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66.66% The Smallest Straw Hat by pikaace / Chapter 20: Chapter 20: Lost Island?

Capítulo 20: Chapter 20: Lost Island?

This is a long one; brace yourselves! (College is starting soon for me so I want to tide you over as much as possible X3)

Getting to the harbor was easy. Most of the Marines had gone straight to Bokuden's place leaving the rest to guard the ships. The hard part is going to be getting on the Merry without getting caught.

"This is exactly why I wanted to come at night!" Usopp moans as we peek out at the Merry. About four or five Marines have her surrounded and they're all armed. "Pika-chan, do you think you could shock those guys?" Usopp asks hopefully. "Preferably without making any noise?"

I look thoughtful; that...may actually work. There aren't that many of them, and if we keep it quiet we won't attract any more unwanted attention. The issue is that my lightning is known to cause quite a show; it would be better if it was cloudy or stormy so no one would think it weird that lightning was striking. But that gets me thinking; there's only four of these guys and they look pretty laid back...maybe I don't need to attack them directly.

"Pika." I say softly, warning him to get ready. We were gonna have to be quick here 'cause I have no idea how long this is gonna last. Taking a deep breath and charging my electricity, I zoom out towards the Marines.

"Pika-chan, what are you doing?" Usopp cries. I skid to a halt in front of the Marines who raise their rifles.

"What is that?"

"A rat?"

"I have no idea!"

I grin and sparks fly from my cheeks. Time to shake things up a bit! A wave of electricity pulsates from my cheeks and covers the Marines like a small tidal wave. The streams of electricity then wrap around them and pin their arms to their bodies making them cry out in pain. They drop their weapons and fall to the ground, bound and helpless from my electricity. That's what I call paralysis!

I hear Usopp give a relieved cheer and we easily board the Merry. "See ya suckers!" We raise the anchor, release the sails and the Merry speeds off, the Marines trying and failing to break free from my paralysis. Unfortunately we go a little too fast as a large Marine ship from the blockade is coming up fast!

Usopp screams, "No! We're gonna crash!"

"Pika pi!"

We rush to the tiller and pull it as hard as we can, bracing for impact. We're knocked to the ground as the Merry turns sharply, its side colliding with the Marine ship. Usopp and I spring back up, getting a firm hold back on the tiller. "Hold on! Don't let go!" Usopp yells.

"Pika pika!" I grunt, pushing with all my might. Being this small on a ship really is a hassle during times like this!

The Merry scrapes against the ship before taking off with the wind around the island. Loud alarms blare around us as the Marine ships hurry to begin following us, but we're all ready too far ahead. There's no way giant ships like them can catch up with a tiny fast ship like Merry!

Usopp and I look out from the railing as the blockade shrinks out of sight. Usopp sighs in relief before laughing triumphantly, "We did it! We made it through alive!"

"Pikachu!" I cheer, giving him a high five. Now we just have to get to the cap Nami specified and it would literally be smooth sailing from there! My ears then twitch and my eyes widen. "Pika?!" The ship from behind is catching up!

Usopp screams in alarm as the boat comes up alongside us. "Pika-chan! I'll man the rudder; you take the sails!" he says.

Wait what?! Me, take the sails?! How in the name of Arceus am I supposed to do that?! "Pika? Pika pika pi!" I yell, flailing desperately.

Usopp points to a rope, "Take that and pull it left or right to help us catch the wind better! Hurry!"

I hesitantly nod and we hurry to our positions. I take the rope between my teeth and yank it to the right as hard as I can. Unfortunately that makes the sails die down; we aren't catching the wind!

'Crap crap crap!'

I quickly yank the rope to the left and the sails billow up again. I feel a sharp jerk as the wind tugs the Merry forward, leaving the Marine ship behind, but it's still gaining. "That's it Pika-chan! Keep that up!" Usopp yells.

Mental note: ask Usopp about how ships work.

"Man, that ship is as big as a whale, but it's fast!" I hear Usopp comment. I focus my attention back to the sails and keep an eye out to make sure we catch more strong winds. I'm nearly pulled off the ground as a real strong gust catches the sails, yanking us forward.

"Pika-chan! Tie off the rope and help me out here!" Usopp yells. I nod and tie off the rope as tightly as I can and run back to help man the tiller. Geez, sailing a ship is hard work! And that stupid ship is still catching up to us! Thankfully, the cape eventually comes into view so Usopp and I leave the tiller to keep us going straight.

