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42.85% Super Saiyan White / Chapter 6: Chapter 6

Capítulo 6: Chapter 6

The Anti-Matter Universe was cold and barren compared to its positive matter counterpart; our Universe contains billions of Galaxies which contains billions of solar systems and so on. The Anti-Matter Universe however only contains a total of 3 million planets; 2 million of which contain sentient life.

On one barren world, void of life of any kind and filled with treacherous environments, one man walked the side of a cold mountain hundreds of miles above the ground. This 'man' was over ten feet tall, his face concealed by a silver mask but, his eyes illuminated bright yellow from underneath. His entire body was covered head to toe in thick metallic armor with metal cords stretching from his forearms to his shoulder blades; his long flowing cloak did more to make him appear menacing than to protect him from the harsh climates. He searched more for meaning than anything else, he was not always this monster, no; close to the beginning of time he was known as Mobius and he was… normal. Now, however; he is known only as the most threatening force of nature in the Multiverse, consumer of universes, ender of realities, The Anti-Monitor.

Unlike his long painful past, he no longer seeked only to consume universes for power, instead; he searched only to return to his former self but, to do this meant starting a war in which he was confident he could win but, at the cost of the multiverse itself. Should he return to normal, would he survive the end of everything? Or would he be subjected to death as all other creatures that live would? He pondered for eons but, it was all relative to him; he was billions of years past being ancient and he knew he had nothing but time although; something still troubled him.

He felt a disturbance in the anti-matter that flowed around him, as if something were attempting to enter this universe through brute force alone. Something that powerful would indeed be interesting but still a fly in comparison to himself.

He turned slightly to watch, as a screaming became audible and a hole between the dimensional barriers that separated universes was shattered like glass. The screaming was practically unbearable until it quickly ceased; for seconds all was silent until a gum-like pink substance flew in through the portal before it quickly closed. The substance took shape and soon stood before him, slightly shorter but, still far taller than the average man; this 'thing' had a muscular build, bright pink irises, a short antenna hanging from the base of his skull, and white baggy pants that extended down past his ankles.

Anti-Monitor was silent, he turned back to his business as he continued walking through the blizzard that currently blitzed through the mountains around him. The creature stared but said nothing as Anti-Monitor simply walked away; this creature finally cleared its throat as he began following him.

"You are the source of the most powerful energy in the Multiverse?" the pink creature asked, almost in disbelief.

Anti-Monitor didn't answer; he ignored the creature and continued walking without hesitation.

"Don't turn your back on me!" the creatures arm extended out several dozen feet and clamped onto Anti-Monitors shoulder causing him to stop in his tracks.

"Be gone demon," Anti-Monitor's fists quickly became enveloped by a purple glow, turning and shooting a beam of pure anti-matter behind him, blasting the creature into oblivion without a second thought. He assumed it was done; he had ended yet another life amongst the trillions that currently represented his body count. Anti-Monitor turned again and walked away as, from the smoldering ashes that were this creature began to shift in the snow; they shifted until they collected together quickly.

"I am Majin Buu! You cannot kill me by those means!" The creature known as Buu shouted as he formed an orb of purple energy in his palm and launched it at the reality ender.

He didn't flinch, he didn't even stop walking as he continued on his path; Majin Buu stared in disbelief before a sinister grin crawled across his face. As the Anti-Monitor walked, he turned slightly and noticed this new comer had vanished but, he paid it no mind and continued walking. He was by no means arrogant but, for the last few trillion years he had existed as the most powerful cosmic entity in the Multiverse with no rival to speak of so it isn't completely farfetched for him to assume this new comer was simply more fodder for him.

So he walked, he treaded through the snow with no real destination in mind only more questioning of his existence. He didn't hear or see anything around him; he didn't notice a difference in the matter of the universe surrounding him but, from the snow below him came the same pink-like creature only he sprung from the ground like a net snagging its prey. Purple beams of anti-matter shot from the gum as it encased him but, the holes reformed nigh-instantly as the gum slowly processed its new prey. This was a nearly unavoidable technique once it began; Buu needed only moments to process his new-found power.

"Yes! Yes! Infinite power!" Buu shouted as the Anti-Monitor's armor formed over his pink body covering him up to his neck, his head being the only thing remaining as it once was. The center of his armor now had the 'Majin' symbol emblazoned across it; slowly but surely the demon felt the reality enders conscious fade into hibernation from which he would never wake.

"Perhaps, a demonstration…?" Buu lifted his armored hand and opened his fist. With that single gesture, space, time and all the anti-matter in that Universe warped until an explosion of untold magnitude wiped from existence the entire dimension. Every planet, every barren world and even an entire planet of Yellow Lanterns were completely cleared from the face of reality.

"So… how long have they been in there?" Barry asked as he munched on a high-protein bar and spun himself on a rotating office chair.

