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50% Super Saiyan White / Chapter 7: Chapter 7

Capítulo 7: Chapter 7

The shattered and broken world was quiet, nearly completely silent, but now it had two new visitors who caused quite the commotion when they arrived.

Diana and Goku stood in shock for several minutes before either said a word; Goku held his head in defeat but, Diana was still determined to fight the good fight.

"Teleport me back," she demanded softly.

"I'm not going to do that," Goku didn't look up from his shadow but, he continued to talk in a soft voice, "I won't kill you."

"I could stay here and wait for him to find and kill me or I can fight him to my death, either way I die."

Goku loosened his jaw, sighing loudly, "I won't send you so stop asking."

"Why should you care so much?" She asked loudly, "You already gave up but I haven't!"

"Look around Diana! The entire League is gone, I'm out of power and ideas, and our enemy has infinite power. Wake up and smell the darkness, we did our best… we failed," Goku put his head in his hands once again, falling back into depression.

"I refuse to believe our enemy has no weakness, how did you defeat him the last time you battled?" Diana sat next to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Last time I defeated him, he was in his much weaker original form. In that form he was naive and combat hungry, he was trickable," Goku looked over at Diana, "But he gains the natural abilities of anyone he absorbs so he now has two super-brains curtesy of Clark and Kara, high level Martain telepathy and telekinesis, radioactive fire and transmutation abilities, oh man high level shape shifting, probably aerokinetic abilities too thanks to Red Tornado…"

Diana raised an eyebrow, "Since when did you know such big words?"

"I just make it my business to know my allies… Diana, do you know why I saved you and not another Leaguer?" Goku asked as he looked up at her for the first time.

"I assumed I was the closest to you," Diana placed a hand on Goku's cheek and smiled brightly, "And I know we've become very good friends over the past few months…"

"That's just it, I've been thinking lately how we've become so close and I thought if Buu took you, I'd never get the chance to tell you how I really feel," Goku sighed as a blush crept up his cheeks, "I've never been good with romance and I didn't even know what love was when I met my ex-wife but, I need you to know… Diana I think I'm in love with you."

Diana stared in shock, she was so surprised that she couldn't help but let a chuckle leave her mouth; she eventually began laughing louder and louder as Goku rubbed his neck and chuckled. "Heh… I uh don't really know what I'm doing so sorry if I messed up or anything-" The Saiyan was cut off by Diana placing her hand on his, wiping the tear from her eye she slowly chuckled until she gained her composure.

"Goku, you didn't do anything wrong, in fact it was probably the sweetest thing I've ever heard a man tell me," Diana cupped Goku's cheek once again, "It also gives me the opportunity to tell you that I've felt the same way almost from the moment we met."

Their eyes dimmed low, the gap between their faces closing slowly they both knew what was to come, even with Goku's lack of romantic experience, he moved in until he felt Diana's breath on his chin which practically sent shivers down his back. He reached his arm and pulled her close to him by her waist, feeling her slender curves as he ran his fingers down her side. If Goku was given a choice as to whether he'd like to do anything or be anywhere other than where he was now, he'd answer the same every single time; he was surrounded by bliss and never wanted to let go.

Just before their lips met, a violent quake of some sort spread across the area, shaking everything but barely shaking the two from their entranced position. Things could have stayed the same for a decade and neither of them would complain, however; time ran short as a blue portal shattered the boundaries between time and space and spat a single figure out in front of them causing both Goku and Diana to blush copiously as they separated and prepared for anything.

"Really Kakkarot? Instead of hunting down a powerful enemy you sit here and squabble with a female?" A short man, almost 5 feet 6 inches, stood up and dusted himself off in front of them, he wore a grey jumpsuit with white gloves, boots, and battle armor around his torso. His hair was his most notable feature as it stuck straight out on end, blacker than the night and sporting a widows peak as well.

"Who the hell are you?" Diana raised her blade to eye level as the man practically ignored her existence.

"Are you just going to sit there or are you going to greet me?" The man asked as Goku sat staring at him.

"You don't make a difference! Do you even know what Buu has done? The people he's absorbed?" Goku cleared his throat and caught his composure, "It's good to see you Vegeta but, even the two of us together can't stop him."

