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90% Reincarnated As Alchemist / Chapter 9: Chapter 8 - Invaders

Capítulo 9: Chapter 8 - Invaders

A week passed since then. Alicia had fully recovered from her weakened state. Thanks to that, now she could train her magic properly and attend the lessons more.

But, after that incident, she was even more attentive towards me than usual. After all, at that time i got my ribs cracked from Molar's kicks and few bruises and scratches. Even with my strengthened body, this kind of injury still required 3 days to fully recover and Alicia won't stop worrying if she didn't check on me every now and then.

"Isn't it good to have such loving fiancee, Ren?"

My mother teased me. I sighed and looked upward.

"You think so? I felt that her affection is too heavy for me."

I grumbled. My mother giggled.

"But, seeing you like this kinda remind me of your father."

She said.

"My father?"

I looked toward her. She was gazing to the distance as she recalled the past. If i were describing her expression now, that would be an expression of a maiden in love.

"What kind of person is my father?"

I asked. She smiled without looking at me.

"You see... your father is the previous Hero-sama, you know."

She said.


My face went blank at that moment.


"What's wrong, Ren? You looked like a minister who got a news of his arrest note."

My mother asked.

"No no no, how could i not be shocked when you just said something like that. I mean how could i say 'Ah, is that so?' when I heard that?!!"

I retorted.

"What's wrong with that? Isn't usually boys don't really care about their father?"

She said as if it isn't her problem.

"That's not the case at all!! He's the hero you know?!!"

I retorted again.

"You're too noisy you know. Why did you so spirited about that brat? Well, I admit he's pretty cool and strong when fight though."

She said. I could felt my expression cramped a bit.

"Well, he's also pretty cute and fun to tease. He's also shy and pure boy back then when we were still in the same party for hunting down the demon lord. So, when we returned from the battle, I had pushed him down just the day before he returned to his original world."

She said. I widened my eyes when i heard it.

"Original world?"

I pretended to not understand her and titled my head.

"Your father was the summoned hero. He said he came from a country called Japan."

Mother said.

Seriously? Japan? Just how the hell this kind of plot twist can happen.

"Aah, I wonder if that cherry boy is still fine over there. It has been 10 years since then so I bet he had started his own family over there."

She said with longing expression.

"Mother, what's the name of my father?"

I asked hesitantly.

"You want to know?"

She asked.

"His name is Minato. Takayashiki Minato is his name."

She said.

"Say mom, can I hear the story about him?"

I pleaded like a kid. My mother then started telling me the story about him. Started from the summoning till the battle against the demon lord.

"That guy is pretty dense little boy you know. That's why I teased him a lot. Also, the priestess from the elven tribe even tried to bind him by using honey traps and several traditions as a motive but I stopped her as I don't want to have him snatched by other women.

I remembered very well when he tried to peek on me when I was taking a bath once and got found out. He was so cute back then so iIcan't stop myself from teasing him a lot."

Pops, i feel sorry for you. Although, I bet any adolescent boy around his age would do the same if he was in the same situation.

I said inside my mind.

"Then, Anastasia was hooked to him after she saw his fight with the demon lord, her former boss."

She said.

"Eh? Anna-san was there?"

I was dumbfounded.

"Yeah, at that time-"


When she was about to continue, a loud explosion occurred in the capital. Smoke rose into the distance and the voice of the panicked citizens could be heard from here and there.


My mother and I ran toward the outside. I gasped when I saw smoke was rising not far from the main entrance of the mansion. I could see several city guards and soldiers were running toward the fire point.

"Just what in the world is happening?"

I muttered.

"You want to know?"

A feminine voice answered right beside my ears. Her soft voice was so close and made my body shivered. I instinctively jumped away and looked back.

A figure of a woman with glamorous body covered in black leotard was sitting on the roof of the mansion. She had long blonde hair and pale skin. Her purplish eyes, two horns, and black thin tail was indicating that she wasn't a human.

She smiled sadistically at me. I widened my eyes when i saw a figure lying beside her. I don't know when she got her but my mother was lying weakly and tied by black rope beside her.


I called for her but she was already unconscious and unable to hear me. Anyway, since she could neutralize my mother in short time this woman should be stronger than her or at least capable of sneak attack my mother.

"Mother? I see, you're this gal's son huh?"

The woman said. I glared at her as i tried to think a way to save my mother. The gap between our strength was without a doubt quite large knowing the way she caught my mother.

"Let her go, demon!!"

I shouted. I glanced left and right from time to time to find anything usable in our current situation.

"Hee, that's quite reaction. But, no matter what you did, it's futile against me."

She said arrogantly. I gritted my teeth and checked on her status.

