kid duct forward, unhesitating, to drive his own fist through the spikes and smash Krieg's face. Leaving the observers stunned, and filling Naruto was purpose.

"You're wrong." Naruto spoke to Gin, grasping the hat entrusted to him. Jerking back to face Gin with tears of anger, as the man turned to face him. "Krieg's the one who failed you! What good is a leader or a captain that just kills his own men instead of working with them! I had a friend who thought the same as you do and he died. But he did it taking an attack through his heart that would have killed his leader/. That leader never murdered him just for a disagreement!"

Then, Naruto pointed back at the clash between captains.

"If Krieg was a great captain, why hasn't he won already? If he was really leader, how did everyone under his command die at the Grand Line? If he was so amazing, why would he throw away someone as strong and loyal as you so casually!"

Naruto face shook, before blazing cerulean eyes met Gin's bewildered face. "Krieg is nothing but a weak coward who is lower than scum. In my home…breaking laws or rules is one thing, and failing to obey orders means a person is scum. But killing or betraying your own comrades and men makes someone lower than scum!"

"In my village the leader is called the Hokage. Someone who puts the lives of their people and their ninjas before themselves! They were the best of the best in our village, but all of them died in battle, to ensure their men and their people would be safe!"

"My sensei, Kakashi, would put himself on the line to protect anyone under his command. And because they knew that they did the same and looked after each other. Beating anyone who came across them! Zeff looks after his men, and they look after him! How does Krieg measure up to that at all! He's just a weak idiot who just fakes at have strength and doesn't know the real value of people at all!"

Most of the cooks and pirates had stopped fighting, hearing Naruto's cries. Though Luffy and Krieg were too engrossed in their fight to notice.

"Y…yer wrong!" Gin shouted back. "Don Krieg gave me a place and a role when I had nowhere and nothing to go to. He's stronger tha'n any of us, and does succeed 'n any goal he sets his eyes on. I'll giv' him my life, should I have to." he stubbornly persisted.

"Why would you do that if he values your life like it's nothing! If you want to die for someone's greatness, than it should be worth do it for somebody who values your life and your sacrifice! If Krieg won't take any of his crew to the end and share his dream with you, what point is there is fighting for him at all!" Naruto pleaded.

Gin grit his teeth. Feeling doubts that he wanted to deny surface in his mind. 'Dammit…stop shaking! Krieg's strength and leadership is what I believe in. It's undeniable and-"

Gin's eyes turned towards his captain, to see him panting amid dozens of spent weapons. Krieg's Wooze-armour was now littered with cracked and dents, while Luffy stood burnt, bruised, cut and with dozens of narrow stakes stuck in his skin. Facing down Krieg as he conjoined both shields, forming a long, armoured spear.

"Th' Battle-spear!" Gin exclaimed. "But that's the greatest weapon he has and-"

"Why Won't You Just Fall Already!" Krieg's desperate voice range, as he reared-back to strike Luffy again. Gin watched on as Luffy braced his legs, rear back his arm. He met the spear head-on, engulfed by an explosion.

"Wha' is that idiot doin-" Gin's cry was cut-off, by Luffy's arm shooting through the smoke, nailing Krieg in his chest. The Don reeled from the impact as the smoke hung around Luffy. Eventually dissipating to reveal the other Captain covered in burns and soot, but still strong and fixing Krieg with a glare of anger and loathing.

"How can he do that!" came Sanji's voice. "There's no way that boy can take much more. That spear is way too powerful.

(Zeff describes Luffy's strength to Sanji and Gin)

"No, you're wrong." Zeff's voice called Gin, Naruto, and Sanji's attention. "Even with a hundred-thousand more weapons that boy can bring Krieg to his knees. Because he doesn't know fear."

The old pirate folded his arms, as Luffy took another hit, driving him to the ground. Krieg relaxed, thinking the fight had ended. Until Luffy stood up again.