Vegeta walked past Diana who looked on in anger as he rudely ignored her and grabbed Goku by his collar, "So that's it? You're just giving up the fight then? You didn't give up against Freiza, or Beerus, or Hit! You're a Saiyan warrior and we don't quit until we die!"

"I was never a Saiyan Warrior, you were… I was 'low class trash' as you put it but, I wouldn't want to bring up old memories," Goku scoffed as Vegeta tightened his jaw.

"Fine, be like that!"

Diana lowered her blade and stepped forwards, "What exactly is going on-" she was cut off by Vegeta reeling back and sending a right straight into Goku's jaw sending him flying through the air across the landscape.

The Saiyan slammed into the side of a large rock formation, he closed his eyes and sighed as he hadn't fell the punch or the mountain behind him, he just watched as Vegeta floated towards him, "Do you even know why I'm here or who sent me?"

"I assume it's to stop Buu and uh King Yemma maybe?"

"I was sent to kill Buu and find you by the Supreme Kai's; what I didn't expect was a whining brat instead of a warrior, pick yourself up, it's pathetic," Vegeta put a hand out as he reached to help Goku up, "We stopped Buu before and we can do it again."

Goku looked down for a moment before smiling, "I guess dying on my own terms is better than nothing."

"That's the spirit-" Vegeta was cut off by a sword with blessed properties shattering on his temple, not even breaking skin; "Ow."

Diana sighed as she held the broken blade up, "I don't know who you are but you can't go around punching people for no reason; this man is not the Kakkarot you seek."

Vegeta raised a brow as he looked back over to Goku who smiled and rubbed his neck, getting up from the ground as he did so, "Maybe I misjudged this female, Kakkarot, she has a warrior's spirit."

Diana blushed slightly, "Goku, explain!"

"My real name is Kakkarot where I come from but, after I landed on Earth as an infant they changed my name to Goku," Goku smiled and stood next to Vegeta, "But, Vegeta here is a Saiyan like me so he calls me by my original name."

Diana lowered her blade, "So this man is another from your universe?"

Goku nodded and chuckled, "Yea, I guess fighting and dying is better than being hunted, so looks like Vegeta and I can go try and stop Buu."

Diana smiled, "You mean all three of us, right?" She held her blade up to Goku's neck nonchalantly.

Goku grabbed the broken broadsword with two fingers and lowered it slowly, "Unfortunately, the only way I can die in peace is knowing that you'll live on and all that love and peace mumbo-jumbo… bottom line is this is my fight and its best if I end it myself."

"And why is he going then?"

"Cause death arouses me," Vegeta folded his arms across his chest and stepped in-between them, "We need to go now Kakkarot; the longer he exists the more damage he does."

"Just, give me a sec," Goku nodded in Diana's direction and Vegeta responded by grunting and rolling his eyes, he stepped to the side and walked a few steps away from them.

Diana immediately slapped Goku's arm immediately after leaving Vegeta's earshot; she slapped him a few more times in succession before yelling in a loud whisper at Goku, "You can't leave to fight alone, that's just ridiculous! I wanted you to not give up but I don't want you to throw your life away instead!"

"I won't be fighting alone! Vegeta and I go way back, we know each other's fighting styles inside and out; I've never lost a battle with him and I don't plan on breaking that record," Goku smiled proudly, he tried to focus on the bright side of things; Vegeta managed to knock some sense into him by being blunt and unforgiving but, he got results. Goku couldn't live his entire life in fear or on the run, it wasn't him. He needed to fight even if it meant to the bitter end.

He cupped Diana's cheek as she grabbed his wrist, "Promise me one thing."

He smiled, "Name it."

A single tear slipped down her face as she looked up into his eyes, "Just… promise I'll see you again."

After several seconds of long silence, Goku never lost his smile or his confidence but, he never answered. He leaned in and kissed her forehead leaving her face stunned with reality bearing down on her.

He didn't plan on coming back.

"Vegeta… I'm ready," Goku turned and walked away as he moved his fingers to his forehead, he turned back to Diana for a moment and smiled proudly, waving goodbye.

Vegeta put his hand on Goku's shoulder and they disappeared in a blur.