"That's the cape right?" Usopp asks.

"Pi." I say with a nod, jumping onto his shoulder. That reminds me; how exactly is the cape going to get Grandpa Ryu onto the boat? I glance at the Marines who are pulling up alongside us and I growl, sparks flying from my cheeks. Looks like we may have to fight!

My ears twitch as I hear a low rumbling sound. This sound feels something really big and ridiculous is heading our way…

"Pika?!" My jaw drops along with Usopp's as a familiar wooden cart carrying a dragon and five people zooms down towards the cape. The cart flies over the Marine ship, completely snapping the mast in half before skidding to a halt in the middle of the ocean. My shocked expression slowly melts into a smile; who knew that would actually work!

Usopp and I sigh in relief. "Better get over there." he says.


We steer the Merry over to the floating cart, leaving the stuck Marine ship behind and meet up with the others. I jump onto Sanji's shoulder once he boards giving a happy greeting when I notice that his jacket sleeve is slightly ripped. I climb down slightly and see a decent sized cut on his arm covered in dry blood. In fact, Luffy and Zoro have the same cut! And it looks like something smooth gave it to them, like a sword…

"Hey, it's nothing." Sanji reassures, giving me a pat. I give him a small frown but I decide to not press the issue; it doesn't look that bad; maybe one of those Marines just got a lucky shot in...three times.

While Usopp secures the cart to the Merry with rope, I jump down to Apis, who's still on the cart. 'Have a fun ride?' I ask.

"Sure did!" Apis said giving me a thumbs up. I climb onto Grandpa Ryu's head and give him a wide smile. He's gonna be home safely in no time!

"Alright! Set sail for Lost Island!" Luffy yells.

"And where's that?" Usopp asks flatly. We both sweatdrop as Luffy begins pointing in random directions. Usopp and I give each other a look. "He couldn't find his head if it wasn't screwed on…"

"Pika…" This is why we leave the navigating to Nami.

Well, soon enough we set sail, Grandpa Ryu floating gently behind us and going, well, in a random direction. We have no idea where we're going so hopefully going someplace random will help us jog Grandpa Ryu's memory. Luffy stays down with him for a majority of the ride. Luckily we don't have to watch him to make sure he doesn't fall in the water cause Grandpa Ryu is more capable than he seems, especially with his tail. He can just pluck Luffy out of the water if he falls in.

When lunchtime rolls around, Sanji, Apis, and I all decide to make some white rice, for all of us and for Grandpa Ryu. Sanji figured that something simple and nutritional would be good for an old dragon and Apis agreed. Once it's done, Apis volunteers to bring the pot out to everyone.

Sanji gives her a thick potholder to hold the pot with. "Careful, it's right out of the pot." he warns.

"Got it!" Apis chirps and slowly makes her way out and towards the back of the ship, Sanji and I following. "I hope you're all hungry!" Apis calls as we approach the rest of the crew. Apis holds the pot up above the railing for Grandpa Ryu to see. "Lunchtime Grandpa Ryu!" she calls.

"Alright! Food!" Luffy cheers and his arms reach towards the pot. Oh no…

"Pika pika!" 'Luffy, don't touch that-'

Luffy grabs the handle and yanks it into the air before crying out in pain and letting go, his hands red and steaming. Everyone's eyes widen as the pot of rice flies down towards the raft.

"YOU MORON!" Sanji yells.

Oh in peace Luffy, you will always be remembered.

The pot flies down and lands right on Grandpa Ryu's head. His eyes fly open and his wings expand suddenly, making feathers fly everywhere. Apis slides down the rope onto the raft and runs towards him. "Grandpa Ryu! Are you okay?!" she exclaims.

She helps get the hot rice off his head but then stares at the dragon. He must be saying something. Apis stares out to sea and I quickly climb down the rope towards her. 'Did he say something?' I ask.

She looks down at me with wide eyes. "I know where Lost Island is…" she says softly.

My eyes widen. 'You do?!'

"Really?" Luffy asks, having heard her as well.

"The Dragon's Nest is just East of Warship Island." Apis says with a nod.

I step up excitedly, 'You mean…?'

Apis nods and picks me up, holding me high, "Grandpa Ryu just remembered!" she exclaims with a big smile. I cheer happily and laugh with her, catching the other's attention.