Zeff continued. "Stand or fall. Life or death. In a struggle for your existence, you cannot have even the slightest bit of fear. You will be lost. That kid out there. When he's fighting, he's not afraid of anything. Not even death."

Sanji could hear the teeth grinding in his ear. Naruto's eyes remained on Zeff, filled with wonder. Gin's doubts were clear on his face. Even Ussop had etched over to join the group.

"That crewmate of his that challenged Mihawk. Both him and this Monkey D. Luffy share the same fearlessness in any battle they encounter, even when suffering or if defeat is all their eyes can see. Is it just instinct, or all a plan? We'll know soon if this captian will live like his swordsman first-mate. Krieg is strong to an extent, and he might have more pirates at his command than anyone else before him. He may have terrible weapons that cause mass destruction."

"But he will never have that kid's heart. That is a captain worth following."

Zeff finished his speech, leaving deep impacts on those assembled. Turnign their eyes back towards the captains.

"Keep doing it. Keep throwing that spear and your useless strength at me!" Luffy challenged his opponent. "It doesn't matter how many times you hit me. I'll just hit back harder and harder until you go down. Your weapons might be strong, but don't have the strength to use them at all. They won't bring you victory at all, only really strength can do that!"

"You….son of a bitch! Weak!" depravity was clear on Krieg's face as he shouted. "I am Don Krieg, the strongest in all these Seas! Strength isn't only one part of winning! There are plenty of ways to kill someone by finding the right way to do it! And I'll show you why! Men get your masks!"

"No!" a pirate shouted. "Not the HM5!" But Krieg's didn't listen, disassembling his own spear, and yanking a golden mask to his own face. His crew painted, painting a clear mural to the cooks and Straw Hats of what was coming next. Many cooks grew angry, accusing Krieg of using a coward's weapon.

Zeff began ordering the cooks to dive into the sea, to wait-out the gas. Ussop ran around, grabbing masks from nearby defeated enemies for himself and his friends. Soon Johnny and Yosaku snatched their own from fallen pirates. Naruto took one, as did Zeff and Sanji, while Gin pulled out his own.

"Luffy, here, catch!" the coward tossed one to Luffy, who was scrambling half-way back to the Fins. He stretched out an arm to catch it. But Krieg wound't stand that.

"Not on your life!" Pannggg!

Kreige shot the mask out of the air, just as Luffy landed on a fin, and released the gas.

"No-!" Luffy was shocked to find a mask shoved over his face. Gin felt the same sensation, having simply grasped his mask, hesitant to wear it.

The poisonous purple cloud enveloped the fins. Cooks ducted beneath the waves to escape it, while some of slower ranks of Krieg's own men caught a lung-full. The Foul-Play, murderous Commodore didn't care, grinning as he anticipated the cloud' dispersal. Sure that he would see the lifeless bodies of Gin and Straw Hat at least. But when the death-filled cloud finally lifted, that was not the case.

"No!" Luffy wailed, dropping his mask. Gin was broken, hyperventilating at the sight before him. "Nnnnn-n-n-Naruto!-huhh-Your mask! And-huh-hhh-mine!-huh-huh-huh"

The mask shoved over Luffy's face had been Naruto's. Then boy blonde ninja had turned to Gin, forcing the mask over the gaunt man's face. Leaving himself without. He had held his breath as long as his could, but the cloud outlasted him. Now he was on the ground, coughing violently from a face pale with a sickly blue tint.

"Naruto! Naruto!" Luffy lifted him by the shoulders, panicky. "Come on, speak to me!"

"Little bro!" Yosaku and Johnny exclaimed, rushing forward to help. Soon he was in Johnny arms, hurried inside the restaurant with Sanji right behind them.

"Hurry Patty, get an oxygen tank for him, and any antibiotics we have!" the sous chef commanded. The burly man rushed off to do just that. Zeff hurried inside as well, worry etched over his face.