Buu considered changing his shape and becoming the giant god figure that could eat planets but, he decided against it. He decided it was best to destroy planets one by one just for fun; he raised his fist up in the shape of a gun with his thumb as the trigger and pointer finger as the barrel.

"One unlucky planet after another falls… I could do this for a life-time!" He blasted away at the planets thousands of miles from him, using small beams from the tip of his finger, each planet exploded in a show of fiery destruction.

He blasted away until he saw a light in the distance, it had a green hue but he couldn't be sure. It was fast though as a group of random aliens all wearing green uniforms flew in at vastly faster than light speeds; the green lanterns could fly intergalactic distances in minutes which is probably why they're so fast above all else.

Each one, about fifteen in total, raised their fists towards him with glowing rings aimed in his direction.

"Halt!" a being in the front stated, he looked like a giant talking warthog but, he spoke perfect English, "You have been accused of genocide in the first degree as well as assault on a Green Lantern, put your hands up and come quietly or we're doing this the hard way!" their rings began glowing brighter as they aimed them at the demon gum.

"The hard way sounds fun, let's do that," Buu enthusiastically lifted his palm and sent a mix of purple anti-matter and magic infused ki energy encompassing the entire group of Lanterns, pushing them back but, they all raised emerald bubble shields around them defending from the destructive force of the attack.

Buu waited for the smoke in his hands to die down before smiling, "Wow, combining powers really gives my attacks a little kick!"

Before Buu could even realize, glowing green constructs flew through space and wrapped themselves around the demon taking the form of chains, as they moved across his body they wrapped his arms and cuffed his wrists as well as chaining his legs and placing shackles around his neck. With the power of over a dozen Green Lanterns, the chains were strong enough to hold even Superman but, Buu already had Superman.

He flexed his muscles causing his suit to expand slightly as he grew with tremendous power, "Little worms, you don't know with whom you're dealing!" Buu's eyes turned red as the chains and shackles shattered around him, snapping off like plastic. He grew several times bigger to he was about the size of a country or maybe a small continent. He expressed a sinister grin before clapping his hands together with such strength that it caused a shockwave that blew all the lanterns away from close combat.

A group of five flew upwards as another group of five flew downwards leaving the last group of the same quantity to focus their efforts on restraining him. Buu smiled as he saw them taking a tactical approach to the situation; fired massive beams of heat from his eyes as the five Lanterns defended against his attack using bubble shields. One managed to fire a beam into Buu's eye through his heat vision. He screamed in shock as he covered his eyes giving the others the opportunity to form a massive chain around his torso, managing to force Buu to break out and swat at them blindly. He was a martial artist and being a giant wasn't always an advantage, they had speed and defense to their advantage. It was all for not as Buu was more than confident he would slaughter them it was just a matter of when.

Buu smiled as the Lanterns began pouring beams of pure will power onto him, nearly pushing him back. He didn't need to show off, he could kill them at any time he wanted but, he might as well have some fun with it.

He suddenly shifted his density and allowed the beams to phase right through him; he laughed maniacally as he countered their blast with radioactive flames enhanced by his own power, turning the fight into a beam struggle, the five Lanterns barely managed to hold out before being blown back, shields shattered and practically defeated.

Two came from the side and combined their rings power together to form a massive sledge-hammer large enough to match the size of Buu's torso; they slammed it into him with insane strength pushing him back slightly but, Buu didn't budge. He phased through the attack and vaporized the Lanterns with a quick anti-matter beam.

The three others caught wind of his attacks and raised their shields but, Majin Buu just scoffed as he raised his palm towards them, "Pshh that won't help." Buu's anti-matter beam, this time at a higher power, completely vaporized the shield and the Lanterns within effortlessly.

"Now where did those other pests run off to?" Buu looked around for a moment before looking up and seeing an incoming asteroid of sort, he looked below and saw the same thing. He floated to the side and tried to get a better look but the asteroids moved with him. As they grew closer, they became bigger and bigger until they were close enough for Buu to realize they weren't asteroids, they were planets.

From each side five Lanterns pushed massive planets, several dozen times bigger than Earth, towards Buu as an inescapable trap; no one could fly fast enough to evade the attack once the Lanterns picked up speed but, Buu didn't mind at all.