"That's great!" Luffy cheers. "We know where it is guys!" He calls to the others. "Lost Island is to the East of Warship Island!"

Nami and Usopp quickly take the helm and steer the ship towards the East. A long while later, we're still sailing East, but there's still no sign of the island. I sit with Luffy on the Merry's head, sitting on his lap. Sanji got Zoro to help him with the dishes and Apis is having some alone time with Grandpa Ryu so Luffy let me sit with him on his 'special seat' as he calls it.

"So, Lost Island is somewhere this way." Luffy says suddenly, making me look up at him. "I wonder what it'll look like?"

I gotta wonder, do they even realize that they're talking to me? It just feels like whenever I'm around they can talk to themselves without looking crazy since I'm here to listen.

"Pika." I say, returning my gaze to the ocean ahead. I didn't sign up to be this ship's therapist, but I guess I have to play my part on this ship somehow. After all, I'm too small to have my own job; I'm just a helper. And who knows? Maybe I'll pick up some interesting conversations if this keeps up.

After a while, something appears in the distance. Luffy leans forward, "What is that?" he asks. "Smoke?"

"Pika." I answer with a shrug. It certainly looks like smoke; it's big and black and tall, almost like a shadow of some kind.

Luffy sighs, "Ah well, guess we'll just have to get closer." We do just that and eventually the shadow makes itself known. It's big and wide and looks just like a ship? "What's that?" Luffy wonders as it gets closer to us. He reaches out with his leg and taps the shadow with his foot, making ripples appear in front of us. The shadow suddenly clears like a clear pond revealing a reflection of Luffy, myself, and the Merry.

The ripples continue as we begin entering the reflection like a mirror. 'What the…?' My eyes widen as my mind goes blank for a moment. I see brief flashes of something big, but the flashes are so short that I can't even make out what I'm seeing. I can't tell if it's a person, a place, an object, or what.

We pass through the mirror fully only to emerge inside a thick wall of fog and the flashes stop. I blink and bring myself back to reality. What the heck was that about? I'm really getting tired of my mind giving me hints about my past and not telling me directly! It's almost like it doesn't want me to remember! Or it's just as confused about my memories as I am. Either of those sounds plausible.

"Can someone please explain to me what just happened?" Usopp demands. "The ship was in front of us but then we passed through it; almost like...well, a mirage or something!"

"That's it!" Nami exclaims. "When warm air collides with cooler air near the ocean it can create mirages!"

Well that explains that I guess...but what do mirages have to do with that weird flash in my mind I just saw? ...Guess I'll just have to tuck that flash away with those other figures and pray that they'll get filled in eventually. First Dragonite and now a mirage barrier thing. If this keeps happening this frequently, I'm pretty sure I'll go insane.

After a few moments the fog clears almost instantly, but the sky becomes dangerously dark. Nami groans in frustration as a downpour hits us like a slap to the face before the ship begins to rock. Luffy and I are thrown off the head of the Merry as a storm hits us at full force. The wind howls and the waves are gigantic. The others spring into action to man the ship and I cling to Luffy's shoulder as he watches the path ahead.

"It's almost like the ocean's trying to push us away from something." Luffy comments.

I give a nod when my fur stands on end. My eyes widen at the feeling; lightning is on the way, and a lot of it. And it's gonna strike...the back of the ship! I glance back and see Apis and Zoro trying to hold the loosening ropes keeping Grandpa Ryu attached to the ship.

I leap off Luffy and zoom towards the back of the ship; it's gonna hit! 'Apis! Zoro! Look out!' I yell.

Apis glances at me in confusion but I keep running towards them. It's too late for them to move! I take a flying leap and a lightning bolt strikes me just as I'm over my friends.

"What the-" Zoro looks up at me.

"Pika-chan!" Apis cries.

I absorb the lightning and land, keeping a sharp eye out for more stray bolts. Unfortunately for me, they're everywhere! The ship's right in the middle of a barrage of stray lightning bolts! In fact, one's coming right now! Near Nami and Sanji!

I bolt over to them and leap into the air again, making it just as the lightning strikes. I absorb the lightning and land, feeling a bit shaky on my feet. Two lightning bolts in a row and tons more are coming! If one of them hits the ship there's no telling what could happen!

I sense one coming near the sails; that's a big no-no! I quickly move towards the head and raise my tail, drawing the lightning towards me. It narrowly brushes the sails and is absorbed into me.

