September 6, 2017
8.20 am, Andrews AFB, USA
The stairs of the G-IV private jet open outwards onto the tarmac. A man in a black suit with a white shirt and black tie sticks his head out to look around. The sun has risen and the air is fresh, abuzz with airport activity. A mix of people and vehicles occupy the tarmac below.
A man and woman stand out. They stare at the doorway of the aircraft with eagerness in their eyes. The suited man steps back in. Two young women step out. They recognize the couple below and race down the stairs. Within seconds, they embrace.
For a moment, time is frozen as the family reunites in a four-way tight embrace. What words cannot convey, hugs and tears do. Love.
6 Secret Service Agents and FBI Supervisory Special Agent Erika Diaz-Iglesias descend from the private jet. She makes her way past the family to FBI Director Don Bridges, who is standing outside a standard black government SUV.
"Job well done, Special Agent Diaz." Director Don says while extending a handshake.
"They were already saved by the time I arrived, Sir." Special Agent Diaz says while accepting the handshake, "I just brought the gals back home."
"You did more than wrap the bow." Director Don says while releasing the handshake.
"I also helped the girls straighten out their rescue story." Special Agent Diaz says.
"Excellent." Director Don says, "I look forward to reading your report."
"Thank you, Sir." Special Agent Diaz says with a knowing nod, "I will keep it... concise."
"This car will get you back to HQ." Director Don says with a smile as he opens the door.
Special Agent Diaz climbs in, Director Don shuts the door behind her, and the car rolls away. Don looks away from the departing car to the family who are only now parting. Walking towards them is President Gertrude Pond. Don watches as President Gertrude gets enveloped in a massive hug by her granddaughters. His phone suddenly interrupts...
"Oh Big Mommy! Thank you!" Serena says in a tight embrace.
"Thank you so much, Big Mommy!" Mariah says.
"You are my babies. I am so sorry you had to go through that." Gertrude says.
"It wasn't your fault, Big Mommy." Serena says.
"We don't blame you at all, Big Mommy." Mariah says.
"I love you both so much." Gertrude says with a tight squeeze.
"Thank you for sending that team." Serena whispers.
"We know we can't tell anyone about it but it's our fault they came in." Mariah whispers.
"And got hurt." Serena adds.
"Now listen you two." Gertrude whispers, "You must stick with the official cover story."
"Yeah, National Security and all." Mariah says.
"But one of them got hurt really bad and they were all poisoned." Serena says.
"It's all being taken care of." Gertrude says, "Believe in Big Mommy!"
Serena and Mariah split from the hug then nod.
"We know what we want to do in the future." Serena and Mariah announce in unison.
"Oh?" Dr. Muhammud Ali says as he walks forward.
"Do not you want to finish your degrees?" Dr. Linda asks as she steps in.
"Yes, we do!" Serena says.
"But, we want to help refugees." Mariah says.
"Refugees?" Dr. Linda and Dr. Muhammud ask in confusion.
"I see." Gertrude says, "Well, those refugees are getting a lot of help from the Nova Lotus Foundation. And when they get to our border, I'll expedite their cases."
"Thanks, Big Mommy!" Mariah and Serena shout in unison.
"Let's continue this on the chopper." Gertrude says pointing to Marine One, "We have to do a quick press conference for your safe return. The entire country came together worried."
As the group makes their way to Marine One, Director Don intercepts.
"Ma'am, an update." Director Don says.
"Go on, I'll catch up." President Gertrude says jokingly, "It's only called Marine One when I'm on it so you can't leave without me."
The family moves ahead smiling, leaving Director Don with President Gertrude.
"Report." President Gertrude says dismissing her jovial manner.
"Director Jones reports that a fire of unknown origin surrounds Fire's room." Director Don says.
"How soon till it's under control?" President Gertrude asks.
"They have it contained so hopefully soon, Ma'am." Director Don says.