Filma En Verda Level ???? ???? Level 502 Rune Master Level 299 Sorcerer Level 250 Arcanist Level 200 Demon General Level 100

Title : Demon King's Heavenly General, Walking Disaster, Sage, Master of Magic, Demon King's Foster Daughter, Destroyer, Mass Murderer, Man Eater, Succubus Queen, World's enemy, Slave Collector, Shotacon

Race : Succubus

I gasped seeing her stats. The level is crazy high. There's an occupation i can't appraise yet. It seems like our level is way too different. Besides, the titles are way too dangerous too.

"Oya? How lucky i'm today. You have [Appraisal Skill] right? It seems like my collection will increase again today."

I shivered when she saw through me. Furthermore, that statement just now made my back drenched in sweat. I looked at my hand and found it trembling from fear. I looked up and my mind blanked in instant.

Filma, who was sitting leisurely on the roof just now, was standing before me. She looked like a child who just found her favorite toy.

"Eat this!!"


Suddenly purplish ray of light passed by in front of me. I recovered from my trance in instant and looked at the source of the light. Anastasia was pointing her hand toward Filma.

"Young Master, are you alright?"

Natalia rushed toward me. She managed to catch me in time when my legs lost the strength from the fear. Rosemaria stood between me and Filma to protect us.

"Oya? Oya oya? My luck is reaching the top today. The former companion of the hero is here too. Also, Ana-chan is also here. It seems like father will praise me a lot when he come back."

Filma said excitedly.

"Demon General Filma, to think you survived Minato's holy sword is quite surprising."

Rosemaria said.

"It's not easy to survive that you know? If father didn't give me that revival jewel back then, i would have died for sure."

She said. Rosemaria looked back at my condition.

"Natalia, take young master and run away!! I will do something about saving Emi-sama!!"

She shouted. Natalia picked me up and began running.

I couldn't do anything here. I'm too weak.

I just could looked back at the figure of Anastasia and Rosemaria running toward Filma. But, suddenly Filma's figure disappeared.

"Do you think i will let you escape?"

I widened my eyes when i heard her voice beside me.




Both Natalia and I were sent flying by a sudden impact. I rolled few times on the ground. When i raised my head, i saw horrible scene before me. Rosemaria was defeated. She was lying against the wall with traces of blood from her lips.

Anastasia also was no better than her. She was still standing but her breathing was rough. Her clothes were tattered and i almost could see her underwear through the holes.

"Kuh, you're getting stronger it seems."

Anastasia said. She struggled to stand back up despite her injury.

"Ufufufu, thanks for the praise. Though, i think it's you who's getting weaker, traitor of demonkind."

Filma replied. She was standing on the roof while looking down on us. There's no trace of wound on her body. Even Anastasia who had the highest level among us was still helpless against her.

I gritted my teeth. I closed my eyes and tried to think about a solution over this.


My instinct told me that over and over. It told me that fighting against her was nothing but suicide.

"Oya? It seems like you're more interesting than i thought."

I heard Filma's voice close to my ears. I opened my eyes and saw her crouching nearby and looked at me with interested looks. Her eyes were glowing.

"This aura color belongs to the dragon kin. Could it be you're a dragon slayer?"

She asked curiously. It seems like had an investigative skill in her arsenal. Lying might not be possible in this situation.


I felt that everything's over. She already won. I sighed and stopped my struggle. There's no use to fight back.

"Hou, it seems like you finally give in. Then stay still alright? I'll pack up the two and we're good to go."

She said turning her back to me.

I looked to my side. Natalia was lying on the ground unconscious. On the other side, i saw Anastasia who was trying to support herself with a wall. I sighed again as I tried to think what would happen to me after this.

But, how did she know about my dragonification?

Wait, dragonification?

I gasped when i got an insight to increase my survivability, I gritted my teeth. I pushed my body up from the ground. When i managed to sit i checked my status.

Ren Concerto Level 96 Alchemist Level 89 Arcanist Level 46

Titles : Genius Alchemist, Saint's Son, First Prince's childhood friend, Scientist, Prodigy, Miraculous Eyes possessor, Auction Hall's VVIP, 3rd Princess' fiancé, Baron of Maximilian, Dragon Slayer, Demon Tribe's Nightmare, Savior, Hero Candidate, Philosopher

Race : Human, Demonification Level 0, Dragonification Level 4

Seed : Acedia Level 39

My status barely changed since the last time i checked it. If dragonification was the thing that interest her, I'll make this into the thing that will mess her up.

I picked up a vial from my back pocket. Without a second thought, It drank the red colored liquid inside it. The taste of strong iron from the blood flowed through my throat.


Throb! Throb!!

My body convulsed. The pain on my body slowly disappeared along with the wounds.