Luffy runs to help Zoro and Apis keep Grandpa Ryu connected to the ship and I run to the upper deck to catch another lightning bolt. I'm starting to feel a little overwhelmed. Electricity may be my essence but I have limits! I'm a mouse for crying out loud! I catch another bolt that was dangerously close to Usopp and begin to breathe heavily. I hope we can find this island soon or I may explode! This is a ton of lightning even for me! Sparks are flying from my cheeks and I'm not making them do it!

"Nami! There's a light up ahead!" Sanji yells.

"And there's an island underneath it!" Usopp adds.

Nami glances at me and nods, "Then that's where we're going! Move it!"

I pant a few times before zooming to the back of the ship, drawing a bolt away from Grandpa Ryu. "Pika-chan!" Apis yells.

'I'm okay!' I respond. 'I have to keep the ship safe! We have to get Grandpa Ryu home!' I zoom back to the front of the ship and catch another bolt before immediately drawing another away from the main mast. I have to do what I can to protect everyone! I can't do anything else so I can at least do this!

At long last, we reach the light and the storm ceases almost instantly. My instincts finally calm down and I collapse onto my side, feeling my whole body heat up. I feel light headed and full of energy and not the kind that makes me hyper; it almost feels like I'm oozing the extra lightning I can't hold.

"Pika-chan?" I see Sanji above me as well as everyone else in my blurring vision. Sanji moves to pick me up but I quickly get up and move away from him.

"Pika!" 'Don't touch me!' I exclaim. 'I don't want to shock you!'

"Pika-chan, what is it?" Sanji asks moving towards me again, but Apis grabs his arm.

"It's saying not to touch it; it might shock you!" she translates.

I look around desperately; I have to release this lightning somehow. I can't release it here, especially with Apis around, I don't want to hurt her. I finally glance at the ocean and an idea pops into my head.

'Be right back.' I say to Apis and I quickly jump into the ocean. I go under and paddle a few yards away from the ship. I close my eyes and let loose. I feel the ocean practically explode with electricity and I feel the lightheadedness go away almost instantly. I open my eyes and swim back to the surface with a sigh of relief.

Note to self: if you've absorbed too much lightning, find a safe spot to release all excess electricity.

I paddle back to the ship and Luffy stretches down to help me onboard again. "Pika-chan, are you okay?" Sanji asks. "What was all that?"

"Pika pika, pikachu." I answer.

Apis smiles in understanding, "Oh, I see!" she turns to the others. "It said that all the lightning was a bit much so it went into the ocean to get rid of all the extra lightning." Thank you Apis, my personal translator!

Nami pales immensely, "That was all lightning from the storm?" she asks weakly.

"Oh man, we would've been goners if one of those hit us!" Usopp says frantically. Yeah, I know; you're welcome.

Now that that's settled and out of the way, it looks like we made it to the island. "An island hidden by a mirage and surrounded by a storm; no wonder no one's found it." Nami comments. "But it's not lost anymore."

"It looks more like a castle than an island." Luffy observes. He's right; there are a bunch of stone structures everywhere that are cracked and broken. It looks like a bunch of old ruins are around here. Did humans build these? If so, when and how? Did humans and dragons live together?

We land and get Grandpa Ryu onto land where Apis tries to get some info out of him. Unfortunately, not only is Grandpa Ryu acting tired and senile again, he told Apis that this might not even be where the Dragon's Nest is. Are you telling me I absorbed all that lightning for nothing?! That hurt you know! C'mon Grandpa, give us a clue here! Luffy suggests heading to the top of the island to get a better view, which sounds like a good idea to me. The boys all pull/push Grandpa Ryu on the cart while Nami and Apis walk ahead. I decide to hitch a ride with Grandpa Ryu and keep him company. "It's not fair! Nami should be back here pushing with us!" Usopp whines.

"Less chatter and more dragon-hauling!" Nami calls.

"That's easy for you to say!" Usopp retorts.

"Just shut up and push!" Sanji snaps before hearts appear in his eyes again. "Nami's so gorgeous when she's ordering us around!"

I growl and send a small shock his way. Time and place Sanji, for Arceus' sake!

Eventually, we reach an old broken down city. Well, this is something I wasn't expecting on an island that's supposed to house dragons. "Did people really use to live here?" Luffy asks.