Gin looked on, unable to move. Barely digesting Naruto's sacrifice. 'Tha's twice he's saved my life.'

"HaHaHaHaHaHa! Foolish child, giving up his safety for an enemy truly is a hallmark of stupidity." Pearl's tone rang over the fins.

The man was standing again, with a mask on his face. Somehow, he remained live from Krieg's shot as well. Proving the man truly lacked marksmanship with anything smaller than explosives.

"You truly want to save him?" the fool taunted Luffy. "He's already beyond dead to inhale that nasty gas. Letting him die is the best course to take should be aid an enemy so readily. GuHaHaHaHaHaHa!" the round man jeered, raising his arms for drama, head thrown back.


The next instant, he was finished. The armour the man expressed such pride in was shattered. Joined by another strike to his face from a solid, iron ball. Courtesy of Gin's tonfa.

Should the Man-Demon's eyes be able to kill, Pearl would have been deeper than 12 ft. under.

"Shut your mouth and leave it there, Pearl." He snarled at the pompous oaf. "You're my enemy now, for my honour's sake."

Turning back to face Luffy, a pair of eyes filled with purpose met the Straw Hat. "Captain Luffy. I owe Naruto my life twice over now. While Sanji and that old man take care of him. Do you mind if I stand beside you in his place for this battle?"

Gin kept Krieg in the corner of his eye. While most of his former crew were shocked and fearful that was now against them. He took stock of all the enemies, before a strong hand was placed on his shoulder.

"Gin. I accept you're offer to fight. But only so long as you leave Krieg to me. And you…" Luffy's voice aimed at Krieg, soft, shadowed, and murderous….

"You attack this place after they give you food. You shot a loyal crewmate that would do anything for you. And…" the captain's arms shook with rage. His hair lifted, showing the fury and conviction that promised pure destruction.

"You. Hurt. My nakama. Your ass is mine Krieg. I will beat you about so harshly, you will never sail again." Luffy pledged.

Krieg simply glared, reassembling his best weapon again and levelling the point at Luffy. "You really are an insult to all true Pirates. A crew is meant to obey their captain without question or hesitation, and propel them towards the goals set by the captain regardless," Krieg declared.

"Men can be replaced, and their loss would only show how useless they have become. Spending effort to worry about something other than their consistent strength is nothing but a waste. And your powers aren't gonna change this either, not once I find the trick to end you, and here surrounded by the water you'll never walk away alive. After I beat you and take this ship, then I'll prove that even further by chasing down that Hawkeyes and finding the trick or tactic that'll beat him and force that fop to grovel at my feet." The commodore pledged with a smirk on his face. Drunk on his own superiority and incapable of learning from a past mistake.

Luffy leapt forward, twisting around to send his arm back, and punching down towards Kreig. An explosion erupted, from where the captain's fist met the War-spear. Luffy didn't care, landing on a chuck of ship 10 m. meters from Krieg. His other arm already cocked-back for another hit. Krieg snarled at the man's daring, taking aim at the on-coming limb.

'Rubber or not, I'll take his arm and less him with one less.' He planned. But Luffy's hit shattered the spear-head before the charge could come.

Krieg roared in awe and fear as his one-ton weapon, even the shields at the head, were destroyed by Luffy's hit. Meanwhile, another fist was already on its way, striking Krieg in the face with the full power of Luffy's passion for his crew.

The Commodore took three more punches, before diving into the water, where Luffy couldn't follow. The Straw Hat looked around, trying to be ready when Kreig made a move, while Gin and the cooks assembled together. None of the Kreig pirates attack. Judging that going close to the restaurant with Gin standing in their way would be suicide, or dumbfounded by the sight of Kreig being pushed back.

The Pirate Commodore made his move, as Luffy's make-shift raft exploded from beneath. "Damnit, more explosives!" The Rubber-man cursed. Still, flowing on instinct, Luffy rode the momentum from the blast upwards, before send one limb to loop around the last remaining mast. Flinging himself around it, the captain landed back on another raft and eyed the water carefully. Sure enough, when Luffy didn't plunge in, Krieg had to resurface. A moment after he is head broke the surf, Luffy grabbed him as the man filled his empty lungs.