Bruce sighed as he continued typing away at his console, "Three hours, they said they'd be training until they were as strong or stronger than Goku."

Barry nodded, "Oh," he took another bite and mumbled through the food, "So, forever then?"

The twenty foot space pod with 'Capsule Corp' written across it in bold letters sat firmly on the Watchtower, against the Bat's better judgement, as a way for the Leaguers and Goku to get adequate training in without having to resort to extreme environments.

Inside the pod, everything was dimmed a red hue, the console flashed '10,000X' as Goku continuously punched the air in front of him, shirt discarded and counting as high as he could.

"8,998… 8,999… 9,000;" Goku gasped and wiped the sweat from his brow as Clark whistled, also shirtless and also sweating profusely.

"Wow, you just did over 9,000 punches," he smiled as Goku rubbed his chin.

"That sounds kind of familiar for some reason," Goku looked over towards Diana who wore nothing but tight spandex shorts and a sports bra, she was also sweating but to avoid becoming drenched she wove her hair into a neatly braided pony-tail. She seemed to be having far more trouble with the gravity than the other two although, she'd never come close to admitting it. She swung her blessed sword through the air, practicing technique, versatility, accuracy, and striking power as Goku and Clark simply practiced their hand-to-hand combat skills.

Clark through a surprise jab to the back of Goku's head hoping to get a lucky shot in but, the Saiyan warrior spun around at the last possible moment and grabbed Clark's wrist without any effort, "Aw, you were so close too!" Goku spun quickly turning his wrist and flipping the Kryptonian overhead and slamming him back-first onto the ground, shaking the entire pod.

"So, how do you guys like training in enhanced gravity?" Goku asked placing his hands on his hips proudly.

Clark groaned, moving his hand through the air, "It's great but, does it go any higher?" He waved his hands at super-speeds noting how effortless the movement was, getting up from the ground as he did so.

Goku walked over to the console and placed a finger to his chin, "let's see, I never really needed to go any higher in base form for a good work out but, why not?"

Goku pressed the only button with a '+' symbol on it and the gravity immediately doubled to 20,000X Earth's normal gravity.

Clark tripped and landed on his knees, barely managing to stand to his feet. Diana fell as well, keeping herself on her knees with her sword. Goku felt a slight tug on his body as his legs nearly buckled but, he was still standing and smiling as well.

Clark stuttered as he got to his feet slowly, "Goku, we must weigh something of over a thousand tons now, how in Rao's name are you still standing so effortlessly?"

Goku chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck, "Trust me, it's just lots of practice. You're way stronger than me when it comes to raw lifting force; give it a few minutes and this'll be a walk in the park for you."

Diana looked on at them, noticing how they both continued to stand without or with little effort, but, she simply couldn't. Goku noticed and frowned; he stepped closer to her and knelt down beside her.

"Hey, you need some help?" he put a hand on her shoulder but she shrugged him off, looking up at him with a heavily strained smile.

"No, I can do it. Just need a moment," She tightened her jaw, flexed her muscles, and pushed down on her sword with everything she had, pulling herself to her feet.

Goku smiled, he had never seen such determination from a woman in his Universe. He saw Videl push herself but, even she wasn't impressive compared to an Amazonian Princess. He felt something he hadn't felt in a very long time; it was not only admiration but, something else, something… odd.

She smiled at him and lifted her sword to her shoulder; she gave him a thumbs up as he actually managed to feel a blush rising to his cheeks. The red hue of the room hid his blush better than he could but, he shook this feeling quickly, he couldn't focus things like this now, he needed to train.

Something wasn't right though, he looked around and things were stopped. Clark was frozen as if he was a statue and once the Saiyan had turned back around, Diana was in the same positon, frozen in place.

"Diana? Clark?" Goku called out their names but received no answer that is until he heard a voice from behind him.

"They cannot hear you, I have frozen time."

Goku whirled around to face a man in a black suit with glowing neon blue high-lights flowing across it; he sat in a large throne like chair that floated above the ground against all laws of physics.

"Who the hell are you?" Goku asked assuming a fighting position quickly.

"I… am Metron," the man responded placing his hands together in a way that screamed as if he'd know what would happen next.

"Okaaay?" Goku had absolutely no idea what was going on or who this man was but, he knew something wasn't right.

"I am one of the very few people who observe the Multiverse from outside its reach. My Mobius Chair allows me complete and unrestricted access to all knowledge known to all Universes across the Multiverse and I've come here with a warning to you. One Son Goku."

Goku raised an eyebrow and lowered his fighting stance, sensing no evil intention he found no reason to stand against this man, "What warning would that be?"

Metron's facial expression was stoic and completely unaffected by any emotion he may or may not be experiencing but, he relayed the information anyways, "Do you remember the force of nature known as Majin Buu? A life form meant to represent chaos in your Universe?"

