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26.22% The White Wolf of Westeros / Chapter 16: Chapter 13: S1-E12: The Man of Glass

Capítulo 16: Chapter 13: S1-E12: The Man of Glass

Chapter 12: The Man of Glass

Geralt stared down Gaunter, the man keeping that friendly grin even with that cold gaze he received. He had encounter many strange and powerful beings throughout his life. The most powerful spirits, ancient relicts like the Hags and even Djinn. Yet O'Dimm was something else, a being that didn't follow the normal rules or categories of any monster of his world or beyond. Stopping time, controlling weather, teleporting, reality bending and steal souls. He was certain that was just a fraction of Gaunter's abilities and he was not eager to see any more.

"What are you doing here O'Dimm?" Geralt calmly muttered.

"Where exactly? If you mean this inn it's for the food. Every century they always have something new and pleasing to taste." The man chuckled. "As for this world…well…I considering it a fascinating drama to watch."

"Drama? You make it sound you're watching some play."

"Ah because it is. Every time it's something new. The Doom of Valyeria. The Targaryen Conqeust. The Dance of Dragons. Robert's Rebellion." He'd smirk. "And now this…I wonder what will play out with you being here. I can say you're really thrown things out of loop."

"So are you spouting history or trying to make a point?" Geralt questioned sternly.

Gaunter kept that sly smile despite the Witcher's rudeness. "Tell me. What have you noticed about this world? I'm sure you've taken the time to read up on its history quite deeply."

Geralt nodded. "For one this world is nearly magically dead. Seems like the Doom you mentioned ended that era. Such things are expected throughout a world's history, like how it is for the elves magic and might waning back home." Thinking for a moment though he'd continue. "Also the world itself. Its…feels stagnate."

"Indeed." Gaunter leaned back on her sign post perch. "I've been to many world Geralt. Places that would dazzle and confuse you. I'm sure Ciri has shared a few tales."

"Yes…pretty wild stories considering talk of flying metal carriages and cities of glass towers. Make even the elves even at their grandest sound simple while the human empires look backwards. So what's your point?"

"Doesn't this land seem odd to you? Thousands of years of history yet it's remained the same. Perhaps it is the constant warring and conflict. Maybe a supernatural force holding things back." Yet Gaunter shrugged. "Could be the humans here are just that stupid."

"Get to the point Gaunter. I already feel this matter is a waste of my time."

"Being so dismissive. Geralt, you forget what you bring wherever you go. No matter your intentions be it misguided nobility or selfish gain, you bring change and chaos."

The Witcher's eyes narrowed at the claim, remembering plenty of other supernatural beings saying such claims. "So that's it? You see me as an amusing wild card?

"Yes…along with Ciri."

Just hearing her name had a surprised look show on Geralt's face, the kind of reaction that Gaunter was expecting. Yet it was short lived as the Witcher's face became stern once more. "Where is she?"

"Heh focused on her still? After our matter with Olgierd was finished you didn't hesitate to ask me to save her, even with the promises of riches and power."

Geralt was silent, keeping that calm yet cold stare at O'Dimm.

"I wonder…I never got your final thoughts on Olgierd after collecting his 'payment'. Do you feel any regrets for condemning a man's soul to eternal torment?"

"What does it matter? He's dead and gone. Nothing more than a blackened skull in your collection."

"So defensive." Gaunter sighed, tapping one foot against the sign post pointing northward to Winterfell. "Consider this my price to learn about Ciri. I do always enjoy your blunt insight after all."

It was an odd demand, yet one Geralt couldn't ignore. Right now he was desperate to learn anything about Ciri, even if it meant getting answers from Gaunter. For a long while the Witcher thought back to the many weeks he spent fulfilled the immortal noble's wishes, which were quite impossible tasks. Lucky he was known for doing so. "Olgierd was a man giving many chances in life. He started with more than most yet craved more, becoming a bandit for just the thrill. When karma caught up and misfortune came…"

"And he found me." Gaunter finished. "Please continue."

"…You asked for a high price to help reverse. A loved one's life. It is an evil price yet you didn't force it and Olgierd accepted it knowing the outcome. He tried to reason away the guilt, yet he knew deep down it was wrong. Add in the selfish choice for immortality…well…makes it hard to relate."

"Greed easily divides others. Ah yet again I interrupt…"

"While you did replace his heart with stone which in turn hardened his feelings, it doesn't excuse his choices. Again and again it was for selfish gain, no matter who suffered. The prince from Ofir, his wife Iris, her family…countless others…they all paid for his choices."

"So in the end what drove him? The stone of heart I gave or himself?" O'Dimm questioned.