Kreig was yanked from the water, held by both hands as Luffy's head was thrown back.

"Gum-gum: Bell!" The head-butt left Kreig stunned and missing several teeth. When he could see again, the face of the Devil himself was there; Luffy's infuriation over his Nakama's condition invoked the fear of Gods in Krieg.

"Gum-Gum: BAZOOOKAAAA!" The impact reduced his Wooze-Armour to fragments. Taking the last of his weapons with it. The man was defenseless and unable to fight, but Luffy wasn't gone yet.

Before Kreig could hit the water, Luffy grabbed his shirt with one arm and twisted his mid-section around several times over. "Gin! Knock this bastard so hard he doesn't wake up for a month! For Naaaruuutooo!" The Man-Demon hesitated. He realized what Luffy had planned. Krieg was yanked back, twisting with Luffy's body, taunt as loaded spring.

Immediately, the bastard was sent towards the Baratie, flying for some moments…..

Before Gin's tonfa, spurred by Naruto's actions, met his face and chest.

The sound of its impact was sickening, as his chest nearly imploded and the man's face cracked by the impact. Gin's strength just enough to hold the beaten Don in-place, before the figure went slack, slipping to the ground without a twitch.

Luffy propelled himself back to the ship, but fatigue caught-up half-way. From blood lost during the fight and worry for Naruto, his legs buckled on a landing and he met the water.

"Luffy, no!" Ussop's voice came. Gin watched as the nakama sprinted to the water, diving in to help his captain. After hesitating a moment to stare at Don Krieg's defeated form, Gin turned away and dove in after him.

Together, the man and teen brought Luffy to the surface. Sputtering but otherwise alright. The moment he got to the fins, Luffy pushed them aside and stumbled to his feet.

"I'm not important! Naruto! How is Naruto!" worry for his crewmate dominated Luffy's mind. Ignoring the gathered pirate and cheers from the cooks, he staggered inside the restaurant.

Zeff met him at the door. "Out of my way. I have to get to Naruto!"

"He's alright," Zeff announced. Standing aside to give Luffy a clear view. "We pumped some oxygen into his body, and Kakashi left before gathering some of his supplies. Among them were some basic antidotes for just this kind of situation."

Luffy could see his young crewmate laying on a table, with his chest still rising with every breath. Sanji was beside him, while Luffy's precious treasure was still on Naruto's head. "It slowed the poison through his system. Truth be told, is think he's actually recovering from it much faster than normal human should be," Zeff observed.

Luffy nodded, while Ussop dropped to the ground, sagged with relief. Footfalls came from behind them, and Luffy turned to see Gin standing before them. The man's face was harder than iron as he approached Zeff and Luffy.

"I'm sorry," he spoke, deep with shame. "All this…it happened from my choice…besides attacking you and Sanji. Naruto could have been killed because of me and-"

"NO." Luffy spoke. Gin turned to face him. "You heard what Chef Zeff said at the beginning. People make their own choices, your to save your captain and crew, and his to attack us. Naruto also chose to save your life and mine, and the weapon that put him in danger came from bastard-Kreig. Now he's finished. And you."

Luffy grasped Gin's shoulders. While he looked ahead, unflinching. "I'll take whatever wrath you decide. For what happ'ined to Naruto. Straw Hat Luffy."

Luffy fixed him with a powerful glare, and spoke three, simple words.

"Join my crew."

That was not what Gin expected. The Man-Demon barely moved, before his eyes were bulging in their sockets. "You wha…can y' repeat tha', Straw Hat?"

The Rubber-man dropped his arms to his sides. "I want you to join my crew. Like Naruto and I said, you're a great crewmate, but just got stuck with a horrible captain. Plus you're really strong and fought with me already. I want you to join my crew."