Goku rubbed his chin for a moment in thought before smiling, "Oh yea! That was a really long time ago, what does that have to do with me? Buu was destroyed nearly a hundred years ago…"

Metron continued, "This life-form made of unknown magic was created during the very beginning of your universe. He was created for the sole purpose of managing and representing chaos throughout the cosmos, correct?"

Goku frowned slightly, "Sounds about right."

"Well, your recent battle with one Superboy Prime has shattered the boundaries between hell and the living world and during the time lapse between the shattering and reconstruction of said barrier thanks to the Eternal Dragon, Buu escaped his confinement and arrived here in this Universe."

Goku smiled brightly and confidently, "Oh! Why didn't you just say so? I'll take care of this mess lickety-split."

Metron cleared his throat, "Its… not that simple," he placed his hands together, touching only by the finger-tips. "Majin Buu learned his lesson from his fight with you; he realized he couldn't win against you without using his absorbing ability to gain more power first."

Goku frowned giving a sincere look of concern, "Wait… who did he absorb?"

"The most powerful force of nature in the Multiverse, The Anti-Monitor," Metron sighed and continued, "He has enough power to end universes in a single gesture, in fact; Buu just destroyed the entire anti-matter universe just seconds before my arrival with his new found power."

"Jeez," Goku rubbed his neck chuckling slightly but still looking concerned, "Even I don't have power like that, sorry man."

"You misunderstand, I am not allowed to interfere with the affairs of the Multiverse, I am simply warning the populous of the impending doom. What you do with this information is entirely up to you, I've witnessed the end of the Multiverse before and it's likely I'll see it again, how soon that is, is up to you."

Goku snorted and crossed his arms, "And why choose me?"

"I chose you because I had to explain very little about Majin Buu rather than give an entire backstory to this 'Justice League'."

Metron faded away in a flash of blue light and suddenly, Goku could actually feel time's motion once again. He looked around quickly as Diana put her thumbs-up down slowly, adjusting to the gravity.

Goku sighed loudly, "Well guys, we have some bad news."

Clark and Diana looked over immediately, "What is it?" Clark asked.

Barry and Bruce spun around as they all exited Goku's pod single file, obviously walking with haste.

"We have a huge problem," Clark announced as he put his Kryptonian armor on quickly, Goku was about to start explaining when the entire Watchtower begun shaking rapidly and violently. They all braced themselves as Bruce pulled up external surveillance for the space station, witnessing a god-like being floating towards them. His armor was familiar and his size was impressive, he could hold a planet in his hand like a normal human would hold an apple.

"Son Goku…"

Goku immediately grabbed his Gi and swung it onto himself at super-speeds before teleporting away; in low orbit, Goku appeared and held his hand out.

"Stop there, Majin Buu, I won't let you touch this planet!" Goku tightened his jaw and allowed his body to shift into his Super Saiyan Blue form, feeling euphoria as the god essence wrapped and floated around him.

"I don't need permission from you!" Majin Buu reached forwards and towards the planet, attempting to crush it in his hands but, Goku wouldn't have it. He screamed at the top of his lungs, charging his Ki and raising it to its maximum level. His blue aura expanded as Goku had to think of an idea on the dime, he stretched a layer of his Ki around the entire planet, creating a bubble of sorts. Still screaming, Goku felt his Ki dropping it by using it in such an exhausting way, he felt Buu's grip as he wrapped his fingers around the bubble and attempted to squeeze the life from it. Goku simply screamed louder as his aura expanded further suddenly, strengthening the bubble around the planet.

Majin Buu's eyes widened in surprise and anger, "You dare defy me? I have infinite power!" He flexed his muscles and squeezed tighter on the bubble nearly popping it until the entire bubble suddenly gained a thick layer of green energy around it, also covering the planet.

Goku caught sight of Hal, John and another Green Lantern he didn't recognize as Bu was then attacked by a group of heroes clearly emerging from the watchtower including Superman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Firestorm, Hawk-Man, Red Tornado, Supergirl, and many others who had all answered the call of heroism.

Buu's grip relaxed as Goku powered down to just a casual Super Saiyan Blue without any aura strengthening him, he took deep breathes trying to catch his second wind.

"Are you ok?" Hal asked as he strengthened his shield to compensate for Goku's.

Goku tried to talk through breathes, "I'm…good…I can…keep fighting," he stood upright charging his neon blue aura around him, sending sparks through the little air.

"It's a good thing Gardner is here or this shield would have cracked a long time ago," John explained as he waved Goku off, "We have other Lanterns flying in from nearby sectors, they need you more than we do now, GO!"

Goku nodded and blasted off at several times the speed of light as Buu swatted heroes out of space, knocking them around; the Saiyan flew in with tremendous speed and strength landing an uppercut that sent out a shockwave that silenced all the fighters and sent Buu tumbling back unexpectedly.