"Base desire, even when it was pointless in the end. He had many chances to back away yet again and again he came to you, making deal after deal for his own gain, yet it never was enough. Even when it came down to the ultimate price he was selfish, avoiding it however he could." Giving a sigh, he'd give a sharp look at the 'humble' merchant. "Olgierd deserved it in the end. Besides he did screw me over so with the Toad Prince Contract, set me up for the fall and getting roped in with you."

Gaunter clapped his hands after that Witcher's speech, seeming quite pleased in the end. "Quite the logical reasoning. In the end I can see why you didn't try to save him."

"What did you expect?"

The man shrugged innocently. "I know how you looked into my past by visiting that blind professor. You could have challenged me, risk it all to banish me for a few centuries and save him. In the end though you knew better." At this point he'd hop off the signpost, landing effortlessly to the ground. "Call me what you will. The Devil. Evil Incarnate. In the end mortals like Olgierd or Radovid are far worse in the end. For me…I am just a vagrant merchant after all and serve the needs of others." For a moment Geralt thought he saw the man's face change, skin grey, eyes a piercing red and unnatural angler. It was just a slit second yet it was enough to have his heart racing.

For a long moment the two shared down each other, Gaunter's face relaxed and cheery while Geralt cold and expressionless. "So…I've answered you question. Now tell me everything you know about Ciri."

O'Dimm chuckled, nodding in agreement. "Yes a deal is a deal. I am a man of my word after all." He'd slowly pace closer as he continued to speak. "Ciri is currently lost between space and time. You see Geralt her Elder Blood is powerful indeed, yet even it is bound to rules and limitations, just like me. As you mentioned this world's magic is thin, nearly dead. The only reason you and her arrived here was through the Tower gate."

"Yah I know that much. The gate was meant to reach the prime world of the White Frost so she could stop it."

"Yes…but something went wrong didn't it?" Gaunter pointed out, making Geralt growl in frustration. "She didn't succeed and you rushed in blindly after her."

"Doesn't matter. Finish your explanation!"

The man sighed. "Very well. Overall this world is isolated. With the magic so thin it takes a direct link like the Tower Gate along with potent power to arrive here. At some point Ciri was in a dire situation and used her warping ability. Thus…"

"The thin magic. It's not letting her return back." Geralt finished in realization.

"Very good! Heh, for a man who hates portals and teleportation, you understand how they work quite well." Gaunter praised.

Geralt remained focused on the matter though. "So Ciri is trapped in space and time. Unable to pull herself to back to this world or any others. Is she in any danger?"

"That I can't be sure. Such abilities are complicated, especially when disrupted."

Thinking for a moment, a realization came to Geralt. "Wait…if the magic here is so thin, how can you visit here?"

"Simple. I'm not like Ciri. As I said, we all follow different rules and I have special ways of getting around."

A grim thought came to Geralt, one that had him sick to the gut. "So…what will it take to get her back?"


"Aren't you going to say it? Offer yank her back into the present in exchange for my soul or something?"

Gaunter's face had a hint of surprise to it before the man chuckled and then broke out into laughter. For a while he laughed, yet seeing the Witcher's dead serious look, he'd quickly quieted down. "Heh you really mean it. Didn't think you'd be that desperate." He'd think for a moment, giving a small sigh though. "Sadly I can't agree to such an offer, even if it is that tempting."

"How come?"

"Because in the end I can't up hold the end of the deal. I can't bring Ciri back."

"What? I thought with your abilities that be a simple task."

O'Dimm sighed, rolling his eyes a bit. "You simply lack understanding of how difficult it is. Imagine trying to pluck a grain of sand that is moving at the speed of light within a vast emptiness with nothing more than tweezers. That is how difficult it is to find Ciri."

In the end Geralt calmed down, guess that even the supernatural merchant had limits. "So then. If you can't bring her back then what can."

The man thought for a moment, pacing about a bit before speaking. "A summoning ritual of the highest level would work. Issue of course is would require at least three sorceresses of great power which are sadly lacking along with the fact they'd quickly lose their arcane power while remaining her."

"Right…so what else."

"An artifact of great power could do, yet most of those are destroyed or lost in the ruins of Valyria. Such a trek would be long and dangerous though…besides I'm unsure of the Valyrian's has such powerful magic."

"So far your ideas aren't helping Gaunter." Geralt grumbled.

"Just sharing all possible choices, no matter how unlikely. Besides the last one is beyond any of our control."

"Fine then. Still tell me anyway."

"A natural reawakening of magic. Something like the Conjunction would do, yet there is little chance of that happening. Besides that there is nothing else I can think of."