Gin was floundering for several moments. Before Ussop clasped his shoulder. "Hhh. Luffy's right Gin. You fought really hard and definitely have a lot of bravery and dedication. Come on and join us. Otherwise Luffy won't leave your side until the answer is a yes."

Even form his naïve tone, Gin knew the truth in his words from his own time in their presence. Turning back towards Luffy, Gin found he had left and now stood beside Naruto. Just a glance of the boy in his periphery yanked at Gin's consciousness. 'I'd be dead now if it weren't for him. Now tha' I'm not with Krieg. My own honour is all I have left, and I owe a big chunk of it t' that boy.'

"Captain Luffy?" Their eyes met, one curious and simply, the other focused and reluctant. "If I did join your crew. What purpose might you have were I yer underling?"

"Hm. I don't like that word. I have nakama. Friends. Not unwerlings. Everyone's equal on my crew. Heck, they even hit me sometimes when I do something stupid. And I need strong and devendable people to become the King of the Pirates. You can do the same, and I won't order you to do something against your honour."

The more he heard, the more Gin felt a mix of confusion and desire. 'I've neva met such a carefree leader. But, he's proven to be better than Krieg ever was, in ever'y way…'

"Oh, yeah!" Luffy shouted up. "Gin. The one thing you need to have to join us is a dream. A goal, or something you want to reach in your life. Mine is to become the King of the Pirates. Ussop wants to be a brave warrior of the seas. What is your dream?"

Gin was surprised, before thinking back on what he wanted to accomplish. "I…I was only there for a short time. I saw things I can' help but feel are beyond me. But after seeing you, Don LUffy. I want t' sail on th' Grand Line again. It don' make any sense. But I wanna go back there, for you and all th' friends I lost there. Not run from my dream like a coward just 'cause I'm too held back t' accomplish it. My dream, it to overcome this fear of that sea, and be of great use to a Captain I can be proud t' follow."

Conviction grew in his voice with everyone word. "I accep' yer offer, Don Luffy."

Luffy grinned at the answer, nodding at his new crewmate. While Sanji watched the entire exchange. "Hey, Straw Hat." Luffy turned about, facing the cook.

"You really do care about your crewmates don't you. And you value their dreams just as much as your own?" he asked, while Zeff grinned from the side-lines.

"Yep. I'd never turn my back on any of them. And I want a strong guy like you to join too. So, are you done saying no or what?" he bluntly replied.

Sanji turned to face Naruto. Before glancing around the restaurant and thinking about his own dreams. And recalling some vague ghosts dancing on the edge of his consciousness, filled only with pain and rejection from being "weak."

"I…I've made my choice," Sanji replied. "I need to look after Naruto if he's going with you as well. Plus, Sakura-chan and Nami-swan are on your crew as well. And I'm ready to fulfill a dream of my own. To find the All Blue, ap lace where fish from all four Blues swim together. It's only a legend, a rumor, but I want to find it."

"I'll join your crew as cook."

LUffy grinned, while the rest of the staff began to shout with glee at the idea of Sanji leaving.

"Well, glad that has been settled." A new voice came behind them. Whirling about, everyone saw Kakashi standing behind them. Krieg's body lumped over his shoulder while the remainder of his crew were nowhere to be found.

"I showed-up just as the Kreig pirates were starting to rally. Apparently, Don Krieg wasn't beaten since he stood up and began rambling about never loosing, despite being unconscious. So, I put him down and sent the remainder away on a boat while Luffy was talking with Gin."

THe Jonin strolled over lazily and offered his hand. "Welcome to-NARTUO!"

Ussop, Gin, Zeff, Sanji and Luffy had been blocking his view of the wounded Genin. On sight, Kakashi was beside him instantly. It was a hassle as they explained Naruto had inhaled some poison but seemed to be recovering steadily. Kakashi remained serious, deeply worried about his student. While fixing Gin with a demanding stare.