"Of course, who else could have built all these houses?" Zoro responds.

"Then why did they leave and where did they go?" Usopp asks.

"Who knows, maybe they just moved to a better island." Sanji answers. Apis finds a few birds and they tell her that there's a giant temple with a big dragon emblem on it. Well if that doesn't sound like a place where dragons go, I don't know what does. We change course and we eventually reach the designated building, and sure enough, a large dragon symbol is painted on the front.

"Please tell me we don't have to push anymore." Usopp groans.

I jump onto Sanji's shoulder and gaze down at the shore with him. The Merry looks like a toy from all the way up here. "We traveled a lot farther than I thought." Sanji comments.

"Pika." I agree.

"So this is the dragon emblem…" Nami says thoughtfully, gazing at the painting.

"Wait, this little building is the Dragon's Nest?" Sanji asks. Now that he mentions it, it does look pretty small. I expected a giant cave or mountain crawling with dragons; could creatures as big as Grandpa Ryu really live here?

"This is it?" Usopp asks, sounding almost as disappointed as me.

"Even if it is, where's the door?" Zoro adds.

Apis stares at the door and walks towards it, her hand gripping her pendant. She's looking at a piece of the painting where the dragon's claw is supposed to be. It's missing, and Apis is wearing a dragon claw from Grandpa Ryu! Maybe this is why he gave that to her! Apis nods at us and takes off her necklace. She reaches up towards the hole but stops a few inches from it because, well…

"I can't reach it!" Apis whines with teary eyes.

Luffy laughs and walks up, "Here, I'll do it." he offers, taking the pendant. He reaches out to place it inside when we hear rumbling. The ground shifts and suddenly gives way beneath us, including Grandpa Ryu. The next thing I know, we're falling through darkness. I feel Sanji grab me and pull me close before we finally hit the ground.

I lie on Sanji's chest as everyone groans in pain from the fall. "Uh guys, we're still alive right?" Usopp asks weakly.

"Feels like it." Zoro answers.

"Who was it that claimed to have a key to the door again?" Sanji asks sarcastically.

Apis laughs nervously and Luffy hands the claw back to her. We all get to our feet; looks like none of us are hurt too badly. "Well, at least we made it in." Nami says.

"Yeah, it all worked out!" Apis says happily.

"But what is this place?" Zoro asks.

"Hey, look up there." Luffy says pointing. We all gaze up and see a giant painting depicting a bunch of symbols and drawings. I jump onto Sanji's shoulder to get a better look. "It's huge!" Luffy exclaims. "Wonder what it's of?"

"Looks like a map to me." Usopp says.

"Maybe but it's so worn out that it's hard to tell." Sanji says.

"Do you know, Apis?" Luffy asks.

Apis shakes her head. "No; Grandpa Ryu doesn't know either."

Usopp sighs, "Man, are all Millennial Dragons as useless as he is?"

"Take that back!" Apis snaps.

'He's right you know, Apis.' I call out.

"Wha- Pika-chan, how could you?!" Apis whines.

'I'm only telling the truth.' I respond. I really am getting annoyed with Grandpa Ryu's senile old mind. Is he even trying to remember? 'Cause it sure doesn't look like it! ...Now that I think about it, I'm starting to sound like a real hypocrite…

"Hey, a piece of the ceiling fell here." Luffy says, looking at a giant piece of stone with a dragon painted on it.

"This whole place is falling apart." Usopp says. "Maybe we should get out of here before we're crushed."

"No way!" Apis exclaims angrily. "This might be the Dragon's Nest!"

Usopp glares at her. "I don't see any dragons, do you?" he retorts.

"Hold on!" Nami exclaims.

"What is it, Nami dear?" Sanji asks.

"I don't think this is Lost Island." Nami says after a moment's hesitation. What? How can this not be Lost Island? What other island would be hidden by a mirage and freaking storm?

"What makes you say that?" Luffy asks.

"Look closely at the painting," Nami says, pointing back at the ceiling. "Usopp was right, it is a map...and it leads to the location of Lost Island." We listen as she explains that the island we're on now is the place where Apis' ancestors lived and worshiped the dragons as gods. They probably built all those broken dragon statues to honor them as they flew over the island. That makes sense; Grandpa Bokuden did say that their descendants came from Lost Island. Nami also figures out that the Dragon's Nest is really somewhere on Warship Island...but how is that possible?