"Alright." President Gertrude says then asks, "Any news on what they were poisoned with?"
"Doctor Wong's findings are inconclusive so we will send blood samples to secure labs for further analysis." Director Don answers, "But they remain stable albeit unconscious."
"Even with 3rd-degree burns all over his body, Fire lives." President Gertrude says.
"It's a miracle, Ma'am." Director Don says.
"Even if his life will never be the same, I pray to God that he pulls through. That they all pull through." President Gertrude says pensively then sighs, "Alright, let's get that press conference over with quickly."
"Yes, Ma'am." Director Don says.
President Gertrude walks towards Marine One. Two sharply dressed US Marines stand at attention beside the front stairs leading up into the helicopter, right hands on their temples in salute. They stand as sentinels for the iconic green and white executive helicopter transport of the President of the United States.
President Gertrude returns their salute then ducks into the helicopter with Director Don in tow. Secret Service agents load into Marine One through both its front and rear stairs. Then, the US Marine on the left steps forward then turns left, beginning a steady march across the helicopter's body length. He turns left when he arrives at the rear door, proceeding to secure the rear stairs by lifting it shut. He then returns upon his path with a march, soon arriving at the front stairs. He ascends smartly then pulls the stairs up, enclosing Marine One.
All the while, the second US Marine that had stood on the right side of the front stairs had marched to a forward spot beyond Marine One and now stands in salute. The rest of the people have gotten into vehicles and are already leaving. Marine One's engines roar to life and its propellers begin to spin.
The US Marine bows forward while gripping his cap as Marine One gradually rises into the air. Two duplicate helicopters join in. As they ascend, they perform a special aerial maneuver, confusing spectators to which is the real Marine One. Destination, the White House.
Hello, Ruthless Snopes! It's your host, Ruth, and this is a special edition of the Ruthless Report.
This morning, the nation can finally breathe in relief as President Gertrude Pond's twin granddaughters were safely rescued and reunited with their family. The White House just concluded the press conference regarding the rescue operation with FBI Director Don Bridges giving a lot of the details regarding the rescue operation, code-named Valkyrie Rescue, performed by the FBI's Hostage Rescue Team (HRT).
Before jumping in, I must address my silence regarding this matter until now. I became an independent reporter to get out of the sinister world of corporate journalism where the dollar trumps the truth. I left to seek the truth and distill it honestly to you. The last 48 hours have been a real test of that resolve, with many of you Ruthless Snopes rightfully asking why I wasn't jumping on the hot potato in the news cycle. It is because I fundamentally believe that an abduction should not be politicized. Doing so could further endanger the abductees.
Now that the rescue operation is complete and everyone is safe, we can ask questions. The FBI says the abduction was carried out by a group, calling themselves Yao, that splintered from the cartel known as New Aztec. An obvious question, why target the President's granddaughters? What ends would such provocation serve? What was their plan?
So Yao was running a human trafficking ring, and it seems the New Aztec cartel did not agree with that. When Yao abducted the President's granddaughters, the FBI speculates that that led to even more infighting which the HRT took advantage of to rescue the young women and save refugees. That's right, refugees who were fleeing violence got swept into this mess.
The Nova Lotus Foundation has taken the lead on getting those refugees to the US border to help them seek asylum in the US. President Gertrude Pond has said that their cases will be expedited. I will be having an exclusive interview with Shahab Feroz, Mother Staringale herself. She is the Founder, President, and CEO of the Nova Lotus Foundation and we will discuss her organization's role in this crisis and fighting human trafficking around the globe.
You can bet that I will be speaking with the refugees as well to get their side of the story and get another angle to this bizarre event. In the meantime, Serena and Mariah are safe. Both the FBI and the Mexican Federales are heralding this joint operation as a sign of new life in the US-Mexico relations. Yet questions remain. What's the fallout? What truths aren't we being told?
Remember, when seeking the truth, be ruthless.
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