"Oh isn't this cute," Buu looked up and down and laughed to himself, "And I could let this hit me but," his face turned very serious very quickly as his eyes turned a sinister red; "I won't give them the satisfaction."

So Majin Buu grew, and he grew until he was bigger than any planet. As the two approached him, he gripped one of them in his hand which was now suddenly far bigger than the planet, and slammed his foot into the one from below stopping it completely.

Buu was relentless as he crushed the planet in his hand he vaporized it before even fully destroying it, he then vaporized everything in that direction for several light-years. Killing the Lantern's in his sight and the thousands of worlds that were in his way.

He looked down and vaporized the remaining planet with a beam of heat, leaving the Lanterns to shield themselves before slowly boiling alive as the heat became unbearable. The heat was no ordinary heat of course it was hotter than any sun, in fact; thanks to its power source i.e. the Anti-Monitor, the beams of heat Buu was firing could very well be hot enough to fry an entire Universe.

"I'm not use to things being this easy, but it's certainly refreshing." Buu reached out and destroyed a distant Galaxy, watching it slowly fade out of existence, he sighed, "Something about destroying entire Galaxies at a time doesn't do it for me anymore, I much rather destroy each world one by one… or maybe that's just my original form's instincts kicking in."

He teleported across space quickly moving to a populated system of planets, smiling he destroyed all but one. About 6 or 7 planets all died at once except for a single exception, "I suppose I can't just rule from the void of space, I'll set up shop here on a nice little rock."

He floated down towards them gem, entering its red atmosphere and floating towards the populated area. He looked around at the hustle and bustle of normal life as they all moved towards their individual goals whether its work or rest, Buu squinted at them as he lifted his hand and sent a purple wave carefully across the planet, touching none of the landscape but, wiping all life from existence. Each living thing atomized in a single moment, "Much better." Buu shrunk down to the size of an average man as he approached a large now uninhabited city, looking around and smiling. "This is perfect but, I need to clear the drawing board." Buu waved his arm across the air, sending a current of air so powerful that it cleared the entire city from sight. Leaving a soft, leveled, flat ground area for over a hundred miles in any direction, "Great, now we just need our players..."

Just then, a flash of light revealed both Goku and Vegeta floating next to him in awe, as they witnessed his destruction across the planet.

Goku stuttered slowly, "All… All the people…"

Buu chuckled, "Oh don't worry about them, I wiped them all out before I did this."

Vegeta tightened his fist and flexed his muscles, "You'll pay for this!"

Buu smiled, "Ah ah ah… not yet, I have a proposition for you!" He waved his hand for them to follow him as he floated down towards the ground.

"You Saiyans are all the same, you like a challenge but, not something so overwhelming it could end everything you care for and blahbity blah… point is, we're gonna play a game," Buu turned and smiled brightly as Vegeta stomped his foot quickly.

"We didn't come to play games with you Majin Buu!" Vegeta shouted in rage as his power grew further until he had transformed fully into a Super Saiyan Blue.

"He's right Buu, we came to end things!"

Buu waved his hands as if trying to calm them, "Exactly, this game will end it all, if you win I'll release every single being I have absorbed into me but, if I win I absorb you both and destroy the Universe… deal?"

Goku was shocked but spoke none the less, "N…No way! We cant risk the entire Universe over a stupid match with you!"

Buu narrowed his eyes, a vein popped on his forehead as he formed a purple energy in his palm quickly raising it overhead, "FINE, I GUESS THE UNIVERSE ENDS NOW INSTEAD!"

"Wait!" Goku shouted quickly causing Buu to stop mid swing, "We'll do it!"

Vegeta grunted loudly, "What?"

"It's our only option," He tightened his jaw as he caught site of Buu's smile; "We have to."

Vegeta sighed and powered down, "What're the rules?"

"The three of us fight two on one and I'll be restraining my reality warping abilities but, I'll still have the Anti-Monitors power fueling me," Buu smiled and folded his arms, "All you have to do is knock me off the planet and you win."

Goku and Vegeta dropped their jaws simultaneously as they looked on at Buu, "You aren't… serious?"

"I am; knock me off world and you win, fail and everyone loses."

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