"Wait, if the real Lost Island is on Warship Island wouldn't someone have found it already?" Usopp asks.

Nami shrugs, "I don't know, that's just what the map says." she looks thoughtful, "But there is still the chance that it sank...and if that map is right, I bet that's exactly what happened."

I glance at Apis who's looking more horrified by the second. She runs over to Grandpa Ryu, "Grandpa Ryu, please think back and try to remember!" she cries. "The Dragon's Nest isn't here! Our only hope is that you remember! Please Grandpa Ryu, try to remember!"

I can't help but frown at her words. I sounded just like that when I heard the word Dragonite, in my head at least. I can't help but wonder, what if I end up in the same position as Grandpa Ryu? What if one day, all our hopes rest on me remembering who I am? Would that help me remember...or would the pressure be too much for me? Well, hopefully that won't ever come to pass...I just hope my memories come back at a convenient time and doesn't end up putting my crewmates in danger.

"Grandpa?" I'm snapped out of my thoughts at Apis' voice. She's staring at Grandpa Ryu who's eyes look wide and alert, more alert than I've ever seen him.

Luffy nods, "So the Dragon's Nest really is on Warship Island."

Whoa, he did it again! "How did you know what he said?" Apis asks.

Luffy shrugs, "Dunno; just did." Oh no, that answer isn't gonna fly a second time mister! Why are you so hard to figure out?

"Grandpa Ryu said he just remembered." Apis says. "He says the Dragon's Nest is located east of a peak that looks like a Warship." So, we had the basic direction down, we just went too far, is that it? A few more details next time would be nice Grandpa!

"I'm sorry…" Apis says suddenly. "I'm sorry for dragging you all the way out here for a place that's probably sunk; it was all for nothing!"


"I wouldn't say that." Usopp says. "Who knows? Maybe the nest is somewhere else on Warship Island; we won't know unless we look for it."

"He's right," Nami agrees. "Plus, giving up easily just isn't like you Apis."

"If you fall down in life, you just have to get back up." Sanji says.

Zoro nods, "You should never give up hope, kid."

"Pika pikachu!" 'You should always see things through to the end, no matter what!'

"Pika-chan…" Apis says softly.

"So, let's go!" Luffy says. "You want Grandpa Ryu to get better, don't you?"

Apis slowly smiles and nods, "Yeah; thank you." she says. However, the happy moment is shattered when Zoro suddenly frowns and grips one of his swords.

"What's wrong?" Nami asks. "Someone's here." Zoro answers. We all look up as a man appears above us, wearing a suit with weird swirly purple hair and a weird visor thing over his eyes.

"Thank you for deciphering the map for me." he says with a chuckle. "Now I can find the Dragonite and the nest."

"It's the sicko guy!" Luffy exclaims. That name sounds surprisingly accurate judging by this guy's appearance.

"But if the nest is at the bottom of the ocean, I suppose I'll to take your Millennial Dragon instead." Sicko continues. Oh, is that all? Not happening buddy!

"No! You stay away from him!" Apis yells.

"Let us handle him." Sanji says. "He has Sickle Sickle Fruit powers." Devil Fruit powers? Oh that's just great… And judging by the name, I bet this is the guy who gave Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji those cuts.

Zoro steps up, "Luffy, you go ahead and get Grandpa Ryu to the ship." he says. "I'll catch up with you later."

Luffy grins, "Gotcha."

Usopp starts. "Huh? But how are we supposed to get out of here?" he asks.

"Easy; I'll make a way out!" Luffy says before taking off. Before we can say anything, Luffy smashes into the wall and bounces off not leaving a dent. We all stare at him as he gets up like nothing happened, "Huh...guess I should've thought that one through first." he comments.

"You think?" We all respond flatly.

"Pika…" I shake my head and jump off Sanji's shoulder, trotting to the far side of the room. If you wanna do something, do it right. I ready myself and charge up my energy; I hope I have enough or this is really gonna hurt both my skull and my pride. I take off towards the wall and pick up my speed as much as I can and white energy surrounds me. I brace myself and smash into the wall.

Luckily, it's so thick that even though I make a hole, I drop to the ground right in front of it. But that definitely still hurt. I whine, rubbing my head as I sit up and I feel Sanji pick me up. "I don't think you really thought that through either partner." he comments.

"Pika…" 'Shut least I made a way out.'