"You? I'm going to kill-"

"KA ME HA ME HA!" Goku charged a beam of immense power pulling from his deepest Ki reserves; he fired a beam that managed to encompass Buu's entire upper body including his head, pushing back through space.

"POUR IT ON HIM!" Superman shouted as he and his cousin Supergirl fired beams of heat so powerful they're point of impact could have vaporized entire stars. Firestorm and Red Tornado combined their efforts to bombard Majin Buu with a massive tornado of radioactive fire. Martian Manhunter used his Martian Vision to attack the demon but, he had little to no experience with this ability as he rarely used it.

A plume of smoke covered the monster as Goku's beam died down, slowly running out of Ki, his aura faded away eventually leaving him barely in god form and nearly defenseless. He was breathing even heavier this time as the heroes slowly allowed their attacks to cease; Superman stopped firing his heat beams as he held a hand out signaling his cousin to stop as well.

"You really think an attack like that could stop me? Son Goku knows that it simply won't do…"

They listened for his voice but, couldn't see him through the thick clouds of smoke. Firestorm used his powers to illuminate the area around him, once he did so, he heard a voice behind him, much smaller and more usual than the one he had heard before.

"You'll do nicely as first pickings," Firestorm whirled around and blasted Buu, whom shrank down to the size of a normal person again, causing Buu to smile and step through his flames casually. Only seconds later he engulfed Firestorm with his gum like substance absorbing and processing his body into hibernation alongside Anti-Monitor.

Once he formed, he still kept the Anti-Monitors armor considering his physical appearance is based on the strongest of his absorbed victims, which in this case is Anti-Monitor. Buu's smile grew sinister as he allowed nuclear flames to envelope his hands and eyes, "Interesting…"

Beams of went straight through his chest as Superman came from through the clouds fist raised, sending a planet shaking fist into his jaw and neck, trying to beat the demon into oblivion although he took all of the Kryptonian's punches and eventually overpowered the alien. Superman sent a right straight but, his fist was caught by Buu who also caught his left hook in the other hand, trapping him.

Supergirl came from behind and slammed her fist into Majin Buu's back but, instead of hearing cracks or doing any damage at all, Supergirl's fist was caught in the gum substance that made Buu's body.

Goku looked around in haste as he searched for Majin Buu but, found nothing; he was hiding his Ki signature. He quickly zipped across the cloud of smoke until he came across Majin Buu with both Superman and Supergirl being half way ingested into his body, "No!" Goku screamed flying backwards as fast as possible; he quickly knew what to do.

He searched for Diana's Ki Signature and followed it until he slammed into her, flying through the smoke, "Goku? I didn't see you there! What happened to the creature? I can't see a thing out here," Diana turned at the sound of loud screaming as another person became a victim of Majin Buu. She held her sword at a ready stance as Goku grabbed her by the waist quickly pulling her out of the way of a mace that flew through the smoke and nearly shredded the Amazon.

"This is getting way out of hand, what's happening to everyone?" Green flashes of energy flew through the smoke as Goku turned and saw the shield over Earth slowly fade away.

"No, No, NO! What are they doing?" Goku shouted as he pulled Diana in close by her waist, "This is insane; we can't fight him like this, he'll absorb them all!"

Goku placed a finger to his forehead and focused on another location, a distant one, one that he had been to before. They arrived light-years from Earth on the planet he used as a battle ground when he fought Superman. It was a shattered planet with continent sized craters and barely an atmosphere to speak of but, Goku was in good enough shape to withstand the lack of air so he powered down to his base form.

"Goku why did you take us from the fight!" Diana pushed herself from his grasp as he held his own head in defeat.

"I panicked! He was picking the League off one-by-one, and once he absorbs someone he gets all their powers and abilities, I saw him absorb Clark and Kara and I couldn't stand thinking of him doing that to you too," Goku sighed and put his head in his hands, "I couldn't fight him after I used up all my energy protecting Earth and now it's probably destroyed anyways!"

Diana dropped her sword and shield as she came from behind and wrapped Goku in a hug placing her chest against his back and wrapping her arms around his torso. She blushed slightly but, she didn't let him see it, "I'm glad you at least saved me but, we have to go back and fight, we can't just-"

Goku placed his hand on Diana's and whispered, "I can't lose you too."

There was a long silence before a sonic boom spread across the planet and through space around them, what followed was a voice that boomed across the broken planet even from light-years away, "Son Goku, I had no idea you became a coward in the last hundred years but, it doesn't matter, you managed to escape but you'll never beat me now. Your watchtower is dismantled, this Earth you fought so hard to protect is destroyed and most importantly, your hope has been shattered. Run from me for the rest of your life you swine!"

Goku held his head in defeat as his hand that had held Diana's fell limp and Goku fell into a pit of despair like he had never felt.

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