Sighing, Geralt glanced at his bottle of water before chugging down what was left, hoping to get the last bit of alcohol to numb the frustration he felt. Yet there wasn't much to be had, making him grumble before throwing the glass bottle off into the brush. "So what now? Unless you have anything else to say, I think this is where we part ways."

"So quick to say goodbye?" O'Dimm chuckled. "Again I do apologize about Ciri, yet there is another dire matter remaining…that is if you haven't forgotten about it."

It took Geralt to realize what the merchant was meaning. "The White Frost. Damn it I've been caught up in so much that I nearly forgot about it." Yet thinking further, a worried look came to him. "Wait…what about home? The Northern Kingdoms, Yenn, Triss and everyone else."

"Slow down." Gaunter muttered before strolling past the Witcher. "All this talk as me parched. Why don't we continue our chat inside?" Already the man was moving towards the inn, making Geralt hesitant to follow. In the end though he did, knowing that Gaunter was his only reliable source of information on the workings of this world and beyond it.

Back inside the inn, the place was seemingly cleared out of patrons, with only the late night staff busy cleaning about. Soon as Gaunter entered the main room, the fat middle-aged woman who owned the place gave a grin seeing the man. "Ah Gaunter! Always a late arrival as always." The woman chuckled.

"The roads have remained the same all these years Masha. I've found I always reach my destinations at the same time no matter what." Gaunter replied back in a friendly manner. "The usual for me and whatever my good friend he wants."

"Just light ale for me." Geralt muttered before the woman nodded, heading behind the bar to get their orders.

The merchant moved for an empty table set in one corner, relaxing back in his seat with a sigh. "So then…back to the topic. I can say things have calmed down back in your world. The Wild Hunt is completely disbanded yet since the battle a winter has crept across the Northern Realms."

"How serious?"

"Eh…Mild considering, yet with the war in the North wrapping up, most won't be prepared for it. It has only been a few weeks at least."

"Weeks?" Geralt started yet realized the time was no doubt different between worlds. No doubt years could pass here yet it be months back home.

O'Dimm noticed the Witcher's reaction, deciding to continue his explanation. "Your friends have been worried since you and Ciri disappeared. That strange elf has been trying hard to contact you, even with so many powerful sorceresses aiding him. They haven't given up…perhaps blind hope or just instinct."

For a while Geralt glanced away, a bit taken aback knowing everyone still believed in him and Ciri. It was funny that Avallac'h was trying so hard to help, considering he had left after threatening the elf. "Guess that is good news to hear."

At that point the inn keeper would arrive with their orders, setting a fresh meat pie and mug of apple cider for Gaunter who grinned at the sight. "Just enough for one last pie Gaunter. I hope it will be to your liking."

"You're a saint Masha as always." The merchant opened the purse around his neck, handing a few gold crowns to the woman, quite the tidy sum considering.

"And you my most generous costumer." The woman said with a pleased smile before hurrying back to the bar.

"Such a goodly and talented woman. I'm thankful you've spared her future with your choices." The man remarked as he'd take a testing sip from his mug, giving a pleasing grin at the taste.

"Spared?" Geralt questioned in a confused manner.

"Never mind that. Anyway the White Frost itself...I'll admit this is the prime world, the place it originates."

"That true? If so it's doing a bad job considering."

"Again you forget about the rules of time and space. Just because the Frost hasn't consumed this world now, doesn't mean it hasn't already in the future. Its complex to say…but even so this place has resisted the endless winter many times. Perhaps that is why this world remains so stagnate at the same time." Shrugged, he'd reach down to a pouch at his belt before taking out a worn wooden spoon. While it looked so plain and ordinary, Geralt knew better. If anything he felt more worry about that then any weapon or monster he had faced. However the man simply began to eat his pie, yet noticed the Witcher's tense reaction. "Just a spoon Geralt. I don't plan to shove it into your eye."

"Right…" The Witcher muttered before taking a drink from his mug of ale. "Anyway I have been quick to research about anything related to the Frost. The best link is the far North, beyond the Wall and the White Walkers."

"Yes. I can say I've had the same deduction for a good while." The merchant muttered back between bites of pie. "I have seen many things Geralt. The White Walkers are something different…"

"Are? So you mean they do exist?"

"They do. I haven't strayed too close to far north, yet the power I sense is…unique. Not certain if the Walkers are the source of the Frost of a physical manifestation. It could be that because of this world's resistance and they're more direct means of spreading." Shrugging, he'd eat more pie before continuing. "Whatever they are they've existed for thousands of years and have been building up their strength for half that time. I doubt the humans of this world will be able to repel them like they did in ages past."