Sicko jumps down towards us but Zoro's there to stop him. For some reason, while Zoro's blocking Sicko's moves and keeping him away from Grandpa Ryu, Luffy's just...sitting there.

"Luffy! Quit gawking and go already!" Zoro yells.

"Oh right." Luffy says. We all jump onto the cart, Luffy grabs the rope and we take off at top speed. The cart flies out and lands on a giant root and begins sliding on it like a railing. "Yeah! This is fun!" Luffy cheers.

I latch onto Grandpa Ryu's feathers will four of my paws, this is way too high and way too fast for any kind of enjoyment! We slide down off the root and onto the solid ground, but we're still not slowing down.

"We usually come out alive of things like this right?" Usopp cries.

"Yeah but I hope this isn't when our luck runs out!" Nami responds. I squeeze my eyes shut as the cart jumps and rocks around from going down a hill into the old city. Good Arceus, this is too nerve wracking! I keep thinking the whole cart is gonna flip over at any second! The cart zooms down the road and seems to get faster with every second.

"Well guys, I think we can safely say that we are now the fastest moving thing in this world!" Usopp yells.

"Yeah but if this keeps up we won't live to tell it!" Sanji responds.

"Luffy! Do something!" Nami yells.

"Don't worry, we're fine!" Luffy says casually.

"HOW ARE WE FINE?!" Nami screeches.

"Luffy! Up ahead!" Apis yells, pointing. My peek over Grandpa Ryu and my eyes widen; a tunnel is coming right up!

"That doesn't look good!" Luffy says. I tighten my grip and close my eyes, bracing for impact. We shoot through the tunnel and out the other end, dropping to the lower level of the city. I swear, the ground is starting to get more rocky as the cart is rocking all over the place.

"We're heading right for the city's walls!" Apis yells.

"Well then, let's bust through!" Luffy yells.

"No!" Nami yells. "There's a cliff behind that wall! If we crash through we'll fall!"

"Pika?! Pika pi?!" 'What do we do now?!'

"Well...we can fly?" Luffy tries.



The cart suddenly hits a bump and swerves dangerously, one of the wheels having broken off. It catches me so off guard that I loose my grip and Grandpa Ryu and go flying. I scream as I tumble through the air when Sanji reaches out and grabs me. I give him a small smile as thanks as he holds me close and the cart runs along the wall down the proper path.

Now running down the path backwards, the Merry quickly comes into view. "We're still alive!" Nami says in disbelief.

"And we managed to stay on this cart without getting thrown off!" Usopp adds. At that moment, the cart hits a boulder, and everyone except Luffy and Apis go flying off into the ocean.

Karma, you jerk…

"Ha! Told you we'd make it!" Luffy cheers before turning to us. "Hey quit laying around!"

"Oh please…" Nami says.

"He's dead…" Sanji growls.

"Pika…" I growl, practically hanging off Sanji's head. 'He is SO getting an iron tail to the face!'

We reconnect Grandpa Ryu to the ship and a few birds land in front of Apis. After a few moments her eyes widen, "Luffy! The birds told me that Zoro is in big trouble! We have to help him!"

Luffy says nothing and we all get on the boat. "Where is he?" he asks. "Can you see him?"

Usopp pulls down his scope and looks closely. "Right there, above us!" he says pointing.

"Got it! I see him!" Luffy says. He takes a deep breath and draws back his arm. "ZOOOOROOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I cringe and cover my ears as Luffy's arm stretches all the way up to the top of the island and grabs the back of Zoro's shirt. "Bingo!" A few seconds later, Zoro comes flying through the air towards the ship and crashes right into Luffy.

"Oops! Sorry about that!" Luffy chirps.

"Do that again and I'll cut you into pieces…" Zoro mutters.

I can't help but snicker and we turn the Merry around. Back to Warship Island we go!

Congratulations! Your Pika-chan remembered Thunder Wave and learned how to steer a ship! (Please don't kill me cause I have NO IDEA how sailboats like the Merry work X3)

When I first saw Thunder Wave in the anime I thought it looked pretty cool! It actually looks more threatening when the lightning literally ties you up!

Also, please tell me I'm not the only one who realized that ALL the Straw Hats know how to steer the Merry but we NEVER SEE THEM LEARN HOW?! Seriously, is everyone just born with the ability to steer a pirate ship? (that actually would make sense considering the world they live in)

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