Ren Concerto Level 96 Alchemist Level 89 Arcanist Level 45

Titles : Genius Alchemist, Saint's Son, First Prince's childhood friend, Scientist, Prodigy, Miraculous Eyes possessor, Auction Hall's VVIP, 3rd Princess' fiancé, Baron of Maximilian, Dragon Slayer, Demon Tribe's Nightmare, Savior, Hero Candidate, Philosopher

Race : Human, Demonification Level 0, Dragonification Level 6

Seed : Acedia Level 39

Just from drinking one vial had increased my dragonification by 2. I could feel that my body was changing. Energy was filling every parts of my body.

"Heey, boya, it's time to go."

Filma called for me as she saw me stood up. She has yet to realize the change in my body at all. The gap between our strength might be still large but at least I had a better chance in doing something in this situation.

"Yeah, that's right. It's time.."

I muttered.

"For you to go to hell that is!!"

I kicked the ground. I decreased our distance in instant. Dragon's strength wasn't something to be made fun of after all. Just increasing the dragonification by two levels had increased my strength, speed, and endurance by tenfold.


My fist connected but she could block it with her hand barely in time. Rosemaria's body fell down as the arm holding her was used to block my fist instead.

Level 6 is still not enough huh?

I took some distance from her. Filma put down my mother's body.

"It seems like you got some nerves to attack me, boya. You should know that i'm far stronger than you right?"

She warned me. I paid no heed to her words. I prepared my stance but suddenly i was sent flying from invisible blow on the stomach. I rolled on the ground several times. There were some distance between us but nevertheless I still received the attack from many direction I wasn't aware with.

"Give it up, boya. You can't win against me."

She said. When i saw Filma wasn't moving even an inch from her previous spot made me understood the truth behind her invisible blow. Although she didn't move from her spot, the mana fluctuations around her could

be felt from my place.

"Chantless spell huh? What a troubling skill you have there. "

I muttered.

"Nyuo?!! How did you know my trump card?!!"

She was surprised. Her silly reaction was so real that made the serious tense atmosphere from earlier become a comical scene instead.

"That was your trump card?!!"

I was dumbfounded instead. I was wondering if my father had the same expression as me when fighting her before.

"Yeah, that's right. But, that's-"

She said innocently. She averted her eyes and scratched her cheek. But, before she could finish her sentence, she suddenly disappeared.

"-a lie you know."

She reappeared beside me. She moved there almost instantly that I almost had no time to react. I gasped and leaped away in reflex.

"Teleportation and chantless. What a terrifying combo."

I commented. I was complimenting her bit at the same time I felt frustrated with the dire situation I was in.

"I like your reaction just now. Perhaps having you giving up easily is too boring after all."

SHe said while licking her lips. As expected, she was a bonafide sadistic demon.

I took another vial from my magic bag on my waist. I chugged down the content and readied my stance. The throbbing feeling was uncomfortable but the result was not bad. It was quite hard to maintain my poker face on that situation.

"Level 8"

I kicked the ground. I sent my fist on her abdomen. I missed her after she disappeared.

"That was close, what was that sudden increase of speed?!!"

She complained.

"Well, i wonder what it is."

I played it dumb. Filma twitched with annoyance from my answer. She suddenly disappeared. I smirked and tapped the ground with the tip of my shoe.

Earth spikes emerged from the ground and spread like porcupine.

"You still can dodge that? As expected from demon general."

I mocked. When i turned around, i saw Filma was holding her side. Purple blood was dripping from the gaps of her fingers.

"You also could use chantless?!!"

She was surprised.

"Of course not, dummy. Do you think chantless is easy to learn?"

I replied.

"THen, eat this!!"

I created three magic circles in instant. I put them in single line and fired an accelerated magic bullet.


"That was close, don't you think, Filma?"

A man's voice came from the rising smoke. A figure of a man was standing in front of her while carrying my mother on his shoulder.

Markha Level ???? ???? Level ???? Magic Warrior Level ???? Dark Knight Level 521 Ruin Knight Level 402

Titles : Demon Lord's right hand man, Demon King's Heavenly General, Walking Disaster, Sword Master, Master of Swordsmanship, Destroyer, Mass Murderer, World's enemy, Single Man Army

Race : Demonkin

"Markha, Don't intervene!! I'm currently in process of taming this child!!"

Filma protested.

"You can do that anytime!! We must revive Ford-sama as soon as possible!!"

Markha said angrily.

"Mu, cheapskate!!"

Filma pouted. Markha sighed and his figure blurred in short period of time and suddenly he was also carrying Rosemaria in his hand. I widened my eyes seeing this.

"We're leaving, Filma."

He said. Filma clicked her tongue and turned her back toward me.


I created my magic circle again. I fired another round of magic bullet but the two of them disappeared before the bullet reached them.


I cried out as loud as i can. For the first time in my second life I felt the deepest regret I've ever felt.

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