He'd remember the haunting vision of Ciri being bested by that creature, which he could only guess being a White Walker, some high ranking one from what he could tell. "Yes. If the stories I've read are true, these things are worse than the Wild Hunt." Glancing up at Gaunter he'd continue to speak. "So…what will it take to stop them?"

"Ciri, yet even then I doubt she will be enough. She failed already, underestimated the threat at hand. Can't finish a prophecy without a chosen one." The merchant calmly stated as he'd finish the last of his pie and washed it down with cider. "However everyone isn't doomed. No…they have you."

"I swear if you start babbling about fate I will hit you." Geralt threatened, making O'Dimm laugh out at such boldness.

"Not at all. It's just you're this world's best chance now." The man calmly explained. "Your knowledge, experience and fighting skill is unmatched here. The prime champion to rise up for the people."

The mention had a grim feeling come to Geralt, thinking to years back when he defeated the Grand Master, a man who believed himself such an individual. "You're wrong."

"You lie to yourself. Already you have friends and allies. Think back to Kaer Morhen and the final battle of the Wild Hunt. In the end you were the one who gathered such a powerful force and led them, besting an enemy who outnumber and outmatched you. Deep down under that lone wolf mindset, there is a leader within you." The way Gaunter spoke, he sounded overly grandiose which didn't help Geralt's mood.

"Enough." Geralt muttered. "If you have nothing better to say, I think I'll be leaving about now."

"Ah…true. I have kept you up as it is." Gaunter would stand up and stretch a bit as he'd pace around the table. "Yet I do have a few parting gifts and advice. Overall I warn you to watch yourself in King's Landing. You won't find a city with more backstabbing nobles then there. Chose well who you trust."

"And a gift? What's the catch?"

"No catch. Considering our long chat the price for it. Besides, with what is to come you'll need all the help you can get." The man smirked a bit as he'd continue on towards the inn's exit. "Good fortune Witcher. Expect us to meet again." With that he'd was out the door.

For a long moment Geralt sat at the table for a long moment, thinking over the supernatural merchant's words. He wasn't sure how much he should believe about the man, yet it didn't make sense for him to lie as well. After all what was there to gain? Giving a sigh, he'd stare at his empty mug for a moment before hearing the neighing of a horse outside which was…oddly familiar. "No…can't be." He muttered as he got up and walked outside. Glancing down the road to see a brown furred mare walking towards him casually, as if finally arriving after being called.

"Roach?!" Geralt was baffled. True his mounts had an odd habit of appearing in the most unlikely of places, although he had multiple theories relating to the horses being exposed to portals, potions and his Signs. Yet it was obvious this was O'Dimm's doing. Already he wondered if the merchant was toying with him, bringing his trusty companion along instead of his other allies. Perhaps it was a limitation…or just to nudge him along the path of 'champion of Westeros'.

He'd walk up to the horse who huffed in what he guessed was annoyance, making him chuckle. "Good to see you too." He'd rub the mare along the snout and neck before moving to the saddle bags, curious to see if his supplies remained. Quickly checking through, everything seemed in place. The massive stock piles of herbs and handful of exotic materials remained yet oddly some things were missing. "No monster parts…trophies gone too…" He muttered, guessing Gaunter had taken them to avoid drawing attention.

Checking the money bag though, he found the Orens were gone and replaced with Crowns instead, although at least third of the amount he original. "Bastard took my money…" He cursed, then again maybe the merchant had account for inflation when it came to currency counts. Checking further he found his extra bombs, potions and oils were fine too which was a blessing indeed. "Well this has turned things around."

Taking Roach's reins, he'd guide the horse to the caravan camp and find a post close by where he slept. He'd make sure to safely pack his other belongings into the large saddle bags before going to bed. Nasr would appear just as he'd lay back onto the bedroll, the grey raven landing on the post near Roach. "Hello hello!" The bird murmured, giving a curious look to the horse who glanced back.

"Don't be noisy…" Geralt grumbled as he'd relax back, trying to clear his mind despite thinking over everything Gaunter had shared. Part of him knew though that the merchant was right about how he was the best chance this world had for survival. It was daunting and felt out of place…making him that conflicted on the matter. Yet with effort he'd push the thoughts aside before drifting into a worried sleep, trying to avoid the grim thought of Ciri lost in the vast void.

Notice: Quite a chatty chapter considering. I do hope it was interesting enough and gave some answers about what is going on. Don't expect this to be the last of Gaunter though, he'll always be lurking in the background after all. Anyway I am hoping for a full on chapter before next Monday when my classes start, yet from then on chapter release dates will be varied.

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