A moment pasted, before Kakashi stroked Naruto's hair and came to a decision.

"Alright. Frist, I'm a shadow-clone. Like the ones Naruto uses all the time. He real me sent me running back here because we figured out where Nami is heading to. But I have a request to make form you, Captain Luffy."

The Straw Hats, Johnny and Yosaku gathered around Kakashi. Listening to him describe Sakura's memory of Nami's reaction to Arlong's poster and his own efforts to triangulate where she was heading with the Going Merry. Johnny and Yosaku confirmed her story,and gave some of their ideas about the Seven Warlords and Arlong's association with one of them.

"I see," Kakashi responded. "Captain. The real me, Sasuke and Sakura should reach Cocoyashi Village by tonight. Even if Nami isn't there, I should be able to learn something about her and Arlong. From there, piecing together more of her past will probably give some inkling into where she's heading. But first."

He turned to face Naruto, resting a hand on the sleep boy. "I want to take Naruto to a hospital and ensure that the poison is neutralized before heading into an unknown situation. My other students and I can investigate Cocoyashi village quietly and learn more if they have a couples of days. Would you mind if we head to a nearby town before joining up with them?"

"What! But Nami-swan could be in some kind of trouble! We should chase after her right now and save that beautiful damsel from the horrors that befall her!" Sanji declared.

"And what about Big-bro Zoro!" "Yeah, we need to know if he's okay from those wounds he got from MIhawk!" Yosaku and Johnny protested.

Luffy thought for a moment, before looking at Naruto. "I wanna make sure Naruto is okay too. And Kakashi can look after Sasuke, Sakura and Zoro. If Nami is in some kind of trouble, they can still help her. We'll go after them once Naruto is okay."

Kakashi felt his respect for Luffy rise. "Thank you, Captain. Also, Krieg probably needs to be put away for everything he's done," turning towards Johnny and Yosaku.

"Now, pirates turning in another pirate doesn't really sound very ideal. But after Krieg left Naruto in this state, I don't like the idea of casting him off to the world. Perhaps the pair of you could turn him in to the Marines and collect his bounty from them while we're in the town. After all you did participate in the fight and were inadvertently crucial to learning where Nami went."

Kakahis shrugged, "some compensation certainly seems fair."

Luffy grinned. "Okay. Tomorrow, we head to a town so Naruto can get better and give Krieg to the Marines. Then go to Comoyoshi after Nami. But first." His crewmates, old and new, were ready to act on their captain's orders.

Only for said captain to fall back, rest his arms under his head, and shut his eyes. "Sleepy. That fight left me pretty tired. Night…"

He was snoring in seconds. "Are you kidding?" Sanji gawked.


Please Read, Review and Vote on who should get the Fight Arlong in the next Arc.

I want to give SwordsoftheGods credit as making Gin as a Straw Hat such an appealing idea to me, along with becoming the inspiration for this story to be written.

I sincerely promise that no canon-crewmates are going to be replaced or omitted. But I am open to have more characters become permanent crewmates under Luffy's flag. I also hope you found Luffy's confrontation with Krieg was gripping and intense.

Back to the beginning, I enjoy keeping different characters balanced, rather than stagnant or excessively bashing them. Here, Sakura was given to time shine, by making useful contributions to a mission (go ahead and laugh). I do admit her character prior to Shippuden is very aggravating from much BS baggage she carries, utter lack of growth or skills compared to her teammates, and the lack of applying any of her productive qualities to her job as a Ninja.

The only real positive traits she had before training with Tsuande was her chakra-control and her intellect outside of battle-strategies or combat scenarios. This is one case where the latter can be applied, recalling details she observed about someone she has spent nearly a week in close-company with, finding inconsistencies, and piecing them together based on logic and deduction.

While regarding her other traits…they will take some intense shock-therapy, or a powerful role-model to snap the many flawed conceptions that she has.

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